Gallup Poll Indicates Dem's in Trouble Going Into 2018

Democrats cannot count on their mainstream media propaganda machine to get them traction going into 2018. American voters see through the bullshit lies.
Six in 10 in US See Partisan Bias in News Media

So you believe the Gallup polls now?

Of course he does. The right doesn't hate the mainstream media. They just hate it when the mainstream media doesn't tell them what they want to hear.
The mainstream media is 90% radical LIB biased.
Read the latest Harvard study.
The LIB MSM ARE the enemy of the United States and soon open war will be declared on the fuckers!
My advice to the traitors: Pack light!

Even the Harvard study states that it wasn't bias that caused the negative stories.
The right is eager to cite poll sources if it backs up their agenda. If it doesn't, just call it biased fake news.
"Perhaps not surprisingly, Republicans are fueling the belief that the news media favors Democrats: 88% of Republicans who believe the media is biased say this. Democrats are split in their views, with 43% naming Democrats as the recipients of that bias and 40% saying the bias is toward Republicans."
Read your post again. What the numbers are really saying is half the DEMs believe the media is biased against the REPs. At least this half has some intelligence.

That was from the Gallup article.

Don't you think each network or news outlets should be viewed on it's own content? How many would say that Fox News was bias against Republicans? Or that MSNBC doesn't lean left?

It does show that Republican are much more partisan that the Democrats.
That's true. Had the DEMs been more 'partisan' Hillary would now be President.
The fag Robby Mook REFUSED to campaign in states that smelt of "barnyard". Like he said: "I mean have you SEEN! the way THOSE PEOPLE dress!!!!!?
The REP 'partisans' who elected President Trump are going to have a Super majority in the Senate after the midterms.
After the first four years of the Trump eventual 'dynasty' President Trump will have put up to three more strict constitutionalists on the SC.
Thanks. I'll take 'partisans' over fucking LIB 'man-bun' pussies anyday.

The election was the Dems to lose. They did so by ignoring the majority of Democrat voters.
According to the LIBs the DEMs should have been able to run Charlie Manson and beat "The Orange Clown".
What does THAT say about them?
Obama did such a great job the Dems have lost over 1,000 seats since he took office.......let that sink in dipshit.
he lost seats because republican voters are ah's Sorry you couldn't participate in the DOW triple or 75 months of TRIPLE digit job gains,,,,,,,,,,,,not really
You do realize that its NOT just republican voters right? The swing voters would have to not vote for the democrats and start voting for republicans soooo that means they weren't really caring for what Obama and his idiots were doing.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.
he lost seats because republican voters are ah's Sorry you couldn't participate in the DOW triple or 75 months of TRIPLE digit job gains,,,,,,,,,,,,not really
You do realize that its NOT just republican voters right? The swing voters would have to not vote for the democrats and start voting for republicans soooo that means they weren't really caring for what Obama and his idiots were doing.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.
Think they can come up with your "sane" bill and pass it before the elections in 2018 with the failure to pass anything will hurt Republicans in congress?
he lost seats because republican voters are ah's Sorry you couldn't participate in the DOW triple or 75 months of TRIPLE digit job gains,,,,,,,,,,,,not really
You do realize that its NOT just republican voters right? The swing voters would have to not vote for the democrats and start voting for republicans soooo that means they weren't really caring for what Obama and his idiots were doing.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up
You do realize that its NOT just republican voters right? The swing voters would have to not vote for the democrats and start voting for republicans soooo that means they weren't really caring for what Obama and his idiots were doing.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up

somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...
Democrats cannot count on their mainstream media propaganda machine to get them traction going into 2018. American voters see through the bullshit lies.
Six in 10 in US See Partisan Bias in News Media

I think polls are pretty useless these days other than the votes for reality TV events, which are no doubt controlled by the producers. In other words don't believe 'em.
you really believe those swing voters and those unhappy dems who didn't vote, voted for trump will still vote for the guy who is 0-4 in what he promised ??NO infrastructure NO hc reform NO wall NO tax reform ?? The ah is a BLABBERMOUTH reading what others wrote for him An idiot in our WH is what we have
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up

somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...

No, it is becoming pretty obvious that the media is making a whole bunch of crap up. I actually did a check and could find no real support for ANY of the claims the media made last week. Not one.
somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...
I am talking since 2008 what the dems have lost NOT just since the election last year. Oh and HC reform has already passed house ( even though its what neither of us likes it IS health care reform) Tax Reform has been laid out just not introduced yet have to finish health care first....He can't make congress move any faster. Wall,the anti american leftist threw a fit over it but it will be in budget in September or he just won't sign it LOL.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up

somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...

No, it is becoming pretty obvious that the media is making a whole bunch of crap up. I actually did a check and could find no real support for ANY of the claims the media made last week. Not one.
Really? I saw it out of the mouth of trump how bad Arabs were how they need to pay for protection and how people who take the 5th are mobbed up {like Flynn} ? Even heard Flynn bash those taking the 5th
Karma........It's fun to watch. The Dems. have an unfair advantage because of the liberal media. Their tactics are just plain bad for country. Turns out many are wise to it, so rather than gain ground they lose it. In other terms, they're so fucked up they can't get out of the way of themselves.
somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...

No, the media bias was very favorable towards stalin and mussolini and hitler as well. Progressives are in love with authoritarian dictatorships. Even when the deaths of millions of people in the collectivisation of the farms was reported the MSM was almost unanimous in their support and lauded stalin for his willingness to do what was necessary.
and what of the senate?? Think those repubs whose districts benefitted from Obama care will be anxious to vote it down and replace it?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up

somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...

No, it is becoming pretty obvious that the media is making a whole bunch of crap up. I actually did a check and could find no real support for ANY of the claims the media made last week. Not one.
Really? I saw it out of the mouth of trump how bad Arabs were how they need to pay for protection and how people who take the 5th are mobbed up {like Flynn} ? Even heard Flynn bash those taking the 5th

And trump fired flynn and hasn't made one effort in public to defend flynn. Your point?
I think the Senate is going to fix it. The house bill is garbage which is why its taking so long for the senate to do anything. In my personal opinion I think Senate will come up with a sane bill which the whacko freedom caucus won't vote for and GOP won't pass a health care bill. Obamacare will collapse and FINALLY President Trump can bring the SANE parts of both parties together and put something together.

Like John Boehner said....He never saw Republicans agree on healthcare in 25 years

This is no different. Republicans no longer know how to compromise, they can't form a consensus between the House and Senate

After Republicans get pounded in the 2018 elections because of Trumpcare, they will give it up

somehow the "media" gets blamed for reporting what stupid stuff Trump himself has said about himself...!!! . Ya know, I wonder if there was a "media bias" about Stalin...? . Hmmm... Must have been, at that time, the damned right-wing media...!:)>)! . Amazing how when someone fukks up stupidly they blame, not their fukk-up, but those who report it... SAD...

No, it is becoming pretty obvious that the media is making a whole bunch of crap up. I actually did a check and could find no real support for ANY of the claims the media made last week. Not one.
Really? I saw it out of the mouth of trump how bad Arabs were how they need to pay for protection and how people who take the 5th are mobbed up {like Flynn} ? Even heard Flynn bash those taking the 5th

And trump fired flynn and hasn't made one effort in public to defend flynn. Your point?
Come on westy you're smarter than that Trump has tried to protect Flynn has tried to get case against him dropped He didn't ask Comey to cut Flynn a break??
Karma........It's fun to watch. The Dems. have an unfair advantage because of the liberal media. Their tactics are just plain bad for country. Turns out many are wise to it, so rather than gain ground they lose it. In other terms, they're so fucked up they can't get out of the way of themselves.
If your repub idiots would stop blatantly lying the media wouldn't need to report
When asked in January why press secretary Sean Spicer had presented inaccurate information about the crowd size at the inauguration, Kellyanne Conway said Spicer had given “alternative facts,” a phrase which was quickly mocked even by Meriam-Webster dictionary. “Alternative facts” – otherwise known as lies – are a big part of the Trump universe. Trump even disputed the weather during his inauguration speech; it rained throughout his speech, despite his claims that “it stopped immediately ... and became really sunny.” And yet for someone with such a disregard for the truth, he sure does like to paint others as liars. Trump cries “fake news” over and over and over again, as if he’s outraged at the idea that someone would just make stuff up. Of course the term “fake news,” in the way Trump uses it, does not actually mean news that is fake, but anything negative about him or his administration, even when they’re factual claims.
Karma........It's fun to watch. The Dems. have an unfair advantage because of the liberal media. Their tactics are just plain bad for country. Turns out many are wise to it, so rather than gain ground they lose it. In other terms, they're so fucked up they can't get out of the way of themselves.
If your repub idiots would stop blatantly lying the media wouldn't need to report

Sure, that's it. Let's take a peak at the front page of Yahoo
Right Dude Trump never said anything about grabbing of the pussy I don't give a sheet if his daughter wept or not

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