Game of Thrones

What was the point of Jon Snow being the rightful King?

That sucked big time. Terrible ending.

See Tyrion's lame-ass comment that the "wheel" Daenarys meant to break was the heriditary dynasty. That is pure nonsense, but that's how they justified putting Bran on the throne (while completely ignoring Daenarys' position that she was the lawful heir to the throne).

All I wanted was for Daenarys to die. Jon stabbing her works for me.

I like that Jon was reunited with Snow and the Free Folk. He'll be far happier with them than he would ruling the 6 Kingdoms.

Yeah, spoiler alert....

I was glad to see him kill her as that was true to his character. But really? The north? I mean, we just went back to season two!
He has to guard the north from the White Walkers.....

What a fucking load of horseshit
Right. I mean, what is left to guard against? Talk about regulating the lead to oblivion.

Dog of War syndrome. It's not uncommon that the characters who spend most of their lives in war zones are not considered suitable for civilian society. Jon is a Dog (or Wolf) of War. And really - he didn't want to be king of either the North or the X Kingdoms. He'll be happier hangin' with the Free Folk.
Still, a better ending would have been him taking the throne and the giving it to Brandon and shuffling off into the sunset on the dragon that decided to bond with him after losing the crazy lady.

Drogon was the smartest one - he realized that the root cause of the problem was the Iron Chair.
A MASTERFUL show tainted because it was produced before its time.

Sadly these stupid fucks are doing the next Star Wars
Luckily, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan.
I watched the original at the drive in theater with my real parents. One of the good memories I have of them.
Yeah, I watched the original in a theater in My home town when I was on vacation and was blown away by the CGI and action.

later, when I learned about story writing and such, I realized how much Star Wars sucked.
I thought the finale was the best episode of the season. But that's not saying much.

Yeah, spoiler alert....

I was glad to see him kill her as that was true to his character. But really? The north? I mean, we just went back to season two!
He has to guard the north from the White Walkers.....

What a fucking load of horseshit
Right. I mean, what is left to guard against? Talk about regulating the lead to oblivion.

Dog of War syndrome. It's not uncommon that the characters who spend most of their lives in war zones are not considered suitable for civilian society. Jon is a Dog (or Wolf) of War. And really - he didn't want to be king of either the North or the X Kingdoms. He'll be happier hangin' with the Free Folk.
Still, a better ending would have been him taking the throne and the giving it to Brandon and shuffling off into the sunset on the dragon that decided to bond with him after losing the crazy lady.

Drogon was the smartest one - he realized that the root cause of the problem was the Iron Chair.
He is actually, the main opening for the follow up.
A MASTERFUL show tainted because it was produced before its time.

Sadly these stupid fucks are doing the next Star Wars
Luckily, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan.
I watched the original at the drive in theater with my real parents. One of the good memories I have of them.
Yeah, I watched the original in a theater in My home town when I was on vacation and was blown away by the CGI and action.

later, when I learned about story writing and such, I realized how much Star Wars sucked.
The original trilogy, first two aliens and Clint Eastwood trilogy will forever be my favorite movies.

Mom took me to the drive in to see Alien with chariots of fire.

First I was bored to tears then terrified to death
I have to be up on a few hours, so to summarize..

Season 8 officially sucked sour duck sauce.
A MASTERFUL show tainted because it was produced before its time.

Sadly these stupid fucks are doing the next Star Wars
Luckily, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan.
I watched the original at the drive in theater with my real parents. One of the good memories I have of them.
Yeah, I watched the original in a theater in My home town when I was on vacation and was blown away by the CGI and action.

later, when I learned about story writing and such, I realized how much Star Wars sucked.
The original trilogy, first two aliens and Clint Eastwood trilogy will forever be my favorite movies.

Mom took me to the drive in to see Alien with chariots of fire.

First I was bored to tears then terrified to death

The first I remember was us going to "Blazing Saddles". My dad never laughed that hard and it was a toss up on who was laughing the loudest, dad or the guy in the car next to us.
A MASTERFUL show tainted because it was produced before its time.

Sadly these stupid fucks are doing the next Star Wars
Luckily, I've never been a huge Star Wars fan.
I watched the original at the drive in theater with my real parents. One of the good memories I have of them.
Yeah, I watched the original in a theater in My home town when I was on vacation and was blown away by the CGI and action.

later, when I learned about story writing and such, I realized how much Star Wars sucked.
The original trilogy, first two aliens and Clint Eastwood trilogy will forever be my favorite movies.

Mom took me to the drive in to see Alien with chariots of fire.

First I was bored to tears then terrified to death

The first I remember was us going to "Blazing Saddles". My dad never laughed that hard and it was a toss up on who was laughing the loudest, dad or the guy in the car next to us.
We still have drive ins here. I haven't been in years but we took my girls all the time.
Tiny grill and lawn chairs with a cooler full of pop, candy and popcorn.

Miss them days

Yeah, spoiler alert....

I was glad to see him kill her as that was true to his character. But really? The north? I mean, we just went back to season two!
He has to guard the north from the White Walkers.....

What a fucking load of horseshit
Right. I mean, what is left to guard against? Talk about regulating the lead to oblivion.

Dog of War syndrome. It's not uncommon that the characters who spend most of their lives in war zones are not considered suitable for civilian society. Jon is a Dog (or Wolf) of War. And really - he didn't want to be king of either the North or the X Kingdoms. He'll be happier hangin' with the Free Folk.
Still, a better ending would have been him taking the throne and the giving it to Brandon and shuffling off into the sunset on the dragon that decided to bond with him after losing the crazy lady.

Drogon was the smartest one - he realized that the root cause of the problem was the Iron Chair.

Yup, that was the equivalent of destroying the One Ring in Lord of the Rings.
I am here for haters tomorrow.

I have enjoyed these episodes this season, even though it't speeded up, and sometimes non-sensical. But they were very enjoyable episodes. With incredible fight/war scenes. I totally enjoyed every episode. Was totally entertained.

Haters, will pick apart the stuff, to make themselves look smart. But they are haters, and do so for publicity.

Now, if the final episode goes like the leak says, I may join the haters. Actually no, I'll still be entertained. But I won't like the result.

Let's hope it's not like the leak...

I am not a hater. However, I am just disappointing that when the GRRM material ran out at the end of Season 6 that D&D just kind of winged it with normal Hollywood formula shit. The visuals are great and the acting is fine but everything is rushed and doesn't complete the character arcs that GRRM so masterfully set up.
What did you expect them to do? GRRM stopped writing shit.
Have you been entertained in the meantime while GoT went past his story?

Until GRRM finally writes something? Have you been entertained in the meantime?

If so, why hate?

I said I was not a hater.

You can be entertained and disappointed at the same time. I have been entertained in all five of the episodes this season. I'll be entertained tonight when I watch the final episode. However, I suspect I will be disappointed also.

The first six seasons were great sticking to the GRRM material. It fell apart when the Hollywood writers took over.

You would think that for the money involved in what was a very successful series that they could have finished it off in a satisfying manner.

I am not the only one that has been disappointed. There are millions of us.
Did the ending satisfy you?

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