Game of Thrones (HBO)

Sansa is a spoiled whiney brat. She put that moron Joffrey before her own family because she covets the power they could afford. She has no gumption at all. Wimp. Coward. Spineless. Sorry...I just hated her immediately and still do. All she had to do was push asshole off that bridge while looking at Daddys head but she was too much a chickenshit.
And her daddy was Sean Bean. I loves me some Sean Bean.
Shudder. Die, bitch. Die.

I hate Cersi too, but...I love to hate her. Kinda like Lucretia on Spartacus. Hated her but loved her too. Sansa? Instant hate. No love.
[ame=]Hitler finds out about Ned Stark in Game of Thrones-SPOILER (english version) - YouTube[/ame]
There are three I want to see die soon. Joffrey of course. Cat is already dead and no tears on this end..and the last one is Sansa. I hate Sansa.

Why Sansa? I feel for Sansa and hope she makes it!

Sansa is a whiny brat. She becomes a bit sympathetic as time goes on....but there's almost always that undercurrent of a spoiled little rich girl about her. I think this is especially true in the books.
There are three I want to see die soon. Joffrey of course. Cat is already dead and no tears on this end..and the last one is Sansa. I hate Sansa.

Why Sansa? I feel for Sansa and hope she makes it!

Sansa is a whiny brat. She becomes a bit sympathetic as time goes on....but there's almost always that undercurrent of a spoiled little rich girl about her. I think this is especially true in the books.

Sansa has an inner strength that has kept her alive...don't underestimate that.

On another tangent, WSJ has an article about Emily Clarke heading to Hollywood. I sure hope she doesn't get herself butchered a la Kate Beckinsale.
She doesn't think he is Ned's bastard, he is Ned's bastard. That means he isn't a Stark.....just like Tony. :tongue:

Are you sure he's Ned's bastard? There are some other theories out and about, you know.

Well, ok, it's possible he was brought back from the war but wasn't Ned's. I don't recall that being actually said in the books, but whatever.

The point would still be that neither Jon Snow nor Tony Stark are actually Starks! :lmao:

Who said he wasn't a Stark? :tongue:

There's actually a LOT of evidence in the books that points to who Jon Snow's parents are, but you have to dig for it.
Also, new trailer out and it's predictably fantastic.

[ame=""]Game of Thrones - Vengeance[/ame]
I like Tyrion Lannister best of all the characters in the book or the show. Some of things he says are just so funny. Here is one example, when his servant Podrick returns from a jaunt with 3 prostitutes Tyrion hired for him in return for his faithful service.

Tyrion Lannister: Ah, the return of the conquering hero.
Tyrion Lannister: Does he have a little jaunt in his step?
Bronn: The lad's practically skipping.
Tyrion Lannister: You were gone a long time. I trust you got your money's worth - or should I say my money's worth.
Podrick Payne: [places satchel of gold on the desk]
Tyrion Lannister: It was a gift, Podrick! This is more than I give you in a year.
Bronn: He's a squire. You don't pay him.
Tyrion Lannister: Oh. Then it's much more than I give you in a year.
Podrick Payne: They wouldn't take it, milord.
Bronn: [confused] Maybe they're trying to curry some favor with the new Master of Coin?
Tyrion Lannister: Have you ever known a whore to turn down gold? They're happy enough to take it when I give it to them.
Bronn: [looks at Podrick] What did you tell them?
Podrick Payne: I didn't tell them anything.
Tyrion Lannister: What did you do to them?
Podrick Payne: Lots of things.
Tyrion Lannister: And they seemed to like these things?
Podrick Payne: Yes, milord.
Bronn: Of course they seemed to like it. They're paid to seem to like it.
Tyrion Lannister: Only they weren't paid.
Bronn: What're you saying? These ladies enjoyed him so much they gave him the time for free?
Tyrion Lannister: Is that what you're telling us?
Podrick Payne: [grin]
Tyrion Lannister: Sit down, Podrick.
[pours some wine]
Tyrion Lannister: We're going to need details. Copious details
There are three I want to see die soon. Joffrey of course. Cat is already dead and no tears on this end..and the last one is Sansa. I hate Sansa.

Why Sansa? I feel for Sansa and hope she makes it!

Sansa is a whiny brat. She becomes a bit sympathetic as time goes on....but there's almost always that undercurrent of a spoiled little rich girl about her. I think this is especially true in the books.

I've been watching season 2 when I can and she seems like a survivor for the time. She's only like 14 and betrothed to that asshole Joffery who would have her beheaded in a hot minute. I hear her saying that she is completely loyal and committed to her king and she doesn't ever waver, not to anyone. She's afraid and doing what she needs to do to stay alive.

She gets very lucky when he chooses and falls madly in love with Margaery. She can handle him better. Sansa gets to be with hot little Tyrion but she is conflicted with his being a little person. He is so good and is exactly what she needs. She just doesn't know it yet. She's a child, she's only been on this earth for 14 years.

I loved Natalie Dormer (Margaery) as Ann Boelyn in The Tudors. These premium channel series are so good.
I like Tyrion Lannister best of all the characters in the book or the show. Some of things he says are just so funny. Here is one example, when his servant Podrick returns from a jaunt with 3 prostitutes Tyrion hired for him in return for his faithful service.

Tyrion Lannister: Ah, the return of the conquering hero.
Tyrion Lannister: Does he have a little jaunt in his step?
Bronn: The lad's practically skipping.
Tyrion Lannister: You were gone a long time. I trust you got your money's worth - or should I say my money's worth.
Podrick Payne: [places satchel of gold on the desk]
Tyrion Lannister: It was a gift, Podrick! This is more than I give you in a year.
Bronn: He's a squire. You don't pay him.
Tyrion Lannister: Oh. Then it's much more than I give you in a year.
Podrick Payne: They wouldn't take it, milord.
Bronn: [confused] Maybe they're trying to curry some favor with the new Master of Coin?
Tyrion Lannister: Have you ever known a whore to turn down gold? They're happy enough to take it when I give it to them.
Bronn: [looks at Podrick] What did you tell them?
Podrick Payne: I didn't tell them anything.
Tyrion Lannister: What did you do to them?
Podrick Payne: Lots of things.
Tyrion Lannister: And they seemed to like these things?
Podrick Payne: Yes, milord.
Bronn: Of course they seemed to like it. They're paid to seem to like it.
Tyrion Lannister: Only they weren't paid.
Bronn: What're you saying? These ladies enjoyed him so much they gave him the time for free?
Tyrion Lannister: Is that what you're telling us?
Podrick Payne: [grin]
Tyrion Lannister: Sit down, Podrick.
[pours some wine]
Tyrion Lannister: We're going to need details. Copious details

There are a ton of great characters. Tyrion, Arya, Bronn and Daenerys are my favorites. It's hard to pick one. Snowe is close behind. So many great characters so hard to choose.

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