Game of Thrones (HBO)

Game of Thrones - Season 3 Best Scenes:

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Peter Dinklage has been on the talk show circuit lately. He's so fun to watch. :)
She doesn't think he is Ned's bastard, he is Ned's bastard. That means he isn't a Stark.....just like Tony. :tongue:

Are you sure he's Ned's bastard? There are some other theories out and about, you know.

Well, ok, it's possible he was brought back from the war but wasn't Ned's. I don't recall that being actually said in the books, but whatever.

The point would still be that neither Jon Snow nor Tony Stark are actually Starks! :lmao:

It hasn't been said in the books yet.

Here's a theory that's been going around: Jon Snow is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen - the love child of the affair that started Robert's Rebellion in the first place.
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I can't wait! J'adore Game of Thrones!
Why Sansa? I feel for Sansa and hope she makes it!

Sansa is a whiny brat. She becomes a bit sympathetic as time goes on....but there's almost always that undercurrent of a spoiled little rich girl about her. I think this is especially true in the books.

I've been watching season 2 when I can and she seems like a survivor for the time. She's only like 14 and betrothed to that asshole Joffery who would have her beheaded in a hot minute. I hear her saying that she is completely loyal and committed to her king and she doesn't ever waver, not to anyone. She's afraid and doing what she needs to do to stay alive.

She gets very lucky when he chooses and falls madly in love with Margaery. She can handle him better. Sansa gets to be with hot little Tyrion but she is conflicted with his being a little person. He is so good and is exactly what she needs. She just doesn't know it yet. She's a child, she's only been on this earth for 14 years.

I loved Natalie Dormer (Margaery) as Ann Boelyn in The Tudors. These premium channel series are so good.

sansa's lie resulted in the killing of one of the dire wolves and allowed joffrey to go unpunished for murder while the king was alive and could have done something about it. that allowed the king to be murdered, joffrey to become king, to have ned stark executed and everything else that occurred because of joffrey's stupidity and insolence.
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Sansa is a whiny brat. She becomes a bit sympathetic as time goes on....but there's almost always that undercurrent of a spoiled little rich girl about her. I think this is especially true in the books.

I've been watching season 2 when I can and she seems like a survivor for the time. She's only like 14 and betrothed to that asshole Joffery who would have her beheaded in a hot minute. I hear her saying that she is completely loyal and committed to her king and she doesn't ever waver, not to anyone. She's afraid and doing what she needs to do to stay alive.

She gets very lucky when he chooses and falls madly in love with Margaery. She can handle him better. Sansa gets to be with hot little Tyrion but she is conflicted with his being a little person. He is so good and is exactly what she needs. She just doesn't know it yet. She's a child, she's only been on this earth for 14 years.

I loved Natalie Dormer (Margaery) as Ann Boelyn in The Tudors. These premium channel series are so good.

sansa's lie resulted in the killing of one of the dire wolves and allowed joffrey to go unpunished for murder while the king was alive and could have done something about it. that allowed the king to be murdered, joffrey to become king, to have ned stark executed and everything else that occurred because of joffrey's stupidity and insolence.

Jill, explain a little more about this, I didn't read the books.

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