Gays comprise 6% of the population yer they commit 25% of all sexual perversions

I see most of that right here in the last few posts. More evidence that the left lies.

evidence, please.

"Who's forcing their way into your bedroom and making you perform lesbian acts?

On the other hand, you are forcing your way into your fellow citizen's bedrooms and telling them who they can legally love. Why is your intrusion in their bedrooms OK, but them not really intruding on ours(as heterosexuals) at all a problem?

Oh....that's's that peaky judgmentalism thing again."

Lies, hate mongering, and logical fallacy...all rolled into one.
where fir I do any of those claimed that government was forcing their way into your bedroom and forcing the gay agenda down your throat....

Just because you don't agree with it does not mean you get to force your will upon them.
Koshergirl, you really can't handle a debate, can you? You get angry and out comes the hatred as witnessed by your words and pictures.

Which speaks volumes on who can't stand their self imposed "authority" challenged.
The hatred you are witnessing is historical representation of the campaigns waged by reasonable progressives, like yourself, in the past.

It is indeed foul and disgusting, as progressives are. There's no reasoning with people who lie to further their culture of death. All we can do is remind people, over and over, what their agenda is, and who else has maintained the same ideology in the past.
The hatred you are witnessing is historical representation of the campaigns waged by reasonable progressives, like yourself, in the past.

It is indeed foul and disgusting, as progressives are. There's no reasoning with people who lie to further their culture of death. All we can do is remind people, over and over, what their agenda is, and who else has maintained the same ideology in the past.'s your sacred duty to be judgmental. Nice sense of self justification you have there.
I can understand your resistance to being judged. Nazis never enjoy that part of their walk....
There's nothing wrong with identifying the traits of tyrants and oppressive policies as such.
But they are telling them that if they have homosexual urges, it means they've been 'born gay' and there's nothing they can do to change it...that they should go with it. And that is a lie. Just as it's a lie that abortion *fixes* everything, or that an unborn baby isn't *human*.

tbh, your new avatar looks like a vag with flappy lips

self portrait
There's nothing wrong with identifying the traits of tyrants and oppressive policies as such.
Once does two consensual members of the same sex legally declaring their love for one another "oppress" you?

Turn that around and give a truly honest look at how you wish to oppress them and answer....who is displaying the traits of tyranny?
But they are telling them that if they have homosexual urges, it means they've been 'born gay' and there's nothing they can do to change it...that they should go with it. And that is a lie. Just as it's a lie that abortion *fixes* everything, or that an unborn baby isn't *human*.

tbh, your new avatar looks like a vag with flappy lips

It's a self-portrait.

But they are telling them that if they have homosexual urges, it means they've been 'born gay' and there's nothing they can do to change it...that they should go with it. And that is a lie. Just as it's a lie that abortion *fixes* everything, or that an unborn baby isn't *human*.

tbh, your new avatar looks like a vag with flappy lips

self portrait

Deja vu all over again.
There's nothing wrong with identifying the traits of tyrants and oppressive policies as such.
Once does two consensual members of the same sex legally declaring their love for one another "oppress" you?

Turn that around and give a truly honest look at how you wish to oppress them and answer....who is displaying the traits of tyranny?

They don't oppress me at all.

What is oppressive is when a minority dictates to the majority a new definition for a defining word and institution, and threatens them with legal and punitive action if they do not embrace it whole heartedly.

I don't care if gays get married. I could care less if they live together forever, that's not new. What I DO care about is being told I'm a homophobe if I object to the changing of the definition of the word "marriage". What I do object to is when an extremist faction attempts to make it "hate speech" to preach the word, and a violation of a person's civil rights to not hire openly gay people in those churches. What I object to is the STATE dictating how we must interpret the bible, and who we may marry, and how we must speak to our children, and what jobs we may work at, and where we may speak about our faith, and where we may not, and what we may say about it.
There's nothing wrong with identifying the traits of tyrants and oppressive policies as such.
Once does two consensual members of the same sex legally declaring their love for one another "oppress" you?

Turn that around and give a truly honest look at how you wish to oppress them and answer....who is displaying the traits of tyranny?

They don't oppress me at all.

What is oppressive is when a minority dictates to the majority a new definition for a defining word and institution, and threatens them with legal and punitive action if they do not embrace it whole heartedly.

I don't care if gays get married. I could care less if they live together forever, that's not new. What I DO care about is being told I'm a homophobe if I object to the changing of the definition of the word "marriage". What I do object to is when an extremist faction attempts to make it "hate speech" to preach the word, and a violation of a person's civil rights to not hire openly gay people in those churches. What I object to is the STATE dictating how we must interpret the bible, and who we may marry, and how we must speak to our children, and what jobs we may work at, and where we may speak about our faith, and where we may not, and what we may say about it.

Who's doing those things...other than the marriage one? Don't tell me you got it from RW media....they are pushing an agenda too, you know and haven't been above stretching the truth(to be kind).
You do it. Toro does it. Pooper, Bod and Sky do it. Grump does it, Dragon does it, and every hysterical pro-homosexual loon I've ever met does it. It has nothing to do with the right wing guys, personally, do this.
You do it. Toro does it. Pooper, Bod and Sky do it. Grump does it, Dragon does it, and every hysterical pro-homosexual loon I've ever met does it. It has nothing to do with the right wing guys, personally, do this.
You're wrong. It's your prejudice that tells you that. We are saying live and let live....but you can't handle that, can you? You have to condemn and damnable and display your "power". And really? That's all this is. A power trip.

You or any one of your brethren have ZERO right to judge anyone.....for any reason.

There are plenty of sins that God will you really think you're doing right by God? Take the log out of your own eye. Love is the answer here....

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