Gary Johnson will seriously hurt Trump and help Hillary

Trump can't do it alone is the point: he will lose by 20 points without the GOP's help.

You have a massive movement but do not have the votes that will propel you to victory without others.

Simple numbers.
The American people know who the enemy is, and it is the GOP establishment and the rest of the Hillary supporters...
Hillary has pulled even with Donnie in Utah because of Johnson.

It is only going to get worse for Donnie.
Utah is in play for the Democrats thanks to Birfer Trump.
Yes, he will hurt TRUMP....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Johnson: I agree with 73 percent of what Sanders says
The Washington Free Beacon
May 31, 2016 - Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it’s voluntary. ... Johnson said that after siding 100 percent with himself, the ...

Hey Vag

How come you haven't started a thread about a national poll lately?

Yes, he will hurt TRUMP....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Johnson: I agree with 73 percent of what Sanders says
The Washington Free Beacon
May 31, 2016 - Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it’s voluntary. ... Johnson said that after siding 100 percent with himself, the ...

Hey Vag

How come you haven't started a thread about a national poll lately?

Bullshitter look up Dukakis V. Bush June1988 you stupid bastard!
Yes, he will hurt TRUMP....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Johnson: I agree with 73 percent of what Sanders says
The Washington Free Beacon
May 31, 2016 - Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it’s voluntary. ... Johnson said that after siding 100 percent with himself, the ...

Hey Vag

How come you haven't started a thread about a national poll lately?

Bullshitter look up Dukakis V. Bush June1988 you stupid bastard!

Let's look at June 2016 instead, Vagifail.

Trump was at 32% in the latest Reuters poll.

When was a Republican Presidential candidate that low in any poll?

Where are all your photoshopped Messiah Trump pictures?
Argue with the polls, ck, not me.

Your man is not going to be President. And your opinion that he is supports your last sentence. :lol:
I don't argue over polls even if they favor Trump. I've said for weeks now it's WAY too early to be using polls to bolster ones argument. Polls mean shit and the primaries have proved that, pundits mean shit and the primaries have proved that, the media means shit and the primaries have proved that.

2016 is an election year like no other. American's (across all political lines) are tired and fed up with the Washington elites. They are abandoning the establishment and choosing two outsiders (Trump and Sanders) The fact that Trump has taken the nomination and Bernie should have but was robbed speaks volumes. The Republican party has been beaten into submission by American's and the elites/establishment have been tossed aside like old scraps. The games over, and millions of Americans have opened their eyes to the fact the the game is rigged and the Dems/Repubs are just two different sides to the same fucking coin.

Trump wins in a landslide (if the election were held today) I've been right all along about Trump, come November (right before the election) I'll make my final prediction.

The polls were not wrong about Trump.

The polls were right about Trump.

What was wrong were the people who said Trump would lose even though all the polls had him winning.

The polls had Trump pulling ahead in August, nearly six months before the first primary.
And the polls have him dropping now as the full electorate weighs in.

That is what Ryan and McConnell worries about, that Donnie will seriously threaten the GOP majorities in Congress.

If the polls continue downward through the next days, the rules committee may open the nomination process of convention.
Yes, he will hurt TRUMP....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Johnson: I agree with 73 percent of what Sanders says
The Washington Free Beacon
May 31, 2016 - Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it’s voluntary. ... Johnson said that after siding 100 percent with himself, the ...

Hey Vag

How come you haven't started a thread about a national poll lately?

Bullshitter look up Dukakis V. Bush June1988 you stupid bastard!

Let's look at June 2016 instead, Vagifail.

Trump was at 32% in the latest Reuters poll.

When was a Republican Presidential candidate that low in any poll?

Where are all your photoshopped Messiah Trump pictures?

Yes, he will hurt TRUMP....:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

Johnson: I agree with 73 percent of what Sanders says
The Washington Free Beacon
May 31, 2016 - Gov. Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate for president, said that he agrees with 73 percent of what Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) says, citing that libertarians agree with socialism as long as it’s voluntary. ... Johnson said that after siding 100 percent with himself, the ...

Hey Vag

How come you haven't started a thread about a national poll lately?

Bullshitter look up Dukakis V. Bush June1988 you stupid bastard!
Let's look at June 2016 instead, Vagifail.

Trump was at 32% in the latest Reuters poll.

When was a Republican Presidential candidate that low in any poll?

Where are all your photoshopped Messiah Trump pictures?
As usual that makes absolutely no sense. No one has any idea what you just said.

You are melting. Your Trumphuc can't even get to 40% in the national polls. We told you that in no way or shape or orm would the mainstream GOP help Trump to be president.

If it is clear he threatens GOP congressional majorities, you can count on an open convention.
Ron Paul was a Confederate sympathizer and a TERRIBLE TERRIBLE candidate. Johnson is nowhere near as whiny and clueless.
uh considering all the past presidents we have had since 190 when reagan got the ball started for the destruction of america that each president since then has continued and expanded upon,he was HARDLY a terrible candidate. Unlike all those others,he at LEAST believes in the constitution and serving the people instead of the bankers and getting rid of the CIA and fed which is why america and the world is in the mess it is. He would be a better POTUS than any of those clowns combined.:D

It would have been a dream fantasy come true to have the two final candidates this year be between paul and johnson,either one would be a 100 times improvement over all the asswipes we have had in office since 1981.
Oh come on Jake!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gary Johnson is a pot head and isn't going to hurt anyone (Clinton or Trump). Such ridiculousness

What the hell is going on, madness everywhere. People have lost their fucking minds over this election :lol:

since the people dont put these people in office contrary to what our corrupt school system has taught us,since it is the establishment that does,someone like gary johnson who believes in the constitution and is not part of the corrupt one party system,will never get elected.people like him and ron paul who defend the constitution and are not aprt of the establishment never get elected.

the resident trolll disinfo agent jake laughs at this since it is the TRUTH and he cant counter it.
Jake Starkey doesn't seem to notice that the Zionist side of the GOP, Paul Bizzaro Ryan included, is 100% for Zionist Hillary.

Some even suspect The Donald may re-open the 911 investigation... what Zionism REALLY FEARS...
Oh come on Jake!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gary Johnson is a pot head and isn't going to hurt anyone (Clinton or Trump). Such ridiculousness

What the hell is going on, madness everywhere. People have lost their fucking minds over this election :lol:

since the people dont put these people in office contrary to what our corrupt school system has taught us,since it is the establishment that does,someone like gary johnson who believes in the constitution and is not part of the corrupt one party system,will never get elected.people like him and ron paul who defend the constitution and are not aprt of the establishment never get elected.

the resident trolll disinfo agent jake laughs at this since it is the TRUTH and he cant counter it.
Jake Starkey doesn't seem to notice that the Zionist side of the GOP, Paul Bizzaro Ryan included, is 100% for Zionist Hillary.

Some even suspect The Donald may re-open the 911 investigation... what Zionism REALLY FEARS...
Ewe hate ewe sum joos

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