From Liberals With Guns

No, I prefer them to be women.

Damn, you gun huggers have no sense of humor.

Pick up lines for gun huggers:

Haven't I seen you at the firing line?
Damn, you look even better out of your hunting orange!
What's your sign, yea NRA all the way.
Damn, you are one shapely woman, Glock 9 or 45?
Maybe we can get together at my place and load some ammo.
Damn, you gun huggers have no sense of humor.

Pick up lines for gun huggers:

Haven't I seen you at the firing line?
Damn, you look even better out of your hunting orange!
What's your sign, yea NRA all the way.
Damn, you are one shapely woman, Glock 9 or 45?
Maybe we can get together at my place and load some ammo.

Cute, now answer the question. I guess if we're all gun huggers that must make you a constitution hater, right?
Still no sense of humor, come on, aside from gross nonsense, do any of you have a smile hidden somewhere in that cold gunmetal heart.

Top Ten Reasons Men Prefer Guns Over Women

11. A good gun will be that same after you’ve had it for 20 years as when you first got it.
10. You can trade an old 44 for a new 22.
9. You can keep one gun at home and have another for when you’re on the road.
8. If you admire a friend’s gun and tell him so, he will probably let you try it out a few times.
7. Your primary gun doesn’t mind if you keep another gun for a backup.
6. Your gun will stay with you even if you run out of ammo.
5. A gun doesn’t take up a lot of closet space.
4. Guns function normally every day of the month.
3. A gun doesn’t ask , “Do these new grips make me look fat?”
2. A gun doesn’t mind if you go to sleep after you use it.

And the number one reason a gun is favored over a woman….

You know what Gertrude Stein said on her deathbed: what is the answer - silence - then what is the question.
ok.. ok... I'll laugh with you Midcan.


Have you ever shot a gun? If so, tell me what you thought of the experience. Was it fun? A family event? Hunting or Target shooting?
I see you continue to ignore the questions.

Maybe because the question was silly?

But since you're playing this game... I'll give it a go. The term "penis extender" is a metaphor implying an increase in power... a sexist metaphor, perhaps, but a metaphor, nonetheless. (Same as when someone says 'that took balls', etc).

Does a gun make some women feel more powerful than they did without it? I would suppose so... same as being behind the wheel of a car makes me as big and tall as any guy, or some old dude in a Mazerati feels younger because of the car he's sitting in. Does he feel more "virile"? Dunno... might.
Maybe because the question was silly?

But since you're playing this game... I'll give it a go. The term "penis extender" is a metaphor implying an increase in power... a sexist metaphor, perhaps, but a metaphor, nonetheless. (Same as when someone says 'that took balls', etc).

Does a gun make some women feel more powerful than they did without it? I would suppose so... same as being behind the wheel of a car makes me as big and tall as any guy, or some old dude in a Mazerati feels younger because of the car he's sitting in. Does he feel more "virile"? Dunno... might.

No, my question:

What is a 'gun hugger' anyway? And why do you seem to have such a problem with people who want to exercise a basic right?

He claims this is all in humor, yet seems to have a problem of some type with people who simply want to exercise a right(for whatever reason; hunting, protection, sport, etc.).

Since you're playing the game, why do those with this aversion to guns believe there is some macho element at play for those that want to own them?
yeeeaaaaa... but they say the same thing about the phallic nature of a guitar and i'm pretty sure that nancy wilson isn't trying to stroke her cock while playing barracuda.

Likewise, assuming that gun people fight for gun rights because it increases their internally perceived virility is erroneous.

My advice: Take your kids Hunting and Fishing.

Maybe because the question was silly?
The term "penis extender" is a metaphor implying an increase in power
Or, its deliberate jab at someone's manhood, necessitating that they compensate for it by buying a gun.

Its a lazy, mindless insult that usually denotes an absolute lack of anything worthwile to say.
No, my question:

He claims this is all in humor, yet seems to have a problem of some type with people who simply want to exercise a right(for whatever reason; hunting, protection, sport, etc.).

Since you're playing the game, why do those with this aversion to guns believe there is some macho element at play for those that want to own them?

Wouldn't know... I don't have an aversion to guns. Just have no need of one.
Wouldn't know... I don't have an aversion to guns. Just have no need of one.

As with pretty much everything in this age of (relative) vast prosperity, owning a gun has nothing to do with necessity.
As with pretty much everything in this age of (relative) vast prosperity, owning a gun has nothing to do with necessity.

Fair enough. I don't have any interest in owning one either. But if my husband likes to go shooting, that's fine with me. (I didn't do badly at the range the one time I went, either... it just isn't my thing).
come to bed honey
i'll only be a little while
but you've been cleaning those guns all evening
they keep us safe dear
but it's cold up here come to bed
be up in a bit
- ladder appears at window
- wife looks up surprised
- masked man puts his finger to lips
my husband is downstairs and armed
is he coming up soon
nah cleaning his guns
you look lonely
i am
- they talk
honey what's all that noise up there
nothing dear you clean your guns
- quiet
dear i'm coming to bed now
- muffled reply
- sotto voce
oh she sleeping so content
- thinks to himself isn't it nice being secure
hugs his gun
- scene fades

In all actuality the wife would soon be raped and murdered.

I don't know what kind of relationship background YOU'VE have but the gals I know generally don't strike up a penthouse forum letter with strangers that climb into their bedroom windows.

I'll ask again, do you have any gun experiences you'd like to share? I'd hate to think you are posting with the credibility of a landlocked Ahab.

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