Freedom of the press? Bah Humbug

Imagination exercise:
If it were Hillary Clinton moving into 1600 Pennsylvania, would you be so welcoming to the news that the Press might be moved out?

I don't know how she would have acted, my best guess is that she would have kept the status quo

However, it is worth mentioning that she made herself far less accessible to the media than Trump did during the election, in fact, that is part of why he won. What I mean is, Trump used the media to his advantage & kept himself in the public eye far more than she did

She also has a history of avoiding those in the media that have been critical of her

A lot has been made of how Trump essentially got "free advertising" because of all the coverage he received - in this instance, it is my belief that he played them like a fiddle; and Hillary thought she had this election in the bag, so she did not think she needed to interact with the media as much

To address my comment that you quoted; it's really ironic to see someone (from the left or the right) make a false staement and then follow it up by calling people "stupid" because they were not aware of the (incorrect) "facts" that are being discussed

the press does not have an inherent right to be in a building just because it is owned by the public
To address my comment that you quoted; it's really ironic to see someone (from the left or the right) make a false staement and then follow it up by calling people "stupid" because they were not aware of the (incorrect) "facts" that are being discussed
I don't know what you're referring to there, dcbl.
A President in the past relegated the press to the East Wing because he didn't like having them underfoot--maybe Nixon? I think it's probably better for Trump to continue to "play" the press and keep them close, though. An independent press is all that saves us from a completely unaccountable government. I know you don't want that any more than I. Whether they are housed in the building or not, it is very bad optics that plays into the fascist theory. If he's got nothing to hide, why banish them?
Good little Trumpster. Sit, stay, roll over.....
Losing sucks, eh? CNN isn't handling it much better. :)
Golden showers?
Israeli spies: Trump ‘golden showers’ dossier only one of many troubling reports being investigated

14 JAN 2017 AT 17:14 ET

Intelligence agencies from around the world are investigating multiple reports that allege some connection between President-elect Donald Trump and the Russian government, according to Israeli intelligence officers who spoke to

Last week, BuzzFeed published an unverified dossier that claimed the Russian government had material that could be used to blackmail Trump. The dossier claimed Russia had recordings of Trump’s “personal obsessions and sexual perversion.” It was later revealed that the dossier had been compiled by Christopher Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency MI6.

Intelligence agencies have reportedly been circulating several other reports regarding Trump’s alleged ties to Russia.

“There have been various reports about Trump’s ties to Russia,” an intelligence officer told BuzzFeed. “The dossier is one of them, but there are others, they make other allegations. Some are more specific, and some are less. You can trust me that many intelligence agencies are trying to evaluate the extent to which Trump might have ties, or a weakness of some type, to Russia.”

Steele, who was hired by Trump’s political foes during last year’s campaign season, had become so worried by the allegations he uncovered that he sent his report to the FBI, according to The Independent. However, Steele “came to believe there was a cover-up, that a cabal within the Bureau blocked a thorough inquiry” of Trump, the paper reported.

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BuzzFeed said they were trying to verify the allegations contained in Steele’s dossier, but have so far been unsuccessful.

Trump and his transition team have forcefully denied the allegations contained in the report, castigating them as “fake news.”

Israeli intelligence officers were recently warned by U.S. spies not to share intelligence with the Trump administration until they could be sure the former reality TV star hadn’t been compromised by Russia, reported the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth.

“The Israelis who attended the meeting said that the Americans advised them not to expose any sensitive sources to members of the Trump administration, lest that information reach Iranian hands, until it becomes clear that Trump does not have a compromised relationship with Russia and is not vulnerable to extortion,” the report claimed.
Just get a job Eddie, and stop with the sick fantasies.
Haven't worked in 12 years Gim't been berry berry good to me
Many people are too proud to take government handouts, but then you're obviously a liberal.

Really, jobs aren't that bad. A lot of people have them.
I don't know what you're referring to there, dcbl.

I was replying to THIS comment by WaitingFor2020 in the post of mine you responded to:

Umm...The White House is a PUBLIC building, dickhead. The press has a right to be in every PUBLIC building. God, you people are dumb.

the press clearly does not have a right to be in every public building...

A President in the past relegated the press to the East Wing because he didn't like having them underfoot--maybe Nixon? I think it's probably better for Trump to continue to "play" the press and keep them close, though. An independent press is all that saves us from a completely unaccountable government. I know you don't want that any more than I. Whether they are housed in the building or not, it is very bad optics that plays into the fascist theory. If he's got nothing to hide, why banish them?

see, THIS I agree with. It is bad optics for him to outright alienate the press. Moving them to a different room is irrelevant though (we still really don't know exactly what he is going to do)

if I were in charge (boy, you people THINK you hate Trump, God help you if I were in charge...) here is what I would do, I would ban CNN from the media room, flat out revoke their press privileges. I would use the fact that they fed Hillary debate questions as my primary reason. I would tell, or rather I would publicly announce that they have disgraced themselves & lost whatever right they thought they should have to be treated as a member of the White House Press Pool & I would make it clear that IF they begin to show journalistic integrity, they could have an opportunity to re-earn their spot.

THAT would be a legitimate and reasonable response, it would further humiliate CNN & go plenty far to make his point and it would not totally alienate the entire press, it would put them on notice though.

He has an absolute right to do away with the press pool and press conferences at the WH

But you are 100% correct; it would (will?) be a bad PR move & further alienate that half of the country that already hates him...
No. 4 of the "15 Warning Signs of a Tyrant...."

"""4. Turn the public against journalists or media outlets that criticize them, calling them “deceitful” and “scum.” '

Robert Reich: 15 Signs of Impending Tyranny Under President Trump
Nobody believes the press anymore alrdy.......they destroyed themselves....oooooooooops
A new report claims the Trump administration might boot the press corpsfrom the White House.

Esquire spoke to three senior officials who said the president-elect and his team are strongly considering putting press members elsewhere.

The White House press corps has worked out of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for decades. If the administration does kick them out, the corps will reportedly move to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building or the White House Conference Center.


President-elect Trump's first press conference since election win

SEE MORE: New White House Press Secretary Says He Doesn't Tame Trump's Tweets

Incoming Press Secretary Sean Spicer is the only official named in the Esquire report. He said the team hasn't decided whether to move the press corps but has been talking about whether the current press room is big enough.

But another anonymous official called the press "the opposition party" and said they want the press out of the building.

What part of the First Amendment says the Press has to be in the White House. I thought it said that they could write anything they wanted, but I guess I misunderstood. They can write from the OEOB and from thousands of miles away.

Umm...The White House is a PUBLIC building, dickhead. The press has a right to be in every PUBLIC building. God, you people are dumb.
Hey dip shit. They can visit anytime they just won't have offices there. Much like you can't just move into your state capital building.

Wow, I wonder if you idiots would have approved of this move if it had been Obama instead of Trump?
If this was Obama pulling this shit, the sale of guns would have gone up ANOTHER 150%.
Actually one of thee things I'm looking forward to the most is not having that dopey eared prick on tv. Him boycotting the press would have been a gift to us all.
I have an idea. When the press is moved out of the white house maybe they should be relocated to rural area's and small towns of less than 10k in population. They can base there and actually experience living in America for the first time in their lives.
I have an idea. When the press is moved out of the white house maybe they should be relocated to rural area's and small towns of less than 10k in population. They can base there and actually experience living in America for the first time in their lives.
Who the f--k wants to live with stinkin red necks and alt rights???
I have an idea. When the press is moved out of the white house maybe they should be relocated to rural area's and small towns of less than 10k in population. They can base there and actually experience living in America for the first time in their lives.
Who the f--k wants to live with stinkin red necks and alt rights???
Like I said. You can see what it's like to actually live in America.
I have an idea. When the press is moved out of the white house maybe they should be relocated to rural area's and small towns of less than 10k in population. They can base there and actually experience living in America for the first time in their lives.
Who the f--k wants to live with stinkin red necks and alt rights???
Like I said. You can see what it's like to actually live in America.
I've been there El Paso, Md and some time in Cincy and Louisville I love NY I've been in places blacks had no bathrooms no drinking fountains I love NY

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