Funniest Headline So Far This Morning

That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

I think 21 should be the minimum age for voting.

the minimum age should apply to all things, voting, drinking, being drafted or enlisting, buying guns, entering into legal contracts. make it 21 or 18, but make it universal.
It's not a military weapon, your ignorance is astounding
It was modeled on the M-16. You can call me stupid all you want; it's not going to change the facts.

The cosmetics is the only reason it looks "military"....go take a nap
That's not true.

Yes it is's obvious you're getting your info from some idiot left loon site.
old woman has me on ignore. wow, she is certainly going off the deep end. keep up the good fight.
No, I see you. Your questions are just too stupid to respond to.
... and we continue to ignore and avoid the biggest problem, a culture that is churning out psychos.
I keep hearing that statistically we don't have any more crazies than any other industrialized nation. What we DO have thousands of times more of, is guns.
Freedom is AWESOME
So is Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Yep. Thats why we have the 2nd. To ensure our fascist corrupt govt doesnt strip us of that.
So im not sure you actually want that since you want to destroy the foundation that ensures it.

Like an AR 15 equipped militia is going to go up against an army.

What makes you think the military would be on your side?
How silly. One, they are not fighting gun violence, but gun rights. One hears little screaming over the slow-moving massacres of Chicago, Baltimore and other Democrat hovels.

Two, even if every one of these programmed children grow up to vote for total gun control, or even by increment, nothing will change. Repeal of the 2A is an impossibility, and legislation infringing upon it would simply be ignored, and if necessary resisted.

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear | HuffPost
The 2nd Amendment has already been infringed upon with an age law for buying guns, as well as the fact that the government doesn't let you own all kinds of serious bombs and weapons, armed tanks, armed planes. AA missiles...

Crazy don't sell here. Try next door.
Ok, so you knew that already, but choose to cherry pick you’re outrage. Carry on.
If machine guns can be restricted, so can AR's.
What does that do, troll, with 200 other types of guns not banned? I'll tell you, it does nothing. All they want is the slow ban of all firearms. Anyone who says otherwise is a goddamn liar or an idiot.
Count me among the idiots, then. I have a feeling there are a lot of us. If there is a problem with 200 other types of guns that you are saying SHOULD be banned along with the AR, you can help make sure they also get on the list so it's fair.
That would be very helpful of you, Mike.

please tell us how banning AR's would stop the daily blood baths in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New Orleans, LA, and most of the rest of our large cities. almost all of those deaths are caused by illegally obtained hand guns. BTW, when a gang member trades a gun to another gang member for a bag of crack, neither of them is going to submit a background check.
That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

sounds like you are finally agreeing that rifles are not the problem, but rather a culture that promotes hating anyone who disagrees with you, dependence on the government, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

what most of the left is promoting is exactly what the third Reich promoted in the 1930s. That's why we should be teaching our kids history, not "social justice".
Military style assault weapons are a problem. A 5+1 magazine in a hunting rifle is different from an AR-type rifle with a 30 bullet magazine. That's not necessary for any intents and purposes in our civilian life.
Our boys can start hunting at 12 (with an adult) and on kids' day, you can take a three year old with you if you want. Lots of kids get their first deer in junior high. Making them wait 'til 21 is stupid.
How silly. One, they are not fighting gun violence, but gun rights. One hears little screaming over the slow-moving massacres of Chicago, Baltimore and other Democrat hovels.

Two, even if every one of these programmed children grow up to vote for total gun control, or even by increment, nothing will change. Repeal of the 2A is an impossibility, and legislation infringing upon it would simply be ignored, and if necessary resisted.

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear | HuffPost
The 2nd Amendment has already been infringed upon with an age law for buying guns, as well as the fact that the government doesn't let you own all kinds of serious bombs and weapons, armed tanks, armed planes. AA missiles...

Crazy don't sell here. Try next door.
Ok, so you knew that already, but choose to cherry pick you’re outrage. Carry on.

Please make sense so that I can respond.
What does that do, troll, with 200 other types of guns not banned? I'll tell you, it does nothing. All they want is the slow ban of all firearms. Anyone who says otherwise is a goddamn liar or an idiot.
Count me among the idiots, then. I have a feeling there are a lot of us. If there is a problem with 200 other types of guns that you are saying SHOULD be banned along with the AR, you can help make sure they also get on the list so it's fair.
That would be very helpful of you, Mike.

please tell us how banning AR's would stop the daily blood baths in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New Orleans, LA, and most of the rest of our large cities. almost all of those deaths are caused by illegally obtained hand guns. BTW, when a gang member trades a gun to another gang member for a bag of crack, neither of them is going to submit a background check.
That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

sounds like you are finally agreeing that rifles are not the problem, but rather a culture that promotes hating anyone who disagrees with you, dependence on the government, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

what most of the left is promoting is exactly what the third Reich promoted in the 1930s. That's why we should be teaching our kids history, not "social justice".
Military style assault weapons are a problem. A 5+1 magazine in a hunting rifle is different from an AR-type rifle with a 30 bullet magazine. That's not necessary for any intents and purposes in our civilian life.
Our boys can start hunting at 12 (with an adult) and on kids' day, you can take a three year old with you if you want. Lots of kids get their first deer in junior high. Making them wait 'til 21 is stupid.

Drop the hunting reference. It has nothing to do with the issue.
What does that do, troll, with 200 other types of guns not banned? I'll tell you, it does nothing. All they want is the slow ban of all firearms. Anyone who says otherwise is a goddamn liar or an idiot.
Count me among the idiots, then. I have a feeling there are a lot of us. If there is a problem with 200 other types of guns that you are saying SHOULD be banned along with the AR, you can help make sure they also get on the list so it's fair.
That would be very helpful of you, Mike.

please tell us how banning AR's would stop the daily blood baths in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New Orleans, LA, and most of the rest of our large cities. almost all of those deaths are caused by illegally obtained hand guns. BTW, when a gang member trades a gun to another gang member for a bag of crack, neither of them is going to submit a background check.
That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

sounds like you are finally agreeing that rifles are not the problem, but rather a culture that promotes hating anyone who disagrees with you, dependence on the government, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

what most of the left is promoting is exactly what the third Reich promoted in the 1930s. That's why we should be teaching our kids history, not "social justice".
Military style assault weapons are a problem. A 5+1 magazine in a hunting rifle is different from an AR-type rifle with a 30 bullet magazine. That's not necessary for any intents and purposes in our civilian life.
Our boys can start hunting at 12 (with an adult) and on kids' day, you can take a three year old with you if you want. Lots of kids get their first deer in junior high. Making them wait 'til 21 is stupid.

An AR-15 with a 30 round magazine is a hunting rilfe, and they are quite commonly used for hunting:

What does that do, troll, with 200 other types of guns not banned? I'll tell you, it does nothing. All they want is the slow ban of all firearms. Anyone who says otherwise is a goddamn liar or an idiot.
Count me among the idiots, then. I have a feeling there are a lot of us. If there is a problem with 200 other types of guns that you are saying SHOULD be banned along with the AR, you can help make sure they also get on the list so it's fair.
That would be very helpful of you, Mike.

please tell us how banning AR's would stop the daily blood baths in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New Orleans, LA, and most of the rest of our large cities. almost all of those deaths are caused by illegally obtained hand guns. BTW, when a gang member trades a gun to another gang member for a bag of crack, neither of them is going to submit a background check.
That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

sounds like you are finally agreeing that rifles are not the problem, but rather a culture that promotes hating anyone who disagrees with you, dependence on the government, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

what most of the left is promoting is exactly what the third Reich promoted in the 1930s. That's why we should be teaching our kids history, not "social justice".
Military style assault weapons are a problem. A 5+1 magazine in a hunting rifle is different from an AR-type rifle with a 30 bullet magazine. That's not necessary for any intents and purposes in our civilian life.
Our boys can start hunting at 12 (with an adult) and on kids' day, you can take a three year old with you if you want. Lots of kids get their first deer in junior high. Making them wait 'til 21 is stupid.
You realize all you have to do is put a bigger magazine in them and you have THE SAME WEAPON IT JUST LOOKS DIFFERENT.
How silly. One, they are not fighting gun violence, but gun rights. One hears little screaming over the slow-moving massacres of Chicago, Baltimore and other Democrat hovels.

Two, even if every one of these programmed children grow up to vote for total gun control, or even by increment, nothing will change. Repeal of the 2A is an impossibility, and legislation infringing upon it would simply be ignored, and if necessary resisted.

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear | HuffPost
The 2nd Amendment has already been infringed upon with an age law for buying guns, as well as the fact that the government doesn't let you own all kinds of serious bombs and weapons, armed tanks, armed planes. AA missiles...

Crazy don't sell here. Try next door.
Ok, so you knew that already, but choose to cherry pick you’re outrage. Carry on.

Please make sense so that I can respond.
You get all outraged at what you perceive as an attack on the 2nd. But you don’t get outraged at the infringements already in place. Making you an outrage cherry picker.
How silly. One, they are not fighting gun violence, but gun rights. One hears little screaming over the slow-moving massacres of Chicago, Baltimore and other Democrat hovels.

Two, even if every one of these programmed children grow up to vote for total gun control, or even by increment, nothing will change. Repeal of the 2A is an impossibility, and legislation infringing upon it would simply be ignored, and if necessary resisted.

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear | HuffPost
The 2nd Amendment has already been infringed upon with an age law for buying guns, as well as the fact that the government doesn't let you own all kinds of serious bombs and weapons, armed tanks, armed planes. AA missiles...

Crazy don't sell here. Try next door.
Ok, so you knew that already, but choose to cherry pick you’re outrage. Carry on.

Please make sense so that I can respond.
You get all outraged at what you perceive as an attack on the 2nd. But you don’t get outraged at the infringements already in place. Making you an outrage cherry picker.
Count me among the idiots, then. I have a feeling there are a lot of us. If there is a problem with 200 other types of guns that you are saying SHOULD be banned along with the AR, you can help make sure they also get on the list so it's fair.
That would be very helpful of you, Mike.

please tell us how banning AR's would stop the daily blood baths in Chicago, Philly, Detroit, New Orleans, LA, and most of the rest of our large cities. almost all of those deaths are caused by illegally obtained hand guns. BTW, when a gang member trades a gun to another gang member for a bag of crack, neither of them is going to submit a background check.
That must be why you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. It obviously doesn't work. I live in a state where 18 year olds are working, starting families (unfortunately) and for all intents and purposes being adults. I think it sucks that people want them to wait another three years for a hunting rifle.

sounds like you are finally agreeing that rifles are not the problem, but rather a culture that promotes hating anyone who disagrees with you, dependence on the government, lack of personal responsibility, etc.

what most of the left is promoting is exactly what the third Reich promoted in the 1930s. That's why we should be teaching our kids history, not "social justice".
Military style assault weapons are a problem. A 5+1 magazine in a hunting rifle is different from an AR-type rifle with a 30 bullet magazine. That's not necessary for any intents and purposes in our civilian life.
Our boys can start hunting at 12 (with an adult) and on kids' day, you can take a three year old with you if you want. Lots of kids get their first deer in junior high. Making them wait 'til 21 is stupid.

Drop the hunting reference. It has nothing to do with the issue.
Hunting has nothing to do with gun ownership? I'm confused.
How silly. One, they are not fighting gun violence, but gun rights. One hears little screaming over the slow-moving massacres of Chicago, Baltimore and other Democrat hovels.

Two, even if every one of these programmed children grow up to vote for total gun control, or even by increment, nothing will change. Repeal of the 2A is an impossibility, and legislation infringing upon it would simply be ignored, and if necessary resisted.

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear

Samantha Bee: Students Fighting Gun Violence Are Filling GOP With Fear | HuffPost
The 2nd Amendment has already been infringed upon with an age law for buying guns, as well as the fact that the government doesn't let you own all kinds of serious bombs and weapons, armed tanks, armed planes. AA missiles...

Crazy don't sell here. Try next door.
Ok, so you knew that already, but choose to cherry pick you’re outrage. Carry on.

Please make sense so that I can respond.
You get all outraged at what you perceive as an attack on the 2nd. But you don’t get outraged at the infringements already in place. Making you an outrage cherry picker.

Too funny.

The only thing that causes outrage is the willful stupidity expressed by people such as yourself.

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