Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

I have to ask...why would we complain about him not drilling for oil? Is there no link in your mind that the reason we complained about him not drilling for oil is because we know that you need oil for gas?
I have to ask...why would we complain about him not drilling for oil? Is there no link in your mind that the reason we complained about him not drilling for oil is because we know that you need oil for gas?

Of course there is a link. But no one assumed that drill baby drill, was about price as much as it was about energy independence. That was the whole push for Obama, was let's be energy independent. The difference was, his idea of being energy independent, was solar panels and wind mills, which can't fly a single jet, or a move a single 18-wheeler.

The McCain position was, yes let's go for energy independence, by drilling.

Remember, before the 2008 election, oil prices had already fallen by $100 a barrel, from $140, to $40. At that point, our problem wasn't price so much, as stability.

No one was screaming about gas prices during the election. At least no one I knew was, and I certainly didn't see it in the media. The key was stability through more independence.

And even then.... Obama still really didn't encourage drilling on Federal lands. What happened was completely independent of anything Obama did. It was simply people in the private sector, finding ways of pumping more oil through fracking, which the majority of leftist have done everything possible to prevent.

Big oil companies are the only people to blame for our lower gas prices. They are due 100% of the credit. 0% to Obama, 0% to Republicans, 0% to anyone else. The oil companies did this.

Again, only a brainless idiot, thinks that the president controls all aspects of the economy on his whim. People need to grow up.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

You were giving the summation of your day there...right?

Why even bother replying to animals like that? It only encourages them to look even more stupid than they did already.
Do you think Obama lowered gas prices?

Obviously not, how could he do that? I believe the OP is intended as a rhetorical exercise mocking the right wing tendency to blame Obama for everything but giving him credit for nothing. It's simply a commentary on how shallow and stupid so many of the President's detractors seem to be.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

You were giving the summation of your day there...right?

Why even bother replying to animals like that? It only encourages them to look even more stupid than they did already.
Do you think Obama lowered gas prices?

Obviously not, how could he do that? I believe the OP is intended as a rhetorical exercise mocking the right wing tendency to blame Obama for everything but giving him credit for nothing. It's simply a commentary on how shallow and stupid so many of the President's detractors seem to be.
What has Obama accomplished?
The national average gasoline price was $4.10/gal just 3 months before Obama was elected.

I don't care if it was $53/gal before he was elected, and was 25¢/gal today.

Only the most brainless idiotic fool.... thinks that everything is dependent on the whims of one man.

It rained yesterday while I was out on my walk through the forest.... darn Obama! It's Obama's fault it rained! If he had stopped something or other, it would not have rained on me!

I made a total income of $12K in 2011. Darn Obama! It's Obama's fault! It's not because I got into a low wage job, that was contract 1099, and didn't cover my expenses.... no no, it's Obama's fault! My A/C broke this summer, and I didn't have money to fix it, and that's all Obama's fault! Everything that happens throughout the entire country is Obama's fault because I'm following the leftardian belief that the President controls everything, and therefore, everything good or bad, is due to him!

No, you all are morons.

Until you show me the oil that Obama personally pumped out of the ground, the reason gas prices are low, is due to supply and demand, and supply is due to OIL COMPANIES that built those wells, and pumped that oil.
Bush lifted the offshore drilling ban couple weeks later oil prices dropped when they were going higher. ob ama takes office and re\instates the ban and oil prices start on it's upward trip. A PRESIDENTS POLICY DOES HAVE AN EFFECT ON GAS PRICES.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

You were giving the summation of your day there...right?

Why even bother replying to animals like that? It only encourages them to look even more stupid than they did already.
Do you think Obama lowered gas prices?

LMAO. I'll wait to hear his answer to that with bated breath.
I have no pot holes on my street...thank you mr. president

Unless you live on an interstate, you are giving credit to the wrong bureaucrat. State & local officials maintain state & county roads.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Slurp, Slurp, Slurp, (adjust kneepads), slurp slurp slurp.

You were giving the summation of your day there...right?

Why even bother replying to animals like that? It only encourages them to look even more stupid than they did already.
Do you think Obama lowered gas prices?

LMAO. I'll wait to hear his answer to that with bated breath.

Wait no more....just read post #206.
Obamacare caused my insurance premiums to increase 30% and increased my deductible. Thank you, Mr. President.
I have been reading CandyCornhole's comments and have concluded that she suffers from an inferiority complex. Notice all the short, concise snarky comments? They follow a formula whereby she makes a conclusory statement, usually quite baseless, then adds some shitty little snipe, apparently to create, at least in her puny brain, a profoundly asinine projection that her intellect is superior and not subject to any credible challenge.

She does not engage in debate or conversation, just conclusory statements and shitty little derogatory quips. Why won't she actually engage? Perhaps she is afraid to. Perhaps she thinks that she will be made to look like a stupid asshole. Thus, she sticks to her formula so as to remain largely insulated from critique.

I will defer to CandyCrotchMuncher's judgment here and agree with her that she is quite unable to engage lest she reveals that she is a shallow, empty pit of soulless anger, a miserable shell of a human who dabbles in these discussions merely because they serve her purpose of making her feel like her opinions, as baseless as they are, are legitimated because she posts them to a public message board. But, really, does she say anything at all? No, she does not. She does most of her profound intellectual work while listening to pop music and chewing gum.

Please do not take this as criticism, Candy. I am just trying to help everyone see that you are not a ****. Rather, you are merely a simpleton trying to legitimize your self perceptions in an attempt to mitigate your empty soul and your empty head. I am on YOUR side. I want you to embrace your inner moron and realize self-actualization. Come on, grab my virtual hand I am extending to you, hold on tight and say "I AM an idiot and my opinions are shallow and inconsequential."

There, I hope that helps. If you are interested I will be more than happy to counsel you further, with my pants off, of course. Just let me know, sweet tits.

NASA my ass. What does Candy do at NASA? Clean the lab? And what does it have to do with understanding the economy? Or gas prices?

I think Piss Bucket hit it right on the nose. I'll paste his personality profile of Candy again:

I have been reading CandyCornhole's comments and have concluded that she suffers from an inferiority complex. Notice all the short, concise snarky comments? They follow a formula whereby she makes a conclusory statement, usually quite baseless, then adds some shitty little snipe, apparently to create, at least in her puny brain, a profoundly asinine projection that her intellect is superior and not subject to any credible challenge.

She does not engage in debate or conversation, just conclusory statements and shitty little derogatory quips. Why won't she actually engage? Perhaps she is afraid to. Perhaps she thinks that she will be made to look like a stupid asshole. Thus, she sticks to her formula so as to remain largely insulated from critique.

I will defer to CandyCrotchMuncher's judgment here and agree with her that she is quite unable to engage lest she reveals that she is a shallow, empty pit of soulless anger, a miserable shell of a human who dabbles in these discussions merely because they serve her purpose of making her feel like her opinions, as baseless as they are, are legitimated because she posts them to a public message board. But, really, does she say anything at all? No, she does not. She does most of her profound intellectual work while listening to pop music and chewing gum.
Seniors on medicare now have higher deductible and co-pays thanks to obamacare. Thank you, Mr. President.
Ethanol is $1.50 a gallon. Add in the customary 40 cent markup at the pump & the price is $1.90 for consumers. This is pounding the shit out of gasoline prices nation wide. The national average gas price will be in the $2 range by Christmas. The more E85 people buy, the lower gas prices fall.

That's not the reason. You're enjoying these prices because we're about to overtake saudi production in three years. Has nothing to do with corn.

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