Fuck You Social Media

No censorship thread is complete without Trigglypuff.


Oh my eyes!!!!!

What has been seen cannot be unseen!

This really should have been preceeded by a TRIGGER WARNING!!!!!
She's an SJW too. You can see it in context on youtube under The Triggering Amherst or Trigglypuff. It will make you laugh and then you feel sad for the concept of free exchange of ideas on some campuses.

Yes - I saw the original vid of her. Her parents must be ecstatic.
Her "Parents" or obviously clueless and have failed at their remedial obligation.

There's a solution for that. Take her to the Gorilla exhibit at the Cincinnati Zoo. Given that Gorilla Lives Matter....
Yeah, it's a good business practice to piss off your users.

I'll admit, however, that I am not, beyond this board, so merely an opinion.

Remove incitements to violence? Fine. Leave the rest alone.

Tech Giants Vow to Tackle Online Hate Speech Within 24 Hours
Like you even know what that means
If you did you'd know that it was about conservatism gone mad.
Na, not really The book was about a socialist state of government control freaks. Dumbass

Indeed. It was inspired by Stalin's USSR.
Both you and rusty dick are absolutely wrong.
1984: Based On A True Story
Bad source
Na, it was about a socialist overbearing government, Much like Marx envisioned…
Like you even know what that means
If you did you'd know that it was about conservatism gone mad.
Na, not really The book was about a socialist state of government control freaks. Dumbass

Indeed. It was inspired by Stalin's USSR.
Both you and rusty dick are absolutely wrong.
1984: Based On A True Story
Bad source
Na, it was about a socialist overbearing government, Much like Marx envisioned…
In reality it's the finest of sources.
too many multisyllabic words for you and no pictures either.
Besides you didn't read anything but the title then only partially.
Like you even know what that means
If you did you'd know that it was about conservatism gone mad.
Na, not really The book was about a socialist state of government control freaks. Dumbass

Indeed. It was inspired by Stalin's USSR.
Both you and rusty dick are absolutely wrong.
1984: Based On A True Story
Bad source
Na, it was about a socialist overbearing government, Much like Marx envisioned…
In reality it's the finest of sources.
too many multisyllabic words for you and no pictures either.
Besides you didn't read anything but the title then only partially.
Na, you're mistaken
1984 was about a socialist society, like all of them... Evil
Na, not really The book was about a socialist state of government control freaks. Dumbass

Indeed. It was inspired by Stalin's USSR.
Both you and rusty dick are absolutely wrong.
1984: Based On A True Story
Bad source
Na, it was about a socialist overbearing government, Much like Marx envisioned…
In reality it's the finest of sources.
too many multisyllabic words for you and no pictures either.
Besides you didn't read anything but the title then only partially.
Na, you're mistaken
1984 was about a socialist society, like all of them... Evil
false ! I was mistaken once ,then I found out I was wrong.
One day if you're lucky it might happen to you .
Yeah, it's a good business practice to piss off your users.

I'll admit, however, that I am not, beyond this board, so merely an opinion.

Remove incitements to violence? Fine. Leave the rest alone.

Tech Giants Vow to Tackle Online Hate Speech Within 24 Hours
Like you even know what that means
If you did you'd know that it was about conservatism gone mad.
Na, not really The book was about a socialist state of government control freaks. Dumbass

Indeed. It was inspired by Stalin's USSR.
Both you and rusty dick are absolutely wrong.
1984: Based On A True Story
Yeah, it's a good business practice to piss off your users.

I'll admit, however, that I am not, beyond this board, so merely an opinion.

Remove incitements to violence? Fine. Leave the rest alone.

Tech Giants Vow to Tackle Online Hate Speech Within 24 Hours
Like you even know what that means
If you did you'd know that it was about conservatism gone mad.
Na, not really The book was about a socialist state of government control freaks. Dumbass

Indeed. It was inspired by Stalin's USSR.
Both you and rusty dick are absolutely wrong.
1984: Based On A True Story

Unfortunately, your ignorance is not astonishing in this time.

"During World War II (1939–1945) Orwell believed that British democracy as it existed before 1939 would not survive the war, the question being 'Would it end via Fascist coup d'état from above or via Socialist revolution from below'?

"Later he admitted that events proved him wrong: "What really matters is that I fell into the trap of assuming that 'the war and the revolution are inseparable.'" Thematically Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949) and Animal Farm (1945) share the betrayed revolution; the person's subordination to the collective; rigorously enforced class distinctions (Inner Party, Outer Party, Proles); the cult of personality; concentration camps; Thought Police; compulsory regimented daily exercise and youth leagues. Oceania resulted from the US annexation of the British Empire to counter the Asian peril to Australia and New Zealand. It is a naval power whose militarism venerates the sailors of the floating fortresses, from which battle is given to recapturing India, the 'Jewel in the Crown' of the British Empire. Much of Oceanic society is based upon the USSR under Joseph Stalin—Big Brother; the televised Two Minutes Hate is ritual demonisation of the enemies of the State, especially Emmanuel Goldstein (viz Leon Trotsky); altered photographs and newspaper articles create unpersons deleted from the national historical record, including even founding members of the regime (Jones, Aaronson and Rutherford) in the 1960s purges (viz the Soviet Purges of the 1930s, in which leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were similarly treated)[emphasis mine]. A similar thing also happened during the French Revolution in which many of the original leaders of the Revolution were later put to death, for example Danton who was put to death by Robespierre, and then later Robespierre himself met the same fate."
- Wikipedia

Who Inspired Nineteen Eighty-Four?
The fact of the matter is socialism can never, has never and will never work for anyone but an oppressive dictatorship...



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