Future Technology: Will Robots takeover jobs?

I'm sure you heard or talked about how technology is advancing at an alarming pace? A lot of corporations and factories replaced human workers with robots. Why would companies want to replace human workers with robots? Simply to save money and have a higher production rate. Wouldn't have to pay each worker a hourly rate or salary, and robots don't need breaks or need to have a lunch. Wouldn't worry about employees being late or having to pay employees overtime. I understand that, since we live in a world driven by money. Still not right though.
What if you had an opportunity to purchase a robot to take your place at your job? Obviously not all jobs can be done by a robot, but what if your job could? Everything stays the same, keep your pay keep your benefits, only difference is now you can spend more time with your family and do things you always wanted to do.
Would you purchase one?
What do you guys think about the idea?
What do you mean, will they?

They already have!

All this whining about lost manufacturing jobs going overseas is bullshit theater for the rubes. 80 percent of the lost jobs have been lost to technological advances and are NEVER coming back.
This is why I believe our children will one day work a 30 hour work week.
This is why I believe our children will one day work a 30 hour work week.
Like they do now during a 40 hour work week? 30 hours labor 10 hours hiding and bathroom breaks alas George Costanza?

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