Gary Johnson makes the GOP nervous..

Ron Paul and Libertarian ideas were pretty big with the Occupy movement early on, you might just be on to something.

I think libertarians are missing the boat by not looking for inroads into the Democratic party in much the same way RP worked on Republicans. At its heart, the libertarian movement is 'liberal' in spirit. Conservatives agree with us to a point, as long as we're pushing for lower taxes and less business regulation. But at the core conservatives are, well, conservative and suspicious of radical change, even if it's for the better.

Except the democrat party is the party of "the little self made despot". Everyone in that party wants to dictate to others how to live their lives. At least conservatives aren't pushing EVERYONE to conform to their rules. Only those they want to harness in the vote bloc.
And homosexuals.
Which is generally built on raging zealot nutter bars concerning womens reproduction, where men can jam their caulk and who gets the free goodies from the coffer.
He won't close the bases or bring the troops home because he will have the intel as POTUS that he doesn't have now. The world and the global political climate isn't as simple as that. He would see that the repercussions of doing that would be bad for the country.
How the hell can you say that without any intel yourself? You don't know if it would be good or bad.

Mind you, this is all my opinion of course. I feel that the world is way more complicated than that, but I have no proof that it is.
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He won't close the bases or bring the troops home because he will have the intel as POTUS that he doesn't have now. The world and the global political climate isn't as simple as that. He would see that the repercussions of doing that would be bad for the country.
How the hell can you say that without any intel yourself? You don't know if it would be good or bad.

Mind you, this is all my opinion of course. I feel that the world is way more complicated than that, but I have no proof that it is.
Eh... I believe in simple things. Like... If you go looking for a fight... You are going to find one.

If you walk into a guys house uninvited and piss on his living room floor I would expect him to be upset about it. I certainly don't blame him for wanting me out.
Which is generally built on raging zealot nutter bars concerning womens reproduction, where men can jam their caulk and who gets the free goodies from the coffer.
Ok.... Enough.

What the fuck is a nutter? I've seen it used a lot but it tends to either change meaning or has a connection with partisans that I'm just seeing. Call me an idiot, ignorant asshole, whatever... I'm good with that. Just tell me what the hell it means. lol
Nut job. Crazy. mentally deranged/strange.

ape, barmy, bats in the belfry, batty, berserk, bonkers*, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, daft, delirious, demented, deranged, dingy*, dippy, erratic, flaky, flipped, flipped out, freaked out, fruity, idiotic, insane, kooky, lunatic, mad, mad as a March hare, mad as a hatter, maniacal, mental*, moonstruck, nuts, nutty, nutty as fruitcake, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, out of one's tree, out to lunch, potty, psycho, round the bend, schizo, screw loose, screwball, screwy, silly, touched*, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, unzipped, wacky

Crazy Synonyms, Crazy Antonyms |
Nut job. Crazy. mentally deranged/strange.

ape, barmy, bats in the belfry, batty, berserk, bonkers*, cracked, crazed, cuckoo, daft, delirious, demented, deranged, dingy*, dippy, erratic, flaky, flipped, flipped out, freaked out, fruity, idiotic, insane, kooky, lunatic, mad, mad as a March hare, mad as a hatter, maniacal, mental*, moonstruck, nuts, nutty, nutty as fruitcake, of unsound mind, out of one's mind, out of one's tree, out to lunch, potty, psycho, round the bend, schizo, screw loose, screwball, screwy, silly, touched*, unbalanced, unglued, unhinged, unzipped, wacky

Crazy Synonyms, Crazy Antonyms |
A RTM... Great... Thank you!!!
I believe that Romney is better than obama in that he will actually revive this country economically. Will he stop the wars? No. Will he reduce the deficit? Probably not. He will however, turn the economy around and right now, the way things are, I'll take it. Obama MUST go.

I simply cannot believe he will revive the economy. How? By passing more free trade agreements that send more jobs overseas? By cutting taxes to people who are already sitting on billions and not investing it? By letting the fed continue to devalue the US dollar?

What the economy needs is good paying jobs for the middle class, a strong US dollar, and trade that actually favors (or at least isn't against) the US. How exactly will Romney accomplish that?
I believe that Romney is better than obama in that he will actually revive this country economically. Will he stop the wars? No. Will he reduce the deficit? Probably not. He will however, turn the economy around and right now, the way things are, I'll take it. Obama MUST go.

I simply cannot believe he will revive the economy. How? By passing more free trade agreements that send more jobs overseas? By cutting taxes to people who are already sitting on billions and not investing it? By letting the fed continue to devalue the US dollar?

What the economy needs is good paying jobs for the middle class, a strong US dollar, and trade that actually favors (or at least isn't against) the US. How exactly will Romney accomplish that?

He will. Obama is the enemy of business. With him out of the way, businesses will begin to tkae risks, invest, and grow. Simply because they know that obama is out of there. it really is that simple. Romney won't even have to lift a finger. If you believe that Romney will send jobs overseas then you've been listening to left wing talking points instead of thinking and I can't help you with that.

And yes by cutting taxes on everyone, including the middle class, Romney will stimulate the economy better than anything obama has done or could do.

These things will provide good paying jobs for the middle class, and result in a strong US dollar. If you think obama is going to prefer the US over other countries financially then you have not been paying attention the last 4 years.
I believe that Romney is better than obama in that he will actually revive this country economically. Will he stop the wars? No. Will he reduce the deficit? Probably not. He will however, turn the economy around and right now, the way things are, I'll take it. Obama MUST go.

I simply cannot believe he will revive the economy. How? By passing more free trade agreements that send more jobs overseas? By cutting taxes to people who are already sitting on billions and not investing it? By letting the fed continue to devalue the US dollar?

What the economy needs is good paying jobs for the middle class, a strong US dollar, and trade that actually favors (or at least isn't against) the US. How exactly will Romney accomplish that?

He will. Obama is the enemy of business. With him out of the way, businesses will begin to tkae risks, invest, and grow. Simply because they know that obama is out of there. it really is that simple. Romney won't even have to lift a finger. If you believe that Romney will send jobs overseas then you've been listening to left wing talking points instead of thinking and I can't help you with that.

And yes by cutting taxes on everyone, including the middle class, Romney will stimulate the economy better than anything obama has done or could do.

These things will provide good paying jobs for the middle class, and result in a strong US dollar. If you think obama is going to prefer the US over other countries financially then you have not been paying attention the last 4 years.

That's where I come down on this. Romney is way WAY more big governmen solution than I want in my elected leaders, but he also knows what will get the economy moving again and will do his damndest to facilitate that happening. Obama doesn't have a clue and doesn't want it anyway because it is by bringing the counry to its knees and making us all dependent on government that he accomplishes his personal vision.

So in that regard, Romney is far superior to Obama.

I won't throw the country under the bus just because I can't have my way re who should lead the country.
I simply cannot believe he will revive the economy. How? By passing more free trade agreements that send more jobs overseas? By cutting taxes to people who are already sitting on billions and not investing it? By letting the fed continue to devalue the US dollar?

What the economy needs is good paying jobs for the middle class, a strong US dollar, and trade that actually favors (or at least isn't against) the US. How exactly will Romney accomplish that?

He will. Obama is the enemy of business. With him out of the way, businesses will begin to tkae risks, invest, and grow. Simply because they know that obama is out of there. it really is that simple. Romney won't even have to lift a finger. If you believe that Romney will send jobs overseas then you've been listening to left wing talking points instead of thinking and I can't help you with that.

And yes by cutting taxes on everyone, including the middle class, Romney will stimulate the economy better than anything obama has done or could do.

These things will provide good paying jobs for the middle class, and result in a strong US dollar. If you think obama is going to prefer the US over other countries financially then you have not been paying attention the last 4 years.

That's where I come down on this. Romney is way WAY more big governmen solution than I want in my elected leaders, but he also knows what will get the economy moving again and will do his damndest to facilitate that happening. Obama doesn't have a clue and doesn't want it anyway because it is by bringing the counry to its knees and making us all dependent on government that he accomplishes his personal vision.

So in that regard, Romney is far superior to Obama.

I won't throw the country under the bus just because I can't have my way re who should lead the country.

I don't like a lot about Romney. I didn't vote for him in the primaries and it is with displeasure that I have to vote for him this time.

I liken it to the people of the US in a car with obama at the wheel, we're headed toward a cliff at 99mph. We are wanting to put Romney at the wheel instead who will slow down to 50mph. That might give us enough time to really change things before we hit the precipice.
The sense of RELIEF the nation will have when The ONE gets voted out is going to be intense but joyful.

Even some of his nominal supporters probably "get" what a tool the incumbent is.
I believe that Romney is better than obama in that he will actually revive this country economically. Will he stop the wars? No. Will he reduce the deficit? Probably not. He will however, turn the economy around and right now, the way things are, I'll take it. Obama MUST go.

I simply cannot believe he will revive the economy. How? By passing more free trade agreements that send more jobs overseas? By cutting taxes to people who are already sitting on billions and not investing it? By letting the fed continue to devalue the US dollar?

What the economy needs is good paying jobs for the middle class, a strong US dollar, and trade that actually favors (or at least isn't against) the US. How exactly will Romney accomplish that?

He will. Obama is the enemy of business. With him out of the way, businesses will begin to tkae risks, invest, and grow. Simply because they know that obama is out of there. it really is that simple. Romney won't even have to lift a finger. If you believe that Romney will send jobs overseas then you've been listening to left wing talking points instead of thinking and I can't help you with that.

And yes by cutting taxes on everyone, including the middle class, Romney will stimulate the economy better than anything obama has done or could do.

These things will provide good paying jobs for the middle class, and result in a strong US dollar. If you think obama is going to prefer the US over other countries financially then you have not been paying attention the last 4 years.

I don't care to listen to the left, they're just as blind as the right. Perhaps I've just been jaded by politics, but there is nothing on god's green earth that will make me believe Romney will bring good paying middle class jobs back to the US, especially not while lovingly supporting free trade. And of course Obama has been horrible for jobs. Please don't take my opposition to Romney as support for Obama.

Businesses won't expand at the mere sight of Obama leaving office. They'll wait and see what Romney has in store first. And if Romney does anything like what he did in MA then businesses will sit back and wait for him to leave office too.

But even if you assume the best scenario for Romney, it still won't look good. Some taxes may get cut, but I would guess that's about it. And tax cuts are not a panacea for an ailing economy. Most presidents don't accomplish anywhere near what they promise, Romney is no different. Taxes, that's about it.
He will. Obama is the enemy of business. With him out of the way, businesses will begin to tkae risks, invest, and grow. Simply because they know that obama is out of there. it really is that simple. Romney won't even have to lift a finger. If you believe that Romney will send jobs overseas then you've been listening to left wing talking points instead of thinking and I can't help you with that.

And yes by cutting taxes on everyone, including the middle class, Romney will stimulate the economy better than anything obama has done or could do.

These things will provide good paying jobs for the middle class, and result in a strong US dollar. If you think obama is going to prefer the US over other countries financially then you have not been paying attention the last 4 years.

That's where I come down on this. Romney is way WAY more big governmen solution than I want in my elected leaders, but he also knows what will get the economy moving again and will do his damndest to facilitate that happening. Obama doesn't have a clue and doesn't want it anyway because it is by bringing the counry to its knees and making us all dependent on government that he accomplishes his personal vision.

So in that regard, Romney is far superior to Obama.

I won't throw the country under the bus just because I can't have my way re who should lead the country.

I don't like a lot about Romney. I didn't vote for him in the primaries and it is with displeasure that I have to vote for him this time.

I liken it to the people of the US in a car with obama at the wheel, we're headed toward a cliff at 99mph. We are wanting to put Romney at the wheel instead who will slow down to 50mph. That might give us enough time to really change things before we hit the precipice.

That's a pretty good analogy. For some time now the Democrats have been liberal extreme and have floorboarded the vehicle headed for that cliff. The GOP has been liberal light and they are headed for the same cliff but much more slowly. As you say, that buys us some time.

Or another analogy is the airliner that finds itself without a qualified pilot. Would you choose to let the plane crash and stay with the guy who isn't going to even try to keep that from happening or is doing things to make it happen faster? Or do you go with the flight attendant who wants to live and try to talk her down to a safe landing?
The sense of RELIEF the nation will have when The ONE gets voted out is going to be intense but joyful.

Even some of his nominal supporters probably "get" what a tool the incumbent is.

Personally, I'll have sense of apathy at the thought of the status quo being maintained.
I simply cannot believe he will revive the economy. How? By passing more free trade agreements that send more jobs overseas? By cutting taxes to people who are already sitting on billions and not investing it? By letting the fed continue to devalue the US dollar?

What the economy needs is good paying jobs for the middle class, a strong US dollar, and trade that actually favors (or at least isn't against) the US. How exactly will Romney accomplish that?

He will. Obama is the enemy of business. With him out of the way, businesses will begin to tkae risks, invest, and grow. Simply because they know that obama is out of there. it really is that simple. Romney won't even have to lift a finger. If you believe that Romney will send jobs overseas then you've been listening to left wing talking points instead of thinking and I can't help you with that.

And yes by cutting taxes on everyone, including the middle class, Romney will stimulate the economy better than anything obama has done or could do.

These things will provide good paying jobs for the middle class, and result in a strong US dollar. If you think obama is going to prefer the US over other countries financially then you have not been paying attention the last 4 years.

I don't care to listen to the left, they're just as blind as the right. Perhaps I've just been jaded by politics, but there is nothing on god's green earth that will make me believe Romney will bring good paying middle class jobs back to the US, especially not while lovingly supporting free trade. And of course Obama has been horrible for jobs. Please don't take my opposition to Romney as support for Obama.

Businesses won't expand at the mere sight of Obama leaving office. They'll wait and see what Romney has in store first. And if Romney does anything like what he did in MA then businesses will sit back and wait for him to leave office too.

But even if you assume the best scenario for Romney, it still won't look good. Some taxes may get cut, but I would guess that's about it. And tax cuts are not a panacea for an ailing economy. Most presidents don't accomplish anywhere near what they promise, Romney is no different. Taxes, that's about it.

I disagree about Romney and businesses but I agree that there is a lot to dislike about Mitt. The only way to provide jobs for the middle class is to get government out of the way of the people who hire middle class workers. obama won't do that and Romney will.

I'd rather have Johnson or Ron Paul any day, but obama MUST go, and if I can help that in any way, I will.
Noone is worried about Johnson, as a matter of fact, the majority of the people in America still have no idea who he is, and when they go to cast a ballot the only two names they will notice is berrys and romneys.

Why should the leader of Herman's Hermits care about Gary Johnson?
The sense of RELIEF the nation will have when The ONE gets voted out is going to be intense but joyful.

Even some of his nominal supporters probably "get" what a tool the incumbent is.

It will be real nice just to stop hearing all of the phoney racism claims. No more Obama, Holder and the Wookie will be great. It's time to elect somebody who appreciates what this nation is and stands for rather then having a president and first lady that resents America.
How hard is this? Libertarians are constantly bitching that their candidates aren't being given a shot. Well, if your candidates can only pull in less than 2% of the vote, they'll never be given a shot. If the Libertarians want to be a force, they ought to stand behind their candidates, and open their wallets for them, else you'll be forever in the wilderness of being a fringe force.
How hard is this? Libertarians are constantly bitching that their candidates aren't being given a shot. Well, if your candidates can only pull in less than 2% of the vote, they'll never be given a shot. If the Libertarians want to be a force, they ought to stand behind their candidates, and open their wallets for them, else you'll be forever in the wilderness of being a fringe force.

Great! Advice from a left wing loon. I'm sure Governor Johnson will be eager to hear it.

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