French socialist win the their Presidential election on May 6

The Ryan/Booosh Plan LOL Cut taxes on the rich, cronyism,explode the deficit, and destroy Medicare, and Health care totally out of control...BRILLIANT!! :cuckoo::badgrin:

:cuckoo: :poop:

Bush grew the size of the Social Security Trust Fund more than any other president. :thanks:

Talk about walking on the abyss. But heck everything is just peachy, recovery is just around the corner.

:lol: "Recovery Summer" was a couple of years ago. :lol:

:lol: Didn't you get the memo that Obama fixed the economy? :lol:
Think if I were the Germans, the really only stable economy over in Europe, I would get the hell out of the Unite Europe deal post haste.

I would start printing my Deutch Marks and tell the rest of Europe to kiss my ass.

The Germans bought a lot of debt from Europe's disaster countries. Plus all their savings are in Euros. Germany can't just walk away.
OOOOOOH, a stalker/moron Pub dupe!

Pub/german austerity SUKS! The French socialist will be a healthy counterpoint...UK now in recession under conservative "common sense" idiots...

BBC News - UK economy in double-dip recession
How deep into thr pockets of citizens should government dig?
And when the cost of social safety nets becomes so high, there is no one left to tax and the system collapses under it's own weight like it is now in Greece, Spain Portugal and Ireland?
Then what?
See if you can answer the questions without getting all spun up and breaking into a profanity laced rant..

Yup and from what I've been reading you can add the Netherlands to your list of those straining under their nannism Govts.

Eventually you run out of other peoples money to support the Nanny State.

Dumbass doesn't seem to grasp that fact. He/she/its so full of hatred for the Reps that he doesn't see that we are headed down that road right now. 49% of the population pays no Fed taxes. What happens when its 50% or 60%?? Entitlemens are killing us just as they are killing Europe.

I can see it. You can see it but dumbass Franco doesn't see anything but his vision of a socialist utopia and his hatred of the GOP.

What a fucking loser he is.
Think if I were the Germans, the really only stable economy over in Europe, I would get the hell out of the Unite Europe deal post haste.

I would start printing my Deutch Marks and tell the rest of Europe to kiss my ass.

The Germans bought a lot of debt from Europe's disaster countries. Plus all their savings are in Euros. Germany can't just walk away.

I'll bet they are wishing they hadn't bought all that debt about now.

Bet they wish they could walk away and save their own country.
will cause Obama to lose in Nov. (He may anyway)

The socialist has vowed to deep-six the bailout agreement in Europe - which will rattle the world makets -incl the US stock markets.

Then the US economy will go into a tailspin.

Politicians lie to get elected. Once elected they find themselves trapped with the same choices as the politician they are replacing.

Even if they did something different, they are the tail & we are the Big Dog that wags it.

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