Gather up your political / social policy scriptures.


Feb 14, 2011
Gather up your pro-welfare and anti-welfare scriptures. And any sort of political or social advocacy or responsibility scriptures. And I wouldn't mind seeing your "if you want me to take the Bible literally, then what do you make of this?" verses.

If you want to explain or defend or fit it together, cool. If you just want to lay a verse on the table, cool.

Here's one.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:10
Christianity encourages us to support ourselves and not neglect our responsibilities and burden others with them. In fact, our labor/work is how we serve our fellow men and build up their lives. That's why business is good. Because we provide goods and services others want while they do the same for us. That's the basis of business.
Gather up your pro-welfare and anti-welfare scriptures. And any sort of political or social advocacy or responsibility scriptures. And I wouldn't mind seeing your "if you want me to take the Bible literally, then what do you make of this?" verses.

If you want to explain or defend or fit it together, cool. If you just want to lay a verse on the table, cool.

Here's one.

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

2 Thessalonians 3:10

They are going to say BU BU BUT that's not a command of Jesus. That's something Paul said do. Now watch and see.
Christianity encourages us to support ourselves and not neglect our responsibilities and burden others with them. In fact, our labor/work is how we serve our fellow men and build up their lives. That's why business is good. Because we provide goods and services others want while they do the same for us. That's the basis of business.

Jesus also thought compassion and charity to those in need.
Diligence is an important aspect and yes sloth is harmful which is why their needs to be regulations that make sure the people who rely on those services actually need them and aren't just taking a free ride.
At the same time I know people who need them who the government wont give them to.

If you think your burdens shouldn't be placed on any one elses shoulders, then denounce your covenant with Jesus Christ for he holds your greatest burden your Sin.
Take up your own cross carry your own burdens live as a Jew would or do you feel like neglecting your responsibilities and burdening another with them.
Christianity encourages us to support ourselves and not neglect our responsibilities and burden others with them. In fact, our labor/work is how we serve our fellow men and build up their lives. That's why business is good. Because we provide goods and services others want while they do the same for us. That's the basis of business.

Jesus also thought compassion and charity to those in need.
Diligence is an important aspect and yes sloth is harmful which is why their needs to be regulations that make sure the people who rely on those services actually need them and aren't just taking a free ride.
At the same time I know people who need them who the government wont give them to.

If you think your burdens shouldn't be placed on any one elses shoulders, then denounce your covenant with Jesus Christ for he holds your greatest burden your Sin.
Take up your own cross carry your own burdens live as a Jew would or do you feel like neglecting your responsibilities and burdening another with them.

The idea that business isn't compassionate or charitable is false. Wealth is created by providing others with goods and services they need.
Christianity encourages us to support ourselves and not neglect our responsibilities and burden others with them. In fact, our labor/work is how we serve our fellow men and build up their lives. That's why business is good. Because we provide goods and services others want while they do the same for us. That's the basis of business.

Jesus also thought compassion and charity to those in need.
Diligence is an important aspect and yes sloth is harmful which is why their needs to be regulations that make sure the people who rely on those services actually need them and aren't just taking a free ride.
At the same time I know people who need them who the government wont give them to.

If you think your burdens shouldn't be placed on any one elses shoulders, then denounce your covenant with Jesus Christ for he holds your greatest burden your Sin.
Take up your own cross carry your own burdens live as a Jew would or do you feel like neglecting your responsibilities and burdening another with them.

The idea that business isn't compassionate or charitable is false. Wealth is created by providing others with goods and services they need.

What service does wall-street provide?
They seem pretty useless and rich to me!

Yes they provide services which need to be paid for. Ever stop to think about the people who constantly look for work but can't find any and so they can't PAY for those services with out help.
I am sure if you rolled up to the people whom you pay for your electric bill and said oops I don't got the money could you show me some compassion, they would laugh at you and turn your power off.
After all America is built upon one of the greatest evils, Social Darwinism.
Christianity encourages us to support ourselves and not neglect our responsibilities and burden others with them. In fact, our labor/work is how we serve our fellow men and build up their lives. That's why business is good. Because we provide goods and services others want while they do the same for us. That's the basis of business.

Jesus also thought compassion and charity to those in need.
Diligence is an important aspect and yes sloth is harmful which is why their needs to be regulations that make sure the people who rely on those services actually need them and aren't just taking a free ride.
At the same time I know people who need them who the government wont give them to.

If you think your burdens shouldn't be placed on any one elses shoulders, then denounce your covenant with Jesus Christ for he holds your greatest burden your Sin.
Take up your own cross carry your own burdens live as a Jew would or do you feel like neglecting your responsibilities and burdening another with them.

The idea that business isn't compassionate or charitable is false. Wealth is created by providing others with goods and services they need.

The purpose of 'business' is survival and the profitability that ensures survival. Any compassion involved comes from people using business as the tool it was intended to be, not any business in particular or 'business' in general.
Sell all your worthy possessions and give them all to the poor.

The Bible is full of contradictions.
But Jesus is the one to follow.
fleecing the rich? that is an odd term...they have already fleeced the poor...

yes rich is a subjective term.....

i was raised a southern baptist......i was taught as a child ...that when you are approached by someone asking for something to remember that bible verse....what you do to the least of my breather you do to me.....think about that....if a begger approaches.....would you turn away jesus....

yes i have left the church.....and i am no longer a christian.....but i think there is a moral to the story...instead of asking what would jesus do....perhaps we should ask...what would we do if jesus ask for something from us?
Let's compare Obama with Romney with repect to charitable contributions.

Romney gave 15% to charity while Obama gave 1%.

Who is being kinder to the poor?

Is stealing our money to give to "The Poor" considered more kind than giving from your own income now????
I always thought Christian charity was focused on "Helping the helpless",and not "Helping the Hopeless".

I define a "hopeless person" as someone that is given help, shown how to use the help, and then misuses the help afterwards. I hate dealing with people like that.

Funny thing is, Christians tend to help the hopeless in the hope that they will gain some common sense over time. I personally can't live that way. The constant given to some one that refuse to help to help themselves. I find that a bit crazy and think you should let the hopeless suffer a little so they can learn!
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Let's compare Obama with Romney with repect to charitable contributions.

Romney gave 15% to charity while Obama gave 1%.

Who is being kinder to the poor?

Is stealing our money to give to "The Poor" considered more kind than giving from your own income now????

didnt mittens give that to the mormon church in the form of tithes ?

i dont think i would consider the mormon church a charity
Christianity encourages us to support ourselves and not neglect our responsibilities and burden others with them. In fact, our labor/work is how we serve our fellow men and build up their lives. That's why business is good. Because we provide goods and services others want while they do the same for us. That's the basis of business.

Jesus would have no problem with a safety net for the poor, Avatar.
Let's compare Obama with Romney with repect to charitable contributions.

Romney gave 15% to charity while Obama gave 1%.

Who is being kinder to the poor?

Is stealing our money to give to "The Poor" considered more kind than giving from your own income now????

Not doubting you, where are those figures for politicians?
At least 10% of RM's donations went to the LDS church, which requires that amount in order for their members to go to the temples to secret rites and rituals.

I am voting for RM, but I have no doubt that he out earns the Obamas by good twenty to twenty-five times the income annually.

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