French socialist win the their Presidential election on May 6

Its true that although President Obama pulled us and most of the world financial markets out of the fire last time, he will not be able to do that again. The variables are completely different this time and NO US PRESIDENT could do it.

Add that to Mitten's plans to sink this country, to turn us into a petty cash fund for the 1% and if the pubs win the election, our country is a goner.

Amazingly stupid post btw.

If there ever was such a disgusting display of partisanship you nailed it.
The incumbant is the lone conservative.

He promotes and acts on Socialist policy.

Why are they in this mess in the first place?

Heard of the SECOND Pub Great World Depression, shyttehead? Fer chrissake... Pub dupe morons...unbelievable!

If le Pen isn't a conservative, you're a NAZI! LOL:cuckoo::badgrin::badgrin:

Look up when the Depression happened and who was President during the vast majority of it... Hoover, a progressive liberal who did the new deal, then FDR who voted against the new deal only to expand off it once that horrible human being got into office.
The incumbant is the lone conservative.

He promotes and acts on Socialist policy.

Why are they in this mess in the first place?

Heard of the SECOND Pub World Great Depresion, shyttehead? Fer chrissake... Pub dupe morons...unbelievable!

If le Pen isn't a conservative, you're a NAZI! LOL:cuckoo::badgrin::badgrin:

You are looking at France in a myopic daze. Nancy Pelosi could be the next leader, easily, if she were not Italian.

How is their economy doing anyway?
Dutch Cabinet Collapse Shows Folly of Merkel Fiscal Pact - Bloomberg

I'm more of the mind of this article. I think the reason why the EU is collapsing is because they ended up choking on their excessive austerity measures.

The Netherlands gov't just collapsed and they were in bed with Angela Merkel with the whole idea that they could simply cut public spending and get back to prosperity. Well, the opposite has come true and the Dutch PM resigned and dissolved his gov't.

Francois Hollande, the Socialist from France, could very well win in a couple weeks when France has their run-off election. He is running on a platform to tax corporations and wealthy folks a little bit more, to stay on the road of balancing France's books by 2017, and by making investments in jobs for young people, as well as a nifty move to lower the retirement age by 2 years back to 60 again.

Oh, and Hollande promises to withdraw from Afghanistan this year, and not by 2014 or beyond, as Sarkozy would like.

His plan is to renegotiate the terms of the European bailout, because the one put out by Germany is causing the EU to slide right back into another collapse.

I'm sorry, but Bloomberg's got it right: We have to walk and chew at the same time. Can't just cut our way into prosperity, we must make some key investments as well.

It's this balance that America has adopted that has kept us from going backwards. America has been more judicious and prudent, while the EU went crazy with austerity over the last year or so, and they're faltering while we haven't. If they go down, it won't be because a new person was elected in France, it's because they were already going down with the fix they thought was good that turned out to be wrongheaded.

It's like we're repeating the 20's all over again instead of skipping forward to the part where we realized we needed to invest in ourselves once again. Much better to bring down deficits when you have millions of new people in the workforce rather than cutting everything and having no one contributing to the economy.
He promotes and acts on Socialist policy.

Why are they in this mess in the first place?

Heard of the SECOND Pub World Great Depresion, shyttehead? Fer chrissake... Pub dupe morons...unbelievable!

If le Pen isn't a conservative, you're a NAZI! LOL:cuckoo::badgrin::badgrin:

You are looking at France in a myopic daze. Nancy Pelosi could be the next leader, easily, if she were not Italian.

How is their economy doing anyway?

The people are upset. Unemployment is up in France, they've got serious Afghanistan fatigue, but Sarkozy wants to stay another 2 years or more and the lefty running against him wants to come home by the end of this year.

Like nearly everywhere in Europe, France thought that budget cuts would bring them out of it, but it's not the case.
The quiche eating surrender monkeys surrender again.

Feg you, ugly 'Merican shyttehead. Where was the US in 1940? (Thanks to coward Pub isolationists...)

The First World War sapped France of an entire generation of their manhood. They weren'tSurrender Monkeys then. A small population to begin with.

Since then have not wanted to fight - ala their meek surrenders in WW2 and their defeat to a rag-tag army in Vietnamin 1954 ....................
French are doing as well as us- holding up Greece, Ireland, Italy, and Spain doesnt help. All this stuff is the Pub's fault ferchrissake. Couldn't be more obvious, dupes. And I'll bet most experts would like some more spending in the end. Pub and RW loudmouths usually dominate the early returns LOL!

My French Aunt is a MONARCHIST- is she a socialist too? LOL Pub dupes are clueless!
will cause Obama to lose in Nov. (He may anyway)

The socialist has vowed to deep-six the bailout agreement in Europe - which will rattle the world makets -incl the US stock markets.

Then the US economy will go into a tailspin.

Interesting theory.
French voters most likely fear the tumult in Greece and therefore want to solidify their socialist system by electing a socialist.
Ok. That might be the politically expedient thing to do, but when the money runs out to pay for the infamous social safety nets and there's no one left to tax, the system collapses and it does not care who is in office.
Its true that although President Obama pulled us and most of the world financial markets out of the fire last time, he will not be able to do that again. The variables are completely different this time and NO US PRESIDENT could do it.

Add that to Mitten's plans to sink this country, to turn us into a petty cash fund for the 1% and if the pubs win the election, our country is a goner.

Which plans are those( MItt Romney's)? Please elaborate.
The quiche eating surrender monkeys surrender again.

Feg you, ugly 'Merican shyttehead. Where was the US in 1940? (Thanks to coward Pub isolationists...)

The First World War sapped France of an entire generation of their manhood. They weren'tSurrender Monkeys then. A small population to begin with.

Since then have not wanted to fight - ala their meek surrenders in WW2 and their defeat to a rag-tag army in Vietnamin 1954 ....................

A) True WWI
b) Lost to new strategy, tons of bad luck. Not "meek", sometimes you just lose. The Brits lost too for 2 years, Russians, US. They don't have a channel, an Atlantic, 1500 miles of mud, just 100 miles of sweet land.
BTW, we would have lost to the exact same battle plan in the Battle of the Bulge, except we had 5 times as many men, and they ran out of gas. Etc etc. You'll never guess what Franco stands for LOL.

The other great republic, and our best friend for 240 years...we get the English language version...:eusa_angel:
SOME of them didn't want to fight much. The RWers who thought Hitler wasn't so bad (he hadn't been revealed so much then, and RWers hated Leon Blum and the Popular Front- like my Aunt's family....but STILL they were just BEATEN...GD fanatic dictatorships can do that to ya, kids.
Its true that although President Obama pulled us and most of the world financial markets out of the fire last time, he will not be able to do that again. The variables are completely different this time and NO US PRESIDENT could do it.

Add that to Mitten's plans to sink this country, to turn us into a petty cash fund for the 1% and if the pubs win the election, our country is a goner.

Which plans are those( MItt Romney's)? Please elaborate.

The Ryan/Booosh Plan LOL Cut taxes on the rich, cronyism,explode the deficit, and destroy Medicare, and Health care totally out of control...BRILLIANT!! :cuckoo::badgrin:
He promotes and acts on Socialist policy.

Why are they in this mess in the first place?

Heard of the SECOND Pub Great World Depression, shyttehead? Fer chrissake... Pub dupe morons...unbelievable!

If le Pen isn't a conservative, you're a NAZI! LOL:cuckoo::badgrin::badgrin:

Look up when the Depression happened and who was President during the vast majority of it... Hoover, a progressive liberal who did the new deal, then FDR who voted against the new deal only to expand off it once that horrible human being got into office.

Holy Pubcrappe, what BS- Hoover got to hold the bag for Pub BS of the 20's, by the time FDR got in, there was no economy to stimulate. Great job, Pubs and cronies...
After Hollande wins the French election on May 6 - and the economies of the worldgo into a 2nd Great Depression - the Obama smear-machine and left wing media will go into full mode to smear Rommney.

Will make dog=gate outto look like a picnic.
Not happening, restez tranquile mon vieux...this may very well help things- austerity isn't working...there or here.
Romney smears himself, and the Ryan plan suqs and is suicidal. Remain calm LOL

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