Gays in the millitary?? No fair!!

Tell ya what Cold, arguing with the Bass Hole is like trying to teach a pig to sing.

It will only frustrate you, and usually annoys the pig.
On a serious note, I'm in the Army, have been so for 14 years and I have no problem with the current system with DADT. I really don't like the idea of civilians telling me what is best for me when they are not in the military and haven't the slightest clue about the life soldiers live. I'm against anything that will ruin unit cohesion and espirit de corps in the military.
I really don't like the idea of civilians telling me what is best for me when they are not in the military and haven't the slightest clue about the life soldiers live.
Then I suggest you join a military junta. Military subordination to civilian authority is fundamental to American Democracy and the Constitution.
I guess what bothers me about this whole gays in the military issue.. It is ignoring a resource for no reason.. Everyone has talent and skills to offer the military.. I know this one guy in the marines.. He is a sniper... He can shoot a fly in the ass at 300 yards.. He is also a total flamer when he is on leave.. This is a person that can change the course of an entire battle.. Save the lives of hundreds of men with a single shot.. Do we really want to kick him out because he is gay?? He has a steady hand and a dead eye.. One of the best marksmen in his unit.. The funny thing about him though?? He is arabic and speaks fluent Arabic.. Which in some cases makes him the perfect scout..

To the arguement of a coed barracks.. I think just about every ship in the Navy more or less has a coed baracks.. I mean.. How far can you go on a boat?? And we all know there are women in the Navy.. I have heard stories of men and women meeting on a boat and eventually getting married.. There is nothing wrong with that.. As for the shower thing?? Well, if a gay man wants to look at my tight little ass and fantasize about it.. What ever.. Who is to say that I am not fantasizing about the NCO with the big boobies that is about to burst from her shirt?? Or the chicky that is on her knees scrubbing the deck and her nice ass swaying back and forth..

Have any of you even been in the military?? Coed military is awsome!! The last thing I worry about is some dude checking out my stuff.. As long as he does his job, that is all that matters.. When we are working it is all business.. We don't have time to sit and chat and meet people.. In most cases your shower is only like 3 minutes anyway.. Especially when you are at sea.. Shower and hit the rack for your 8 hour of shut eye.. If you even get that long.. You are to busy to think about anything else.. And so is he..

Get a grip people.. You are handicapping our military by forcing homosexuals out.. As I said before.. Unless you have served.. You don't have much to say on the issue..
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Well Yukon if you premis is true, the war can not be won (I do not concur) then certainly one should try to negotiate their way out of it? If you can not win it, you may be able to talk your way out of it and to victory, just like North Veitnam?
Then I suggest you join a military junta. Military subordination to civilian authority is fundamental to American Democracy and the Constitution.

I would but I can't find a decent junta these days. Where are the best juntas to be found Mr. Eagle? South America has went all crazy and democratic and Africa can't even organise a junta.

PS. I hate people that say the word junta and pronouce the J as a J and not an H.

In my personal j(HHHHHHHHHH)unta they would die.
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You homophobic piece of black shit, when Obama removes the ban on gays in the military and gays start openly serving in my beloved United States Army the Army is going to get even better because homosexuality mixed with army training and values makes the army stronger. Homosexuality is that missing piece that is going to make the military more lethal as we head deeper into the 21st century. It was the secret weapon we tested in World Wars I and II and we kicked ass in those wars. We kicked ass with homosexuality in the last two Gulf Wars, but the enemy caught on to the fact that it was closet homosexuality. Open homosexuality is the next stage.

ABikerSailor knows what he's talking about Charlie, he's the best example of what I'm talking about. He spent presumably 20 years in the Navy using this hidden formula of success so he speaks from firsthand experience.


Obviously you are homosexual. That being said I do believe your "secret weapon" idea is outrageous. WWI and WWII were won because the USA was involved with allies who would not negotiate. Americans are famous for trying to get out of a war without winning. You tried to win in Vietnam and were handily trounced and humiliated by gook peasants.

As for the GayBiker, he is not a vet. The only place he fought was in his little mind and that was about his sexuality - the homo side won.
You homophobic piece of black shit, when Obama removes the ban on gays in the military and gays start openly serving in my beloved United States Army the Army is going to get even better because homosexuality mixed with army training and values makes the army stronger. Homosexuality is that missing piece that is going to make the military more lethal as we head deeper into the 21st century. It was the secret weapon we tested in World Wars I and II and we kicked ass in those wars. We kicked ass with homosexuality in the last two Gulf Wars, but the enemy caught on to the fact that it was closet homosexuality. Open homosexuality is the next stage.

ABikerSailor knows what he's talking about Charlie, he's the best example of what I'm talking about. He spent presumably 20 years in the Navy using this hidden formula of success so he speaks from firsthand experience.


Obviously you are homosexual. That being said I do believe your "secret weapon" idea is outrageous. WWI and WWII were won because the USA was involved with allies who would not negotiate. Americans are famous for trying to get out of a war without winning. You tried to win in Vietnam and were handily trounced and humiliated by gook peasants.

As for the GayBiker, he is not a vet. The only place he fought was in his little mind and that was about his sexuality - the homo side won.

I've already proven several times where you can find info about me. Amarillo MEPS from 1999 until 2002. They'll even tell ya that my retirement ceremony was there, as well as will many people who came to my retirement party at Boondocks, as well as the radio station that announced free drinks at Boondocks here in Amarillo. I was well liked by my friends.

As far as pointing to WWI and WWII? You obviously chose to ignore that gays served in the military then as well.

By the way Puke-On........'splain it to me again..........what the fuck can a pedophile bald ass ugly former priest who was kicked out of the Catholic church for fondling little boys, so his cowardly ass went to Canada to hide out POSSIBLY hope to offer vets who have been in war zones, and traveled to far off lands, to meet new and interesting people, learn about their culture and heritage.........and then kill them by delivering ordnance and ammo, on target, and on time, to destroy things and kill people in pursuit of the ideals of the United States?

I'm guessing not much other than a sloppy hand job.

You never served in anything other than McDonalds. You are bogus and I suspect homosexual.
How much money you wanna lay on it, and more's the much can you afford to lose?

I can back my shit up with my DD Form 2N(Retired) Blue ID card, as well as my 214, my co-workers who know me at the MEPS..........oh yeah........there are several women in Amarillo who will attest to my being exceedingly hetero.

What you got baldy?

You never served in anything other than McDonalds. You are bogus and I suspect homosexual.

Would you please take this pointless argument over to "The List". I could use a few extra replies! :lol::lol::lol:

This is not a pointless argument as you infer. The GayBiker is a phony and must be exposed. He never served in the military as by claiming so he disrespect those of us who served honourably.
Gomer Pyle was a rump ranger and they didn't kick him out :eusa_hand:

Likely beacause he was more intelligent than his superiors :eusa_angel:

Funny how the drunks wont give the "trained killers" a loaded gun or artillery shells but they sure will kick your ass for dirty boots or a bad shave.

Yeah. Army. Korea, mid seventies.Drunks guiding druggies..........and those avoiding jail.

You never served in anything other than McDonalds. You are bogus and I suspect homosexual.

Would you please take this pointless argument over to "The List". I could use a few extra replies! :lol::lol::lol:

This is not a pointless argument as you infer. The GayBiker is a phony and must be exposed. He never served in the military as by claiming so he disrespect those of us who served honourably.

Hey you sphincter slurping pedophile of little boys...........what outfit, what service, and where did you serve?

I mean, besides in the asses of the altar boys? Like I said cum dumpster, I can back my shit up.

Can you?

As far as gays in the military, you DO realize there are 2 wars being fought, right?

Matter of fact, fuck it........lets have a draft and send all the politicians kids to fight so that the gays can stay home and decorate. We'll have a nice party while the rest of you sexist racist pricks are getting killed off.
Fags must be discharged from our armed forces.They are filthy perverts who must stay outside the normal society as well as criminals,junkies,prostitutes.
Romans 1:26-32.
Fags must be discharged from our armed forces.They are filthy perverts who must stay outside the normal society as well as criminals,junkies,prostitutes.
Romans 1:26-32.

Yet another moonbat disciple of Charles Bass comes to the messageboards.

Welcome to the boards you lunatic fuck. Forget to take your meds this morning?
Fags must be discharged from our armed forces.They are filthy perverts who must stay outside the normal society as well as criminals,junkies,prostitutes.
Romans 1:26-32.


I have exposed the GayBiker for the fraud that he is. I KNOW he never served in the military and it hurts me deeply to read lies posted by homosexual cowards. He offends the bravery of us who did serve.
Fags must be discharged from our armed forces.They are filthy perverts who must stay outside the normal society as well as criminals,junkies,prostitutes.
Romans 1:26-32.

Yet another moonbat disciple of Charles Bass comes to the messageboards.

Welcome to the boards you lunatic fuck. Forget to take your meds this morning?
Because you hate God and ignore His Laws He stated.Leviticus 18:22.GLBT are nothing but sick and perverted heathens who are equal to dogs and pigs who live on their vomit and feces.Deal with it.
You DO realize that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was that of treating guests badly, right?

By the way Fucked One..........I already told you how to verify my service. Call Amarillo MEPS and ask about PO1 Murphy.
You DO realize that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was that of treating guests badly, right?

By the way Fucked One..........I already told you how to verify my service. Call Amarillo MEPS and ask about PO1 Murphy.

Fags like you attempt to justify those cremated filthy towns that their sodomites were so-called innocent.Perhaps there were greed mentioned in The Book of Ezekiel,but those filthy fags paid the same and they are in Hell now.

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