"Freedom Watch" calls the President a criminal for killing Bin Laden

Some people believe that the moon landing was staged.

Proof that some people, quite a few actually, are stupid.

At some point, you have to divorce the beliefs of the lunatic fringe and the rest of the world.


Untrue, as proven by the many quotes from the liberal Hillary Clinton .
I don't believe that, prior to our invasion, Saddam Hussein had any involvement in terrorism directed at us. If he did, the involvement was minuscule and not enough to justify military action. Saddam Hussein was secular. Radical Islam was not his friend.
We will have to disagree on this one. Sure he didn't believe in their cause, but that doesn't mean he couldn't use them as useful tools. The Russians did the exact same thing once upon a time

I certainly don't believe that installing a democracy in the middle east is an appropriate mission for our military.

Since the Monroe Doctrine our nation has told the world that our military stands ready to fight for the cause of democracy.
Yeah....that's how it was applied.

the good thing about mr shaman's posts is i can totally skip over them without reading them and not feel like I've missed anything.
bin Laden was NOT considered a representative....

That's the difference.​

sir you are now suggesting that it is illegal to assassinate representatives of another nation, but if you are not an official representative of another country your ass is fair game?
That's our policy.

You don't like it? You always have the option of moving....or, getting your Republican-buds to change that policy.​

It will surprise NO ONE to learn that you are wrong once again.

No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.

It says NOTHING about only applying to officials of other countries.

Executive Order 12333 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

How many times must you be wrong in a thread before you admit an error?
It wasn't a "hit" or an execution or an assassination.

Our military is not full of hitmen, executioners, or assassins.
Our government HAS had it's moments.....

....And, we can very-well forget ....

.....our God-given Right to take whatever we could get our claws into....by whatever-means-necessary....​

You ride that bike without a helmet don't you ? :eusa_whistle:

Yeah.....ain't accurate-History a bitch.....for Teabaggers?

Some people believe that the moon landing was staged.

Proof that some people, quite a few actually, are stupid.


Untrue, as proven by the many quotes from the liberal Hillary Clinton .

We will have to disagree on this one. Sure he didn't believe in their cause, but that doesn't mean he couldn't use them as useful tools. The Russians did the exact same thing once upon a time

I certainly don't believe that installing a democracy in the middle east is an appropriate mission for our military.

Since the Monroe Doctrine our nation has told the world that our military stands ready to fight for the cause of democracy.
Yeah....that's how it was applied.


And what exactly is it that you think the Monroe Doctrine was?
It wasn't a "hit" or an execution or an assassination.

Our military is not full of hitmen, executioners, or assassins.

Bin Laden was the ultimate combatant in an asymmetric war. As such, he was killed in his living room in front of his family by covert operations. That doesn't change the fact that he was a combatant.

I am so glad to see Obama, Clinton, and the left come around to the notion that Al Qaeda is a military threat and not a law enforcement problem. I am so glad that our President correctly eliminated Bin Laden as a combatant instead of arresting him and serving justice through a criminal trial.


He was killed because that was the decision of the guys on the ground, not because he was ordered to be killed.

True, but he sent a military force with military rules of engagement. Kill or capture, but eliminate the threat. That was the exact correct thing to do.

If they had captured him alive there would be trial and you guys would be whining about that.

Whining? Not me. Depending on the nature of the trial and the outcome I certainly would have complained if it turned into a circus and he was sentenced to life in prison. But the President made the right call. Military force to counter a military threat.

You see how goofy this is? It's basically a catch-22. Once those guys got on the ground, the mission was on and command and control left the White House and went to the guys going room to room. That's how it works.

That's not a catch-22 at all. That's how a military threat is countered.

People are simultaneously whining about Obama acting like he pulled the trigger and that Obama was so involved that he actually was dictating orders to the guys going from room to room.

I have not said that at all. Refer to my previous statement. He did the right thing.

That's how fucking retarded this is. Even the President didn't have control of the situation when the battle was on. Just like a General is no longer really in charge of a platoon when they are in the middle of an ambush. The situation on the ground develops as it develops and the military reacts to it as best as they can.

I agree.
Going after Bin Laden in Pakistan the other day was no different than going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan 10 years ago.

Did Napolitano, and the rest of you who agree with him, proclaim that a violation of international law??

I don't think the 'Baggers like to remember that one....where BUSHCO gave bin Laden a "Get Out Of Jail FREE"-card.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtPBTybQ9k]YouTube - The Hunt For Bin Laden[/ame]​
Going after Bin Laden in Pakistan the other day was no different than going after Bin Laden in Afghanistan 10 years ago.

Did Napolitano, and the rest of you who agree with him, proclaim that a violation of international law??

I don't think the 'Baggers like to remember that one....where BUSHCO gave bin Laden a "Get Out Of Jail FREE"-card.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtPBTybQ9k]YouTube - The Hunt For Bin Laden[/ame]​

Hey Clown Shoes, are you going to at ANY point address the errors of yours I have pointed out in this thread?

I mean I've been told you're a pussy piece of shit, but I'm wiling to give you the benefit of the doubt for now.
Exactly... bush trampled on the Constitution by not applying habeas corpus to foreign nationals... BAD. Obama, does same, miraculously they now are not entitled to habeas corpus.

Btw... I'm not attacking Obama as I've said all along they weren't entitled to constitutional protections. I'm just pointing your hypocrisy.

The success of this mission doesn't hang on the Habeas Corpus issue or the torture issue. However, I am very impressed that you are trying to make it seem otherwise.

As for that sentiment, I don't agree with Obama's stance on this. I am pragmatic and realize that no President is going to do everything I want them to do. That's the way it works.

That doesn't mean I throw a pissy fit and allow someone even worse (i.e. Sarah Palin) to come into office.

Welcome to politics in America.

Now back on topic.

What the fuck does the ex-Governor of Alaska have to do with Freedom Watch's stance on Obama? Are you high or something?


Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....'cause she quit.....like The DICK; Armey???
It wasn't a "hit" or an execution or an assassination.

Our military is not full of hitmen, executioners, or assassins.

Bin Laden was the ultimate combatant in an asymmetric war. As such, he was killed in his living room in front of his family by covert operations. That doesn't change the fact that he was a combatant.

What you say is true, however if rumors that they had him in custody and then shot him are true, that certainly would seem to be an illegal execution.

But I reiterate, who cares. We tortured people for the information leading to him , then we whacked him. Who is going to do anything about it?

I highly doubt that any unit, specifically one of the best units in the military, would do that. I refuse to believe the "ISI version" of the story as told by OBLs daughter and released by Pakistan. I find anyone that does to be a sucker.

Delta, DEVGRU (formerly called Seal Team Six) and some elements of the CIA are are sent on clandestine missions to kill military combatants sometimes. In the case of the Seal team sent for Bin Laden's last day in suburbia, that's the distinction between that specific team and the other Seal teams.
Of course they do, just like those left wing nuts from Amnesty International. Funny the ACLU has not said anything yet, I bet they wanted him brought back to a fair trial and they would supply a defense team......
ACLU stands for.....

The Executive Director of Human Rights Watch is criticizing the U.S. for killing Terrorist Leader Osama Bin Laden without Due Process. What do you think of this criticizm?

Human Rights Watch chief condemns bin Laden killing | The Daily Caller

I think hes a joke and he can go fuck himself. :thup:

What the fuck is "Human Rights Watch", and why does anyone give a shit? I mean besides crazy Libocalypse?

Probably some limp wristed piss weak UN type thing with no teeth behind it.

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