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Gate of the Sun in Palestine

what is your point Georgie? That there are still remnants of
that-----but it is disappearing in the christian world----and
tap into it the remnant in the heart of some christians----
is that the point you are trying to make?

In general---I would say that what jews face from christian
missionary types is now ----fairly trivial
I have not encountered that old "christ killer" libel
for decades from CHRISTIANS-----recently ---it has
been adopted by ISLAMO NAZIS -- It started about
in the 1980s when arafart ADDRESSED "LORD JESUS"
DIRECTLY in a little easter demonstration I almost
threw up
Apparently "that INQUISITION STYLE OF THINKING" isn't disappearing at the USAFA.
Do you have any tall tales of personal exploits at that particular institution?
Mikey does:

"On September 17, 2007, Weinstein and the MRFF filed a federal lawsuit[10] in Kansas City, Kansas, against Defense Secretary Robert Gates, and Major Freddy J. Welborn, accusing them of allowing a 'pervasive and pernicious pattern and practice of unconstitutional religious rape of freedoms of our U.S. military.'

The "pervasive and pernicious pattern and practice" of religious discrimination of Jews by Christians in the US military should make you "throw up." Unless your hasbara contract requires violated Jews to reside in Palestine?

Michael L. Weinstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"(Mikey) Weinstein graduated with honors from the United States Air Force Academy in 1977, consistently earning placement on the Superintendent's List throughout his studies.

"A second generation graduate of USAFA, Weinstein decided to study law, arguing that 'The law was what protected us, what kept us free... I was good at writing, good at arguing.'

"He has written that at the Academy he encountered a string of incidents of psychological harassment, including notes emblazoned with swastikas and anti-Semitic slurs, death threats, and two violent incidents of hazing where he was ambushed, beaten, and in one case hospitalized."

If incidents like this have occurring for generations at US military academies, I can only imagine the physical/psychological harassment of Red State slaves in the enlisted ranks.

Michael L. Weinstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maybe that's where the phrase "bible thumpers" comes from?
This guy must have been the wimpy faggot in his class. If he was marched to church and fell under the eyes of a Southern Baptist chaplin, he didn't get hurt none.
"Weinstein found that both his sons were exposed to Christian proselytizing at the Academy. In the case of his younger son Curtis, he reported that it included anti-Semitic language and being asked 'how it felt to kill Jesus'.

"His older son Casey, a 2004 Academy graduate, alleged that 'Senior cadets would sit down and say, 'How do you feel about the fact that your family is going to burn in hell?'.[6]

"Weinstein wrote in his autobiography:[7]

"It is naturally of great personal consequence that Curtis's and Casey's encounters with religious bigotry occurred at the Academy, which is where I first encountered it as well. Of course, from a historical perspective, Jews have always had the unfortunate role of scapegoat thrust upon them.

"But I'm under no illusions that what happened to my Jewish sons and my Christian daughter-in-law could not have happened to the son of a patriotic American Muslim or Buddhist or agnostic or atheist. I wouldn't be surprised if it already had.

"Describing his trajectory in an interview with LA Progressive that was published in April 2012, Weinstein explained:[8]

"With regard to the arc of justice in my life, I started out at point A where I made a commitment that wherever I saw anti-semitism I’d stamp it out. Now I’m at point B, when I see unconstitutional religious persecution of any stripe, I don’t care if I live or die, I’m not going to stand by and let it happen."

Does that sound like a "wimpy little faggot" to you, Hossie?

Since you're obviously not concerned with First Amendment/human rights violations occurring at elite US military academies, it stands to reason you lack the moral integrity to oppose Israel's occupation of Palestine. That makes you the anti-American.

Michael L. Weinstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So tell us, Georgie Boy, how many forums are you running around to in your lonely life whining about this while innocent people are being murdered every day because of their religious beliefs. I guess the lives of these people were unimportant to you and you feel you have more important things to whine about. I guess Georgie Boy feels he is being moral keeping his mouth shut about this, right, Georgie Boy? And let us not forget here, since it has been quite obvious from so many of Georgie Boy's posts that he is the one who hates America. Since Georgie Boy is so concerned with "occupation," perhaps he should start a forum which will talk about the occupation of Tibet, where the Tibetan people are treated horribly by the Chinese. Do you think you can start a forum about this, Georgie Boy, or because there are no Jews involved in this Tibet issue, you feel it is not worth spending time on and you would rather spend your time whining about other things? Meanwhile, where was Georgie Boy when Major Hasan mowed down American soldiers? Why wasn't he whining about this?
It's obvious how much the lives of innocent Vietnamese meant to you.
It's equally obvious how little regard you have for today's Muslim victims of the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet.
As I've mentioned before, I don't hate America; I hate American elites who profit from the killing of innocent Jews, Muslims, and Christians world wide.
Perhaps it's escaped your notice that only one country has murdered millions of people on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland?
Start that Tibet thread, Hossie. I'll join in.
It's obvious how much the lives of innocent Vietnamese meant to you.
It's equally obvious how little regard you have for today's Muslim victims of the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet.
As I've mentioned before, I don't hate America; I hate American elites who profit from the killing of innocent Jews, Muslims, and Christians world wide.
Perhaps it's escaped your notice that only one country has murdered millions of people on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland?
Start that Tibet thread, Hossie. I'll join in.
It is quite obvious, Georgie Boy, that you have closed your eyes to the millions and millions of innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering. but you have no problems blaming the U.S. Since you are the one who is always whining about occupation, I will leave it up to you to start a forum about the occupation in Tibet. This will give you something else to do with all the time you seem to have on your hands. By the way, with all this time you apparently have, why not do some good on local matters. I don't know if you have any relatives or friends in Compton, but the Mexican gangs are driving out the Blacks. If you would take the time away from forums and read the local news, you would know about this. How about going there as a peacemaker and try to get both sides to accept each other? No doubt you can find out how you can get to Compton by bus from your apartment.
It's obvious how much the lives of innocent Vietnamese meant to you.
It's equally obvious how little regard you have for today's Muslim victims of the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet.
As I've mentioned before, I don't hate America; I hate American elites who profit from the killing of innocent Jews, Muslims, and Christians world wide.
Perhaps it's escaped your notice that only one country has murdered millions of people on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland?
Start that Tibet thread, Hossie. I'll join in.
It is quite obvious, Georgie Boy, that you have closed your eyes to the millions and millions of innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering. but you have no problems blaming the U.S. Since you are the one who is always whining about occupation, I will leave it up to you to start a forum about the occupation in Tibet. This will give you something else to do with all the time you seem to have on your hands. By the way, with all this time you apparently have, why not do some good on local matters. I don't know if you have any relatives or friends in Compton, but the Mexican gangs are driving out the Blacks. If you would take the time away from forums and read the local news, you would know about this. How about going there as a peacemaker and try to get both sides to accept each other? No doubt you can find out how you can get to Compton by bus from your apartment.
"If we now turn to population, two thirds of Palestinians are refugees today. The largest percentage of any people any where. If we add those displaced in 1967, we find that three quarters of Palestinians do not live in their homes.

"They are scattered over 130 countries.

"It would be reasonable, therefore, to assume that Zionists have not only succeeded in occupying their land, but also in dispersing its population. Let us have another look at the figures. Those who are dispersed away from Palestine in far away Arab and foreign countries, do not exceed 12%.

"That is about 1 million Palestinians. In rough terms, the Palestinians today are just over 10 million. The remaining 9 million (or 88%) are still in the Mandate Palestine and a ring around it in neighbouring Arab countries, not exceeding a hundred miles in width.

"Half of the 9 million people are in Palestine, making them now, or at most in the next five years, equal to the number of Jews in Israel. In the year 2025, the Jews in Israel will be 6.7 to 7.7 million according to immigration rate.

"In the same year, the Palestinians will be 8 million."

What happens then...killer Jews invade Compton?

The people who call themselves "palestinians" have DEFINED them-
selves as refugees and their close bretheren ----who number over a billion,
insist that they remain refugees. There is no reason other than
CHOICE that any of them are refugees. Based on THEIR definition
of "refugee" -----I have never known a jew in the entire world who
could NOT claim to BE A REFUGEE. I never thought of mysef
as a "refugee" because I am a jew----jews never REMAIN refugees
for GENERATION AFTER GENERATION. My husband spent his infancy
in a "REFUGEE CAMP"-----he does not consider himself a "refugee"
nor did his parents------in fact even when they lived in the refugee
camp -----they did not play that idiotic MENDACIOUS, SELF SERVING
game that the "palestinians" play
"The contradictions and ironies abound.

"At a time when the Allied planes were dropping leaflets on the Arabs promising them independence and freedom if they defeat the Turks, Mark Sykes and George Picot were huddled in a room dividing the Arab lands between them.

"One year later, Balfour promised a land, which he did not own and which the British had barely started to enter, to European Zionists who had not set foot on the land of Palestine.

"Meanwhile, the owners of this land were totally oblivious to this conspiracy.

"Weizmann prepared for the takeover of Palestine while the war to conquer it was being fought.

"He formed an advisory committee for the Zionist Commission headed by a Zionist, a young civil servant by the name of Herbert Samuel.

"Samuel would be, two years later, a trusted British High Commissioner whose task was to convey 'the Sacred Trust of Civilization' of the League of Nations to Palestinians, granting them independence and freedom.

"In his four years of office, Samuel laid the foundation of the State of Israel by promulgating laws to facilitate land transfer, immigration, setting up separate Jewish education, banking, and labour institutions and a new paramilitary army later known as Haganah, all under a quasi-government known as the Jewish Agency."

It's obvious how much the lives of innocent Vietnamese meant to you.
It's equally obvious how little regard you have for today's Muslim victims of the greatest purveyor of violence on the planet.
As I've mentioned before, I don't hate America; I hate American elites who profit from the killing of innocent Jews, Muslims, and Christians world wide.
Perhaps it's escaped your notice that only one country has murdered millions of people on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland?
Start that Tibet thread, Hossie. I'll join in.
It is quite obvious, Georgie Boy, that you have closed your eyes to the millions and millions of innocent people the Muslims have murdered and are still murdering. but you have no problems blaming the U.S. Since you are the one who is always whining about occupation, I will leave it up to you to start a forum about the occupation in Tibet. This will give you something else to do with all the time you seem to have on your hands. By the way, with all this time you apparently have, why not do some good on local matters. I don't know if you have any relatives or friends in Compton, but the Mexican gangs are driving out the Blacks. If you would take the time away from forums and read the local news, you would know about this. How about going there as a peacemaker and try to get both sides to accept each other? No doubt you can find out how you can get to Compton by bus from your apartment.
"If we now turn to population, two thirds of Palestinians are refugees today. The largest percentage of any people any where. If we add those displaced in 1967, we find that three quarters of Palestinians do not live in their homes.

"They are scattered over 130 countries.

"It would be reasonable, therefore, to assume that Zionists have not only succeeded in occupying their land, but also in dispersing its population. Let us have another look at the figures. Those who are dispersed away from Palestine in far away Arab and foreign countries, do not exceed 12%.

"That is about 1 million Palestinians. In rough terms, the Palestinians today are just over 10 million. The remaining 9 million (or 88%) are still in the Mandate Palestine and a ring around it in neighbouring Arab countries, not exceeding a hundred miles in width.

"Half of the 9 million people are in Palestine, making them now, or at most in the next five years, equal to the number of Jews in Israel. In the year 2025, the Jews in Israel will be 6.7 to 7.7 million according to immigration rate.

"In the same year, the Palestinians will be 8 million."

What happens then...killer Jews invade Compton?

Georgie Boy rolls out of bed and runs to his comuter (maybe with a cup of coffee in his hand) to log onto forums to start his day. I guess Georgie Boy is really not interested in what is happening in his own backyard when Blacks visit their friends in Compton and are beaten up by Mexican gangs who tell them that they don't belong there. Meanwhile, I wonder if Georgie Boy can explain to us how there were millions and millions of displaced people from World War II and somehow they were able to move thousands of miles away from their homes, learn a new language and culture, and got on with their lives (in many cases very successfully and more so than those depending on subsidized housing), when the Arab nations couldn't accept their own Arab people and make them citizens of the various Arab countries where the refugees spoke the same language. I guess it was more important to keep these refugees as a thorn in the side of Israel. And, Georgie Boy, you can pull up any site you want about what happened because there are other sites with different views. I guess everyone has the prerogative to write what they want to write, but that doesn't mean we all have to believe the author. I am sure many of the readers will notice that Georgie Boy at the end of his post states "killer Jews." Evidently his mind is stuck on the Jews and not the Muslims who have managed to murdered millions and millions of innocent people and are still murdering them. What's the matter, Georgie Boy, you are afraid to type "killer Muslims" -- it has to be all about the Jews as killers???
An eyewitness account of al-Nakba:

"The scenes of devastation filled the landscape: the sea of wrecked humanity trailing along the sea coast in Gaza or in the ravines of the West Bank, resting under a tree, in a mosque or a school, counting their number; the distraught father or mother rushing back aimlessly looking for a missing loved one; houses deserted with a bed unmade, hot food in the kitchen; a dog looking for its owner; plants remain unwatered; cattle and sheep wandering about out of their open sheds.

"Screams of Yahud, Yahud (Jews, Jews) are heard and the tired crowd disperses frantically in crevices and behind rocks.

"A jeep with mounted machine guns sprays all moving objects. A plane hovers gently, almost soundlessly, then drops barrels of destruction on concentrated masses, limbs flying in the air, hanging on a branch.

"Avnery was one of those riding in a jeep with a machine gun. When he heard my recollection he was visibly shaken. His wife was almost in tears. He admitted that he was a member of the Jewish terrorist organization, the Irgun, and that he, perched on a hill and carrying his machine gun in Huleigat, saw this dazed mass of humanity moving slowly along the shoreline towards Gaza, fleeing Israeli machine guns."


Doesn't sound much like Compton to me, Hossie.
It does remind of Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, however.
Last edited:
An eyewitness account of al-Nakba:

"The scenes of devastation filled the landscape: the sea of wrecked humanity trailing along the sea coast in Gaza or in the ravines of the West Bank, resting under a tree, in a mosque or a school, counting their number; the distraught father or mother rushing back aimlessly looking for a missing loved one; houses deserted with a bed unmade, hot food in the kitchen; a dog looking for its owner; plants remain unwatered; cattle and sheep wandering about out of their open sheds.

"Screams of Yahud, Yahud (Jews, Jews) are heard and the tired crowd disperses frantically in crevices and behind rocks.

"A jeep with mounted machine guns sprays all moving objects. A plane hovers gently, almost soundlessly, then drops barrels of destruction on concentrated masses, limbs flying in the air, hanging on a branch.

"Avnery was one of those riding in a jeep with a machine gun. When he heard my recollection he was visibly shaken. His wife was almost in tears. He admitted that he was a member of the Jewish terrorist organization, the Irgun, and that he, perched on a hill and carrying his machine gun in Huleigat, saw this dazed mass of humanity moving slowly along the shoreline towards Gaza, fleeing Israeli machine guns."


Doesn't sound much like Compton to me, Hossie.
It does remind of Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, however.
Are we supposed to take the word of every Arab who says he was a witness to so and so? I see you have found a new site that you seem to really have gone to bat with. However, that doesn't mean that this particular site is not pushing the usual Arab propaganda. And how would you know what anything sounds like since they gave you a Section 8 because they knew you weren't mentally fit to hack it being in the military unless it was to clean out the latrines. No doubt where Georgie Boy lives it is like a war zone with the various gangs fighting each other. When they are at it, Georgie Boy hides under the bed.
An eyewitness account of al-Nakba:

"The scenes of devastation filled the landscape: the sea of wrecked humanity trailing along the sea coast in Gaza or in the ravines of the West Bank, resting under a tree, in a mosque or a school, counting their number; the distraught father or mother rushing back aimlessly looking for a missing loved one; houses deserted with a bed unmade, hot food in the kitchen; a dog looking for its owner; plants remain unwatered; cattle and sheep wandering about out of their open sheds.

"Screams of Yahud, Yahud (Jews, Jews) are heard and the tired crowd disperses frantically in crevices and behind rocks.

"A jeep with mounted machine guns sprays all moving objects. A plane hovers gently, almost soundlessly, then drops barrels of destruction on concentrated masses, limbs flying in the air, hanging on a branch.

"Avnery was one of those riding in a jeep with a machine gun. When he heard my recollection he was visibly shaken. His wife was almost in tears. He admitted that he was a member of the Jewish terrorist organization, the Irgun, and that he, perched on a hill and carrying his machine gun in Huleigat, saw this dazed mass of humanity moving slowly along the shoreline towards Gaza, fleeing Israeli machine guns."


Doesn't sound much like Compton to me, Hossie.
It does remind of Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, however.
Are we supposed to take the word of every Arab who says he was a witness to so and so? I see you have found a new site that you seem to really have gone to bat with. However, that doesn't mean that this particular site is not pushing the usual Arab propaganda. And how would you know what anything sounds like since they gave you a Section 8 because they knew you weren't mentally fit to hack it being in the military unless it was to clean out the latrines. No doubt where Georgie Boy lives it is like a war zone with the various gangs fighting each other. When they are at it, Georgie Boy hides under the bed.
Hossie appears terrified at the prospect he's going to live long enough to discover "his" country is not only the greatest purveyor of violence against "others", but is also willing to murder thousands of its own for the greater glory of Empire:

"The collapse of WTC Building 7 represents one of the worst structural failures in modern history. The official story contends that fires weakened the structures, resulting in a gravitational collapse. The evidence, obvious to so many researchers but omitted from NIST’s Final Report, supports a very different conclusion – one that points squarely to explosive controlled demolition."

Get off your knees, Pussy.
Before it's too late.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
An eyewitness account of al-Nakba:

"The scenes of devastation filled the landscape: the sea of wrecked humanity trailing along the sea coast in Gaza or in the ravines of the West Bank, resting under a tree, in a mosque or a school, counting their number; the distraught father or mother rushing back aimlessly looking for a missing loved one; houses deserted with a bed unmade, hot food in the kitchen; a dog looking for its owner; plants remain unwatered; cattle and sheep wandering about out of their open sheds.

"Screams of Yahud, Yahud (Jews, Jews) are heard and the tired crowd disperses frantically in crevices and behind rocks.

"A jeep with mounted machine guns sprays all moving objects. A plane hovers gently, almost soundlessly, then drops barrels of destruction on concentrated masses, limbs flying in the air, hanging on a branch.

"Avnery was one of those riding in a jeep with a machine gun. When he heard my recollection he was visibly shaken. His wife was almost in tears. He admitted that he was a member of the Jewish terrorist organization, the Irgun, and that he, perched on a hill and carrying his machine gun in Huleigat, saw this dazed mass of humanity moving slowly along the shoreline towards Gaza, fleeing Israeli machine guns."


Doesn't sound much like Compton to me, Hossie.
It does remind of Korea, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Afghanistan, and Iraq, however.
Are we supposed to take the word of every Arab who says he was a witness to so and so? I see you have found a new site that you seem to really have gone to bat with. However, that doesn't mean that this particular site is not pushing the usual Arab propaganda. And how would you know what anything sounds like since they gave you a Section 8 because they knew you weren't mentally fit to hack it being in the military unless it was to clean out the latrines. No doubt where Georgie Boy lives it is like a war zone with the various gangs fighting each other. When they are at it, Georgie Boy hides under the bed.
Hossie appears terrified at the prospect he's going to live long enough to discover "his" country is not only the greatest purveyor of violence against "others", but is also willing to murder thousands of its own for the greater glory of Empire:

"The collapse of WTC Building 7 represents one of the worst structural failures in modern history. The official story contends that fires weakened the structures, resulting in a gravitational collapse. The evidence, obvious to so many researchers but omitted from NIST’s Final Report, supports a very different conclusion – one that points squarely to explosive controlled demolition."

Get off your knees, Pussy.
Before it's too late.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
The pussy boy on his knees appears to be you, Georgie Boy, since you were afraid to be in the military, not even the SeaBees where you would have learned some kind of a trade that you could have taken back in your civilian life to get yourself a decent job. In fact, I can imagine how you must shake just leaving your little apartment and have to go out on the streets in your neighborhood. Meanwhile, there are other sites on the Internet (and you have all the time in the world to search for them since you have nothing else to do in your life) which exposes the nonsense you are posting about the WTC.
Are we supposed to take the word of every Arab who says he was a witness to so and so? I see you have found a new site that you seem to really have gone to bat with. However, that doesn't mean that this particular site is not pushing the usual Arab propaganda. And how would you know what anything sounds like since they gave you a Section 8 because they knew you weren't mentally fit to hack it being in the military unless it was to clean out the latrines. No doubt where Georgie Boy lives it is like a war zone with the various gangs fighting each other. When they are at it, Georgie Boy hides under the bed.
Hossie appears terrified at the prospect he's going to live long enough to discover "his" country is not only the greatest purveyor of violence against "others", but is also willing to murder thousands of its own for the greater glory of Empire:

"The collapse of WTC Building 7 represents one of the worst structural failures in modern history. The official story contends that fires weakened the structures, resulting in a gravitational collapse. The evidence, obvious to so many researchers but omitted from NIST’s Final Report, supports a very different conclusion – one that points squarely to explosive controlled demolition."

Get off your knees, Pussy.
Before it's too late.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
The pussy boy on his knees appears to be you, Georgie Boy, since you were afraid to be in the military, not even the SeaBees where you would have learned some kind of a trade that you could have taken back in your civilian life to get yourself a decent job. In fact, I can imagine how you must shake just leaving your little apartment and have to go out on the streets in your neighborhood. Meanwhile, there are other sites on the Internet (and you have all the time in the world to search for them since you have nothing else to do in your life) which exposes the nonsense you are posting about the WTC.
"Let’s consider the evidence:
Speed of Collapse
As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories."

It's only nonsense to chicken-shits who are too timid to look.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
Hossie appears terrified at the prospect he's going to live long enough to discover "his" country is not only the greatest purveyor of violence against "others", but is also willing to murder thousands of its own for the greater glory of Empire:

"The collapse of WTC Building 7 represents one of the worst structural failures in modern history. The official story contends that fires weakened the structures, resulting in a gravitational collapse. The evidence, obvious to so many researchers but omitted from NIST’s Final Report, supports a very different conclusion – one that points squarely to explosive controlled demolition."

Get off your knees, Pussy.
Before it's too late.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
The pussy boy on his knees appears to be you, Georgie Boy, since you were afraid to be in the military, not even the SeaBees where you would have learned some kind of a trade that you could have taken back in your civilian life to get yourself a decent job. In fact, I can imagine how you must shake just leaving your little apartment and have to go out on the streets in your neighborhood. Meanwhile, there are other sites on the Internet (and you have all the time in the world to search for them since you have nothing else to do in your life) which exposes the nonsense you are posting about the WTC.
"Let’s consider the evidence:
Speed of Collapse
As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories."

It's only nonsense to chicken-shits who are too timid to look.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
Georgie Boy, you can pull up all the sites you want to, but I will reiterate that there are sites that don't agree with your sites. Meanwhile, why in the world are you even pulling this up. We know you hate the U.S. and want to blame things on this country, but the WTC event was over 10 years ago, and it has been talked about so much on these forums. I think people can realize that you would be one of those conspiracy nuts; and if I thought you actually had the money to pay for your Internet use, I would think you were one of those on a forum set up right after this event for people to talk about it, who were blaming the U.S., Israel, and/or Mossad for doing this before the dust even had a chance to settle. It's a shame we can't throw little old you into the cell with the Muslim terrorist who admitted that they were responsible. He is so proud of bringing American down on its knees for a while (just like you would love to do as long as you still get your benefits and subsidized apartment) that he would show you how angry he is for trying to take credit for what he and his fellow Muslims were responsible. Just be happy that they didn't have enough time to do the same to your city or who knows where you would be living now as the taxpayers in your city would be picking up the bill to rebuild and wouldn't be too happy also subsidizing rents.
The pussy boy on his knees appears to be you, Georgie Boy, since you were afraid to be in the military, not even the SeaBees where you would have learned some kind of a trade that you could have taken back in your civilian life to get yourself a decent job. In fact, I can imagine how you must shake just leaving your little apartment and have to go out on the streets in your neighborhood. Meanwhile, there are other sites on the Internet (and you have all the time in the world to search for them since you have nothing else to do in your life) which exposes the nonsense you are posting about the WTC.
"Let’s consider the evidence:
Speed of Collapse
As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories."

It's only nonsense to chicken-shits who are too timid to look.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
Georgie Boy, you can pull up all the sites you want to, but I will reiterate that there are sites that don't agree with your sites. Meanwhile, why in the world are you even pulling this up. We know you hate the U.S. and want to blame things on this country, but the WTC event was over 10 years ago, and it has been talked about so much on these forums. I think people can realize that you would be one of those conspiracy nuts; and if I thought you actually had the money to pay for your Internet use, I would think you were one of those on a forum set up right after this event for people to talk about it, who were blaming the U.S., Israel, and/or Mossad for doing this before the dust even had a chance to settle. It's a shame we can't throw little old you into the cell with the Muslim terrorist who admitted that they were responsible. He is so proud of bringing American down on its knees for a while (just like you would love to do as long as you still get your benefits and subsidized apartment) that he would show you how angry he is for trying to take credit for what he and his fellow Muslims were responsible. Just be happy that they didn't have enough time to do the same to your city or who knows where you would be living now as the taxpayers in your city would be picking up the bill to rebuild and wouldn't be too happy also subsidizing rents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pTBJmWVXhA]Government Allowed 9/11 | Interview with Sibel Edmonds - YouTube[/ame]
"Let’s consider the evidence:
Speed of Collapse
As documented by video footage, Building 7 collapsed at free-fall acceleration for a distance of more than 100 feet – equal to at least eight stories."

It's only nonsense to chicken-shits who are too timid to look.

Building 7 Implosion: The Smoking Gun of 9/11
Georgie Boy, you can pull up all the sites you want to, but I will reiterate that there are sites that don't agree with your sites. Meanwhile, why in the world are you even pulling this up. We know you hate the U.S. and want to blame things on this country, but the WTC event was over 10 years ago, and it has been talked about so much on these forums. I think people can realize that you would be one of those conspiracy nuts; and if I thought you actually had the money to pay for your Internet use, I would think you were one of those on a forum set up right after this event for people to talk about it, who were blaming the U.S., Israel, and/or Mossad for doing this before the dust even had a chance to settle. It's a shame we can't throw little old you into the cell with the Muslim terrorist who admitted that they were responsible. He is so proud of bringing American down on its knees for a while (just like you would love to do as long as you still get your benefits and subsidized apartment) that he would show you how angry he is for trying to take credit for what he and his fellow Muslims were responsible. Just be happy that they didn't have enough time to do the same to your city or who knows where you would be living now as the taxpayers in your city would be picking up the bill to rebuild and wouldn't be too happy also subsidizing rents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pTBJmWVXhA]Government Allowed 9/11 | Interview with Sibel Edmonds - YouTube[/ame]
Oh, you also want to blame it on others instead of your Muslim friends, Tinnie? I'm not in the mood to go search for the sites, especially since this happened over ten years ago and I have already read the sites which would disagree with anything you bring up. I don't even know why this was even brought up unless Georgie Boy felt he had to say something at the moment and 9/11 popped into his mind.. Meanwhile, your friends have taken credit for what happened, and they are only sorry they couldn't carry out all that they planned to do. Read the book Masterminds of Terror to learn how they went about it. Are you disappointed that they didn't ask you to be their contact point here in the U.S. the way you are for Hamas? Maybe you feel that you would have been the one to be able to work it out better for them so that they could have hit the places they planned to hit besides NYC.. In fact, Tinnie probably would have set up a flying school and a runway right on his own property to facilitate their training and there would be no questions afterward.
Georgie Boy, you can pull up all the sites you want to, but I will reiterate that there are sites that don't agree with your sites. Meanwhile, why in the world are you even pulling this up. We know you hate the U.S. and want to blame things on this country, but the WTC event was over 10 years ago, and it has been talked about so much on these forums. I think people can realize that you would be one of those conspiracy nuts; and if I thought you actually had the money to pay for your Internet use, I would think you were one of those on a forum set up right after this event for people to talk about it, who were blaming the U.S., Israel, and/or Mossad for doing this before the dust even had a chance to settle. It's a shame we can't throw little old you into the cell with the Muslim terrorist who admitted that they were responsible. He is so proud of bringing American down on its knees for a while (just like you would love to do as long as you still get your benefits and subsidized apartment) that he would show you how angry he is for trying to take credit for what he and his fellow Muslims were responsible. Just be happy that they didn't have enough time to do the same to your city or who knows where you would be living now as the taxpayers in your city would be picking up the bill to rebuild and wouldn't be too happy also subsidizing rents.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pTBJmWVXhA]Government Allowed 9/11 | Interview with Sibel Edmonds - YouTube[/ame]
Oh, you also want to blame it on others instead of your Muslim friends, Tinnie? I'm not in the mood to go search for the sites, especially since this happened over ten years ago and I have already read the sites which would disagree with anything you bring up. I don't even know why this was even brought up unless Georgie Boy felt he had to say something at the moment and 9/11 popped into his mind.. Meanwhile, your friends have taken credit for what happened, and they are only sorry they couldn't carry out all that they planned to do. Read the book Masterminds of Terror to learn how they went about it. Are you disappointed that they didn't ask you to be their contact point here in the U.S. the way you are for Hamas? Maybe you feel that you would have been the one to be able to work it out better for them so that they could have hit the places they planned to hit besides NYC.. In fact, Tinnie probably would have set up a flying school and a runway right on his own property to facilitate their training and there would be no questions afterward.

In fact, Tinnie probably would have set up a flying school and a runway right on his own property to facilitate their training and there would be no questions afterward.

No, they were already being trained at flight schools under the watchful eye of the local FBI. When the locals sent a request to headquarters for a warrant for deeper investigation their request was changed so they could not get that warrant.

Why would that happen?
Oh, you also want to blame it on others instead of your Muslim friends, Tinnie? I'm not in the mood to go search for the sites, especially since this happened over ten years ago and I have already read the sites which would disagree with anything you bring up. I don't even know why this was even brought up unless Georgie Boy felt he had to say something at the moment and 9/11 popped into his mind.. Meanwhile, your friends have taken credit for what happened, and they are only sorry they couldn't carry out all that they planned to do. Read the book Masterminds of Terror to learn how they went about it. Are you disappointed that they didn't ask you to be their contact point here in the U.S. the way you are for Hamas? Maybe you feel that you would have been the one to be able to work it out better for them so that they could have hit the places they planned to hit besides NYC.. In fact, Tinnie probably would have set up a flying school and a runway right on his own property to facilitate their training and there would be no questions afterward.

In fact, Tinnie probably would have set up a flying school and a runway right on his own property to facilitate their training and there would be no questions afterward.

No, they were already being trained at flight schools under the watchful eye of the local FBI. When the locals sent a request to headquarters for a warrant for deeper investigation their request was changed so they could not get that warrant.

Why would that happen?
Conspiracy theory or fact?
Oh, you also want to blame it on others instead of your Muslim friends, Tinnie? I'm not in the mood to go search for the sites, especially since this happened over ten years ago and I have already read the sites which would disagree with anything you bring up. I don't even know why this was even brought up unless Georgie Boy felt he had to say something at the moment and 9/11 popped into his mind.. Meanwhile, your friends have taken credit for what happened, and they are only sorry they couldn't carry out all that they planned to do. Read the book Masterminds of Terror to learn how they went about it. Are you disappointed that they didn't ask you to be their contact point here in the U.S. the way you are for Hamas? Maybe you feel that you would have been the one to be able to work it out better for them so that they could have hit the places they planned to hit besides NYC.. In fact, Tinnie probably would have set up a flying school and a runway right on his own property to facilitate their training and there would be no questions afterward.

In fact, Tinnie probably would have set up a flying school and a runway right on his own property to facilitate their training and there would be no questions afterward.

No, they were already being trained at flight schools under the watchful eye of the local FBI. When the locals sent a request to headquarters for a warrant for deeper investigation their request was changed so they could not get that warrant.

Why would that happen?
Conspiracy theory or fact?

It comes from a reliable source. Somebody who was there.

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