Full video confirms that Texas police shot a surrendered Gilbert Flores while he had his hands up

The thug's girlfriend called 911 and said the thug was beating her baby. The cops attended.
The thug came out of the house with a clearly observed handgun in his waistband. THAT"S WHEN ANY COP IS TRAINED TO DEMAND the person in question put their hands above their head! The first time the thug put his hands up but put them down and began to scream threats at the cops.
He then put his hands back up. He was ordered to get down on the ground. Remember the cops could see the handgun. He refused and dropped his hands reaching for his handgun. He was shot fucking dead at that point.
Hope there's a garbage incinerator nearby.

So, if true, the cops held a trial, found him guilty and gave him the death penalty and then carried it out - all within a very short time, right out there on the street.

I'm really sick of you nutters being so fucking happy every time another person is shot, including cops.

And you get downright gleeful if its a mass shooting.

You stupid fuck. If the guy was truly going for a gun the cops had no choice.
Its also been mentioned the guy talked about suicide by cop.
Now that the whole tape is released what will be the new boot lickers excuse?

Excuse?? This appears to be clear probable cause to charge the cop. Just like North Charleston. 2 obvious bad shoots. But that's just based on the video I see. Haven't seen any other evidence.
Ideas on how to round up all 500 million guns? We can't even round up 12 million illegal aliens...and they're much harder to hide than a gun. Right?

Puddly Neonazi has no ideas, or any real thoughts of her own. She just a reactionary bed wetting douchebag that regurgitates whever nonsense she's programmed to regarding an issue.

Secondly, it is pretty clear why the libtards don't want to do anything effective to keep guns out of the hands of thugs and sociopaths. They need the carnage to continue. They need it to turn public oppion around so that they can pass the laws that will allow them to disarm the public, and that will result in the same manner it always does.


Remember, criminally insane totalitarian sociopaths do not view humans as individuals who's lives have value. They view us as a resource to be managed like livestock. Allowing them to disarm the people, will allow them to do whatever they want to people.

Bed wetting liberals are just too stupid to see the paterns in history.

The cops were wearing body cams with full audio.
THAT is why no charges were laid.
I hope there was a nearby garbage incinerator to throw the thug into.
Now that the whole tape is released what will be the new boot lickers excuse?

Excuse?? This appears to be clear probable cause to charge the cop. Just like North Charleston. 2 obvious bad shoots. But that's just based on the video I see. Haven't seen any other evidence.

I love seeing bed wetters use the term "boot licker". The biggest boot lickers on earth are moonbats who want to disarm the public and limit weapons posession to the boots. They prove they're weapons grade stupid everytime they talk.

Flores? ?? Was he here illegally?

Even if he was, and from his record it looks like he wasn't an angel but it looks like a pretty clear case of murder.

Killing an illegal is always justified.
Are you kidding me?

WELCOME!!! I see you are a new member and have joined the famous USMB left wing group C-FAG (Clown-Face Avatar Group). It's a lively bunch. When you see a clown, you "C-FAG"!
The thug's girlfriend called 911 and said the thug was beating her baby. The cops attended.
The thug came out of the house with a clearly observed handgun in his waistband. THAT"S WHEN ANY COP IS TRAINED TO DEMAND the person in question put their hands above their head! The first time the thug put his hands up but put them down and began to scream threats at the cops.
He then put his hands back up. He was ordered to get down on the ground. Remember the cops could see the handgun. He refused and dropped his hands reaching for his handgun. He was shot fucking dead at that point.
Hope there's a garbage incinerator nearby.

So, if true, the cops held a trial, found him guilty and gave him the death penalty and then carried it out - all within a very short time, right out there on the street.

I'm really sick of you nutters being so fucking happy every time another person is shot, including cops.

And you get downright gleeful if its a mass shooting.

You stupid fuck. If the guy was truly going for a gun the cops had no choice.
Its also been mentioned the guy talked about suicide by cop.
Actually you appear to be the only stupid one here.
With the exception of dumbboys, everyone is posting after having viewed the only video provided.
Now dumbboy says that the man reached for a gun, if that is true then the entire narrative changes.
However, if video showing the man reaching for a gun does exist for public viewing wouldn't dumbboy have posted a link to it.
Now that the whole tape is released what will be the new boot lickers excuse?

Excuse?? This appears to be clear probable cause to charge the cop. Just like North Charleston. 2 obvious bad shoots. But that's just based on the video I see. Haven't seen any other evidence.

I love seeing bed wetters use the term "boot licker". The biggest boot lickers on earth are moonbats who want to disarm the public and limit weapons posession to the boots. They prove they're weapons grade stupid everytime they talk.

Retards are usually easily amused
Now that the whole tape is released what will be the new boot lickers excuse?

Excuse?? This appears to be clear probable cause to charge the cop. Just like North Charleston. 2 obvious bad shoots. But that's just based on the video I see. Haven't seen any other evidence.

Welcome to the party, you're late

Nope. It's been the law since 1776. When probable cause exists...you can charge. When it doesnt..you cant. SCOTUS Graham v. Connor ruled what determines probable cause for an officers use of force.

Sorry. I form opinions on law and evidence...not feelings.
WELCOME!!! I see you are a new member and have joined the famous USMB left wing group C-FAG (Clown-Face Avatar Group). It's a lively bunch. When you see a clown, you "C-FAG"!

Another C-FAG? Great, just what the world needs. More clinically retarded moonbats who follow each other mindlessly. I can't wait till their leader reaches the grand canyon.

The thug's girlfriend called 911 and said the thug was beating her baby. The cops attended.
The thug came out of the house with a clearly observed handgun in his waistband. THAT"S WHEN ANY COP IS TRAINED TO DEMAND the person in question put their hands above their head! The first time the thug put his hands up but put them down and began to scream threats at the cops.
He then put his hands back up. He was ordered to get down on the ground. Remember the cops could see the handgun. He refused and dropped his hands reaching for his handgun. He was shot fucking dead at that point.
Hope there's a garbage incinerator nearby.

So, if true, the cops held a trial, found him guilty and gave him the death penalty and then carried it out - all within a very short time, right out there on the street.

I'm really sick of you nutters being so fucking happy every time another person is shot, including cops.

And you get downright gleeful if its a mass shooting.

You stupid fuck. If the guy was truly going for a gun the cops had no choice.
Its also been mentioned the guy talked about suicide by cop.
Actually you appear to be the only stupid one here.
With the exception of dumbboys, everyone is posting after having viewed the only video provided.
Now dumbboy says that the man reached for a gun, if that is true then the entire narrative changes.
However, if video showing the man reaching for a gun does exist for public viewing wouldn't dumbboy have posted a link to it.

I can't find anything to indicate that video exists. He says it's on body cams.

It's an active case. So the police haven't released anything yet...as is protocol.

If the video stands as is...I see probable cause. But that video isn't all the evidence.
Now that the whole tape is released what will be the new boot lickers excuse?

Excuse?? This appears to be clear probable cause to charge the cop. Just like North Charleston. 2 obvious bad shoots. But that's just based on the video I see. Haven't seen any other evidence.

Welcome to the party, you're late

Nope. It's been the law since 1776. When probable cause exists...you can charge. When it doesnt..you cant. SCOTUS Graham v. Connor ruled what determines probable cause for an officers use of force.

Sorry. I form opinions on law and evidence...not feelings.

Welcome, you're late as I said. Have a seat
Now that the whole tape is released what will be the new boot lickers excuse?

Excuse?? This appears to be clear probable cause to charge the cop. Just like North Charleston. 2 obvious bad shoots. But that's just based on the video I see. Haven't seen any other evidence.

Welcome to the party, you're late

Nope. It's been the law since 1776. When probable cause exists...you can charge. When it doesnt..you cant. SCOTUS Graham v. Connor ruled what determines probable cause for an officers use of force.

Sorry. I form opinions on law and evidence...not feelings.

Welcome, you're late as I said. Have a seat

Haha idiot. My spot is at the podium. Now spit out that gum in my class.
Nope. It's been the law since 1776. When probable cause exists...you can charge. When it doesnt..you cant. SCOTUS Graham v. Connor ruled what determines probable cause for an officers use of force.

Sorry. I form opinions on law and evidence...not feelings.

Bed wetters form their oppinons from bumberstickers and how Rachel Madcow tells them too.

Flores? ?? Was he here illegally?

Even if he was, and from his record it looks like he wasn't an angel but it looks like a pretty clear case of murder.

Killing an illegal is always justified.
Are you kidding me?

I'm sure the drunk doctor/lawyer/dog washer is DEAD serious.

If you really want to make her and the other knee jerk RWs happy, shoot a baby illegal.

And yeah, that's a terrific avi.
Now that the whole tape is released what will be the new boot lickers excuse?

Excuse?? This appears to be clear probable cause to charge the cop. Just like North Charleston. 2 obvious bad shoots. But that's just based on the video I see. Haven't seen any other evidence.

Welcome to the party, you're late

Nope. It's been the law since 1776. When probable cause exists...you can charge. When it doesnt..you cant. SCOTUS Graham v. Connor ruled what determines probable cause for an officers use of force.

Sorry. I form opinions on law and evidence...not feelings.

Welcome, you're late as I said. Have a seat

Haha idiot. My spot is at the podium. Now spit out that gum in my class.

Well, you're still late and people already gave the speech but you didnt know that because you were too busy shouting down people who used their eyes and came to a conclusion.

Now have a seat and wear your normal hat...no, no buddy it says "DANCE" trust me.

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