Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, this A/C.1/330 14 October 1948, is the document reference for the 28 September 1948 communique from
Ahmed Hilmi Pasha, Premier of the "All Palestine Government" (APG), with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN). This communique declared Palestine, in its entirety and within its boundaries as established before the termination of the British Mandate an independent state" under the name of the "All Palestine Government."

This communique essentially was not actioned by the UN.

There is no requirement for the UN Security Council to ratify any declaration of independence.

A/C.1/330 of 14 October 1948

This comes up periodically. And it is raised by those pro-Palestinians that most complain that they were denied their "right to self-determination and sovereignty."


• The termination of the Mandate does not bestow any opening for the heretofore unknown government. The successor government had been arranged prior to the bid by APG.

• Without a territory, APG cannot be a State. Merely announcing that APG is the sovereign over a territory, does not mean that in reality, APG exercises territorial sovereignty within that boundary. The Manhattan Psychiatric Center has any number of Kings, Queens, Princesses, and occasionally an Emporer or two in imperial residence. That does not mean that the reality of the esteemed guests → or that of AGP → is shared by the remainder of the known world.

• A "right" of the APG is no more powerful than the "right" of Israel to the territory. And Israel exercised both their right and sovereignty over a portion of that territory, with the approval → and in coordination with the successor government to the British.

• The "rights" of the Arab Palestinian do not impose an obligation but a sometimes restraint. The Rights of the Arab Palestinian are considered "negative rights;" which includes those contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR).

• Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.

The APG issue is a fallacy that is irrelevant to that under discussion. It is introduced into the discussion to divert the attention from the original issue. It is a classic example of the Arab Palestinians demanding the impossible and seriously damaging their position.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Interesting and thought-provoking questions...

O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rogue state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Is Israel required by law to submit to IAEA Inspections?
What requirement is that?

What is the primary purpose of having a Nuclear Weapons Program? (RHETORICAL) Nuclear Weapons are the last resort in the case of a nation is about to falls. What countries would be most likely to be involved in the military takeover of Israel? (RHETORICAL) It does not matter. What matters is, that they know the ultimate terror if they seriously pose the threat to Israeli Sovereignty; for that is the entire purpose of the program (mutually assured destruction).

Israel's policy is not to openly vocalize it and does not advertise it's having such a program. So, the aggressor is not sure whether or not such a capacity exists. Which country is going to take that chance.

If Israel had such a capacity, → What country in the Middle East would prefer the Arab Palestinians (Fatah, HAMAS, PIJ, PFLP, etc) to acquire that capacity, over the holding by the Israelis?

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel, you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq

Again, think as you will. I call it as I see it. It is not a matter of picking sides and defending a particular side. I follow the evidence. I go where it leads me. When I see what I see, 30K people who have never lived in Israel, suggesting that they are "Marching to Return," under the cover and concealment of a peaceful demonstration, I know that they are not what they claim to be (anything but peaceful).

When you see angry people knocking at the door with rocks, burning tires, and various incendiary devices, I'm sure your first thought is that are selling subscriptions to the Ladies' Home Journal, the Redbook, and Good Housekeeping.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes, this A/C.1/330 14 October 1948, is the document reference for the 28 September 1948 communique from
Ahmed Hilmi Pasha, Premier of the "All Palestine Government" (APG), with the Secretary-General of the United Nations (UN). This communique declared Palestine, in its entirety and within its boundaries as established before the termination of the British Mandate an independent state" under the name of the "All Palestine Government."

This communique essentially was not actioned by the UN.

There is no requirement for the UN Security Council to ratify any declaration of independence.

A/C.1/330 of 14 October 1948

This comes up periodically. And it is raised by those pro-Palestinians that most complain that they were denied their "right to self-determination and sovereignty."


• The termination of the Mandate does not bestow any opening for the heretofore unknown government. The successor government had been arranged prior to the bid by APG.

• Without a territory, APG cannot be a State. Merely announcing that APG is the sovereign over a territory, does not mean that in reality, APG exercises territorial sovereignty within that boundary. The Manhattan Psychiatric Center has any number of Kings, Queens, Princesses, and occasionally an Emporer or two in imperial residence. That does not mean that the reality of the esteemed guests → or that of AGP → is shared by the remainder of the known world.

• A "right" of the APG is no more powerful than the "right" of Israel to the territory. And Israel exercised both their right and sovereignty over a portion of that territory, with the approval → and in coordination with the successor government to the British.

• The "rights" of the Arab Palestinian do not impose an obligation but a sometimes restraint. The Rights of the Arab Palestinian are considered "negative rights;" which includes those contained in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (CCPR).

• Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.

The APG issue is a fallacy that is irrelevant to that under discussion. It is introduced into the discussion to divert the attention from the original issue. It is a classic example of the Arab Palestinians demanding the impossible and seriously damaging their position.

Most Respectfully,
Boil it down. What was illegal about Palestine's declaration?
staged fake news where is the blow out wound from the "sniper" round

almost as fake as the missile attack on an ambulance some years back

fck em
Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.
Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel? What did it possess?
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.

Boil it down. What was illegal about Palestine's declaration?

The Jewish followed the Steps Preparatory to Independence. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish engaged in the programs for self-governance. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish Agency coordinated with the Successor Government. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish people got their independence. (GUESS WHAT!!!) The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Arab Palestinians did not do one thing to help their cause. The Jewish Agency went out of its way to cooperate. The Arab Palestinians have absolutely no (none zilch) room to talk. They were 100% arrogant then and are 100% pompous and self-important now. The Arab Palestinians policy is to pursue bloodletting, violence and conflict.

Most Respectfully,
New York Times Video on Twitter

Medical Neutrality refers to a principle of noninterference with medical services in times of armed conflict and civil unrest: physicians must be allowed to care for the sick and wounded, and combatants must receive care regardless of their political affiliations; all parties must refrain from attacking and misusing medical facilities, transport, and personnel. Concepts comprising the principles of medical neutrality derive from international human rights law, medical ethics and humanitarian law. Medical neutrality may be thought of as a kind of social contract that obligates societies to protect medical personnel in both times of war and peace, and obligates medical personnel to treat all individuals regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or political affiliation. Violations of medical neutrality constitute crimes outlined in the Geneva Conventions.

Thousands at funeral for Gaza volunteer medic killed on Israel border
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.

Boil it down. What was illegal about Palestine's declaration?

The Jewish followed the Steps Preparatory to Independence. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish engaged in the programs for self-governance. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish Agency coordinated with the Successor Government. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish people got their independence. (GUESS WHAT!!!) The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Arab Palestinians did not do one thing to help their cause. The Jewish Agency went out of its way to cooperate. The Arab Palestinians have absolutely no (none zilch) room to talk. They were 100% arrogant then and are 100% pompous and self-important now. The Arab Palestinians policy is to pursue bloodletting, violence and conflict.

Most Respectfully,
Nice deflection.
Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.
They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.

Boil it down. What was illegal about Palestine's declaration?

The Jewish followed the Steps Preparatory to Independence. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish engaged in the programs for self-governance. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish Agency coordinated with the Successor Government. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish people got their independence. (GUESS WHAT!!!) The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Arab Palestinians did not do one thing to help their cause. The Jewish Agency went out of its way to cooperate. The Arab Palestinians have absolutely no (none zilch) room to talk. They were 100% arrogant then and are 100% pompous and self-important now. The Arab Palestinians policy is to pursue bloodletting, violence and conflict.

Most Respectfully,
Nice deflection.
Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.
They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

Would that be inside the international borders of the “country of Pal’istan” which was created by the Treaty of Lausanne?
RE Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are like a broken record with this idea of a Map.

Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.
Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel? What did it possess?

Whatever you think was true in 1948, the Arab Palestinian must think in terms of the 21st Century is they are to accomplish anything fruitful.

It will be people like yourself that are trying to drag Arab Palestinian vendetta out of the mid-20th Century and into the first half of the 21st Century → that will retard the Arab Palestinian from achieving peace and stability in the region.

Most Respectfully,
Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.
Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel? What did it possess?

The same map you have of “ Palestine” The entire Region was named that but the Country did not exist

Link to what? That “ Palestine” was not a
Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.
Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel? What did it possess?

The same map you have of “ Palestine” The entire Region was named that but the Country did not exist

To what? What Govt was in place? Who was the “ elected” ( or self declared ) leader? When you find that link please post it
RE Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

You are like a broken record with this idea of a Map.

Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.
Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel? What did it possess?

Whatever you think was true in 1948, the Arab Palestinian must think in terms of the 21st Century is they are to accomplish anything fruitful.

It will be people like yourself that are trying to drag Arab Palestinian vendetta out of the mid-20th Century and into the first half of the 21st Century → that will retard the Arab Palestinian from achieving peace and stability in the region.

Most Respectfully,

They know that Israel isn’t going to agree to all their demands which is why they keep on demanding it
ivil RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

First, you keep saying things like: "They declared independence inside their own international borders."

There was nothing farther from the truth.

Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.
They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

The Borders of the 1922 Territory under Mandate were established by the Allied Powers. They became the borders for the Government of Palestine (Meaning: The British Government). The borders, the government, and the laws were all established by the territory under which the British Mandate applied; with the approval of the Allied Powers. The Arab Palestinians declined at least three times in the first two years of the Government to participate in the governance and establishment of self-government institutions.

There is no question that the entire conflict between the Jewish people and the Arab people started with the erroneous idea that the territory was their sovereignty And that has been wrong from the very beginning. The Rights and Title were not relinquished to the Arab in any way - shape or form. It was relinquished to the Allied Powers by treaty.

Each time the Arab Palestinian has choose conflict over negotiated peace, they lose more potential sovereign control (if the could ever say they had some in the first place).

All the Maps between 1922 and 1949 of the region (that was once the territory under the Mandate of Palestine) referred to as Palestine was Territory under the British Civil Administration called the Government of Palestine. the High Commissioner governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials. The Arab Palestinians would not even render assistance in the accomplishment of the good governance.

• The border was not established by the Arab Palestinians.
• The Arab Palestinians did not even assist in the security control of the Government.
• The Arab Palestinians did not assist in the development of the Government, Civil Infrastructure, or in the self-governing controls over public utilities.

If anyone is really the thief in all this, it is the Arab Palestinian which is shamefully trying to take ownership of something they didn't put two-cents worth of effort into that which they call theirs.

REMEMBER: In 1949, when both sides were under Armistice and Peace, each side started with the same measure of devastation; with a slight advantage in manpower to the Arab Palestinians. Now, look at the difference...

Most Respectfully,
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ Billo_Really, ILOVEISRAEL, et al,

Let's not quibble over what Article 51 says; let's actually read it and know.

The Arab Palestinians are currently engaged in an offensive against Israel. The engagement began during the Civil War between the Jewish population and the Muslim/Arab population. This set of non-state actors (Arab Palestinians) have been engaged in a Civil War since ≈ June 1946 - and changed its character in May 1948 when Israel declared independence. In February 1948, the Arab Higher Committee established the central threat that the Arab Palestinians follow to this day:


However you would categorize the type of conflict, the fact of the matter is that the Arab Palestinians have been locked in conflict with the Israelis continuously since 1946.

The Arab Palestinians have been engaged since before the establishment of the State of Israel and since the establishment of the State of Israel.

The set of non-state actors (Arab Palestinians) have evolved over the last seventy (plus) years, mutating from one group --- to another; but always with the same framework in belief:

• The Arab Higher Committee Delegation wishes to reaffirm here that the Arabs of Palestine cannot recognize the Balfour Declaration, the Mandate of Palestine or any situation arising or derived therefrom.

• The creation of any Jewish state in an Arab territory is more than invasion or aggression, it is something with no precedent in history. It is en act of wiping out the existence of an Arab country, violating its integrity, subjecting its land and people to foreign Jewish domination.​

There is absolutely no question that the Arab Palestinians refused to accept the decisions of the Allied Powers during the period of the Mandate; as well as, refused to accept the ultimate outcomes of the 1948 War of Independence for Israel. And, the Arab Palestinians refuse to accept the Treaty provisions between Egypt and Jordan with the State of Israel. Nor do the Arab Palestinians recognize that the Arab League Forces (Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Yemen) fought on behalf of the Arab Palestinians and they collectively suffer the same consequences of the combat outcome and treaty provisions.

Finally, the Arab Palestinians do not understand that the longer they conduct the Jihadism, Fedayeen Action, Hostile Insurgency Operations, Radicalized Islamic Behaviors, and Asymmetric Violence directed against the State of Israel, pretending that they were deposed from the sovereign holdings, the direr the situation becomes for the constituency for a potential State that can stand alone among the other neighboring nations; in a Middle East in Regional Peace and Security.

Most Respectfully,
In fact Israel proclaimed Independence before it was ratified by the UN Security Council,making Israel Unlawful and Illegal

If you spent more time doing due diligence than your Zionist inspired prattle you speak... you would be a lot better I told you years ago,"LISTEN TO YOUR BETTERS"....I see you are still using the insincere Respect/fully nonesence..ei NON SENCE
Well except for the whole UN accepted them thing you might have a point.
Learn to speak properly please...……..Except not all the UN's did vote for Israel... Some Europeans did because they wanted rid of Jews and other Tin-Pot Countries did because they took Blood Money from the Worldwide Zionist Fund in Switzerland who threw around CASH to Buy their piss off with your two other Vultures
Ohh so when a vote goes against you it was illegal, I see.
It didn't go against me at all,I am the only person on here that desirers a peaceful PALESTINIE AND PEACFUL ISRAEL AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN CONSISTANT IN THIS I don't know why you would utter such rubbish...theliq

"...I am the only person on here that desirers a peaceful PALESTINIE AND PEACFUL ISRAEL AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN CONSISTANT IN THIS MATTER..."

'. . .only person on here that desirers a peaceful PALESTINIE AND PEACFUL ISRAEL' ? .....are we talking about the same person, you mean YOU?

there's others....but by the time you get here..... you probably don't notice....

RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.

Just an expression here as in don't be too precious about it.....At some point, the Zionist Terrorists will realize that having Illegal Nuclear Weapons against a displaced nation of people who already have won the Moral victory(the vote FOR PALESTINIANS against the Synthetic Jews in the UN)

All Zionists are Losers because you were Begat from piss off...theliquidator

To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?
So why are Israel complaining about Iran then??????
In fact Israel proclaimed Independence before it was ratified by the UN Security Council,making Israel Unlawful and Illegal

If you spent more time doing due diligence than your Zionist inspired prattle you speak... you would be a lot better I told you years ago,"LISTEN TO YOUR BETTERS"....I see you are still using the insincere Respect/fully nonesence..ei NON SENCE
Well except for the whole UN accepted them thing you might have a point.
Learn to speak properly please...……..Except not all the UN's did vote for Israel... Some Europeans did because they wanted rid of Jews and other Tin-Pot Countries did because they took Blood Money from the Worldwide Zionist Fund in Switzerland who threw around CASH to Buy their piss off with your two other Vultures
Ohh so when a vote goes against you it was illegal, I see.
It didn't go against me at all,I am the only person on here that desirers a peaceful PALESTINIE AND PEACFUL ISRAEL AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN CONSISTANT IN THIS I don't know why you would utter such rubbish...theliq

"...I am the only person on here that desirers a peaceful PALESTINIE AND PEACFUL ISRAEL AND HAVE ALWAYS BEEN CONSISTANT IN THIS MATTER..."

'. . .only person on here that desirers a peaceful PALESTINIE AND PEACFUL ISRAEL' ? .....are we talking about the same person, you mean YOU?

there's others....but by the time you get here..... you probably don't notice....

Outstanding and amusing reply,Member but I stand by my post Proudly...I am theliq,Ever Living Ever Faithful to the Truth

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