Fry cook Asked Obama-Why are my hours being Cut?-Follow-Up

Don't work for that employer. Increase your personal worth which in turn, increases wages.

The cream always rises to the top


Yep, everyone that isn't the crème to you is a ****** within your mind. :doubt:

Seriously, Matthew? Why do you suddenly go off like that some times? What exactly did he say that wasn't true?

that is exactly why Matthew is on my ignore list, I see his response in your post. If I want to listen to someone bipolar I'd get off the internet and talk to the wife. :D :badgrin: Just kidding she is the sane one in the family, yet she married me, go figure.
The joke then is to lay blame where it doesn't belong.

Did Obama tell him to curtail his cable and cell phone use?

How can so many people on this board know the financial shape of the owner? How do they know that cutting his hours is just because he is cheap and not to save his business? Fact is they don't. But I know few business men that are going to do something to hurt their business. So I am thinking he is saving his business, but I leave open the possibility he is a ahole.
Sounds legit :cuckoo:


March 28, 2014, 7:02 a.m. EDT
Obamacare a bigger issue than minimum wage?
Cantor: Raising the minimum wage could have unintended consequences

On Jan. 31, a fry cook asked President Obama why his hours were being cut to part time because of Obamacare, and the President responded by saying he was pushing to raise the minimum wage.

This moment between the fry cook and the President reveals the entire reasoning of the Democratic Party’s push to raise the minimum wage. Rather than restore wages and hours lost by working middle-class Americans due to Obamacare, Democrats are hiding these losses behind a false debate about the minimum wage.

Obamacare a bigger issue than minimum wage? - MarketWatch

The fry cook should have been asking his boss why his hours were being cut because of Obamacare in 2014

when the business mandate had already been delayed until 2015.
Why? Because his scum bag boss/owner is a cheap asshole who cares about no one but himself/herself and is lining their pockets from the profits of the business while that fry cook gets minimum wage and can't pay rent or bills.

Or maybe he is trying to keep his business....
The hate for business owners trying to make it in this shitty Obama economy is mind boggling.
Liberals in this thread revealing how they do not even have a rudimentary understanding of bylaws of business.

Their ignorance is only slightly behind their hypocrisy. Nothing will ever surpass that aspect of every moronic left winger. Their ignorance is close.

It is truly like arguing with 7 year olds.
Liberals in this thread revealing how they do not even have a rudimentary understanding of bylaws of business.

Their ignorance is only slightly behind their hypocrisy. Nothing will ever surpass that aspect of every moronic left winger. Their ignorance is close.

It is truly like arguing with 7 year olds.

Of course the radical leftist loons on this site are ridiculous. But lets be real here... they have an excuse.... they are ill. Seriously, there is no other logical reason than to declare they have an illness. They just have a hard time telling the difference between right and wrong.

I kind ol look the other way when I see them coming. I feel sorry for them. :lol:

I don't get it serviced. I do it my damn self. Have you seen the damn prices they want per hour!? 70-90$ an hour! PFT!

So, try to follow the logic here.

The service station owner has to comply with all of the regulations, which drive up cost. Furthermore, since she has recently expanded her business she now hires a few more people. This makes her fall under the additional requirements of Obamacare, so she has to provide insurance for her employees. This drives up the cost even more.

And then a liberal, who pushes for all the regulations, doesn't even do his or her part in supporting the system and goes off and does the maintenance by themselves.

This forces the service station owner to contract her business, lay off workers, and drive up the unemployment rate.

Yeah...keep blaming those nasty business owners...that'll solve the problem.

How many employees do they have to employ before they fall under the "Obamacare "mandate to provide insurance for their employees? How many small mechanic shops fall under that law?
Yeah, the liberals will blame the business owners for cutting costs.

Question: Are they that fucking dumb?

Answer: Obviously.
Sounds legit :cuckoo:


March 28, 2014, 7:02 a.m. EDT
Obamacare a bigger issue than minimum wage?
Cantor: Raising the minimum wage could have unintended consequences

On Jan. 31, a fry cook asked President Obama why his hours were being cut to part time because of Obamacare, and the President responded by saying he was pushing to raise the minimum wage.

This moment between the fry cook and the President reveals the entire reasoning of the Democratic Party’s push to raise the minimum wage. Rather than restore wages and hours lost by working middle-class Americans due to Obamacare, Democrats are hiding these losses behind a false debate about the minimum wage.

Obamacare a bigger issue than minimum wage? - MarketWatch

As usual I am the only one who ever sees the actual issue. What moment? All I saw was a guy answering a question he wasn't asked. Did the fry cook say 'hey asshole I didn't ask you about minimum wage. Answer my question'. That would have been a moment.

So, just so we are clear, there was no such thing as underemployment prior to the health care law.............good to know. Underemployment was never an issue.

No one ever worked less than 40 hours before the ACA.......

What are you smoking?
Why? Because his scum bag boss/owner is a cheap asshole who cares about no one but himself/herself and is lining their pockets from the profits of the business while that fry cook gets minimum wage and can't pay rent or bills.

Don't work for that employer. Increase your personal worth which in turn, increases wages.

The cream always rises to the top



Increase your worth?! Make yourself more valuable to employers?! Sacrifice and improve your skill set?! Find a better job to make your own life better?! Depend on yourself only?!

You big meanie!

After all, this is America!

I'll bet you're racist too!



Why? Because his scum bag boss/owner is a cheap asshole who cares about no one but himself/herself and is lining their pockets from the profits of the business while that fry cook gets minimum wage and can't pay rent or bills.

Your dickbaggery is showing.
Why? Because his scum bag boss/owner is a cheap asshole who cares about no one but himself/herself and is lining their pockets from the profits of the business while that fry cook gets minimum wage and can't pay rent or bills.

Don't work for that employer. Increase your personal worth which in turn, increases wages.

The cream always rises to the top


Yep, everyone that isn't the crème to you is a ****** within your mind. :doubt:

Simply staggering what a douchenozzle you are Matthew.
Not entirely correct


Health Care Law Projected to Cut the Labor Force

WASHINGTON — A Congressional Budget Office analysis released Tuesday predicted that the Affordable Care Act would shrink the work force by the equivalent of more than two million full-time positions and recharged the political debate over the health care law, providing Republican opponents fresh lines of attack and putting Democrats on the defensive.

Not true. The workforce will not shrink, there will be 2 million job openings. You should have actually read the report instead of cherry-picking the headline. 2 million workers currently hold second jobs that they'd rather not have because those jobs provide health insurance. Now that the ACA is available everywhere those employees can quit those second jobs. The jobs won't disappear, they'll be available to 2 million new workers.

That's already been established, even the republicans agree. It's old news and your shitstirring OP was debunked weeks ago when the report first came out. OP fail.
Why? Because his scum bag boss/owner is a cheap asshole who cares about no one but himself/herself and is lining their pockets from the profits of the business while that fry cook gets minimum wage and can't pay rent or bills.

Then he resigns and works for another employer. This free market system will punish the asshole boss, because no one wants to work for that crappy person anymore. Instead, with minimum wage, the boss is protected, because the employees keep working for him.
Not entirely correct


Health Care Law Projected to Cut the Labor Force

WASHINGTON — A Congressional Budget Office analysis released Tuesday predicted that the Affordable Care Act would shrink the work force by the equivalent of more than two million full-time positions and recharged the political debate over the health care law, providing Republican opponents fresh lines of attack and putting Democrats on the defensive.

Not true. The workforce will not shrink, there will be 2 million job openings. You should have actually read the report instead of cherry-picking the headline. 2 million workers currently hold second jobs that they'd rather not have because those jobs provide health insurance. Now that the ACA is available everywhere those employees can quit those second jobs. The jobs won't disappear, they'll be available to 2 million new workers.

That's already been established, even the republicans agree. It's old news and your shitstirring OP was debunked weeks ago when the report first came out. OP fail.

Um.. I don't thank so grandma. Look, since it appears you agree with, by your statement, that workers would quit a second job without even explaining the other reasons why. And that is a positive thing because by holding them down, it creates jobs. :cuckoo:

That's because they get a subsidy say, of X, for making 11K a year. Work extra hard to improve your bottom line by having a second job, that takes you out to say 17K a year and what does Obamacare do for you? It jacks your premium and reduces your subsidy. In other words, you work more jobs to improve your bottom line and you're penalized. A worker getting insurance for only $230 might not want to earn more if that means paying $689 or $1,448 to get the same insurance.

But hey, you can dig that others can now come to the trough of plenty only to be held down by the man.

Amazing the hard left turn the Democrat party has made..

Now grandma, what's so good about the 2 million worker loss to the working base?

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If this fry cook's employer only needs him parttime now, why was he fulltime before? Charity?

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