Gay Culture - Is There Hypocrisy Afoot?

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I have a career where I deal with the public. I work in an office and deal with people's finances. During the course of doing this work over the past 27 years I have come to witness many interesting trends in people's lives. This is true with the gays. Now, when I refer to gays I am including lesbians and male homosexuals. I am lumping them in together to the exclusion of trannies and anything else. What follows is a particularly interesting observation that has been proven time and time again. Remember, this is a general observation. I do not know how prevalent this is. It may be a minority of cases. I do not hang around with these people. But I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are a LOT of gay couples who do this.

There are many instances with gay couples where one of them works and the other stays home. The stay at home gay is on a fixed income, like SS/VA disability. In other words, there is a breadwinner, and there is a bitch. There is a dominate and a submissive. I find this extremely interesting since gays generally decry the patriarchy as a form of slavery. However, these gays I am describing are actually mimicking the patriarchal structure. This is, on its face, hypocritical.

Now let's dig a little deeper on this. I know that doing any sort of analysis other than merely scraping the surface and drawing conclusions therefrom is something Democrats, leftists, and progs are unfamiliar with. Therefore, you lefty filth are free to leave so you can go hit your bongs, play with yourselves, and all the other unproductive stupid shit you do with your time. 3-2-1 ... zone out!

Now, for the rest of us, let me make some qualifications here. I have seen this behavior in male and female gay couples, white and black, low income to upper middle class. Does patriarchal mimicry occur in the majority, or ever plurality, of hitched gay? I do not know. However, in my experience, when I deal with married gays, patriarchal mimicry is the norm. However, I cannot say whether my clients are representative of the whole of gay married people. I mean, they probably are. But, I cannot and will not say this as a fact because I have not done any sort of scientific survey.

One possible explanation is that gays who marry may have more traditional values, as opposed to the more run of the mill pedo-perv militant gays. I am talking the about ones who march in pride parades with their cocks swinging around and wearing nipple clamps while normal Americans stand there staring in shock and disbelief (and rightfully so, as these events cause every freak within a 100 miles to crawl out from under their rocks and go show off their preference for deviant sex).
This may sound unduly progressive come from me, Long Rod. But really it is not. It is simple fact. If you live life in America today and interact with people, you are going to come across the gays. As you do so you are going to learn that most gays are not the ridiculous pride marching weirdos who get all the publicity. Many of them are politically conservative and would never, ever, think of prancing down the street nearly naked. They are generally just nice, ordinary folks who were born with a genetic mutation causing them to avoid procreational sexual partners. They want to belong and not be held back by their genetic disability. Personally, I go out of my way to make the gays who come into my office feel as normal as possible. I am not going to treat them differently just because their sexual algorithms are fucked up. I treat them like I would someone with cancer or Down's syndrome. However, if the gay chooses to make their sex life an issue, like the pride marchers, then fuck them. That is so disrespectful to society as to warrant condemnation. In fact, it does a disservice to all gays except the freaks.

So maybe it is not hypocrisy for these gays to be mimicking the patriarchal paradigm because the ones who do this are not the freaks putting down the patriarchy. This proposition rings true with me. Of course, we need to remember that a lot of this is not an either-or proposition. Rather, it is most likely on a spectrum. Moreover, I have not surveyed these clients about their personal opinions and attitudes on the more militant ideas on gay. That would not be appropriate, both due to my need to maintain a professional relationship and because I feel like any such conversation will cross an unseen line that may ultimately lead to drinks and gay sex. I wish to avoid both of these things.

This mimicry may be totally hypocritical on their part, or not. But I can certainly say that based upon the gay sampling I am exposed to with work, there is a pretty high percentage of gay couples who act like the traditional, 1950s, Ozzie and Harriett, hetero married couple. I find this weird.
I have a career where I deal with the public. I work in an office and deal with people's finances. During the course of doing this work over the past 27 years I have come to witness many interesting trends in people's lives. This is true with the gays. Now, when I refer to gays I am including lesbians and male homosexuals. I am lumping them in together to the exclusion of trannies and anything else. What follows is a particularly interesting observation that has been proven time and time again. Remember, this is a general observation. I do not know how prevalent this is. It may be a minority of cases. I do not hang around with these people. But I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are a LOT of gay couples who do this.

There are many instances with gay couples where one of them works and the other stays home. The stay at home gay is on a fixed income, like SS/VA disability. In other words, there is a breadwinner, and there is a bitch. There is a dominate and a submissive. I find this extremely interesting since gays generally decry the patriarchy as a form of slavery. However, these gays I am describing are actually mimicking the patriarchal structure. This is, on its face, hypocritical.

Now let's dig a little deeper on this. I know that doing any sort of analysis other than merely scraping the surface and drawing conclusions therefrom is something Democrats, leftists, and progs are unfamiliar with. Therefore, you lefty filth are free to leave so you can go hit your bongs, play with yourselves, and all the other unproductive stupid shit you do with your time. 3-2-1 ... zone out!

Now, for the rest of us, let me make some qualifications here. I have seen this behavior in male and female gay couples, white and black, low income to upper middle class. Does patriarchal mimicry occur in the majority, or ever plurality, of hitched gay? I do not know. However, in my experience, when I deal with married gays, patriarchal mimicry is the norm. However, I cannot say whether my clients are representative of the whole of gay married people. I mean, they probably are. But, I cannot and will not say this as a fact because I have not done any sort of scientific survey.

One possible explanation is that gays who marry may have more traditional values, as opposed to the more run of the mill pedo-perv militant gays. I am talking the about ones who march in pride parades with their cocks swinging around and wearing nipple clamps while normal Americans stand there staring in shock and disbelief (and rightfully so, as these events cause every freak within a 100 miles to crawl out from under their rocks and go show off their preference for deviant sex).
This may sound unduly progressive come from me, Long Rod. But really it is not. It is simple fact. If you live life in America today and interact with people, you are going to come across the gays. As you do so you are going to learn that most gays are not the ridiculous pride marching weirdos who get all the publicity. Many of them are politically conservative and would never, ever, think of prancing down the street nearly naked. They are generally just nice, ordinary folks who were born with a genetic mutation causing them to avoid procreational sexual partners. They want to belong and not be held back by their genetic disability. Personally, I go out of my way to make the gays who come into my office feel as normal as possible. I am not going to treat them differently just because their sexual algorithms are fucked up. I treat them like I would someone with cancer or Down's syndrome. However, if the gay chooses to make their sex life an issue, like the pride marchers, then fuck them. That is so disrespectful to society as to warrant condemnation. In fact, it does a disservice to all gays except the freaks.

So maybe it is not hypocrisy for these gays to be mimicking the patriarchal paradigm because the ones who do this are not the freaks putting down the patriarchy. This proposition rings true with me. Of course, we need to remember that a lot of this is not an either-or proposition. Rather, it is most likely on a spectrum. Moreover, I have not surveyed these clients about their personal opinions and attitudes on the more militant ideas on gay. That would not be appropriate, both due to my need to maintain a professional relationship and because I feel like any such conversation will cross an unseen line that may ultimately lead to drinks and gay sex. I wish to avoid both of these things.

This mimicry may be totally hypocritical on their part, or not. But I can certainly say that based upon the gay sampling I am exposed to with work, there is a pretty high percentage of gay couples who act like the traditional, 1950s, Ozzie and Harriett, hetero married couple. I find this weird.
So basically, they're just like a lot of heterosexual couples. :)
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So basically, they're just like a lot of heterosexual couples. :)
Right. But the point is that gay ideology rebels from patriarchy while the many gays are essentially adopting its practices.

I don't know. I find it interesting. I am curious about about such seemingly contradictory sociological phenomena.
Whatever consensual craziness homos engage in behind closed doors is their own business. America is a tolerant Country. The problem is when the scales get tipped in favor of the gay lifestyle for political reasons and the media goes along with it. When little girls are constantly traumatized by creepy boys in their locker rooms and showers and the media ignores it or justifies it to protect a political administration, society is in trouble.
I have a career where I deal with the public. I work in an office and deal with people's finances. During the course of doing this work over the past 27 years I have come to witness many interesting trends in people's lives. This is true with the gays. Now, when I refer to gays I am including lesbians and male homosexuals. I am lumping them in together to the exclusion of trannies and anything else. What follows is a particularly interesting observation that has been proven time and time again. Remember, this is a general observation. I do not know how prevalent this is. It may be a minority of cases. I do not hang around with these people. But I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are a LOT of gay couples who do this.

There are many instances with gay couples where one of them works and the other stays home. The stay at home gay is on a fixed income, like SS/VA disability. In other words, there is a breadwinner, and there is a bitch. There is a dominate and a submissive. I find this extremely interesting since gays generally decry the patriarchy as a form of slavery. However, these gays I am describing are actually mimicking the patriarchal structure. This is, on its face, hypocritical.

Now let's dig a little deeper on this. I know that doing any sort of analysis other than merely scraping the surface and drawing conclusions therefrom is something Democrats, leftists, and progs are unfamiliar with. Therefore, you lefty filth are free to leave so you can go hit your bongs, play with yourselves, and all the other unproductive stupid shit you do with your time. 3-2-1 ... zone out!

Now, for the rest of us, let me make some qualifications here. I have seen this behavior in male and female gay couples, white and black, low income to upper middle class. Does patriarchal mimicry occur in the majority, or ever plurality, of hitched gay? I do not know. However, in my experience, when I deal with married gays, patriarchal mimicry is the norm. However, I cannot say whether my clients are representative of the whole of gay married people. I mean, they probably are. But, I cannot and will not say this as a fact because I have not done any sort of scientific survey.

One possible explanation is that gays who marry may have more traditional values, as opposed to the more run of the mill pedo-perv militant gays. I am talking the about ones who march in pride parades with their cocks swinging around and wearing nipple clamps while normal Americans stand there staring in shock and disbelief (and rightfully so, as these events cause every freak within a 100 miles to crawl out from under their rocks and go show off their preference for deviant sex).
This may sound unduly progressive come from me, Long Rod. But really it is not. It is simple fact. If you live life in America today and interact with people, you are going to come across the gays. As you do so you are going to learn that most gays are not the ridiculous pride marching weirdos who get all the publicity. Many of them are politically conservative and would never, ever, think of prancing down the street nearly naked. They are generally just nice, ordinary folks who were born with a genetic mutation causing them to avoid procreational sexual partners. They want to belong and not be held back by their genetic disability. Personally, I go out of my way to make the gays who come into my office feel as normal as possible. I am not going to treat them differently just because their sexual algorithms are fucked up. I treat them like I would someone with cancer or Down's syndrome. However, if the gay chooses to make their sex life an issue, like the pride marchers, then fuck them. That is so disrespectful to society as to warrant condemnation. In fact, it does a disservice to all gays except the freaks.

So maybe it is not hypocrisy for these gays to be mimicking the patriarchal paradigm because the ones who do this are not the freaks putting down the patriarchy. This proposition rings true with me. Of course, we need to remember that a lot of this is not an either-or proposition. Rather, it is most likely on a spectrum. Moreover, I have not surveyed these clients about their personal opinions and attitudes on the more militant ideas on gay. That would not be appropriate, both due to my need to maintain a professional relationship and because I feel like any such conversation will cross an unseen line that may ultimately lead to drinks and gay sex. I wish to avoid both of these things.

This mimicry may be totally hypocritical on their part, or not. But I can certainly say that based upon the gay sampling I am exposed to with work, there is a pretty high percentage of gay couples who act like the traditional, 1950s, Ozzie and Harriett, hetero married couple. I find this weird.
So you think that someone who is a disabled veteran is someone's bitch?
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"The stay at home gay is on a fixed income, like SS/VA disability. In other words, there is a breadwinner, and there is a bitch", said You
I mean, if that is how YOU want to take it, then fine. Just for argument sake, is it your belief that serving in the military (combat or desk duty) somehow disqualifies one from being a bitch? I don't buy this. In fact, while I whole heartedly support our troops along with the idea of slaughtering our enemies on the battlefield, today's military has become largely a welfare system. It over pays folks and gives them way too much in benefits. Now, for the combat soldier, they probably do not get enough. But something like 90% or more of today's military will never have a gun fired at them. They are more likely to get shot at from a co-worker than the enemy.

So, yeah, I have no problem categorizing a a retirement military person as a bitch when appropriate. This is, of course, vastly different from YOUR characterization that I was calling all retired military personnel bitches. That is my first point. My second point is that you are completely humorless. We can virtue signal anything all day without it meaning anything. I will salute any man or woman who had gone into real battle. But the rest...the support personnel, etc... I think you are paid well-enough that I don't really need to bother.
I have a career where I deal with the public. I work in an office and deal with people's finances. During the course of doing this work over the past 27 years I have come to witness many interesting trends in people's lives. This is true with the gays. Now, when I refer to gays I am including lesbians and male homosexuals. I am lumping them in together to the exclusion of trannies and anything else. What follows is a particularly interesting observation that has been proven time and time again. Remember, this is a general observation. I do not know how prevalent this is. It may be a minority of cases. I do not hang around with these people. But I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt that there are a LOT of gay couples who do this.

There are many instances with gay couples where one of them works and the other stays home. The stay at home gay is on a fixed income, like SS/VA disability. In other words, there is a breadwinner, and there is a bitch. There is a dominate and a submissive. I find this extremely interesting since gays generally decry the patriarchy as a form of slavery. However, these gays I am describing are actually mimicking the patriarchal structure. This is, on its face, hypocritical.

Now let's dig a little deeper on this. I know that doing any sort of analysis other than merely scraping the surface and drawing conclusions therefrom is something Democrats, leftists, and progs are unfamiliar with. Therefore, you lefty filth are free to leave so you can go hit your bongs, play with yourselves, and all the other unproductive stupid shit you do with your time. 3-2-1 ... zone out!

Now, for the rest of us, let me make some qualifications here. I have seen this behavior in male and female gay couples, white and black, low income to upper middle class. Does patriarchal mimicry occur in the majority, or ever plurality, of hitched gay? I do not know. However, in my experience, when I deal with married gays, patriarchal mimicry is the norm. However, I cannot say whether my clients are representative of the whole of gay married people. I mean, they probably are. But, I cannot and will not say this as a fact because I have not done any sort of scientific survey.

One possible explanation is that gays who marry may have more traditional values, as opposed to the more run of the mill pedo-perv militant gays. I am talking the about ones who march in pride parades with their cocks swinging around and wearing nipple clamps while normal Americans stand there staring in shock and disbelief (and rightfully so, as these events cause every freak within a 100 miles to crawl out from under their rocks and go show off their preference for deviant sex).
This may sound unduly progressive come from me, Long Rod. But really it is not. It is simple fact. If you live life in America today and interact with people, you are going to come across the gays. As you do so you are going to learn that most gays are not the ridiculous pride marching weirdos who get all the publicity. Many of them are politically conservative and would never, ever, think of prancing down the street nearly naked. They are generally just nice, ordinary folks who were born with a genetic mutation causing them to avoid procreational sexual partners. They want to belong and not be held back by their genetic disability. Personally, I go out of my way to make the gays who come into my office feel as normal as possible. I am not going to treat them differently just because their sexual algorithms are fucked up. I treat them like I would someone with cancer or Down's syndrome. However, if the gay chooses to make their sex life an issue, like the pride marchers, then fuck them. That is so disrespectful to society as to warrant condemnation. In fact, it does a disservice to all gays except the freaks.

So maybe it is not hypocrisy for these gays to be mimicking the patriarchal paradigm because the ones who do this are not the freaks putting down the patriarchy. This proposition rings true with me. Of course, we need to remember that a lot of this is not an either-or proposition. Rather, it is most likely on a spectrum. Moreover, I have not surveyed these clients about their personal opinions and attitudes on the more militant ideas on gay. That would not be appropriate, both due to my need to maintain a professional relationship and because I feel like any such conversation will cross an unseen line that may ultimately lead to drinks and gay sex. I wish to avoid both of these things.

This mimicry may be totally hypocritical on their part, or not. But I can certainly say that based upon the gay sampling I am exposed to with work, there is a pretty high percentage of gay couples who act like the traditional, 1950s, Ozzie and Harriett, hetero married couple. I find this weird.
Why would you find it weird?

In any relationship there is a dominant and a passive pairing. sometimes the roles change based on the situation.

That you, in 2023, find this weird, is weird.
Right. But the point is that gay ideology rebels from patriarchy while the many gays are essentially adopting its practices.

I don't know. I find it interesting. I am curious about about such seemingly contradictory sociological phenomena.
So you're an expert in "gay ideology?"
I tend to doubt it.
I mean, if that is how YOU want to take it, then fine. Just for argument sake, is it your belief that serving in the military (combat or desk duty) somehow disqualifies one from being a bitch? I don't buy this. In fact, while I whole heartedly support our troops along with the idea of slaughtering our enemies on the battlefield, today's military has become largely a welfare system. It over pays folks and gives them way too much in benefits. Now, for the combat soldier, they probably do not get enough. But something like 90% or more of today's military will never have a gun fired at them. They are more likely to get shot at from a co-worker than the enemy.

So, yeah, I have no problem categorizing a a retirement military person as a bitch when appropriate. This is, of course, vastly different from YOUR characterization that I was calling all retired military personnel bitches. That is my first point. My second point is that you are completely humorless. We can virtue signal anything all day without it meaning anything. I will salute any man or woman who had gone into real battle. But the rest...the support personnel, etc... I think you are paid well-enough that I don't really need to bother.

Well, you said it, not me, and I did not use the word "all" in my question did I? As for my lack of humor, well I find people like you hilarious. For 1, "patriarchy" is generally a feminist complaint, not a LGBT one. For #2, it doesn't take 27 years of public-facing work to discover this. It only takes meeting one LGBT couple. and for #3, I realized you had never met the lesbian couple I have worked with on and off for ten years at least as the veteran on 100% disability is very much the dominant one in that relationship and is also still the breadwinner. You would know that she was a militant lesbian the second you placed eyes on her. Her partner, you wouldn't even guess that if you met her without the other one.

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