Gas Hits $8.50 in California

Ah....therein lies the real rub. And that is what I wanted someone to finally admit. That is precisely why the prices are high.

And yet 100% of the price increase is blamed solely on Biden even though he had nothing to do with the production cuts that are now causing the prices to increase.
Yet OPEC told Biden to fuck off when he begged them to send us more oil....weird.

Not weird at all. They are probably still pissed the last guy forced them to cut production. Plus they love the higher prices, until they are high enough to make tar sands profitable again...then they will increase production
You are LYING - Don't believe a damn thing you see on Facebook :rolleyes-41:

Claim: In July 2019 a gallon of gas cost more than six dollars. In April of the same year, we reported that a regular gallon of gas costs $11.75 per gallon.​
On the same day the photo was taken, the average price across all of Monterey County was $4.59 per gallon.​

If you want to call the media liars, have at it, shitforbrains.
And yet 100% of the price increase is blamed solely on Biden even though he had nothing to do with the production cuts that are now causing the prices to increase.
Ignore him. He is a self professed troll who will pretend to not read what you wrote, getting you into an endless looped conversation.
Yep, he forced production cuts around the world....and now people are blaming less production on the current POTUS...weird.
How did Trump force oil production cuts "around the world"? Earth to you....wake up.

The current President IS responsible for production cuts and that's why he has been trying
to get OPEC to step up production, with zero success.
And that's also why domestic oil producers are angry Brandon Biden has totally ignored them
and acted like they don't even exist.

The ball is in your court, genius.
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How did Trump force oil production cuts "around the world"? Earth to you....wake up.

In an April 2 phone call, Trump told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that unless the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) started cutting oil production, he would be powerless to stop lawmakers from passing legislation to withdraw U.S. troops from the kingdom, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Hilarious watching you Leftards flailing in trying to defend Brandon.
First day in office Alzheimer’s Joe was attacking energy sectors.

and yet we are producing more oil today than his first day in office. Production went down my more than 15% in the US alone under Trump....and now you morons cannot understand why gas is more expensive.

It is like you never heard of supply and demand.

In an April 2 phone call, Trump told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that unless the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) started cutting oil production, he would be powerless to stop lawmakers from passing legislation to withdraw U.S. troops from the kingdom, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.

In an April 2 phone call, Trump told Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman that unless the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) started cutting oil production, he would be powerless to stop lawmakers from passing legislation to withdraw U.S. troops from the kingdom, four sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.
Oooooh...."Sources fimaliar with the matter" eh? Ya don't say? I call Bull Shit.
You can't be typing this with a straight face...
It's neither trumps nor bidens fault. its just the circumstances that we were under at the time and are currently under. This is a temporary situation which will work itself out over time.
Oooooh...."Sources fimaliar with the matter" eh? Ya don't say? I call Bull Shit.

Fucking Trump bragged about getting them to cut production...were you not alive in 2020?

Just spoke to my friend MBS (Crown Prince) of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia, & I expect & hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 Million Barrels, and maybe substantially more which, if it happens, will be GREAT for the oil & gas industry
Fucking Trump bragged about getting them to cut production...were you not alive in 2020?

Just spoke to my friend MBS (Crown Prince) of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia, & I expect & hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 Million Barrels, and maybe substantially more which, if it happens, will be GREAT for the oil & gas industry
According to anonymous
Fucking Trump bragged about getting them to cut production...were you not alive in 2020?

Just spoke to my friend MBS (Crown Prince) of Saudi Arabia, who spoke with President Putin of Russia, & I expect & hope that they will be cutting back approximately 10 Million Barrels, and maybe substantially more which, if it happens, will be GREAT for the oil & gas industry
What else did the voices say?

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