Gasoline Below $3.00 A Gallon; Thank You Mr. President

It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.

Dude with a hottie as an avatar.....while you give false and shallow praise to a man who has never operated so much as a cash register, please tell us EXACTLY what Obama has done to bring down gas prices??? Bet you cannot.
That is Candycorn's real photo & she works for NASA.

Who gives a shinola? The dude cannot answer my question honestly. Wanna bet?
Ethanol is $1.50 a gallon. Add in the customary 40 cent markup at the pump & the price is $1.90 for consumers. This is pounding the shit out of gasoline prices nation wide. The national average gas price will be in the $2 range by Christmas. The more E85 people buy, the lower gas prices fall. do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

The price of gasoline has little, if anything to do with hydraulic fracking, which is primarily used for natural gas field development.
Check it. Every time just before elections, gas prices drop.

Now, if he can get it down to 1.87 like in Bush's last year.

Wait, that is right. That does not count to a liberal. Stupid bitch.


Murphy-USA-052114.jpg do know that the reason the prices are falling is because of hydrolic fracking...the process that obama fights every chance he gets...and that oil drilling is only up on private he keeps preventing drilling on federal how exactly is it his policy that is lowering gas prices...

That's like giving him credit for killing bin just isn't true...

The price of gasoline has little, if anything to do with hydraulic fracking, which is primarily used for natural gas field development.

Are the elections one month away? Yeah the elections are one month away. Probably not related at all to a liberal like candycorn.

Ethanol is $1.50 a gallon. Add in the customary 40 cent markup at the pump & the price is $1.90 for consumers. This is pounding the shit out of gasoline prices nation wide. The national average gas price will be in the $2 range by Christmas. The more E85 people buy, the lower gas prices fall.

Right, and the more ethanol people buy, the more food costs will rise. Understand?
Ethanol is $1.50 a gallon. Add in the customary 40 cent markup at the pump & the price is $1.90 for consumers. This is pounding the shit out of gasoline prices nation wide. The national average gas price will be in the $2 range by Christmas. The more E85 people buy, the lower gas prices fall.

Right, and the more ethanol people buy, the more food costs will rise. Understand?
Total bullshit. Ethanol does NOT raise food price. All the corn protein that builds muscles/meat in livestock come out of the ethanol plant as DDG livestock feed that is more valuable & more sought after than corn. Ethanol is only made from the corn starch, which was bad for the animals as they just turned it into methane burps & farts. It had no food value & the methane was 20 times worse for global warming than CO2. Ethanol plants simply capture what would have been damaging methane emissions & puts it into gas tanks.
Ethanol is $1.50 a gallon. Add in the customary 40 cent markup at the pump & the price is $1.90 for consumers. This is pounding the shit out of gasoline prices nation wide. The national average gas price will be in the $2 range by Christmas. The more E85 people buy, the lower gas prices fall.

Right, and the more ethanol people buy, the more food costs will rise. Understand?
Total bullshit. Ethanol does NOT raise food price. All the corn protein that builds muscles/meat in livestock come out of the ethanol plant as DDG livestock feed that is more valuable & more sought after than corn. Ethanol is only made from the corn starch, which was bad for the animals as they just turned it into methane burps & farts. It had no food value & the methane was 20 times worse for global warming than CO2. Ethanol plants simply capture what would have been damaging methane emissions & puts it into gas tanks.

Fascinating how you ignore the fact that demand for corn products, which covers a vast amount of products across a myriad of industries, won't be impacted by a higher demand for the same.

I see you also blame cow flatulence for the fictitious global warming.


And agriculture STILL insists on 15% blends? While we export tens of millions of gallons of that shit monthly?
Yup! Ethanol is why gasoline is so cheap. Missouri is going E15, prices are going lower.
The un-subsidized price of ethanol is much higher, per gallon, than gasoline.

Taxpayers pay for your folly and your paycheck.

Git some. :slap:

Total bullshit lies from you Mr Oil Man!

Wholesale Ethanol today is only $1.50/gallon

Wholesale Gasoline today is high @ $2.38/gallon

You oil cry babies can't compete, so we have to endure your constant bitching.
As Paul Harvey used to say.........Now for the rest of the story.............

Explain the down side of ethanol when we are now using 40% of our corn crops to maintain the 10% mix........and then tell me how it affects feed prices and food prices.......

Paul Harvey also said "God made a farmer".

God made a Farmer?

The Farmer FUCKED a nation.

The Farmer is paid to grow crops, the farmer is paid to NOT grow crops the farmer is paid to NOT grow crops where crops should not be grown the farmer is paid when crop prices are low the farmer is paid when when weather extremes prohibit the farmer from growing crops... and on and on...

FUCK you mother fucking farmers.

Farmers SUCK the tit of America. Farmers are the ultimate bitch whores of this Nation. They suck, they pollute, they are resolute in their taking of everything.

Farmers of America... FUCKING our nation for the past 200 years. Fuck you.

Yep, farmers suck the tit and get more subsidies every time congress takes a vote on any bill.
Fascinating how you ignore the fact that demand for corn products, which covers a vast amount of products across a myriad of industries, won't be impacted by a higher demand for the same.

Now try to explain to them how raising taxes makes people stop doing things...get ready to bang your head against the wall...
The national average gasoline price was $4.10/gal just 3 months before Obama was elected.

I don't care if it was $53/gal before he was elected, and was 25¢/gal today.

Only the most brainless idiotic fool.... thinks that everything is dependent on the whims of one man.

It rained yesterday while I was out on my walk through the forest.... darn Obama! It's Obama's fault it rained! If he had stopped something or other, it would not have rained on me!

I made a total income of $12K in 2011. Darn Obama! It's Obama's fault! It's not because I got into a low wage job, that was contract 1099, and didn't cover my expenses.... no no, it's Obama's fault! My A/C broke this summer, and I didn't have money to fix it, and that's all Obama's fault! Everything that happens throughout the entire country is Obama's fault because I'm following the leftardian belief that the President controls everything, and therefore, everything good or bad, is due to him!

No, you all are morons.

Until you show me the oil that Obama personally pumped out of the ground, the reason gas prices are low, is due to supply and demand, and supply is due to OIL COMPANIES that built those wells, and pumped that oil.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.
Its got to be our two-term, African American President's doing because repubs were initially going to run against him based on gas prices.
Fascinating how you ignore the fact that demand for corn products, which covers a vast amount of products across a myriad of industries, won't be impacted by a higher demand for the same.

Now try to explain to them how raising taxes makes people stop doing things...get ready to bang your head against the wall...

I'm confused by this. This summer, my A/C broke. I didn't have the money to fix it. If I had the $6,000+ dollars I've paid in taxes, I would have had the money to fix it. Clearly taxes prevented me from doing something.
It's actually below $2.90 a gallon in SW Houston.

Obama's Fault.
Its got to be our two-term, African American President's doing because repubs were initially going to run against him based on gas prices.

Must be nice to have an ideology of just making up whatever the crap you want to claim about other people, and using your false claim to attack them.

I can't remember one time where 'repub' were claiming the reason to oppose Obama was because of gas prices. I do remember that about Al Gore, because Al Gore actively supported jacking up the price of oil.

But that never stops you lying leftists, does it? just make up whatever you want. Well I can do that to.... You leftards only supported Obama because he said he was going to close gitmo, which everyone knew wouldn't happen........ oh.... wait....
I can't remember one time where 'repub' were claiming the reason to oppose Obama was because of gas prices. I do remember that about Al Gore, because Al Gore actively supported jacking up the price of oil. missed all the complaining about his not allowing oil drilling on federal lands...his attacks on the oil, coal and natural gas do know gas comes from oil...right? So....when people complained about obama preventing drilling on federal lands and off shore when he first came into office...was that because they just like the way oil looks....or was it because it effects energy prices?
I can't remember one time where 'repub' were claiming the reason to oppose Obama was because of gas prices. I do remember that about Al Gore, because Al Gore actively supported jacking up the price of oil. missed all the complaining about his not allowing oil drilling on federal lands...his attacks on the oil, coal and natural gas do know gas comes from oil...right? So....when people complained about obama preventing drilling on federal lands and off shore when he first came into office...was that because they just like the way oil looks....or was it because it effects energy prices?

Now I do remember them attacking him over coal. And yes I too, complained about him not allowing drilling on Federal Lands. I'm against 'federal lands' period, but I most certainly am against not allowing us to get the natural resources we already have.

And yes, it doesn't make logical sense to say we need to be energy independent, and then prevent drilling for oil we already have.

But I still don't remember anyone saying gas prices where his problem. You people just make up crap. You take one thing someone somewhere said, apply fifteen other things that were never said, and then make these broad brush claims on half the voters in the country. Which is just another way of proving you are full of crap.

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