Gary Johnson makes the GOP nervous..

I didn't vote for Romney but it did occur to me that you guys are the ones that look foolish. BIG TIME

Your candidate ran and got ass raped BY THE VOTERS so now he has to ditch the party like a bitch and somehow the winner (Romney) is a bad choice.


It wasn't the choice of the American people. It was the choice of registered republicans, most of whom are over 60 and will die soon. The Republican party serves no purpose. The only thing we need it to do is oppose the march toward progressivism. It needs to either do that or die. This generation coming up gets its information from the internet. And they like freedom. It will be more difficult to convince them that those two parties are anything other than a charade.

One of the best damn replies I have seen in a long time. I would rep you again but can't yet.

I agree and did for you and me.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

The major parties pat their back, so the media pats theirs right back.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee?

Because for 98% of the voters, politics is a team game and if you're not one of the two big teams you can't win. So they rationalize the crap their party tells them and vote for them anyway.
You don't have anything to worry about then if you aren't voting for him... Right?

I'm not worried at all. I am going to keep on keeping on no matter who wins the election. This thought that the GOP or DEMs are worried about this guy is pretty silly. I don't believe that he will have much if any impact on the elections outcome. Tonight's debate is much more important then everything this guy has or hasn't done or will or will not do. He is completely off the radar.

When all polls right now show basically a statistical dead heat between Romney and Obama, I'd be worried about ANYONE who could take even 1 vote away from Romney.
You're living in the past, Paulie. The new map: Romney takes his first lead in the Electoral College


Gallup also has Romney's lead at 7 points ahead of Obama now among likely voters. Gallup Presidential graphic chart shows the likely count is 52-45

Maps Credit to Real Clear Politics
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Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee?

Because for 98% of the voters, politics is a team game and if you're not one of the two big teams you can't win. So they rationalize the crap their party tells them and vote for them anyway.

I agree and the round and round of R and D bickering goes on and on. The lesser of two evil voting lives on for far too many. No wonder the GOP refuses to get it. The DNC lost their way long ago.
Chump change. Another dirty trick by the left falls flat. I knew Ross Perot and Gary Johnson is no Ross Perot.

Untrue. This may not be the year but there will come a time, a point or a revolution perhaps that will shake up the ridiculous mind numbing abyss we have let the political elections in this country fall into every 2 and 4 years.
Chump change. Another dirty trick by the left falls flat. I knew Ross Perot and Gary Johnson is no Ross Perot.

Amen to that.

Do you not get it? Not every American is a good obedient foot soldier for the media or the 2 major parties?

Proof that Johnson is "another dirty trick by the left" as stated by dblack and with an Amen from you?
Chump change. Another dirty trick by the left falls flat. I knew Ross Perot and Gary Johnson is no Ross Perot.

Amen to that.

Do you not get it? Not every American is a good obedient foot soldier for the media or the 2 major parties?

Proof that Johnson is "another dirty trick by the left" as stated by dblack and with an Amen from you?

Sorry... I was being too sarcastic for message board clarity.

I was 'amen'ing that Gary Johnson is nothing like Ross Perot. Perot was an authoritarian crackpot. Johnson is a proven leader and a principled defender of liberty.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

McCain was AWFUL, but I love all of you assholes crying about Romney/Ryan, which is a fucking Dream Team ticket.

So I ask you, if he is so bad, who do you offer/promote?!? For the love of fuck, please do not say Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson, or you will be laughed out of this forum.
Anybody who might (theoretically) siphon enough votes to give the incumbent a shot in a close State frightens me.

You realize, Gary has NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER of winning ANYTHING.

But if he has even the slightest chance of playing "spoiler" it goes in the wrong fucking direction.

You assholes who keep pulling for the predetermined fail known as Gary Johnson might as well suck off the President. You are disgusting. At least liberal Democrats actually like the guy.

"Wahhhhh! The conservative is going to ruin our liberal Republican's chances of winning the election."

I love how you blame the voter and pin no responsibility on your candidate when somebody doesn't want to vote for him. Why do you hate democracy?

Pick a better candidate next time and quit your whining.

Refuting the bleating and braying of you ninny Gary Johnson assholes is hardly whining, douchenozzle.

In fact, if anybody is guilty of whining it would be you scumsuckers.

Newsflash: Johnson LOST roundly and soundly.

Learn to cope, ya bitches.
NEWSFLASH: they can vote for whomever they want.

Roseanne Barr/Cindy Sheehan are also on the ballot. I'm certain they will get some votes, too.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

McCain was AWFUL, but I love all of you assholes crying about Romney/Ryan, which is a fucking Dream Team ticket.

So I ask you, if he is so bad, who do you offer/promote?!? For the love of fuck, please do not say Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson, or you will be laughed out of this forum.
Gary Johnson & Ron Paul. And... It hasn't happened yet.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

By the way, can you Sovereign Citizens stop blaming the "GOP" as if they are some mysterious force of the universe?

More than a dozen fucking people lined up - sans any influence in any capacity from the GOP (Ron Paul, Michelle Bachman, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, and on and on and on). The people voted. Then voted some more. Then continued voting until Mitt Romney stood alone as the undisputed nominee of the people.

Just because all of you crying little bitches out there were raised by mommy & daddy and school that everybody always wins, you now act like the biggest fucking babies because your "guy" didn't win. Let it fucking go already. For the love of fuck, grow up, move on, and let it go already.
Rott spends more time talking about Ron Paul and Gary Johnson than he does Mitt Romney or Barack Obama. Strange.
Should there only be two choices? The crappy incumbant or a candidate so many of the right at one time claimed to not want as the nominee? I despise Obama and want him to lose but are McCain and Romney the best the GOP can offer(promote) anymore?

Why does the MSM allow only two candidates to be the focus when there are other candidates?

McCain was AWFUL, but I love all of you assholes crying about Romney/Ryan, which is a fucking Dream Team ticket.

So I ask you, if he is so bad, who do you offer/promote?!? For the love of fuck, please do not say Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson, or you will be laughed out of this forum.
Gary Johnson & Ron Paul. And... It hasn't happened yet.

Oh, you mean the two quacks laughed out of the race? They can't even get the nod by the GOP, how exactly do you think they would get the nod for president? John fucking McCain is 10x's the nominee of Ron Paul or Gerry Johnson and that is proven by the fact that even he got the nominee one year and your two quacks still haven't and never will.

So I ask again, who do you offer/promote? If Paul or Johnson is the best you have to offer, all I can say is... :rofl:
But if he has even the slightest chance of playing "spoiler" it goes in the wrong fucking direction.

You have to realize, these Sovereign Citizen tools have spent their entire lives completely irrelevant in every capacity. They are dying to feel like they have some form of influence. They are dying to feel like they have some power just once in their life (because these are people who ride skateboards all day because they can't afford a car).

At the end of the day, all they do is come here and bitch incessantly about everything, especially Obama - and then they work to help get Obama re-elected. Go figure... :cuckoo:

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