'Gays should be punished by God, not by those on Earth' - Orlando gunman's father

Next thing you know anybody who has red hair will be a target. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that folks can't control how they are born? I don't give a big rat's ass what my neighbors do as long as it doesn't interfere with my life.

I agree that people can't control how they are born, but they can, in theory, control what they do.

I remember years ago a guy was caught in the act of having sex with a duck in a duck farm in the middle of the night.

I doubt he was born that way.....If he was your neighbor, you would probably keep a close eye on your pets.

That being said the law against men having 'unnatural' relations with other men is not necessarily about sex.

The priesthood would be an example of men who have forsaken natural relations with women for unnatural relations with another man, submitting to bishops and cardinals,, etc., other men, and taking vows of obedience to the Pope, another man, as if he was their husband and master, for life..
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Don't let the far right into the duck farm now.

Don't give them ideas, for heaven's sake.
Homosexuality is not a sin. What the father of this selfdefined IS-member said is nonsense too. No one who is homosexual has to live in fear of god. Only who hurts others with sex - also heterosexuals - have to live in fear of god so they should start to live in respect of god and his children. And everyone - completly independent from any religion - has to live in fear of IS-jihadists, because they are godless murderers.
Homosexuality is a sin in the bible:

  • Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
  • Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
And the Quran:

Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)" -

New Testament
In John 5:46-47, Jesus tells his detractors that unless one holds to the writings of Moses (the first five books of the Bible), one cannot fully know or understand truth or Jesus Himself. “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” (John 5:46-47)
Read more at Did Jesus condemn homosexuality?
Jesus was likely gay himself, he only hung around with guys, only slept with a woman once (once means he didn't like it), he wore a dress and rode a donkey, which was the mode of transport for women at the time. And the bible CLEARLY condemns homosexuality.
Homosexuality is not a sin. What the father of this selfdefined IS-massmurderer said is nonsense too. No one who is homosexual has to live in fear of god. Only who hurts others with loveless sex - also heterosexuals - have to live in fear of god so no one should hesistate now immediatelly to start to live in respect of god and his children. And everyone - completly independent from any religion - has to live in fear of IS-jihadists, because they are godless murderers.

In memoriam the innocent victims of Orlando.

Homosexuality is not a sin according to WHO? Whose WORD did you find that revealed in? GOD has the last opinion in such matters and not human fads.

God kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex after god pleaded with Adam not to do it and to stay in homo heaven with Him. Now how gay is that?

YOU are mocking GOD! Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They did this at the temptation of Satan (disguised as a serpent), who told them that GOD was withholding information and that they could become as GOD themselves! This is the very same reason Satan was cast from heaven. HE WANTED TO BECOME GOD! Later he even tells Jesus to worship him and he would give Jesus the world.

Go read the Bible and quit trying to be funny. Hell is not a laughing matter. God only knows the eternal fate of those killed in Orlando. But not one of them goes to heaven by being "gay" but because of being SAVED. Without the MESSIAH there is no hope for anyone!
Homosexuality is not a sin. What the father of this selfdefined IS-member said is nonsense too. No one who is homosexual has to live in fear of god. Only who hurts others with sex - also heterosexuals - have to live in fear of god so they should start to live in respect of god and his children. And everyone - completly independent from any religion - has to live in fear of IS-jihadists, because they are godless murderers.
Homosexuality is a sin in the bible:

  • Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
  • Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
And the Quran:

Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)" -

The word homosexuality is a very modern word. No one is able to be sinner for something what's not in the own responsibility. No one is homosexual because of a free choice. Oh by the way: It's for example also not a sin to have a black skin, racist, atheistic one. Ask Muhammed Ali after your death about. If he should have a problem with you and I should be dead too then I will help him to solve this problem.

But back to your not existing problem: Sometimes a so called "homosexual behavior" is a problem - for example in case of analsex - but that's also a problem if someone is a heterosexual man. Some behavior is in the english speaking world subsumized under the categroy "sexuality" but in other cultures in the category "tenderness". To be a strong hero and to be a soft empathic man was and is in lots of cultures not the problem.

And there's no need for you to say something now again to me. I will not answer. My thoughts are with the innocent victims of Orlando now.

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Homosexuality is not a sin. What the father of this selfdefined IS-member said is nonsense too. No one who is homosexual has to live in fear of god. Only who hurts others with sex - also heterosexuals - have to live in fear of god so they should start to live in respect of god and his children. And everyone - completly independent from any religion - has to live in fear of IS-jihadists, because they are godless murderers.
Homosexuality is a sin in the bible:

  • Leviticus 18:22, "You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination."1
  • Leviticus 20:13, "If there is a man who lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed a detestable act; they shall surely be put to death. Their bloodguiltness is upon them."
And the Quran:

Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)" -

New Testament
In John 5:46-47, Jesus tells his detractors that unless one holds to the writings of Moses (the first five books of the Bible), one cannot fully know or understand truth or Jesus Himself. “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?” (John 5:46-47)
Read more at Did Jesus condemn homosexuality?
Jesus was likely gay himself, he only hung around with guys, only slept with a woman once (once means he didn't like it), he wore a dress and rode a donkey, which was the mode of transport for women at the time. And the bible CLEARLY condemns homosexuality.
Homosexuality is not a sin. What the father of this selfdefined IS-massmurderer said is nonsense too. No one who is homosexual has to live in fear of god. Only who hurts others with loveless sex - also heterosexuals - have to live in fear of god so no one should hesistate now immediatelly to start to live in respect of god and his children. And everyone - completly independent from any religion - has to live in fear of IS-jihadists, because they are godless murderers.

In memoriam the innocent victims of Orlando.

Homosexuality is not a sin according to WHO? Whose WORD did you find that revealed in? GOD has the last opinion in such matters and not human fads.

God kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden for having hetero sex after god pleaded with Adam not to do it and to stay in homo heaven with Him. Now how gay is that?

YOU are mocking GOD! Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. They did this at the temptation of Satan (disguised as a serpent), who told them that GOD was withholding information and that they could become as GOD themselves! This is the very same reason Satan was cast from heaven. HE WANTED TO BECOME GOD! Later he even tells Jesus to worship him and he would give Jesus the world.

Go read the Bible and quit trying to be funny. Hell is not a laughing matter. God only knows the eternal fate of those killed in Orlando. But not one of them goes to heaven by being "gay" but because of being SAVED. Without the MESSIAH there is no hope for anyone!

Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so that bill is already payed.
If god doesn't like homos, why did he make them all throughout the animal and plant kingdoms?
Ask Muhammed Ali after your death about. If he should have a problem with you and I should be dead too then I will help him to solve this problem.
How can I ask Ali? His god is the Muslim god, Satan. And I'm going to heaven. Why don't you ask him yourself, you're about to die soon, aren't you?
Homosexuality is not a sin. What the father of this selfdefined IS-massmurderer said is nonsense too. No one who is homosexual has to live in fear of god. Only who hurts others with loveless sex - also heterosexuals - have to live in fear of god so no one should hesistate now immediatelly to start to live in respect of god and his children. And everyone - completly independent from any religion - has to live in fear of IS-jihadists, because they are godless murderers.

In memoriam the innocent victims of Orlando.

Homosexuality is not a sin according to WHO?

According to the logos of the creator who helps me to understand and also according to the teachings of the holy catholic church - the greatest part of the christian world.

Whose WORD did you find that revealed in? GOD has the last opinion in such matters and not human fads.

So take care not to misuse god on your own. Remember the godless murderous behavior of this selfdefined jihadist of terror.

Next thing you know anybody who has red hair will be a target. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that folks can't control how they are born? I don't give a big rat's ass what my neighbors do as long as it doesn't interfere with my life.

I agree that people can't control how they are born, but they can, in theory, control what they do.

I remember years ago a guy was caught in the act of having sex with a duck in a duck farm in the middle of the night.

I doubt he was born that way.....If he was your neighbor, you would probably keep a close eye on your pets.

That being said the law against men having 'unnatural' relations with other men is not necessarily about sex.

The priesthood would be an example of men who have forsaken natural relations with women for unnatural relations with another man, submitting to bishops and cardinals,, etc., other men, and taking vows of obedience to the Pope, another man, as if he was their husband and master, for life..
Next thing you know anybody who has red hair will be a target. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that folks can't control how they are born? I don't give a big rat's ass what my neighbors do as long as it doesn't interfere with my life.

I agree that people can't control how they are born, but they can, in theory, control what they do.

I remember years ago a guy was caught in the act of having sex with a duck in a duck farm in the middle of the night.

I doubt he was born that way.....If he was your neighbor, you would probably keep a close eye on your pets.

That being said the law against men having 'unnatural' relations with other men is not necessarily about sex.

The priesthood would be an example of men who have forsaken natural relations with women for unnatural relations with another man, submitting to bishops and cardinals,, etc., other men, and taking vows of obedience to the Pope, another man, as if he was their husband and master, for life..

Out for a Duck

Why is a batsman who makes no runs at cricket said to be Out for a Duck?

This is short for out for a duck's egg. The duck's egg is the large nought (0) recorded on the scoreboard.
View attachment 77964

12 comments Independent.ie Newsdesk13/06/2016 | 15:06
THE father of Florida gunman Omar Mateen has issued a video statement where he says it was wrong of his son to take it upon himself to "punish" the gay community.
"God himself will punish those involved in homosexuality,” Seddique Mateen said in the statement, which was posted on Facebook and uncovered by the Washington Post.

'Gays should be punished by God, not by those on Earth' - Orlando gunman's father - Independent.ie

Next thing you know anybody who has red hair will be a target. Are you so stupid that you don't understand that folks can't control how they are born? I don't give a big rat's ass what my neighbors do as long as it doesn't interfere with my life.
People can't control how they are born --- that is very true. Everyone can control what they do and how they behave. Some people do not care one wit about their neighbors. This is also true ----- whether they live of die.

I'm afraid it's a bit more complex than that. None of us can select our parents. None of us can select our IQ. None of us can select whether we're born rich or poor. None of us can control how many limbs we're born with or whether we are born in an area with poison or impure water to drink. Childhood nourishment is a major determinant over what the rest of our lives will be like. People in the U S take one helluva lot for granted.
Today on “The 700 Club,” televangelist Pat Robertson reacted to the massacre at an Orlando gay club by making the absurd claim that liberal LGBT rights advocates have aligned themselves with radical Islamists and are now reaping what they have sowed.

Robertson said that liberals are facing a “dilemma” because they love both LGBT equality and Islamic extremism, and that it is better for conservatives like himself not to get involved but to instead just watch the two groups kill each other.
Today on “The 700 Club,” televangelist Pat Robertson reacted to the massacre at an Orlando gay club by making the absurd claim that liberal LGBT rights advocates have aligned themselves with radical Islamists and are now reaping what they have sowed.

Robertson said that liberals are facing a “dilemma” because they love both LGBT equality and Islamic extremism, and that it is better for conservatives like himself not to get involved but to instead just watch the two groups kill each other.

Robertson being a fool is nothing new!

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