Gatekeeping 101 (Muslims in or out)

Should we let more muslims into the U.S>???

  • NO. We're better without them

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • YES, diversity is a good thing even with a few occasional terror attacks

    Votes: 4 14.8%
  • Non-issue, we will assimilate any group within 3-generations

    Votes: 6 22.2%

  • Total voters
Before we get into the mess the EU is in, that being that France will be 46% muslin by 2030, lets think about stopping muslim immigration. There simply is no compelling reason to let them in. Are a few bad apples worth less "diversity"????

Muslim populations by country: how big will each Muslim population be by 2030? | News |

You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?"

Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.
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You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?" Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

The US is a sovereign country and has every right to say who does and does not get to become citizens. If a certain population is profiled as violent or criminal, we have every right to exclude them. Your Constitutional argument makes no sense, it only applies to citizens, not foreign nationals.
Learn to read the links you post.
France won't be 46% Muslim by 2030.

Please don't bring reality into this conversation. Although the link says France will be 10.3 percent Muslim by 2030, that just does not jibe with the voices in kyzr's head. So it must be ignored and a bigger number made up.
You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?" Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

The US is a sovereign country and has every right to say who does and does not get to become citizens. If a certain population is profiled as violent or criminal, we have every right to exclude them. Your Constitutional argument makes no sense, it only applies to citizens, not foreign nationals.

So much for individual liberty, personal responsibility and the American way. g5000 is right. You have no argument different froma gun grabber. You're profiling groups over the acts of individuals.

For shame.
Learn to read the links you post.
France won't be 46% Muslim by 2030.

Apparently the same level of comprehension as those that said only 4% of Americans favor gun control!!!

Within a generation or two Muslim families will be indistinguishable from other Americans.
You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?" Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

The US is a sovereign country and has every right to say who does and does not get to become citizens. If a certain population is profiled as violent or criminal, we have every right to exclude them. Your Constitutional argument makes no sense, it only applies to citizens, not foreign nationals.

You want to ban ALL Muslim immigration, solely because they are Muslims. That criteria is a violation of the First Amendment.
Hey, if we ban the manufacture and importation of guns, we are not violating the Second Amendment, right? Because those guns don't exist yet, and therefore are not protected by the Constitution!

Just using kyzer logic.
Learn to read the links you post.
France won't be 46% Muslim by 2030.

Apparently the same level of comprehension as those that said only 4% of Americans favor gun control!!!

Within a generation or two Muslim families will be indistinguishable from other Americans.

They already are. An American is an american, protected by the same rights under the constitution as anyone else (except for political special interests anyway which is another topic). There are generations of Muslim Americans in my city.
You are using the EXACT same logic the Left uses to demand gun control. "There simply is no compelling reason to have assault weapons. Are a few bad apples worth it?" Blah blah blah.

Funny how you don't give a flying fuck about the Constitution's First Amendment when it doesn't suit you.

The US is a sovereign country and has every right to say who does and does not get to become citizens. If a certain population is profiled as violent or criminal, we have every right to exclude them. Your Constitutional argument makes no sense, it only applies to citizens, not foreign nationals.

So much for individual liberty, personal responsibility and the American way. g5000 is right. You have no argument different from a gun grabber. You're profiling groups over the acts of individuals. For shame.

I'm not seeing your argument at all. As a citizen I have the 2nd on my side. PERIOD.

Potential immigrants have zero rights to enter the US, its totally at the discretion of the gatekeepers. I vote to keep probable terrorist populations OUT. Just imagine if we didn't have to spend so much on "security" because of these ass-wipes???
Bad poll question/answers. What is meant by "more" Muslims? Do you mean ANY more Muslims? Does that mean that religious affiliation and approval would be required on all applications to enter the US?

That being said, most Muslims tacitly support terror bombing for "good" political or religious purposes...
So a Pakistani fleeing the madness there would be banned from entry. His wife and children, too.

What a fucking asswipe you are, kyzer. You are astonishingly ignorant of other countries and their peoples.
I realize you're not seeing the flaw in your argument. If you did, you wouldn't have posted this tripe.
It's too much of a risk to allow Muslims to immigrate to America at this present time.

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