Gallup Poll Indicates Dem's in Trouble Going Into 2018

And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.

Its not falling apart
Obamacare is quite strong in states that built solid healthcare exchanges and participated in Medicaid expansion
Those that didn't (lets call them "red states") are suffering

How will Trumpcare make it better?
America wants to kinow

True it will be a success when no one can get options in healthcare.
Republicans are making it better and cheaper
If they fail, let them pay the political price

They are the same as the Democrats, we just have to read it to find out what is in it because apparently lawmakers don't know what the hell they put into a healthcare bill.

Obamacare is terrible and I'm not seeing it getting any better under the GOP. It needs to be repealed and let us go back where we paid for our own and what we wanted.
We are talking 2018

Trumpcare will be on the agenda. If people love it, Republicans will be rewarded
If the public hates it......Republicans will pay a price

I realize that, doesn't change the fact that both parties need to pass it before they will tell us what is in it, terrible way to sell a service.
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.
OK Odium Obama care wasn't perfect but it was good for millions Is that what you want to take obamas presidency down with ?? All the good that happened in his 8 years you forget?? Guess you thought bush did well too even given his BS war?

Are you talking about the faithful servant of Satan who was the most divisive president US history that Obama? Are you drunk or simply crazy?
Democrats cannot count on their mainstream media propaganda machine to get them traction going into 2018. American voters see through the bullshit lies.
Six in 10 in US See Partisan Bias in News Media

Dumbass in 2006 Democrats gained seats and took control of the congress while that number was about 55%.

According to your theory crafting that was right near impossible.

So, I got ANOTHER theory for you - MIDTERMS ARE SHAPED BY POPULARITY OF THE PRESIDENT, with a side of the usual backlash against full majority.

And the thing about MY theory is that it is historically consistent:


Doesn't look good for Republicans, even while most of the seats up for re-election are Democrat held:

Donald Trump is not a mainstream Republican...more of an independent. So your theory will be off.
Democrats cannot count on their mainstream media propaganda machine to get them traction going into 2018. American voters see through the bullshit lies.
Six in 10 in US See Partisan Bias in News Media

So you believe the Gallup polls now?

Of course he does. The right doesn't hate the mainstream media. They just hate it when the mainstream media doesn't tell them what they want to hear.
Mainstream media never tells the truth. It's not about what I want to's the manner in which the bias reporting is gathered and delivered.
"Perhaps not surprisingly, Republicans are fueling the belief that the news media favors Democrats: 88% of Republicans who believe the media is biased say this. Democrats are split in their views, with 43% naming Democrats as the recipients of that bias and 40% saying the bias is toward Republicans."
Read your post again. What the numbers are really saying is half the DEMs believe the media is biased against the REPs. At least this half has some intelligence.

That was from the Gallup article.

Don't you think each network or news outlets should be viewed on it's own content? How many would say that Fox News was bias against Republicans? Or that MSNBC doesn't lean left?

It does show that Republican are much more partisan that the Democrats.
That's true. Had the DEMs been more 'partisan' Hillary would now be President.
The fag Robby Mook REFUSED to campaign in states that smelt of "barnyard". Like he said: "I mean have you SEEN! the way THOSE PEOPLE dress!!!!!?
The REP 'partisans' who elected President Trump are going to have a Super majority in the Senate after the midterms.
After the first four years of the Trump eventual 'dynasty' President Trump will have put up to three more strict constitutionalists on the SC.
Thanks. I'll take 'partisans' over fucking LIB 'man-bun' pussies anyday.

The election was the Dems to lose. They did so by ignoring the majority of Democrat voters.
Which they have for a generation now.
Democrats cannot count on their mainstream media propaganda machine to get them traction going into 2018. American voters see through the bullshit lies.
Six in 10 in US See Partisan Bias in News Media

So you believe the Gallup polls now?

Of course he does. The right doesn't hate the mainstream media. They just hate it when the mainstream media doesn't tell them what they want to hear.
The mainstream media is 90% radical LIB biased.
Read the latest Harvard study.
The LIB MSM ARE the enemy of the United States and soon open war will be declared on the fuckers!
My advice to the traitors: Pack light!

Even the Harvard study states that it wasn't bias that caused the negative stories.
No it doesn't.
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up

somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...

No, it is becoming pretty obvious that the media is making a whole bunch of crap up. I actually did a check and could find no real support for ANY of the claims the media made last week. Not one.
Thank you WW.
OK Odium Obama care wasn't perfect but it was good for millions Is that what you want to take obamas presidency down with ?? All the good that happened in his 8 years you forget?? Guess you thought bush did well too even given his BS war?
He didn't do jack shit in 8 years that helped me. No Bush was a major league fuck up as well and is a war criminal along with Bush 1,Clinton and Obama.
Odium you seem like a nice guy a smart guy I wish you'd look at our political system now as as glass half filled rather than half empty Obama was a good president Did he make mistakes? Sure but he didn't talk out of his ass like this trump mistake
I don't see how Obama was a good president. His ONLY huge accomplishment is crashing and burning OR the rates are going so high people can't afford it OR the ONLY health care provider in the state is leaving the system. I like Trump because he sounds like normal every day Americans,yep he is learning his way through this which is why I hope to chalk up several of his decisions so far to learning his way through things and NOT because he has changed his position but reading The Art of The Deal right now proves to me I might be fooling myself. He even states it himself NEVER get tied down to one position.
Trump did not write a word of Art of the Deal
But they are HIS words. You can tell that much by the tone of the book and the wording used.
ODIUM sad to say
It is now being said that Trump separately asked the directors of 3 Intel agencies to not only drop the investigation, but to also clear him. It is also being said that they promptly sat down and wrote memos documenting their recall of the conversations.

At this rate, by the time his trip is over, he may be a criminal and barred from entering the country!
Democrats cannot count on their mainstream media propaganda machine to get them traction going into 2018. American voters see through the bullshit lies.
Six in 10 in US See Partisan Bias in News Media

So you believe the Gallup polls now?

Of course he does. The right doesn't hate the mainstream media. They just hate it when the mainstream media doesn't tell them what they want to hear.
The mainstream media is 90% radical LIB biased.
Read the latest Harvard study.
The LIB MSM ARE the enemy of the United States and soon open war will be declared on the fuckers!
My advice to the traitors: Pack light!

Even the Harvard study states that it wasn't bias that caused the negative stories.
No it doesn't.

You never read the study.

"Have the mainstream media covered Trump in a fair and balanced way? That question cannot be answered definitively in the absence of an agreed-upon version of “reality” against which to compare Trump’s coverage.

Any such assessment would also have to weigh the news media’s preference for the negative, a tendency in place long before Trump became president.

Given that tendency, the fact that Trump has received more negative coverage than his predecessor is hardly surprising. The early days of his presidency have been marked by far more missteps and miss-hits, often self-inflicted, than any presidency in memory, perhaps ever."

See? The study says what I said before I even read it. Trump gets negative press because he's having a presidency filled with an unprecedented amount of negatives.

News Coverage of Donald Trump’s First 100 Days - Shorenstein Center
So you believe the Gallup polls now?

Of course he does. The right doesn't hate the mainstream media. They just hate it when the mainstream media doesn't tell them what they want to hear.
The mainstream media is 90% radical LIB biased.
Read the latest Harvard study.
The LIB MSM ARE the enemy of the United States and soon open war will be declared on the fuckers!
My advice to the traitors: Pack light!

Even the Harvard study states that it wasn't bias that caused the negative stories.
No it doesn't.

You never read the study.

"Have the mainstream media covered Trump in a fair and balanced way? That question cannot be answered definitively in the absence of an agreed-upon version of “reality” against which to compare Trump’s coverage.

Any such assessment would also have to weigh the news media’s preference for the negative, a tendency in place long before Trump became president.

Given that tendency, the fact that Trump has received more negative coverage than his predecessor is hardly surprising. The early days of his presidency have been marked by far more missteps and miss-hits, often self-inflicted, than any presidency in memory, perhaps ever."

See? The study says what I said before I even read it. Trump gets negative press because he's having a presidency filled with an unprecedented amount of negatives.

News Coverage of Donald Trump’s First 100 Days - Shorenstein Center
You never read it.
"At the same time, the news media need to give Trump credit when his actions warrant it. The public’s low level of confidence in the press is the result of several factors, one of which is a belief that journalists are biased. That perception weakens the press’s watchdog role. One of the more remarkable features of news coverage of Trump’s first 100 days is that it has changed few minds about the president, for better or worse. The nation’s watchdog has lost much of its bite and won’t regain it until the public perceives it as an impartial broker, applying the same reporting standards to both parties. The news media’s exemplary coverage of Trump’s cruise missile strike on Syria illustrates the type of even-handedness that needs to be consistently and rigorously applied."
The Moon Bats don't understand what is happening to them.

In 2007 the filthy Democrats controlled the Congress. In 2009 they controlled all the government with significant majorities in the House and Senate.

Then the American people found out what Democrat leadership is all about. Many of the Democrat bozos in the House that helped to pass that stupid Obamacare were sent packing. They lost several seats in the Senate.

In the next few years the filthy Democrats lost over a 1000 seats across the nation. Now they don't control anything in the Federal government and the governorships and several of the State legislatures that use to have filthy Democrats have changed hands.

Crooked Hillary won the popular vote but only because the massive illegal voting. The filthy Democrats lost Heartland America and the working class NE and mid west. Areas that voted for the filthy Democrats in the past.

The Libtard media is putting out their fake new hate stories about Trump and the Moon Bats are going bat shit crazy with hate but real America knows he is doing a great job. Much better than that Kenyan Catastrophe. There will be 24 Democrat Senate seats up for grabs in 2018.

Things are not looking good for the filthy ass Democrats and that is a good thing.

If it wasn't for the Illegals and the great number of stupid ghetto voters in the big city slums that vote their welfare check the filthy ass Democrat Party would be hard put to get 25% of the voters.
The way the loser dems keep shooting their own feet, i don't think they have much of a chance, but all polls are biased.

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