Gary Johnson makes the GOP nervous..

Yeah... You can say it all you want. But unless you actually do it in some visible manner I can see. *shrugs* Sorry. I'm not a believer.

I've done it in a VERY visible manner. But like the video of Ron Paul blaming America for 9/11, you see what you want to see instead of what is there.
Well... You can lead a horse to water... But can't make him drink.

I repeat... Is English your first language? He's talking about blowback. And... Well...

"He's talking about blowback" - as if that term some how excuses him from blaming America for 9/11. Give me a break you extreme partisan hack. The man is on VIDEO and you can't even acknowledge it.
*nods* Yeah... Why are we there pissing on their carpet? Figuratively speaking of course.

I don't understand the term Sovereign Citizen as you are using it. Is there some movement I'm unaware of that you are using to promote your stance?

To answer your question - YES, there is a ton that you are unaware of. Which is why you struggle discussing issues. A Sovereign Citizen is an anarchist asshole who believes they are bound by no laws.
Ok... So... Can you quote where I promoted that?

That a police officer has zero right to stop them under any circumstances. That they don't have to obey speeding laws, that they don't have to comply with anything because they are "sovereign" unto themselves. A libertarian is just a sovereign citizen calling themselves by another name.
Ok. Remember that conversation about strawmen we had? You are still doing it.

But I'll restate it again if you'll tell me your goals here if you like. No shit... I really want to know why you come here.

As far as why I'm here - scroll up. I answered it as clear as possible. You either missed it or you can't read.
Oh shit dude I thought you were just fucking around on that one. I mean it's a serious question... I really want to know. But if that's your answer then ... Well... I guess I was right about the Retarded Tribal Monkey bit. Unless of course you can actually back up that stance by taking those sentences and quoting where I actually promote them.

I tell you what... I'll make it easier for you. Copy/Paste the following and just copy and paste what I said that promotes those that you have applied to me.

1) That a police officer has zero right to stop them under any circumstances.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

2) That they don't have to obey speeding laws, that they don't have to comply with anything because they are "sovereign" unto themselves.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

3) A libertarian is just a sovereign citizen calling themselves by another name.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

Otherwise... I think pretty much everything I've said is true. You are a Retarded Tribal Monkey.
Rottweiler can't even get what a Sovereign citizen believes in correct..what do ya expect from such a blatant idiot.
*nods* Yeah... Why are we there pissing on their carpet? Figuratively speaking of course.

Because people who are not ultra ignorant "retarded tribal monkeys" (ie Sovereign Citizens like you & Ron Paul) understand that it requires pro-active measures to keep American's safe.

We understand that when we don't "piss all over their carpets" like Bill Clinton did, it gives terrorists the time, space, and environment necessary to finance, recruit, train, plan, and execute terrorist attacks. Which is why the fucking ignorant policy used by Clinton (and advocated by cowards like Ron Paul) ended with the WTC bombing, the embassy bombings, the USS Cole bombing, and 9/11 (which was an 8 year operation).

We understand that closing the barn door after the horses have all run away is so fucking stupid, their is no adjective in the English language to adequately describe it.

Seriously, you and your little Sovereign Citizen pals like Dissent there just sit back and play "jaded little anarchists". Let the grown-ups handle national security, ok?
Rottweiler can't even get what a Sovereign citizen believes in correct..what do ya expect from such a blatant idiot.

Listen to the jaded little anarchist in the basement of mommy & daddy's home crying about being accurately "labeled".

Look on the bright side, you can always grab your hoodie, your little skateboard covered in "Anarchy Rulz" stickers, and blow off some steam on your "half-pipe" then mommy & daddy bought you... :rofl:
Heh, the idea that Gary Johnson is going to effect the election in any meaningful way is fantasy.
You don't have anything to worry about then if you aren't voting for him... Right?

I'm not worried at all. I am going to keep on keeping on no matter who wins the election. This thought that the GOP or DEMs are worried about this guy is pretty silly. I don't believe that he will have much if any impact on the elections outcome. Tonight's debate is much more important then everything this guy has or hasn't done or will or will not do. He is completely off the radar.

When all polls right now show basically a statistical dead heat between Romney and Obama, I'd be worried about ANYONE who could take even 1 vote away from Romney.
You don't have anything to worry about then if you aren't voting for him... Right?

I'm not worried at all. I am going to keep on keeping on no matter who wins the election. This thought that the GOP or DEMs are worried about this guy is pretty silly. I don't believe that he will have much if any impact on the elections outcome. Tonight's debate is much more important then everything this guy has or hasn't done or will or will not do. He is completely off the radar.

When all polls right now show basically a statistical dead heat between Romney and Obama, I'd be worried about ANYONE who could take even 1 vote away from Romney.

The real polls show Romney in a landslide. You guys keep trying to convince everyone how badly the GOP needs the GJ vote because you're desperate to feel like you have some power and some influence for the first time in your lives. The Ron Paul crowd is irrelevant. Just accept it.
*nods* Yeah... Why are we there pissing on their carpet? Figuratively speaking of course.

Because people who are not ultra ignorant "retarded tribal monkeys" (ie Sovereign Citizens like you & Ron Paul)
Still on that? My god. Etch-a-sketch. We'll post again.

Oh shit dude I thought you were just fucking around on that one. I mean it's a serious question... I really want to know. But if that's your answer then ... Well... I guess I was right about the Retarded Tribal Monkey bit. Unless of course you can actually back up that stance by taking those sentences and quoting where I actually promote them.

I tell you what... I'll make it easier for you. Copy/Paste the following and just copy and paste what I said that promotes those that you have applied to me.

1) That a police officer has zero right to stop them under any circumstances.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

2) That they don't have to obey speeding laws, that they don't have to comply with anything because they are "sovereign" unto themselves.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

3) A libertarian is just a sovereign citizen calling themselves by another name.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

Otherwise... I think pretty much everything I've said is true. You are a Retarded Tribal Monkey.
Yeah, this Gary Johnson and/or Ron Paul thing is irrelevant. Neither of them are important enough to have any effect on the election.
Lol...only a fool says that...I guess the media is just lying so are the poll numbers...ya know since they just love 3rd party candidates so much.
Ron Paul never said he wanted to get rid of the US military or blamed America for 9/11. Nice strawman, but try harder next time.

He absolutely said BOTH, and you're either an uninformed idiot or a liar. Which one is it?

[ame=]Ron Paul Blames 9/11 On America - YouTube[/ame]
Is English not your first language?

Is English not your ANY language?!?! There it is tool - undeniable. Still waiting on a response about this video (oh, getting your ass kicked with facts makes you want to avoid the issue? Ok....)
He absolutely said BOTH, and you're either an uninformed idiot or a liar. Which one is it?

Ron Paul Blames 9/11 On America - YouTube
Is English not your first language?

Is English not your ANY language?!?! There it is tool - undeniable. Still waiting on a response about this video (oh, getting your ass kicked with facts makes you want to avoid the issue? Ok....)
I'm still waiting on a response to this:

Oh shit dude I thought you were just fucking around on that one. I mean it's a serious question... I really want to know. But if that's your answer then ... Well... I guess I was right about the Retarded Tribal Monkey bit. Unless of course you can actually back up that stance by taking those sentences and quoting where I actually promote them.

I tell you what... I'll make it easier for you. Copy/Paste the following and just copy and paste what I said that promotes those that you have applied to me.

1) That a police officer has zero right to stop them under any circumstances.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

2) That they don't have to obey speeding laws, that they don't have to comply with anything because they are "sovereign" unto themselves.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

3) A libertarian is just a sovereign citizen calling themselves by another name.
Shelzin: <Place the quote you find here>

Edit: This should go without saying to most people. But you seem to be a little slow so I'll catch you up with the rest of the people who aren't you. You can't troll me. I will troll you for trying to troll me. I will win the troll battle. Why? Because unlike yourself, I'm an honest guy. I'm an asshole... No doubt about it. But I'm honest. It's not possible to troll the truth.

Making an enemy out of me is a stupid thing to do. My opinion.
Last edited:
Anybody who might (theoretically) siphon enough votes to give the incumbent a shot in a close State frightens me.

You realize, Gary has NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of winning ANYTHING.

But if he has even the slightest chance of playing "spoiler" it goes in the wrong fucking direction.

You assholes who keep pulling for the predetermined fail known as Gary Johnson might as well suck off the President. You are disgusting. At least liberal Democrats actually like the guy.

You assholes are pulling for the same old predetermined shit. If you think Romney is a good alternative to Obama, you might as well BE a progressive Democrat.
Why is it that the Democrat favoring media LOVED Romney until after he won the nomination?
I didn't vote for Romney but it did occur to me that you guys are the ones that look foolish. BIG TIME

Your candidate ran and got ass raped BY THE VOTERS so now he has to ditch the party like a bitch and somehow the winner (Romney) is a bad choice.


It wasn't the choice of the American people. It was the choice of registered republicans, most of whom are over 60 and will die soon. The Republican party serves no purpose. The only thing we need it to do is oppose the march toward progressivism. It needs to either do that or die. This generation coming up gets its information from the internet. And they like freedom. It will be more difficult to convince them that those two parties are anything other than a charade.
I didn't vote for Romney but it did occur to me that you guys are the ones that look foolish. BIG TIME

Your candidate ran and got ass raped BY THE VOTERS so now he has to ditch the party like a bitch and somehow the winner (Romney) is a bad choice.


It wasn't the choice of the American people. It was the choice of registered republicans, most of whom are over 60 and will die soon. The Republican party serves no purpose. The only thing we need it to do is oppose the march toward progressivism. It needs to either do that or die. This generation coming up gets its information from the internet. And they like freedom. It will be more difficult to convince them that those two parties are anything other than a charade.

One of the best damn replies I have seen in a long time. I would rep you again but can't yet.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

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