Gaffing The Electoral Vote In Dec: Dems Beware Of Unintended Consequences


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
We hear about death threats being made on electoral college members (and their families) as they prepare to cast their official vote this December. And I see Maddow on the dem-mouthpiece network gearing up to perform for Soros on their coup they've planned to steal the election back from THE VOTERS.

The problem with even attempting to do so is that next election and for 20 years hence, voters will remember this coup, this attempt at a coup (because the GOP will die fighting it off...will sue in Court and win). It will be "the year the cult of mean "the democrats" (same thing in the voters' minds) attempted to steal a lawful election from the people. If you need any more assurance that you're dealing with a cult on the far left, look no further than an attempted coup on a democratic vote.

Be careful who you're allying yourselves with dear democrats. Be very careful. Such acts have long-reaching and unintended consequences.

Plus, with Hillary attacking Mook (her openly gay election manager) on election night, another thought occurs to me. If Hillary really wants to get even with Mook and his pervert parade for dicking her chances at the Whitehouse, and make a decision for the good of the new image the democratic party is trying to fashion for itself (long story short: distancing themselves from the perverted sex behaviors cult), she should look to the future. By coming out now and giving a full and potent concession speech (aimed at December's electoral vote); she might actually save the moderate dems chances at longevity. Because the world sees her too as the paragon of moderate dems. If she joins arms with the Soros/Maddow/MSNBC perversion parade, it will cement any new party image's doom.

Yes, for the good of the democratic party; to save it from extinction, Hillary must come out solidly now and vocally too. This wasn't just a mandate on the Oval Office. The People said "fuck you!" to democrats in Congress too. To steal that statement from them means that no person right of Liberace will want to belong to "the party of fruitcake-fascists who attempted to usurp the Constitutional provisions for the foundation of our entire country".

For the record, I voted for Hillary Clinton and did my level best to keep Donald Trump from 100 miles of the Whitehouse.

Don't slit your own throats attacking a false concept, dear moderate dems.... It's time to look at who really stole the election from you...

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Maddow Show transcript, where she (the democrats, same thing) makes fun of Trump for being sensitive about Saturday Night Live's lampooning of him. Meanwhile her ilk freaks out about what Colin Jost (OP) said about the democrats losing. The Rachel Maddow Show, Transcript 11/21/2016

She literally says it's OK to completely rip a political figure apart and that figure should buck up and take it, no matter how much it harms him or her psychologically. That's fine. As long as that rifle barrel is aimed at people: just not political movements...unless it's the conservative movement, ostensibly. But the cult of LGBT/democrats? Out come both barrels and suddenly it isn't funny anymore and must stop: OR ELSE. Is Maddow suggesting that Saturday Night Live comedy giant tout the democrat party line, or face her wrath? I mean she's got like what, 5 or 6 dethroned GOP governor's careers hanging on her gun belt?

And the timing of Maddow's comments...the first day of airing after the SNL Jost joke about the dems. Odd, that. Was it a "warning shot across SNL's bow" from the Maddow Show? She celebrated them gaffing the Bloated Orange Baboon...

Rachael Maddow is the biggest hypocrite I've seen in modern times as a shill for a network/political movement.

Colin Jost receives 37 kinds of criticism for transphobic Weekend Update joke
Colin Jost receives 37 kinds of criticism for transphobic Weekend Update joke

Throughout the election, Jost and his co-host Michael Che had a reputation for attempting to maintain a politically neutral standpoint, to the extent of potentially being seen as Trump apologists. “They’re both super smart people and super hardworking people,” Jost said of the candidates in an interview with a Politico podcast. SNL has also been accused of homophobia in the recent past

How can one be both neutral and a Trump Apologist?

Egads! A comedian having a neutral standpoint on politics...affording them to do their job which is poke fun at everyone and everything screaming, begging & pleading to be poked fun at?? :scared1:

I guess what the LGBT cult is saying is that comedians can make fun of bloated orange baboons...but cannot make fun of the giant elephant wearing a tutu in the living room, foaming at the mouth and farting purple unicorns. It's "off limits" comedy! :lmao:
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the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
No, because that turns urban areas into dictators while the rural folk utterly lose their voice. This is an important voice since rural values are slow, thoughtful, solid... the core of decency while urban rat-race values just fly at the whim of the winds directing that panicky & susceptible herd.
And beware, rearranging the electoral system is a double-edged sword.
The OP SNL clip has become a meme. Wapo, Breitbart...

Colin Jost Under Fire for ‘Transphobic’ Joke on ‘Saturday Night Live’

Now is just saying the truth that people flipped off the democratic party as a whole (not just Hillary) for their LGBT cult platform, being afraid or "phobic" of trannies? Or is it calling them on their evident bullshit?

Democrats who want to survive as a viable power should be praising the ground Jost walks on for cluing them in on their weak scale, a malignancy that will mean certain death if they keep it up..
Hillary Clinton’s lead in the popular vote is growing. She is roughly 30,000 votes behind Donald J. Trump in the key swing states of Michigan and Wisconsin — a combined gap that is narrowing. Her impassioned supporters are now urging her to challenge the results in those two states and Pennsylvania, grasping at the last straws to reverse Mr. Trump’s decisive majority in the Electoral College.

Let's be clear here. The most "impassioned" supporters of Clinton to try to recount her loss are those most with an interest in which Justices are appointed to the USSC. What the cult of LGBT is actually urging Clinton to do is further erode the credibility of the democratic label by exposing their bent towards fascist Obergefell...this is an another attempt by a minority to steal the power from the People to govern themselves. And that perception of working class values voters of the dems, didn't pan out well a couple of weeks ago. Don't know how the freak parade thinks it's going to help the dems in the future.

Here's a secret: they don't care. They just wanted those Justices hand-picked and after that, they could care less which party is in power. So they're not really shedding tears over Hillary's defeat. They're shedding tears over losing the appointments to the USSC. They don't care if Hillary is ground into pig food. A cardboard cutout would've sufficed if it appointed uber-left Justices....then just throw it on the fire afterwards...or not...whatever..."mission accomplished", no matter what is lost along the way.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.

Nope, the States should determine the distribution.

Either do a pure democracy, which then kills off the greatest anti democratic branch of the government, the Supreme Court, or leave it as is.

A hybrid form of a democracy is as evil or even more evil then a pure democracy.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.

Or make sure that only citizens vote.

Now there is true logic.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.

Or make sure that only citizens vote.

Now there is true logic.
Or stop governments from trying to prevent people from voting. And stop foreign governments from interfering in and sabotaging our elections.
:eusa_shhh: just allow the left to out themselves for who they really are. The more they come out of the closet the more they lose.

Well the smooth transition of power is the only thing that sets us apart civilly from other more volatile and susceptible nations.

This simply is the left refusing to accept that this country runs on majority rule. After Obergefell, I guess they felt that whatever they want they get and the majority no longer can say anything about it. I mean, that was the essence of Obergefell: five people telling the majority "fuck what you think about kids having both a mom and dad in marriage" (marriage was created to remedy kids not having both a mom and dad). Or, more succinctly: "we are completely upending the meaning and purpose of marriage without the states' consent: even when we know kids who don't have both a mom and dad become burdens to their respective states".

When that level of hubris has been rubber-stamped for the tantrum-throwers, why would we see them trying to upend a legitimate election as anything but par for the course?
Or stop governments from trying to prevent people from voting. And stop foreign governments from interfering in and sabotaging our elections.

Agreed, the backdoor circumventing foreigners' legitimate naturalization & taking the Oath (Citizens' United), needs to be scrubbed or the Union is at risk.
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.
Another logical measure to ensure the validity of our Presidential elections would be to shorten the time between censuses to make sure each state is allocated the correct number of electoral votes. 10 years is too long.

Or make sure that only citizens vote.

Now there is true logic.
Or stop governments from trying to prevent people from voting. And stop foreign governments from interfering in and sabotaging our elections.

Or make sure by ID that only citizens vote. If you can't do that, then your complaint is simple deflection.
For the record, I voted for Hillary Clinton and did my level best to keep Donald Trump from 100 miles of the Whitehouse.

Don't slit your own throats attacking a false concept, dear moderate dems.... It's time to look at who really stole the election from you...


Yep, same here, and that meme is right on the money.

They won't admit to it, though: Will ANY PC Police admit ANY responsibility for Trump?
:eusa_shhh: just allow the left to out themselves for who they really are. The more they come out of the closet the more they lose.
But the problem is that not all dems are looney left. This is what fractured the party, drove many of them to vote for Trump; and what will endanger the party's future of ever holding power again as long as they wear the Rainbow Reicht's armband
the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.

the electoral college votes should be divided proportionately by congressional district voters, with the exception of the two electoral votes representing their two senators, they should go towards the state winner of the majority vote....

they should change this before the next presidential election.

That would require a change to our Constitution.
Good luck with that idea.

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