Gay democrat starts #walkaway...from the democrat party, Ruh Roh Shaggy....

Not wanting to support something that somebody else wants is not harming them.
AKA removing a hard-won right from a group of people you and your movement work to punish for existing. Al salam alaykum.

Well, first of all, I'm not involved in any such movement to end gay marriage. I support the concept of civil unions for consenting adults to have legal rights over property, medical decisions, etc.

What I do not support is the idea that someone can use their Gay Status to bludgeon the rights of other people.
You are not part of a movement to end gay marriage, you'll just only vote for a person that's part of a movement to end gay marriage. Pathetic. What a coward you are.
I have heard Trump say anything about ending gay marriage.

It wasn't that long ago that the Proggies were complimenting Trump on his tolerant views towards gays. Of course, this was when they were sure hiLIARy would win and wanted him as the GOP candidate because they thought he could never win.

Elton John and his longtime boyfriend, David Furnish, entered a civil partnership on Dec. 21, 2005, in England under a law the country had just enacted granting recognition to same-sex couples. The congratulations poured in as the two men appeared at a joyous ceremony at Windsor Guildhall, amid a crush of paparazzi. Donald J. Trump, who had known the couple for years, took to his blog to express his excitement.

“I know both of them, and they get along wonderfully. It’s a marriage that’s going to work,” Mr. Trump wrote, adding: “I’m very happy for them. If two people dig each other, they dig each other.”

Mr. Trump is now the leading candidate for president in the Republican primary, which has traditionally been dominated by hopefuls eager to show how deeply conservative they are on social issues like gay rights and marriage.

But Mr. Trump is far more accepting of sexual minorities than his party’s leaders have been. On Thursday, he startled some Republicans by saying on NBC’s “Today” show that he opposed a recently passed North Carolina law that prohibits people from using public bathrooms that do not correspond to the gender they were born with, striking down a Charlotte ordinance...

Donald Trump’s More Accepting Views on Gay Issues Set Him Apart in G.O.P.
Not wanting to support something that somebody else wants is not harming them.
AKA removing a hard-won right from a group of people you and your movement work to punish for existing. Al salam alaykum.

Well, first of all, I'm not involved in any such movement to end gay marriage. I support the concept of civil unions for consenting adults to have legal rights over property, medical decisions, etc.

What I do not support is the idea that someone can use their Gay Status to bludgeon the rights of other people.
You are not part of a movement to end gay marriage, you'll just only vote for a person that's part of a movement to end gay marriage. Pathetic. What a coward you are.
I have heard Trump say anything about ending gay marriage.
Yeah, Trump's just filling 100% of the positions that can end gay marriage with people who vehemently oppose gay marriage. But naaaahh he LOVES the gays!

Gay marriage isn't going any where. But abortion, might be a different story.
AKA removing a hard-won right from a group of people you and your movement work to punish for existing. Al salam alaykum.

Well, first of all, I'm not involved in any such movement to end gay marriage. I support the concept of civil unions for consenting adults to have legal rights over property, medical decisions, etc.

What I do not support is the idea that someone can use their Gay Status to bludgeon the rights of other people.
You are not part of a movement to end gay marriage, you'll just only vote for a person that's part of a movement to end gay marriage. Pathetic. What a coward you are.
I have heard Trump say anything about ending gay marriage.
Yeah, Trump's just filling 100% of the positions that can end gay marriage with people who vehemently oppose gay marriage. But naaaahh he LOVES the gays!

Gay marriage isn't going any where. But abortion, might be a different story.
Yes we might join such an enviable club:

Republicans kinda brought gay marriage on themselves by being such dicks on civil unions. I don't care if someone is gay, but I wasn't to keen on being strong armed out of traditional marriage. I can completely see why a gay person would want to be republican. Good news, you can get married, bad news, you live in a third world marxist experiment. You think gay people don't like having freedom or their own money? I wouldn't walk away, I'd run. Gay marriage is here, it isn't going anywhere, no big deal. It was our fault for being such dicks in the first place.
Well, first of all, I'm not involved in any such movement to end gay marriage. I support the concept of civil unions for consenting adults to have legal rights over property, medical decisions, etc.

What I do not support is the idea that someone can use their Gay Status to bludgeon the rights of other people.
You are not part of a movement to end gay marriage, you'll just only vote for a person that's part of a movement to end gay marriage. Pathetic. What a coward you are.
I have heard Trump say anything about ending gay marriage.
Yeah, Trump's just filling 100% of the positions that can end gay marriage with people who vehemently oppose gay marriage. But naaaahh he LOVES the gays!

Gay marriage isn't going any where. But abortion, might be a different story.
Yes we might join such an enviable club:

It's about 50/50 in America. Try again and with 4 dimension ultrasounds. People like yourself will go down in history, as being worse than Hitler. It's already been proven that a baby can feel pain at an early stage in pregnancy. So soon the tides will turn.
Not wanting to support something that somebody else wants is not harming them.
AKA removing a hard-won right from a group of people you and your movement work to punish for existing. Al salam alaykum.

Well, first of all, I'm not involved in any such movement to end gay marriage. I support the concept of civil unions for consenting adults to have legal rights over property, medical decisions, etc.

What I do not support is the idea that someone can use their Gay Status to bludgeon the rights of other people.
You are not part of a movement to end gay marriage, you'll just only vote for a person that's part of a movement to end gay marriage. Pathetic. What a coward you are.
I have heard Trump say anything about ending gay marriage.
Yeah, Trump's just filling 100% of the positions that can end gay marriage with people who vehemently oppose gay marriage. But naaaahh he LOVES the gays!


Considering Trump has never been against gay marriage, or gays in general in his decades long public life.... his alleged homophobia began the same time his racism began, when he decided to run for office.......
Yep...this might be a problem for the democrats..... democrats who are "Woke" and now are leaving the democrat party......first Kanye, now this guy....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

A new grassroots movement is urging Democrats who are fed up with the ugly direction the party has taken in recent years -- especially since President Trump was elected -- to "walk away." The #WalkAway campaign is "dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become," the group's Facebook page states.

Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.

This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away.

Brandon Straka aka "The Unsilent Minority" kicked off the campaign with a video on May 26.

"It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country -- which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America," Straka says in the video.

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.
How stupid. Voting away their own right to exist.

no one accused democrats of being smart
Not wanting to support something that somebody else wants is not harming them.
AKA removing a hard-won right from a group of people you and your movement work to punish for existing. Al salam alaykum.

Well, first of all, I'm not involved in any such movement to end gay marriage. I support the concept of civil unions for consenting adults to have legal rights over property, medical decisions, etc.

What I do not support is the idea that someone can use their Gay Status to bludgeon the rights of other people.
You are not part of a movement to end gay marriage, you'll just only vote for a person that's part of a movement to end gay marriage. Pathetic. What a coward you are.
I have heard Trump say anything about ending gay marriage.
Yeah, Trump's just filling 100% of the positions that can end gay marriage with people who vehemently oppose gay marriage. But naaaahh he LOVES the gays!


No..... what you would have to do is actually convince Americans to vote your way... instead of using 5 poltically appointed lawyers to impose your will on more than half of 320 million people on behalf of 2% of the population...
Yep...this might be a problem for the democrats..... democrats who are "Woke" and now are leaving the democrat party......first Kanye, now this guy....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

A new grassroots movement is urging Democrats who are fed up with the ugly direction the party has taken in recent years -- especially since President Trump was elected -- to "walk away." The #WalkAway campaign is "dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become," the group's Facebook page states.

Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.

This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away.

Brandon Straka aka "The Unsilent Minority" kicked off the campaign with a video on May 26.

"It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country -- which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America," Straka says in the video.

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.
How stupid. Voting away their own right to exist.

no one accused democrats of being smart

They are thuggish, violent, vicious and monsters though...
Yep...this might be a problem for the democrats..... democrats who are "Woke" and now are leaving the democrat party......first Kanye, now this guy....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

A new grassroots movement is urging Democrats who are fed up with the ugly direction the party has taken in recent years -- especially since President Trump was elected -- to "walk away." The #WalkAway campaign is "dedicated to sharing the stories of people wh
o can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become," the group's Facebook page states.

Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.

This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away.

Brandon Straka aka "The Unsilent Minority" kicked off the campaign with a video on May 26.

"It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country -- which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America," Straka says in the video.

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.
How stupid. Voting away their own right to exist.

Hardly. Reality: voting for their own self interests and for the government to fulfill its proper role under the Constitution.

Riddle me this: how are gays treated in the Islamic societies? Supporting the Prog agenda is a suicide pact for gays.
Conservative views here on gays are little different than in Middle Eastern Islamic countries. I can’t believe gay people would join that side.

That is absolute poppycock.

Most conservatives just want to be left alone; and are perfectly fine leaving gays alone.

In Muslim countries, they kill gays.

Can you tell the difference?

I don't think he can
The younger Dems want a generational change in the party ranks and want fresh blood, duh..The Democratic Party is far from done..

the new generation doesnt understand that the reason the older Democrats don't go full on socialist is because they won't win if they do
I really don't mind if a homosexual human wants to marry a goat.

So long as it's a consenting goat.

But I'd oppose it if it were proven that human/goat intercourse could produce viable offspring. We already have too many liberals.
AKA removing a hard-won right from a group of people you and your movement work to punish for existing. Al salam alaykum.

Well, first of all, I'm not involved in any such movement to end gay marriage. I support the concept of civil unions for consenting adults to have legal rights over property, medical decisions, etc.

What I do not support is the idea that someone can use their Gay Status to bludgeon the rights of other people.
You are not part of a movement to end gay marriage, you'll just only vote for a person that's part of a movement to end gay marriage. Pathetic. What a coward you are.
I have heard Trump say anything about ending gay marriage.
Yeah, Trump's just filling 100% of the positions that can end gay marriage with people who vehemently oppose gay marriage. But naaaahh he LOVES the gays!


No..... what you would have to do is actually convince Americans to vote your way... instead of using 5 poltically appointed lawyers to impose your will on more than half of 320 million people on behalf of 2% of the population...

Apparently convincing five judges to ignore the constitution is hard earned and justifies it despite losing election after election .

It’s obvious why they wanted to keep so called gay marriage out of the ballot box. They lose
Yep...this might be a problem for the democrats..... democrats who are "Woke" and now are leaving the democrat party......first Kanye, now this guy....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

A new grassroots movement is urging Democrats who are fed up with the ugly direction the party has taken in recent years -- especially since President Trump was elected -- to "walk away." The #WalkAway campaign is "dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become," the group's Facebook page states.

Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.

This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away.

Brandon Straka aka "The Unsilent Minority" kicked off the campaign with a video on May 26.

"It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country -- which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America," Straka says in the video.

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.
How stupid. Voting away their own right to exist.

Hardly. Reality: voting for their own self interests and for the government to fulfill its proper role under the Constitution.

Riddle me this: how are gays treated in the Islamic societies? Supporting the Prog agenda is a suicide pact for gays.
Conservative views here on gays are little different than in Middle Eastern Islamic countries. I can’t believe gay people would join that side.
That’s because you have your head up your ass and don’t listen to anyone outside of your favorites play list.
Searched your post history regarding gay people and I see 2 themes from you on the topic. 1 is claiming that the right has never been against gays, then 2nd is you bashing gays and anybody that supports them. Another coward.
Like I said. You’re too dumb to put together a thought. Not hating gay people and also not putting up with being ran over with some of their stupid shit are not mutually exclusive thoughts.
Yep...this might be a problem for the democrats..... democrats who are "Woke" and now are leaving the democrat party......first Kanye, now this guy....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

A new grassroots movement is urging Democrats who are fed up with the ugly direction the party has taken in recent years -- especially since President Trump was elected -- to "walk away." The #WalkAway campaign is "dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become," the group's Facebook page states.

Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.

This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away.

Brandon Straka aka "The Unsilent Minority" kicked off the campaign with a video on May 26.

"It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country -- which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America," Straka says in the video.

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.

"Liberalism has been co-opted and absorbed by the very characteristics it claims to fight against."


I would like to pipe in here--------> These far Leftists, are NOT Democrats! They have co-opted the party as Mac has stated on numerous occasions.

I am a CONSERVATIVE. I am NOT a Republican...….used to be a registered one, and also used to be a registered Democrat.

Do we all (both Republicans and REAL Democrats) realize how much trouble we are actually in? Consider-----------> We all want someone good in charge of the Senate; do we not? So pick one...….Chucky Shmucky………….. or.....Tricky Mitch. What do you mean all of you just barfed?!?!?!?!?!?!?! See what I mean.

We need 2 viable partys to choose from. Not far right, not far left, but both run by moderates with differing ideas to GENTLY move our country, in one direction or the other.

So many people would ask us conservatives, "then why do you want to now vote ALL Republican?"

I will answer that with a question of my own------------> Did you like John Kennedy? You did? So did I? Womanizing? Forget about it, POLICIES is what we are talking about! So does JFK REMOTELY look like ANYTHING in the Democratic party today?

And one more thing...……… can we say with honesty that JFK was at LEAST 30% right of todays Democratic party? (if you don't, you are either lying or illiterate)

And who came down the road AFTER Kennedy a few terms? Why Ronald Reagan, what about 20 years later, yes? Wasn't he the furthest to the right President we ever had according to the Left?

And then, a few years later, we had Clinton. Good President? YES! Womanizer? YES! Who cares! He wasn't bad at all! Signed in welfare reform, amongst other things.

So then, I ask this question---------> Did the Kennedy, Reagan, Clintonesque policies do us right as Americans? Yes or NO? Were you, or your parents, making money? Did the country not move right slightly, or at the very least, stay static in position?

So then, how did we get to where we were BEFORE TRUMP was elected?

ANSWER--------> Because GW and Obama were the WORST Presidents in our lifetime, that is how. They were one in the same, except on foreign policy. By the end of those 2 clowns, we had moved so far left in policy, and economics, we were cooked!

I know, that is heresy, but it is TRUE. We have moved LEFT of JFK, left of Bill Clinton, and GW and Obama did it together. And since we went there, it has been bad sledding, has it not? That is why we need move right economically, and socially; and no, not FAR right, just back to the Clinton days is perfectly fine. We must erase the mistakes of GW, and Obama. In the history books, they will be seen as the WORST times for this country, and just think, they did it together, and 1 was from the GOP, and one was from the Democratic party!
I am a CONSERVATIVE. I am NOT a Republican...….used to be a registered one, and also used to be a registered Democrat.

Do we all (both Republicans and REAL Democrats) realize how much trouble we are actually in? Consider-----------> We all want someone good in charge of the Senate; do we not? So pick one...….Chucky Shmucky………….. or.....Tricky Mitch. What do you mean all of you just barfed?!?!?!?!?!?!?! See what I mean.

We need 2 viable partys to choose from. Not far right, not far left, but both run by moderates with differing ideas to GENTLY move our country, in one direction or the other.

So many people would ask us conservatives, "then why do you want to now vote ALL Republican?"

I will answer that with a question of my own------------> Did you like John Kennedy? You did? So did I? Womanizing? Forget about it, POLICIES is what we are talking about! So does JFK REMOTELY look like ANYTHING in the Democratic party today?

And one more thing...……… can we say with honesty that JFK was at LEAST 30% right of todays Democratic party? (if you don't, you are either lying or illiterate)

And who came down the road AFTER Kennedy a few terms? Why Ronald Reagan, what about 20 years later, yes? Wasn't he the furthest to the right President we ever had according to the Left?

And then, a few years later, we had Clinton. Good President? YES! Womanizer? YES! Who cares! He wasn't bad at all! Signed in welfare reform, amongst other things.

So then, I ask this question---------> Did the Kennedy, Reagan, Clintonesque policies do us right as Americans? Yes or NO? Were you, or your parents, making money? Did the country not move right slightly, or at the very least, stay static in position?

So then, how did we get to where we were BEFORE TRUMP was elected?

ANSWER--------> Because GW and Obama were the WORST Presidents in our lifetime, that is how. They were one in the same, except on foreign policy. By the end of those 2 clowns, we had moved so far left in policy, and economics, we were cooked!

I know, that is heresy, but it is TRUE. We have moved LEFT of JFK, left of Bill Clinton, and GW and Obama did it together. And since we went there, it has been bad sledding, has it not? That is why we need move right economically, and socially; and no, not FAR right, just back to the Clinton days is perfectly fine. We must erase the mistakes of GW, and Obama. In the history books, they will be seen as the WORST times for this country, and just think, they did it together, and 1 was from the GOP, and one was from the Democratic part

imwhosure, if there was a post of the week award, I'd nominate yours. This is spot on for me. W and Obama were both such lousy presidents. George Sr wasn't really any prize either. Slick willy definitely did some damage, but he wasn't a complete dumb bunny, and he got things right as well. You put into perspective how horrible our leadership has been for the last couple of decades. I'm not sure how we could have avoided it. John Kerry and Al 'manbearpig' Gore are basically more of the same political garbage. At least the republicans had over a dozen candidates last election. I like Trump, but I would have had no problem with Ben Carson either. I have doubts on another Bush or any of the other professional polilticians. I'm sure over half were neo-cons. Love the post, thank you imwhosure.
Yep...this might be a problem for the democrats..... democrats who are "Woke" and now are leaving the democrat party......first Kanye, now this guy....

#WalkAway Campaign Urges Fed-Up Democrats to Leave the Party

A new grassroots movement is urging Democrats who are fed up with the ugly direction the party has taken in recent years -- especially since President Trump was elected -- to "walk away." The #WalkAway campaign is "dedicated to sharing the stories of people who can no longer accept the current ideology of liberalism and what the Democratic Party has become," the group's Facebook page states.

Some left long ago. Many of us have recently been “red-pilled”. Some here have wanted to leave for some time, but have feared the consequences they might suffer from friends or family if they walk away.

This group is here to encourage and support those on the left to walk away from the divisive tenets by allowing people to share their stories, or watch the video testimonies and read the posts of others who have walked away.

Brandon Straka aka "The Unsilent Minority" kicked off the campaign with a video on May 26.

"It is my sincere hope that you will join me in this campaign and that we may start a movement in this country -- which not only encourages others to walk away from the divisive left, but also takes back the narrative from the liberal media about what it means to be a conservative in America," Straka says in the video.

He said his evolution away from the lies began when he saw a video that exposed the lie that Trump had made fun of a reporter's disability.

"It's a compilation of footage going back to like the nineties," Straka told Harris. "It's him doing that exact same voice, and that exact same gesture numerous times when he's talking about numerous people in numerous situations," he explained.

"The key common thread witj all of them is -- it's a voice and a gesture that he does when he's making fun of someone who's been caught in a lie, or someone who's done something shady or... dishonest and they've gotten caught. It had nothing to do at all with this person's physical disability. Nothing!" Straka exclaimed.

That revelation led to his realization that the media has gotten a lot of stories wrong about Trump -- including his alleged claim that all Mexicans are rapists and his alleged sexual abuse of women.

"Liberalism has been co-opted and absorbed by the very characteristics it claims to fight against."


I would like to pipe in here--------> These far Leftists, are NOT Democrats! They have co-opted the party as Mac has stated on numerous occasions.

I am a CONSERVATIVE. I am NOT a Republican...….used to be a registered one, and also used to be a registered Democrat.

Do we all (both Republicans and REAL Democrats) realize how much trouble we are actually in? Consider-----------> We all want someone good in charge of the Senate; do we not? So pick one...….Chucky Shmucky………….. or.....Tricky Mitch. What do you mean all of you just barfed?!?!?!?!?!?!?! See what I mean.

We need 2 viable partys to choose from. Not far right, not far left, but both run by moderates with differing ideas to GENTLY move our country, in one direction or the other.

So many people would ask us conservatives, "then why do you want to now vote ALL Republican?"

I will answer that with a question of my own------------> Did you like John Kennedy? You did? So did I? Womanizing? Forget about it, POLICIES is what we are talking about! So does JFK REMOTELY look like ANYTHING in the Democratic party today?

And one more thing...……… can we say with honesty that JFK was at LEAST 30% right of todays Democratic party? (if you don't, you are either lying or illiterate)

And who came down the road AFTER Kennedy a few terms? Why Ronald Reagan, what about 20 years later, yes? Wasn't he the furthest to the right President we ever had according to the Left?

And then, a few years later, we had Clinton. Good President? YES! Womanizer? YES! Who cares! He wasn't bad at all! Signed in welfare reform, amongst other things.

So then, I ask this question---------> Did the Kennedy, Reagan, Clintonesque policies do us right as Americans? Yes or NO? Were you, or your parents, making money? Did the country not move right slightly, or at the very least, stay static in position?

So then, how did we get to where we were BEFORE TRUMP was elected?

ANSWER--------> Because GW and Obama were the WORST Presidents in our lifetime, that is how. They were one in the same, except on foreign policy. By the end of those 2 clowns, we had moved so far left in policy, and economics, we were cooked!

I know, that is heresy, but it is TRUE. We have moved LEFT of JFK, left of Bill Clinton, and GW and Obama did it together. And since we went there, it has been bad sledding, has it not? That is why we need move right economically, and socially; and no, not FAR right, just back to the Clinton days is perfectly fine. We must erase the mistakes of GW, and Obama. In the history books, they will be seen as the WORST times for this country, and just think, they did it together, and 1 was from the GOP, and one was from the Democratic party!
I am a CONSERVATIVE. I am NOT a Republican...….used to be a registered one, and also used to be a registered Democrat.

Do we all (both Republicans and REAL Democrats) realize how much trouble we are actually in? Consider-----------> We all want someone good in charge of the Senate; do we not? So pick one...….Chucky Shmucky………….. or.....Tricky Mitch. What do you mean all of you just barfed?!?!?!?!?!?!?! See what I mean.

We need 2 viable partys to choose from. Not far right, not far left, but both run by moderates with differing ideas to GENTLY move our country, in one direction or the other.

So many people would ask us conservatives, "then why do you want to now vote ALL Republican?"

I will answer that with a question of my own------------> Did you like John Kennedy? You did? So did I? Womanizing? Forget about it, POLICIES is what we are talking about! So does JFK REMOTELY look like ANYTHING in the Democratic party today?

And one more thing...……… can we say with honesty that JFK was at LEAST 30% right of todays Democratic party? (if you don't, you are either lying or illiterate)

And who came down the road AFTER Kennedy a few terms? Why Ronald Reagan, what about 20 years later, yes? Wasn't he the furthest to the right President we ever had according to the Left?

And then, a few years later, we had Clinton. Good President? YES! Womanizer? YES! Who cares! He wasn't bad at all! Signed in welfare reform, amongst other things.

So then, I ask this question---------> Did the Kennedy, Reagan, Clintonesque policies do us right as Americans? Yes or NO? Were you, or your parents, making money? Did the country not move right slightly, or at the very least, stay static in position?

So then, how did we get to where we were BEFORE TRUMP was elected?

ANSWER--------> Because GW and Obama were the WORST Presidents in our lifetime, that is how. They were one in the same, except on foreign policy. By the end of those 2 clowns, we had moved so far left in policy, and economics, we were cooked!

I know, that is heresy, but it is TRUE. We have moved LEFT of JFK, left of Bill Clinton, and GW and Obama did it together. And since we went there, it has been bad sledding, has it not? That is why we need move right economically, and socially; and no, not FAR right, just back to the Clinton days is perfectly fine. We must erase the mistakes of GW, and Obama. In the history books, they will be seen as the WORST times for this country, and just think, they did it together, and 1 was from the GOP, and one was from the Democratic part

imwhosure, if there was a post of the week award, I'd nominate yours. This is spot on for me. W and Obama were both such lousy presidents. George Sr wasn't really any prize either. Slick willy definitely did some damage, but he wasn't a complete dumb bunny, and he got things right as well. You put into perspective how horrible our leadership has been for the last couple of decades. I'm not sure how we could have avoided it. John Kerry and Al 'manbearpig' Gore are basically more of the same political garbage. At least the republicans had over a dozen candidates last election. I like Trump, but I would have had no problem with Ben Carson either. I have doubts on another Bush or any of the other professional polilticians. I'm sure over half were neo-cons. Love the post, thank you imwhosure.

To your thesis-----> far to many people, want to blame one party or the other for past mistakes. Both of them screwed the pooch! They basically got together, and put us in the position we are in today. Both of them still want to blame each other, but Americans who pay attention, know better.

This is why the safety valve position for people like us is...……..GOP. It is NOT because they are smarter, better at anything, but rather because if they follow their roots, it = less government.

But, the truth today is------> 99% of Democrats believe in bigger government, exerting more control. 70% of the GOP, believe the same thing. In essence, we are between a rock and a hard place-(

I hate to be a Debbiedowner, but it looks like eventually, we are going to lose-( The best it appears we can hope for is------->we hold them off until it gets so bad, that even they can't offer freebies.

I post all over this board, but truth be told---------> We will win 2018, and MIGHT win 2020. Unless we as a political party do something between now and then, it is more than likely over in 2022, if not before. Unless we wake up, what you are seeing today is the far Left trying to hasten the future. We can change it, but it is NOT about 2018, our change must be for 2020 and beyond.

Good luck, we are going to need it!
Listen to them. These fools just cannot comprehend they are killing themselves!
It's good to see some Democrats at least are dropping the kool-aid cup and thinking clearly.

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