Freedom of the press? Bah Humbug

The press vowed to set aside journalistic ethics to bring Trump down by any means necessary.

They are spies for the Democrats and have no place in the white house.

No. 4 of the "15 Warning Signs of a Tyrant...."

"""4. Turn the public against journalists or media outlets that criticize them, calling them “deceitful” and “scum.” '

Robert Reich: 15 Signs of Impending Tyranny Under President Trump
Nobody believes the press anymore alrdy.......they destroyed themselves....oooooooooops
A new report claims the Trump administration might boot the press corpsfrom the White House.

Esquire spoke to three senior officials who said the president-elect and his team are strongly considering putting press members elsewhere.

The White House press corps has worked out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for decades. If the administration does kick them out, the corps will reportedly move to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building or the White House Conference Center.


President-elect Trump's first press conference since election win

SEE MORE: New White House Press Secretary Says He Doesn't Tame Trump's Tweets

Incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer is the only official named in the Esquire report. He said the team hasn't decided whether to move the press corps but has been talking about whether the current press room is big enough.

But another anonymous official called the press "the opposition party" and said they want the press out of the building.

What part of the First Amendment says the Press has to be in the White House. I thought it said that they could write anything they wanted, but I guess I misunderstood. They can write from the OEOB and from thousands of miles away.

Umm...The White House is a PUBLIC building, dickhead. The press has a right to be in every PUBLIC building. God, you people are dumb.
Hey dip shit. They can visit anytime they just won't have offices there. Much like you can't just move into your state capital building.

Wow, I wonder if you idiots would have approved of this move if it had been Obama instead of Trump?
If this was Obama pulling this shit, the sale of guns would have gone up ANOTHER 150%.
waiting you know better than that What's good for repubs is never good for dems
A new report claims the Trump administration might boot the press corpsfrom the White House.

Esquire spoke to three senior officials who said the president-elect and his team are strongly considering putting press members elsewhere.

The White House press corps has worked out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for decades. If the administration does kick them out, the corps will reportedly move to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building or the White House Conference Center.


President-elect Trump's first press conference since election win

SEE MORE: New White House Press Secretary Says He Doesn't Tame Trump's Tweets

Incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer is the only official named in the Esquire report. He said the team hasn't decided whether to move the press corps but has been talking about whether the current press room is big enough.

But another anonymous official called the press "the opposition party" and said they want the press out of the building.

What part of the First Amendment says the Press has to be in the White House. I thought it said that they could write anything they wanted, but I guess I misunderstood. They can write from the OEOB and from thousands of miles away.

Umm...The White House is a PUBLIC building, dickhead. The press has a right to be in every PUBLIC building. God, you people are dumb.

Really? The publi pay for every NSA facility. Why doesn't the Press report from there and go in whenever they want? I haven't seen any reporters at Area 51. CIA headquarters are off limits. The list of public buildings where the Press isn't allowed is pretty long. So your answer seems a little silly.

Reporters don't have security clearance, just like you don't. Your post is lame.

So it is OK for the CIA not to have a press room at Langley, but the idea of the Press joining the Public outside the secured building White House is outrageous.

Oh, I did have the same response when the Obama admin floated that balloon, just as I did when Bush floated it.

Take a tour of the White House Mr. Public. Tours & Events
eds must have double the butthurt today

seems he has two of the same threads going

You Trumpsters really want to ban the press from the WH because you trust a guy who just settled a federal fraud lawsuit for $25,000,000 and whose own foundation was shut down by the state of NY for donation violations? Really? Maybe he can't grab pussies if there's too many reporters around. You people are fucked up.
And paying off the AG in Florida to settle a case against his fraud university really qualifies him for the WH ?
You Trumpsters really want to ban the press from the WH because you trust a guy who just settled a federal fraud lawsuit for $25,000,000 and whose own foundation was shut down by the state of NY for donation violations? Really? Maybe he can't grab pussies if there's too many reporters around. You people are fucked up.
And paying off the AG in Florida to settle a case against his fraud university really qualifies him for the WH ?
come on jon only crooks make payoffs
You Trumpsters really want to ban the press from the WH because you trust a guy who just settled a federal fraud lawsuit for $25,000,000 and whose own foundation was shut down by the state of NY for donation violations? Really? Maybe he can't grab pussies if there's too many reporters around. You people are fucked up.
And paying off the AG in Florida to settle a case against his fraud university really qualifies him for the WH ?
come on jon only crooks make payoffs

prove there was a payoff
Freedom of Press

""""Freedom of the press protects the right to obtain and publish information or opinions without government censorship or fear of punishment. Censorship occurs when the government examines publications and productions and prohibits the use of material it finds offensive. Freedom of press applies to all types of printed and broadcast material, including books, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, films and radio and television programs.

The Constitution's framers provided the press with broad freedom. This freedom was considered necessary to the establishment of a strong, independent press sometimes called "the fourth branch" of the government. An independent press can provide citizens with a variety of information and opinions on matters of public importance. However, freedom of press sometimes collides with other rights, such as a defendant's right to a fair trial or a citizen's right to privacy. In recent years, there has been increasing concern about extremely aggressive journalism, including stories about people's sexual lives and photographs of people when they were in a private setting.

In the United States, the government may not prevent the publication of a newspaper, even when there is reason to believe that it is about to reveal information that will endanger our national security. By the same token, the government cannot:

  • Pass a law that requires newspapers to publish information against their will.
  • Impose criminal penalties, or civil damages, on the publication of truthful information about a matter of public concern or even on the dissemination of false and damaging information about a public person except in rare instances.
  • Impose taxes on the press that it does not levy on other businesses.
  • Compel journalists to reveal, in most circumstances, the identities of their sources.
  • Prohibit the press from attending judicial proceedings and thereafter informing the public about them.
Collectively, this bundle of rights, largely developed by U.S. Supreme Court decisions, defines the “freedom of the press” guaranteed by the First Amendment. What we mean by the freedom of the press is, in fact, an evolving concept. It is a concept that is informed by the perceptions of those who crafted the press clause in an era of pamphlets, political tracts and periodical newspapers, and by the views of Supreme Court justices who have interpreted that clause over the past two centuries in a world of daily newspapers, books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and television broadcasts, and now Web sites and Internet postings.

Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press

You Trumpsters really want to ban the press from the WH because you trust a guy who just settled a federal fraud lawsuit for $25,000,000 and whose own foundation was shut down by the state of NY for donation violations? Really? Maybe he can't grab pussies if there's too many reporters around. You people are fucked up.
And paying off the AG in Florida to settle a case against his fraud university really qualifies him for the WH ?
come on jon only crooks make payoffs

prove there was a payoff

I bet she let him grab her pussy, too.
Trump pays IRS a penalty for his foundation violating rules with gift to aid Florida attorney general
A new report claims the Trump administration might boot the press corpsfrom the White House.

Esquire spoke to three senior officials who said the president-elect and his team are strongly considering putting press members elsewhere.

The White House press corps has worked out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for decades. If the administration does kick them out, the corps will reportedly move to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building or the White House Conference Center.


President-elect Trump's first press conference since election win

SEE MORE: New White House Press Secretary Says He Doesn't Tame Trump's Tweets

Incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer is the only official named in the Esquire report. He said the team hasn't decided whether to move the press corps but has been talking about whether the current press room is big enough.

But another anonymous official called the press "the opposition party" and said they want the press out of the building.
He wants to eliminate fake news...
You Trumpsters really want to ban the press from the WH because you trust a guy who just settled a federal fraud lawsuit for $25,000,000 and whose own foundation was shut down by the state of NY for donation violations? Really? Maybe he can't grab pussies if there's too many reporters around. You people are fucked up.
And paying off the AG in Florida to settle a case against his fraud university really qualifies him for the WH ?
come on jon only crooks make payoffs

prove there was a payoff
He gave her a ""donation"" and she ruled for him Even a dyed in the wool repub like you can see the connection
A new report claims the Trump administration might boot the press corpsfrom the White House.

Esquire spoke to three senior officials who said the president-elect and his team are strongly considering putting press members elsewhere.

The White House press corps has worked out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for decades. If the administration does kick them out, the corps will reportedly move to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building or the White House Conference Center.


President-elect Trump's first press conference since election win

SEE MORE: New White House Press Secretary Says He Doesn't Tame Trump's Tweets

Incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer is the only official named in the Esquire report. He said the team hasn't decided whether to move the press corps but has been talking about whether the current press room is big enough.

But another anonymous official called the press "the opposition party" and said they want the press out of the building.
He wants to eliminate fake news...
The man who can't open his mouth without lying wants to eliminate fake news???Bwaaaaaaaaahaha
The press vowed to set aside journalistic ethics to bring Trump down by any means necessary.

They are spies for the Democrats and have no place in the white house.
Will they allow the CIA<FBI and 15 other gov't agencies in???
A new report claims the Trump administration might boot the press corpsfrom the White House.

Esquire spoke to three senior officials who said the president-elect and his team are strongly considering putting press members elsewhere.

The White House press corps has worked out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for decades. If the administration does kick them out, the corps will reportedly move to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building or the White House Conference Center.


President-elect Trump's first press conference since election win

SEE MORE: New White House Press Secretary Says He Doesn't Tame Trump's Tweets

Incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer is the only official named in the Esquire report. He said the team hasn't decided whether to move the press corps but has been talking about whether the current press room is big enough.

But another anonymous official called the press "the opposition party" and said they want the press out of the building.
He wants to eliminate fake news...

Then he needs to go about it legally and file a lawsuit for libel and slander. If the court find that information published is false, then he will win. If the court finds that the information, however damaging, is true, then he loses.
That is how it is done in a FREE country, dipshit.

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