Gallup Poll Indicates Dem's in Trouble Going Into 2018

Blues It's an ingrained habit

Unfortunately, it’s no contest. Here’s what psychology tells us about life under a leader totally indifferent to the truth.


January/February 2017

Those who have followed Trump’s career say his lying isn’t just a tactic, but an ingrained habit. New York tabloid writers who covered Trump as a mogul on the rise in the 1980s and ’90s found him categorically different from the other self-promoting celebrities in just how often, and pointlessly, he would lie to them. In his own autobiography, Trump used the phrase “truthful hyperbole,” a term coined by his ghostwriter referring to the flagrant truth-stretching that Trump employed, over and over, to help close sales. Trump apparently loved the wording, and went on to adopt it as his own.

On January 20, Trump’s truthful hyperboles will no longer be relegated to the world of dealmaking or campaigning. Donald Trump will become the chief executive of the most powerful nation in the world, the man charged with representing that nation globally—and, most importantly, telling the story of America back to Americans. He has the megaphone of the White House press office, his popular Twitter account and a loyal new right-wing media army that will not just parrot his version of the truth but actively argue against attempts to knock it down with verifiable facts. Unless Trump dramatically transforms himself, Americans are going to start living in a new reality, one in which their leader is a manifestly unreliable source.

What does this mean for the country—and for the Americans on the receiving end of Trump’s constantly twisting version of reality? It’s both a cultural question and a psychological one. For decades, researchers have been wrestling with the nature of falsehood: How does it arise? How does it affect our brains? Can we choose to combat it? The answers aren’t encouraging for those who worry about the national impact of a reign of untruth over the next four, or eight, years. Lies are exhausting to fight, pernicious in their effects and, perhaps worst of all, almost impossible to correct if their content resonates strongly enough with people’s sense of themselves, which Trump’s clearly do.
You do realize that its NOT just republican voters right? The swing voters would have to not vote for the democrats and start voting for republicans soooo that means they weren't really caring for what Obama and his idiots were doing.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.
Think they can come up with your "sane" bill and pass it before the elections in 2018 with the failure to pass anything will hurt Republicans in congress?
Nope. Don't think "freedom" caucus will go with it and unless can get some sane democrats on board it wont happen.
You do realize that its NOT just republican voters right? The swing voters would have to not vote for the democrats and start voting for republicans soooo that means they weren't really caring for what Obama and his idiots were doing.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.
Think they can come up with your "sane" bill and pass it before the elections in 2018 with the failure to pass anything will hurt Republicans in congress?
Nope. Don't think "freedom" caucus will go with it and unless can get some sane democrats on board it wont happen.
The division is too great imho
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
Republicans are great at running away form the sheet they create
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
Republicans are great at running away form the sheet they create

Their first impulse is to blame others for the problems they create....

The Democrats, media, the poor, Muslims, Mexicans, gays, minorities
obama did a pretty damn good job considering the bs the last republican president left him with and he did it without any help from the scumbag party first country last republicans DOW almost tripled 75 straight months of job gains Think the moron trump will beat them?

Eddie your butt hurt is showing!
obama did a pretty damn good job considering the bs the last republican president left him with and he did it without any help from the scumbag party first country last republicans DOW almost tripled 75 straight months of job gains Think the moron trump will beat them?

Eddie your butt hurt is showing!
Theres no butt hurt pappy Just want to give Obama his due after making me really wealthy during his presidency Sorry you didn't join in, benefit from it lots of folks with IRA's did
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.

Its not falling apart
Obamacare is quite strong in states that built solid healthcare exchanges and participated in Medicaid expansion
Those that didn't (lets call them "red states") are suffering

How will Trumpcare make it better?
America wants to kinow
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.

Its not falling apart
Obamacare is quite strong in states that built solid healthcare exchanges and participated in Medicaid expansion
Those that didn't (lets call them "red states") are suffering

How will Trumpcare make it better?
America wants to kinow
As I said I don't think there will be a replacement in time. The "freedom" caucus won't like what the senate will come up with and will throw a fit and not back it. Therefore NOTHING will pass until Obamacare collapses and both democrats and republicans are forced to work together.
Just as 2010 was a referendum on Obamacare, 2018 will be a referendum on Trumpcare as voters pound the GOP candidates over the cuts to their healthcare

Isn't going to be pretty
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.

Its not falling apart
Obamacare is quite strong in states that built solid healthcare exchanges and participated in Medicaid expansion
Those that didn't (lets call them "red states") are suffering

How will Trumpcare make it better?
America wants to kinow

True it will be a success when no one can get options in healthcare.
Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.

Its not falling apart
Obamacare is quite strong in states that built solid healthcare exchanges and participated in Medicaid expansion
Those that didn't (lets call them "red states") are suffering

How will Trumpcare make it better?
America wants to kinow

True it will be a success when no one can get options in healthcare.
Republicans are making it better and cheaper
If they fail, let them pay the political price
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.
OK Odium Obama care wasn't perfect but it was good for millions Is that what you want to take obamas presidency down with ?? All the good that happened in his 8 years you forget?? Guess you thought bush did well too even given his BS war?
The Ds will lose more than expected.
is there a BS emoji?
Ten of the twenty-three Senate seats they have to defend are on shaky ground to say the least.

Good luck, dims. Along with your cohorts in the lamestream media just keep doing what you've been doing since June '15 and you'll never know what hit you. Duh!
And good luck to you blastoff if trump can't get a wall , tax reform ,immigration infrastructure put into affect
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
They MIGHT have gotten pounded IF democrats would get their head of their ass and give people a decent alternative...they haven't and time is ticking.

People are using Obamacare, they are getting subsidies, people with pre-existing conditions are covered, Healthcare exchanges are in place

Republicans are taking it all away

There will be some unhappy campers in 2018. Republicans are already running away from town halls because they do not want to face the voters on healthcare
And you don't care that the entire thing is falling apart? Health insurance companies are pulling out? People in some places have ONE choice and if its too expensive well tough shit! Pay for the high insurance or pay the penalty which is actually cheaper.
OK Odium Obama care wasn't perfect but it was good for millions Is that what you want to take obamas presidency down with ?? All the good that happened in his 8 years you forget?? Guess you thought bush did well too even given his BS war?
He didn't do jack shit in 8 years that helped me. No Bush was a major league fuck up as well and is a war criminal along with Bush 1,Clinton and Obama.

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