Gavin Newsom wants Abott and DeSantis to be investigated for kidnapping

BTW, I like the move Abbott made sending the illegals to kamala harris' house. hahahahahahahhahahaha

I say it's now time to send them to DC.
Actually, it does play well. I don't think Joe Average is going to muster much sympathy for the elites reacting in horror to some immigrants being dropped off on their doorsteps.
Very well in fact.....The optics of leftist elite hypocrisy is (according to a dem on CNN) is losing them Independents in droves.

DeSantis and Wheels need to keep sending them because the leftists can't help but publicly display their hypocrisy.

That and it seems that this is the only viable way any national media focus is being put on the border invasion even if that means DeSantis and Wheels are demonized by them.
Very well in fact.....The optics of leftist elite hypocrisy is (according to a dem on CNN) is losing them Independents in droves.

DeSantis and Wheels need to keep sending them because the leftists can't help but publicly display their hypocrisy.

That and it seems that this is the only viable way any national media focus is being put on the border invasion even if that means DeSantis and Wheels are demonized by them.
Well they now have exposed that sanctuary wasn't what the demofks actually wanted. They just wanted the press to say they were so understanding until they literally weren't.

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