Fun Question:So What Can Hillary Clinton See From Her House? Aliens From Mars?

So far we all know what Sarah Palin, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and maybe even Bill Clinton can see from there houses (even with their telescopes), so what about Hillary? There has to be at least 12 great answers for this one. So, "Room Comedians", lets have some new laffs,,fill in the blank:Hi !! My Name Is Hillary Clinton, I Am Running For President, and I Can See ________________ From My House!
After Jan.20, 2017, I'd say "Lafayette Park".
So far we all know what Sarah Palin, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and maybe even Bill Clinton can see from there houses (even with their telescopes), so what about Hillary? There has to be at least 12 great answers for this one. So, "Room Comedians", lets have some new laffs,,fill in the blank:Hi !! My Name Is Hillary Clinton, I Am Running For President, and I Can See ________________ From My House!
After Jan.20, 2017, I'd say "Lafayette Park".

After Jan.20, 2017, I'd say "Lafayette Park".

San Diego?
San Francisco?
St Louis?

Is there one in Harlem she can see from Bills office?
:banana::boobies::poop: So far we all know what Sarah Palin, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and maybe even Bill Clinton can see from there houses (even with their telescopes), so what about Hillary? There has to be at least 12 great answers for this one. So, "Room Comedians", lets have some new laffs,,fill in the blank:
............Hi !! My Name Is Hillary Clinton, I Am Running For President, and I Can See __________________ From My House !!!
She has never been able to see what slick willy is doing or... Has she known all along??
i would imagine that Hillary can see Joe Biden and his long range telescope (in his underwear) from her house. and gee, I wonder what Joe is checking out?

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