Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions



If what you want are legal rights for health reasons, fine, draw up a contract with a lawyer and play house all you want. Lawyers just want to see homosexual marriage because the divorces will be so damn profitable.

That's not for you to decide, is it? Funny how you small government types are so worried about tyranny from government, except when it comes to shit like this. Then, your precious constitution becomes inconvenient.
project much?
not at all
What agenda is that? The only gay agenda I see is for them be allowed to get married to each other. That should not be a matter for government to allow or disallow. That should be up to our churches to decide whether or not to perform the services. If no churches choose to perform them(which. I know the United Church of Christ will...which is why my church left the UCC), then a Justice of the peace would.

I have no problem with that, because we live in a free society where our rights as citizens are inalienable, no matterehat our religion(or lack thereof) may matter what our political ideologies may matter what our skin Colorado is...and yes...who we choose to sleep with.

Correct, there is no such thing as a ‘gay agenda.’ That’s an inane and tedious rightist contrivance.
Forcing us to accept a restructuring of the family unit, and a re-defining of terms we use to describe our society, is NOT smaller government. It's government intrusion into our bedrooms and our homes, championed by progressives who think government should dictate how we structure our lives, work, and breed.

tbh, letting people do as they choose or want is not doing as you explained above.
You are thinking of a communist law
What agenda is that? The only gay agenda I see is for them be allowed to get married to each other. That should not be a matter for government to allow or disallow. That should be up to our churches to decide whether or not to perform the services. If no churches choose to perform them(which. I know the United Church of Christ will...which is why my church left the UCC), then a Justice of the peace would.

I have no problem with that, because we live in a free society where our rights as citizens are inalienable, no matterehat our religion(or lack thereof) may matter what our political ideologies may matter what our skin Colorado is...and yes...who we choose to sleep with.

The gay agenda also includes:
Discussing gay sex acts in sex-ed classes.
Letting boys dress like girls and girls dress like boys in school
Allowing children to choose their gender, thus they can choose which restroom to use
Allowing male homecoming queens
Condemning Christians who believe that homosexual behavior is a sin
Labeling those opposed to the gay agenda as haters and bigots
Teaching kids that it is normal to experiment with homosexuality

The schools, universities, media, etc. are not neutral. They actively promote the gay agenda while demonizing those who oppose it.

I've never seen any of that and just a year ago my youngest graduated high school.
What agenda is that? The only gay agenda I see is for them be allowed to get married to each other. That should not be a matter for government to allow or disallow. That should be up to our churches to decide whether or not to perform the services. If no churches choose to perform them(which. I know the United Church of Christ will...which is why my church left the UCC), then a Justice of the peace would.

I have no problem with that, because we live in a free society where our rights as citizens are inalienable, no matterehat our religion(or lack thereof) may matter what our political ideologies may matter what our skin Colorado is...and yes...who we choose to sleep with.

Correct, there is no such thing as a ‘gay agenda.’ That’s an inane and tedious rightist contrivance.

Forcing us to accept a restructuring of the family unit, and a re-defining of terms we use to describe our society, is NOT smaller government. It's government intrusion into our bedrooms and our homes, championed by progressives who think government should dictate how we structure our lives, work, and breed.

Nobody is forcing you to accept are free to hate anyone you wish

It is you who is forcing the government to accept your religious views

Opposing the gay agenda is not hateful.

Just like opposing the new black panther party is not racist

Just like opposing La Raza is not xenophobic

Just like opposing C.A.I.R Is not Islamaphobic.

Just like opposing N.O.W. is not chauvinistic

Just like opposing O.W.S. does not make you greedy

These are all radical groups trying to fundamentally transform the fabric of our society. The one thing that they all have in common is the tactic of marginalizing, demonizing and silencing their opposition.
I see most of that right here in the last few posts. More evidence that the left lies.
Claiming that anything that shows something other than what you hold near and dear is either racist, a lie, anti-female, suspect..thereby justifying the oppression and tyranny that you embrace.
I see most of that right here in the last few posts. More evidence that the left lies.

evidence, please.

"Who's forcing their way into your bedroom and making you perform lesbian acts?

On the other hand, you are forcing your way into your fellow citizen's bedrooms and telling them who they can legally love. Why is your intrusion in their bedrooms OK, but them not really intruding on ours(as heterosexuals) at all a problem?

Oh....that's's that peaky judgmentalism thing again."

Lies, hate mongering, and logical fallacy...all rolled into one.
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Forcing us to accept a restructuring of the family unit, and a re-defining of terms we use to describe our society, is NOT smaller government. It's government intrusion into our bedrooms and our homes, championed by progressives who think government should dictate how we structure our lives, work, and breed.

Nobody is forcing you to accept are free to hate anyone you wish

It is you who is forcing the government to accept your religious views

Opposing the gay agenda is not hateful.

Just like opposing the new black panther party is not racist

Just like opposing La Raza is not xenophobic

Just like opposing C.A.I.R Is not Islamaphobic.

Just like opposing N.O.W. is not chauvinistic

Just like opposing O.W.S. does not make you greedy

These are all radical groups trying to fundamentally transform the fabric of our society. The one thing that they all have in common is the tactic of marginalizing, demonizing and silencing their opposition.

Just like being a Democrat is not being a communist....

Just like being pro choice is not being pro abortion....

Just like being pro gay rights is not being a sodomizer....

Just like protecting the rights of non-christian religions is not a betrayal ofmy Christian faith.

Just like supporting social programs does not mean we're leeches of YOUR money.

You know, if you want to bawl about hateful things said by political opponents....there's plenty to go around.


Remember....if you challenge progressive authority, you and bursting into your comrades' bedrooms!

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