G20 Ends Abruptly as Obama Calls Putin a Jackass

The funny thing is that Obama told Putin to fuck off months ago, but most of the posters here have fallen for Putin's PR campaign which is designed for his domestic agenda. He is greatly loved by many in Russia, but he is a politician. The hate for Obama is so intense that many here seem to be stuck in a twisted bubble of ignorance. Putin began pulling out the Russian flottilla of apprx. 16 warships and canceled the delivery of Russia's best air defense system, the 300s after the first gas attack, specificly the 26th of June. He emptied the port at Tartus of all military and left only civilians in place to run it. It didn't and doesn't matter who was responsible for gas the attack. The illegal chemical warfare agents came from Syria or Iraq, even if they were stolen of supplied by rogue elements. They are illegal to have and to warehouse. The Russian government is quilty of assisting a government(s) that have been caught committing a serious violation of international law just of having those chem war agents (ya, just like us). They knew as soon as those chem's were released they had to get out. Just a matter of time before they would be used again. And they were. Only this time there is no expectation that Russia will in any way protect Syria. You can read all the silly Russian monster threads and Putin cheer leader threads you want, they are hollow. Actions talk louder than words. You don't replace a 16 ship flottilla with a 4 or 5 ship rescue squad unless you are sending a powerful signal that you are stepping away from a fight.
We're already at defense condition 3. Do any of you really want this moron with his hand on the football at condition 1?
The funny thing is that Obama told Putin to fuck off months ago, but most of the posters here have fallen for Putin's PR campaign which is designed for his domestic agenda. He is greatly loved by many in Russia, but he is a politician. The hate for Obama is so intense that many here seem to be stuck in a twisted bubble of ignorance. Putin began pulling out the Russian flottilla of apprx. 16 warships and canceled the delivery of Russia's best air defense system, the 300s after the first gas attack, specificly the 26th of June. He emptied the port at Tartus of all military and left only civilians in place to run it. It didn't and doesn't matter who was responsible for gas the attack. The illegal chemical warfare agents came from Syria or Iraq, even if they were stolen of supplied by rogue elements. They are illegal to have and to warehouse. The Russian government is quilty of assisting a government(s) that have been caught committing a serious violation of international law just of having those chem war agents (ya, just like us). They knew as soon as those chem's were released they had to get out. Just a matter of time before they would be used again. And they were. Only this time there is no expectation that Russia will in any way protect Syria. You can read all the silly Russian monster threads and Putin cheer leader threads you want, they are hollow. Actions talk louder than words. You don't replace a 16 ship flottilla with a 4 or 5 ship rescue squad unless you are sending a powerful signal that you are stepping away from a fight.

I hope you're right.
Good for taking Putin to task. Obama was also verbally slapping the reactionaries to the Amrerican far right for not putting what is right before their silly temper tantrums and hissies.

Good for the president and to you sissies and prissies, step off. :lol:

And Putin on Syria: he is a pussy. There will be no retaliation of any significance.
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Good for taking Putin to task. Obama was also verbally slapping the reactionaries to the Amrerican far right for not putting what is right before their silly temper tantrums and hissies.

Good for the president and to you sissies and prissies, step off. :lol:

And Putin on Syria: he is a pussy. There will be no retaliation of any significance.

Hey Jake, here's a clue:

Obama didn't really say those things. It's satire, which means a humorous twisting of the truth.
it might be satire, but Obama being the jackass petulant child he is, I wouldn't put it past him to do something like that...He can join that other classless member of his party (dirty Harry Reid) and just tell them all to go, FUCK THEMSELVES

Wasn't it Dick Cheney who said that?
Its satire but its true that Putin is a jackass. All that huffing and puffing, all show and no go while our president very quietly kills the terrorists.

No wonder rw's love Putin.


You dozy ****.
Obama is supporting the terrorists.
THE AQ rebels in Syria are AQ.
Or are AQ no longer terrorists?

Only a portion of the rebels in Syria are affiliated with al Qaeda. Other portions hate al Qaeda. At some point the Assad government will either fall or be brought to the neqociating table. The al Qaeda affiliates will be forced to leave or be annialated. They are completely dependent for survivial on sponsors that can easily be shut down. They will be reduced to a suicide bombing attack targeting civilians strategy the same way they are in all the other places they attempt to control. Little piss ant nuicances until the host country decides they want back into the world community and economic prosperity and cleans up the mess.
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A Right-Wing Media Star Is Born: Vladimir Putin | Blog | Media Matters for America

A Right-Wing Media Star Is Born: Vladimir Putin

Casting a wide net and always willing to promote whoever will mount attacks against President Obama, conservative commentators have recently reached out all the way to Moscow to embrace their latest champion, Russian president Vladimir Putin. The more he criticizes Obama for wanting to mount military strikes against the Syrian government for gassing its own citizens, the more Putin's comments are cheered by conservatives here.
Note that late last moth, just hours before Obama addressed the nation regarding Syria, Matt Drudge bizarrely tweeted that "Putin is the leader of the free world."
A Right-Wing Media Star Is Born: Vladimir Putin | Blog | Media Matters for America

A Right-Wing Media Star Is Born: Vladimir Putin

Casting a wide net and always willing to promote whoever will mount attacks against President Obama, conservative commentators have recently reached out all the way to Moscow to embrace their latest champion, Russian president Vladimir Putin. The more he criticizes Obama for wanting to mount military strikes against the Syrian government for gassing its own citizens, the more Putin's comments are cheered by conservatives here.
Note that late last moth, just hours before Obama addressed the nation regarding Syria, Matt Drudge bizarrely tweeted that "Putin is the leader of the free world."

Yet, not a one of these stupid idiots will be moving to Russia.
Its satire but its true that Putin is a jackass. All that huffing and puffing, all show and no go while our president very quietly kills the terrorists.

No wonder rw's love Putin.


You dozy ****.
Obama is supporting the terrorists.
THE AQ rebels in Syria are AQ.
Or are AQ no longer terrorists?

Only a portion of the rebels in Syria are affiliated with al Qaeda. Other portions hate al Qaeda. At some point the Assad government will either fall or be brought to the neqociating table. The al Qaeda affiliates will be forced to leave or be annialated. They are completely dependent for survivial on sponsors that can easily be shut down. They will be reduced to a suicide bombing attack targeting civilians strategy the same way they are in all the other places they attempt to control. Little piss ant nuicances until the host country decides they want back into the world community and economic prosperity and cleans up the mess.

Thank you for showing intelligence in a sea of blissful ignorance.

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