Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

So they were talking about the Catholic Church then.

Is Ammons Scientific the Catholic Church?

Actually, no, it is worse. It is a self publishing racket for pseudo scientific articles that no one else will touch.

Unlike most scientific journals, publication of Perceptual and Motor Skills and Psychological Reports is not subsidized by a society or by advertising. We rely on subscriptions for approximately 85 percent of costs, but there are fees to authors to cover the rest.

By the way, Paul Cameron was found to have committed fraud when he presented the results of that study in a federal court.

"(i) his sworn statement that "homosexuals are approximately 43
times more apt to commit crimes than is the general population" is a total
distortion of the Kinsey data upon which he relies which, as is obvious to
anyone who reads the report, concerns data from a non-representative sample of
delinquent homosexuals (and Dr. Cameron compares this group to college and
non-college heterosexuals);
(ii) his sworn statement that "homosexuals abuse
children at a proportionately greater incident than do heterosexuals" is based
upon the same distorted data and, the Court notes, is directly contrary to
other evidence presented at trial besides the testimony of Dr. Simon and Dr.

(553 F. Supp. 1121 at 1130 n.18.)

If you want to argue against practicing homosexuality on moral grounds I will support you every step of the way. What I won't support is anyone using pseudo-scientific claptrap from discredited sources.

I was hoping someone knew something about Paul Cameron and those self-publishing organizations he uses. There is absolutely no peer review. His research is a joke.
That explains why the APA copywrighted his material....

They're known for falling for charlatans.
A straight one.

The one who molested my sister and I, fathered our other two sisters and went on to sleep with every nurse and single woman in the tri-county area so I'm sure you'll pardon me if I substitute my reality for your assumptions.

Was he your father or stepfather?

I am inordinately curious as to your reason for asking.

And Gary Darling? Start your own damn threads.

Dear BDboop, I am curious because I thought that it was very rare for a biological father to molest his own child.
It just never made sense to me. My sister is a lesbian, I am straight. We were both molested. She's right-handed, I'm left-handed. /shrug

We are who we are, independent of our shared experiences.

BDBoop, we have a lot in common. My brother is gay. He is left handed and I am right handed. I was physically abused but not sexually abused.
The statistics are the statistics.

Deviations from the norm are a natural part of any system therefore homosexuality is a natural part of the human system. In fact it always has been.

Evidence of gay relationships exists as early as 2400 B.C.

Sexuality exists on a spectrum just like any other trait or occurrence. It is neither right nor wrong it just is.

Rapists, and child molesters also exist. They are also deviations from the norm. There certainly are cases of right and wrong. Just because something exists does not make it a positive trait. I am certainly not putting "garden variety" homosexuals in the same category of rapists and molesters, I am just saying that it should not be encouraged, celebrated and embraced by schools, universities, the medias and the entertainment industry.

Last time I checked the term rapist has never been used to describe one's sexuality.

Homosexuality doesn't have to be embraced or celebrated. It exists. It has always exist and it will always exist.

Recognizing that fact and teaching children to be aware of the real world is not doing any disservice to anyone.

Recognizing a fact is one thing, pushing an agenda is another. The schools, universities, media, entertainment industry and popular culture are all promoting the gay activists' agenda, including redefining marriage.
Rapists, and child molesters also exist. They are also deviations from the norm. There certainly are cases of right and wrong. Just because something exists does not make it a positive trait. I am certainly not putting "garden variety" homosexuals in the same category of rapists and molesters, I am just saying that it should not be encouraged, celebrated and embraced by schools, universities, the medias and the entertainment industry.

Last time I checked the term rapist has never been used to describe one's sexuality.

Homosexuality doesn't have to be embraced or celebrated. It exists. It has always exist and it will always exist.

Recognizing that fact and teaching children to be aware of the real world is not doing any disservice to anyone.

Recognizing a fact is one thing, pushing an agenda is another. The schools, universities, media, entertainment industry and popular culture are all promoting the gay activists' agenda, including redefining marriage.

And that hurts you how?
So they were talking about the Catholic Church then.

Is Ammons Scientific the Catholic Church?

Actually, no, it is worse. It is a self publishing racket for pseudo scientific articles that no one else will touch.

Unlike most scientific journals, publication of Perceptual and Motor Skills and Psychological Reports is not subsidized by a society or by advertising. We rely on subscriptions for approximately 85 percent of costs, but there are fees to authors to cover the rest.
By the way, Paul Cameron was found to have committed fraud when he presented the results of that study in a federal court.

"(i) his sworn statement that "homosexuals are approximately 43
times more apt to commit crimes than is the general population" is a total
distortion of the Kinsey data upon which he relies which, as is obvious to
anyone who reads the report, concerns data from a non-representative sample of
delinquent homosexuals (and Dr. Cameron compares this group to college and
non-college heterosexuals);
(ii) his sworn statement that "homosexuals abuse
children at a proportionately greater incident than do heterosexuals" is based
upon the same distorted data and, the Court notes, is directly contrary to
other evidence presented at trial besides the testimony of Dr. Simon and Dr.

(553 F. Supp. 1121 at 1130 n.18.)
If you want to argue against practicing homosexuality on moral grounds I will support you every step of the way. What I won't support is anyone using pseudo-scientific claptrap from discredited sources.

That's not evidence he lied, you idiot. That's someone SAYING his information was not supported (it is) and the Court saying that the other evidence at trial contradicted it.

Do you know where the Kinsey data, that the idiotic APA embraced as representative of the entire male homosexual population, came from? INMATES.

Kinsey is the discredited hack. The APA had to issue a statement reversing their previous stance that homosexuality was hardwired, years after proclaiming it wasn't a mental illness, and there was *evidence* that homosexuals had no control over their sexual orientation. The APA is viewed by the real scientific community with disdain and disgust. The APA legitimizes the fight to de-criminalize pedophilia by providing continuing education credits to people who attend *trainings* about the de-criminalization and mainstreaming of pedophiles.

Now stop playing games and presenting opinion as if a biased author giving his opinion about the material has anything at all to do with whether or not the study is good.

The study I cited that was referenced in the APA article supports his statements, as I'm sure you know.
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It's not causal Jake. I can understand why you might think that, but that presumes that lesbians would negatively generalize to ALL men based on ONE experience.

That's not true of either heteros or gays.

I am telling you what several dozen committed lesbians told me. I generalized nothing, and neither did the women. Don't tell them what is true or not true in their experience. That is demeaning to them.

For petes sake, you are really over reacting. 36 lesbians told you that they had been sexually molested as children and THAT's what made them ALL lesbian?

The one demeaning lesbians is YOU. You're the one saying we're all alike.

Many of the lesbians I know were also abused as children.
Some of the best sex I ever had was with a lady who said she was a "former lesbian", she had a girlfriend in Denver and was married to a rich Jewish guy in LA who wanted 2 wives, she was his second. She also had 2 DUI's but was AWESOME in bed, just great. :thup:

"former lesbian"? So it is possible for some people to convert from gay to straight (and visa versa).
Some of the best sex I ever had was with a lady who said she was a "former lesbian", she had a girlfriend in Denver and was married to a rich Jewish guy in LA who wanted 2 wives, she was his second. She also had 2 DUI's but was AWESOME in bed, just great. :thup:

"former lesbian"? So it is possible for some people to convert from gay to straight (and visa versa).
I wouldn't disagree with that....However, "some" is the key word.

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