Gays commit suicide more often... why?

I'd say 65% of gays have mental problems and 90% of trannies have mental problems. That's why they are gay and trannies, it's a symptom of their mental illness.
I agree 100%

you have to be really messed up to do what gays do
No, I operate on studies that focus on what faggots themselves say about being faggots. It sucks for you shills and frauds that there are such things available, so you need all those strawmen and dumbass psychobabble gimmicks. It's your own ignorance that bothers you. You're just narcissists who like LARPing as 'Progressives N Stuff', patting yourselves on the back for being so 'enlightened n stuff'. It's just another pseudo-intellectual fad for fashion victims and useful idiots.
You operate off hate and ignorance. Your lack of discipline oozes in your posts and shows off the low level in which you operate. Haha, “studies” my ass
I have a nephew who is gay. He is manic/depressive but not suicidal.

There was a gay guy in my church (married with children) that hung himself.
I knew a gay guy that hung himself. He could not face his wife divorcing him. As soon as he told her he was leaving her for a man his wife filed for divorce. He did not want the family broken up.

No word on what he expected her to do.
You operate off hate and ignorance. Your lack of discipline oozes in your posts and shows off the low level in which you operate. Haha, “studies” my ass

Fuck off, sleaze boi; you're just another fraud like most commies and deviants. Your only value is the comedy relief sociopaths and gimps provide here.
Why would their conscious tell them that being attracted to and loving somebody of the same sex is wrong??
Because it is

They can pretend for a while but when the light comes on many gays choose to check out
you have to be really messed up to do what gays do

The first clue that they know they're sickos is inventing the term 'gay' as a euphemism for their sickness. If they really thought they were normal they wouldn't use such silly gimmicks. As for all the propaganda tactics we see from the parrots here, they all follow the Plan to a T.

It's just cookie cutter claims, mostly based on communist culture war tactics developed by Antonio Gramsci and adopted by Harry Hay, the card carrying Communist Party member who founded the 'Gay Rights' hoax and politicized sexual fetishism.

I haven't read all the info here but read the statistics, about how young gays are 3 times more likely to end hteir lives than straights.

I tend to think that site leans liberal but too soon to tell. If so, they will likely say that it is society's lack of acceptance of their "lifestyle" that makes them think of ending it all

I say it is because they are doing something their conscience tells them is wrong.. and going against your conscience is never somehting that ends well, obviously
No. Its the former you backward twat.
No. Homosexuality has been with mankind forever. As such, your conclusion fails.
Its certainly been around since antiquity.

No one can really say who invented Sodomy, but the people of Sodom were sufficiently impressed that they named their city for the act.

Almighty God imprinted mankind with the knowledge of good and evil, and everyone realizes that taking it in the caboose just isn't Normative. I think the reason why so many homos off themselves is that they don't realize that Almighty God can forgive them of this sin.
me and my bro's! we don't look sad and depressed, do we?

No, just extremely gay!

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