Full video confirms that Texas police shot a surrendered Gilbert Flores while he had his hands up

I'm talking about this case not course cases you ramble off silly. This is about this shooting and while you pretended your eyes didnt work other people already concluded what you're just realizing.

Thanks, have your seat now

Oh...this will be fun. I was the #2 post on this thread...the one that showed the FULL VIDEO. Meaning...aside from the OP...I was first to comment. Check it. Post #2.

My quote...exactly: "Looks like probable cause to me. Charge him!"

Now....tell me again how all you idiots beat me to this conclusion? Unless...of course...you jumped to a conclusion BEFORE THE full video was released????

See, give you enough room and you figure it out on your own. I'm proud of ya bro

So in other words....when I see all the evidence I come to the appropriate conclusion. Um....Thanks??

All the evidence? It's the same video just longer. Did a judge say he should be charged ? No

But that's you waiting for all the evidence tho lol

Haha....yes. A partial video...where the video IS THE evidence...when the FULL version exists...is not "all the evidence".

If there's a 2 minute evidence tape...and I see 1 minute...is that "all the evidence"?

Now you say "It's the same video....just longer". Ummm....yeah....longer as in the full video.

You need a helmet and drool cup.
The cops and their Police Union lawyers (the best lawyers in the country) and an internal review board have watched the complete unedited video and the full audio tape. A SP reviewed all the evidence including witness statements and decided there was zero cause for any charges to be brought.
The thug had his hands in the air then BEFORE any shots were fired he dropped both hands and was reaching for the handgun in his waistband. His girlfriend told the 911 operator the thug had a concealed handgun.
Ideas on how to round up all 500 million guns? We can't even round up 12 million illegal aliens...and they're much harder to hide than a gun. Right?

Puddly Neonazi has no ideas, or any real thoughts of her own. She just a reactionary bed wetting douchebag that regurgitates whever nonsense she's programmed to regarding an issue.

Secondly, it is pretty clear why the libtards don't want to do anything effective to keep guns out of the hands of thugs and sociopaths. They need the carnage to continue. They need it to turn public oppion around so that they can pass the laws that will allow them to disarm the public, and that will result in the same manner it always does.


Remember, criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths do not view humans as individuals who's lives have value. They view us as a resource to be managed like livestock. Allowing them to disarm the people, will allow them to do whatever they want to people.

Bed wetting liberals are just too stupid to see the paterns in history.

THose are all the Illegals Tipsy was referring to.

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