Gallup Poll. Nearly 1 in 5 Americans Say the ACA has Personally Hurt Them.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
This really has become a political issue. A recent Gallup poll found that 19% of Americans are saying Obamacare has personally hurt them. That is nearly 1 in 5 Americans. The number has grown since the last survey in February 2012.

On the flip side...only 9% of Americans are saying Obamacare has helped them. That number has actually gotten worse as the Law has been implemented.

To my Democrat friends....with those numbers, Obamacare is in serious trouble, and the Democrats who shoved this disaster down America's throat are also in big trouble. Since only 9% of American's are saying this Law has actually helped them (and my guess is most of them are getting medicaid and play nothing), this is not a good thing.

So this leads to a clear political question. Would it be wise for the Democrats to pull the plug on this turkey or go down with the ship?

Here's the data from Gallup.

"PRINCETON, NJ -- As the Obama administration rolls out some of the more significant provisions of the 2010 healthcare law, the vast majority of Americans, 69%, say the law, so far, has not had an effect on them and their family, similar to what Gallup measured more than a year ago. More Americans say the law has hurt (19%) rather than helped (9%) their family, a slightly larger gap than was found last year.

Effect of Healthcare Law on You and Your Family So Far, February 2012 vs. November 2013"

In U.S., 69% Remain Unaffected by Health Law to Date
Sorry man. The last analysis I saw said the average middle class American will pay 41% more under Obamacare for insurance than pre-ACA.

Basically, the ACA is a huge new tax on middle class America. And it's funny, but don't Dems say they "stand up for the middle class." :lol:
120% increase in premium for me. Where am I supposed to come up with an extra $9,600/year?
For the same similar coverage.

My option? Get the cheapest plan possible that increases my deductible by.... $9,600/year.
The ACA hasn't kicked in yet, so no one knows anything yet.

Open enrollment officially began October 1 2013. It has "kicked in," which I think is the problem. All of Obama's and the Democrat's lies has been exposed and there is no where to run. This thing is like a slow motion train wreck. The longer it goes on the worse it gets.
Most of the people it's going to hurt are in the red states that are refusing to accept the Medicaid expansion.

Are Red States not part of the U.S.? Are you saying people that live in those States should be punished?

You do realize that the Supreme Court ruled that Obama's mandates associated with the Medicaid Expansion were also unconstitutional? States had every right according to the Supreme Court to opt out of the Medicaid Expansion. They did so primarily because they did not want to vastly expand their Medicaid rolls and then be stuck with the bill.

Basically they did not trust Obama or the Federal Government. A wise decision in my view since all of Obama's lies regarding the ACA have been exposed.

The folks who will be ultimately hurt the worst by the ACA are Blue States that will be stuck paying for the vast Medicaid Expansion as soon as Obama leaves office. They were and are...truly dupes.

But Templar above is correct....unless you are a fuck up....(i.e. able bodied adults on Medicaid) virtually everyone in America will be hurt by this Law. Most of all, the middle class.
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Most of the people it's going to hurt are in the red states that are refusing to accept the Medicaid expansion.

Actually, that happens in your blue state of mind.

It's hurting people all over the country, even in states that chose to expand medicaid. Sorry Carbine, that isn't gonna fly.

Your contempt for the truth is becoming a running joke on this forum.
I could have sworn this was a front-loading law where certain taxes were increased starting in 2010 to pay for this. It was things like the medical device tax and other taxes. So yes, the pain from ACA kicked in well before the open enrollment fiasco.

I have no sympathy for those that voted for Obama and are now finding out that their insurance is going up or they are being dropped by their insurance companies. You were told all of this would happen. The Republicans and Conservatives have put the message out for years and it is all coming to fruition.

Unfortunately, elections have consequences.
The ACA hasn't kicked in yet, so no one knows anything yet.

Open enrollment officially began October 1 2013. It has "kicked in," which I think is the problem. All of Obama's and the Democrat's lies has been exposed and there is no where to run. This thing is like a slow motion train wreck. The longer it goes on the worse it gets.

It doesn't start until next year idiot. Once the millions of people that have been thrown off their plans because of preexisting conditions and those that are getting insurance for the first time in their lives is going to lead to a democratic landslide victory in 2014.
The ACA hasn't kicked in yet, so no one knows anything yet.

Open enrollment officially began October 1 2013. It has "kicked in," which I think is the problem. All of Obama's and the Democrat's lies has been exposed and there is no where to run. This thing is like a slow motion train wreck. The longer it goes on the worse it gets.

It doesn't start until next year idiot. Once the millions of people that have been thrown off their plans because of preexisting conditions and those that are getting insurance for the first time in their lives is going to lead to a democratic landslide victory in 2014.

de·lu·sion-al (d-lzhn)
a. The act or process of deluding.
b. The state of being deluded.
2. A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand.
3. Psychiatry A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution.
Measured against the insane apocalyptic numbers that the rightwing propaganda machine, including the inmates here, have been throwing around,

this Gallup number, as unreliable as it is,

at least proves that the Right has been full of shit all along.
So less than 20%. My guess is that's your TPM in action doing the usual react-rather-than-think.

19% of people state they have been personally hurt by the Law.

9% say they have been helped.

19% = 62,700,000 Americans. That is more than all the people who voted for Obama is 2012.

How is any of this good for Obama, the ACA, or Democrats? Please explain your logic.
So less than 20%. My guess is that's your TPM in action doing the usual react-rather-than-think.

19% of people state they have been personally hurt by the Law.

9% say they have been helped.

19% = 62,700,000 Americans. That is more than all the people who voted for Obama is 2012.

How is any of this good for Obama, the ACA, or Democrats? Please explain your logic.

Nice cherry picking. 69% of americans say it has not changed their coverage what so ever. Also try reading your own link, the "hurt" options are mainly from right wingers that are just trolling the poll.

Do you actually think any right winger would say something positive about the ACA, even if it helped them? Of course not,..
So less than 20%. My guess is that's your TPM in action doing the usual react-rather-than-think.

19% of people state they have been personally hurt by the Law.

9% say they have been helped.

19% = 62,700,000 Americans. That is more than all the people who voted for Obama is 2012.

How is any of this good for Obama, the ACA, or Democrats? Please explain your logic.

Nice cherry picking. 69% of americans say it has not changed their coverage what so ever. Also try reading your own link, the "hurt" options are mainly from right wingers that are just trolling the poll.

Do you actually think any right winger would say something positive about the ACA, even if it helped them? Of course not,..

Do you personally know who responded to the poll? Illogical and stupid conclusion based on zero factual data. Post = Fail. :(
19% of people state they have been personally hurt by the Law.

9% say they have been helped.

19% = 62,700,000 Americans. That is more than all the people who voted for Obama is 2012.

How is any of this good for Obama, the ACA, or Democrats? Please explain your logic.

Nice cherry picking. 69% of americans say it has not changed their coverage what so ever. Also try reading your own link, the "hurt" options are mainly from right wingers that are just trolling the poll.

Do you actually think any right winger would say something positive about the ACA, even if it helped them? Of course not,..

Do you personally know who responded to the poll? Illogical and stupid conclusion based on zero factual data. Post = Fail. :(

One of the most renown political polls stating that most of those results were politically motivated some how isn't the truth even though they say it themselves? :lol:

The amount of stupidity from you right wingers is astonishing,..:cuckoo:

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