Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

ivil RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

First, you keep saying things like: "They declared independence inside their own international borders."

There was nothing farther from the truth.

Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.
They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

The Borders of the 1922 Territory under Mandate were established by the Allied Powers. They became the borders for the Government of Palestine (Meaning: The British Government). The borders, the government, and the laws were all established by the territory under which the British Mandate applied; with the approval of the Allied Powers. The Arab Palestinians declined at least three times in the first two years of the Government to participate in the governance and establishment of self-government institutions.

There is no question that the entire conflict between the Jewish people and the Arab people started with the erroneous idea that the territory was their sovereignty And that has been wrong from the very beginning. The Rights and Title were not relinquished to the Arab in any way - shape or form. It was relinquished to the Allied Powers by treaty.

Each time the Arab Palestinian has choose conflict over negotiated peace, they lose more potential sovereign control (if the could ever say they had some in the first place).

All the Maps between 1922 and 1949 of the region (that was once the territory under the Mandate of Palestine) referred to as Palestine was Territory under the British Civil Administration called the Government of Palestine. the High Commissioner governed Palestine with the aid of Councils consisting exclusively of British officials. The Arab Palestinians would not even render assistance in the accomplishment of the good governance.

• The border was not established by the Arab Palestinians.
• The Arab Palestinians did not even assist in the security control of the Government.
• The Arab Palestinians did not assist in the development of the Government, Civil Infrastructure, or in the self-governing controls over public utilities.

If anyone is really the thief in all this, it is the Arab Palestinian which is shamefully trying to take ownership of something they didn't put two-cents worth of effort into that which they call theirs.

REMEMBER: In 1949, when both sides were under Armistice and Peace, each side started with the same measure of devastation; with a slight advantage in manpower to the Arab Palestinians. Now, look at the difference...

Most Respectfully,
You Moron,all the "BRITISH" well now The High Commissioner was a ZIONISTS(shame on you for not knowing that rocco but stevie boys knowledge is vastly greater that you the Wannabee know all)also his 3 underlings in the councils helping...the Palestinians knew this,that is why they didn't partake of the Zionist in British clothing,attempt to steal the Palestinian Land.

You really have let yourself down lately defending the Zionist Terrorist Murder,Maiming,Stealing and Displacement of the Palestinian nation.

You are nothing because I defeat your LIES at every are seen as a Zionists WHORE...I pity YOU

Below is for those LIARS who defend the indefensible Creatures that live in ZIONSTAN,I love,rocco and the other band of Misfits

Israel and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia
Did Israel ever consider using nuclear weapons?
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RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.

Just an expression here as in don't be too precious about it.....At some point, the Zionist Terrorists will realize that having Illegal Nuclear Weapons against a displaced nation of people who already have won the Moral victory(the vote FOR PALESTINIANS against the Synthetic Jews in the UN)

All Zionists are Losers because you were Begat from piss off...theliquidator

To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?

The ignorant Scumbag had nothing to say bout the other Countries who have them
I could but this is an Israel-Palestinian big mouth,without checking...Who are the nations who have NC WEAPONARY?
One man's volunteer medic is another man's terrorist scouting for openings.


The GCC is doing the cleaning up.

Non Combative Weaponry? Isn't that an oxymoron? Or do Australians use different kinds of weapons?

Whew,I've deal with some thick bastards in my time...I was a referring to Nuclear the Moron'oxy is on you LOL

Then spell it out... do they charge for Internet by the letter down under?
If you say so,Geez you speak so much but know so little...ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ...ABC that's how Dumb fncceo can be
Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.
Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel? What did it possess?

The same map you have of “ Palestine” The entire Region was named that but the Country did not exist

who pays you?
That isn't a 1948 map.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

I try not to dabble in personal assaults when it doesn;t apply to the topic.

the "BRITISH" well now The High Commissioner was a ZIONISTS → also his 3 underlings in the councils helping...the Palestinians knew this,that is why they didn't partake of the Zionist in British clothing,attempt to steal the Palestinian Land.

There were a total of ten High Commissioners over Palestine; the first being Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, GCB, OM, GBE, PC (6 November 1870 – 5 February 1963) was the High Commissioner from 1920 - to - 1925. This was the period when the first Civil Administration was established through the development of the Citizenship Order, and when the boundaries were surveyed and completed. And yes, he was Jewish. But to give your insinuation any credence, we would have to say that it was improper to appoint a High Commissioner of the same religion as that of the people being immigrated at the direction of the Allied Powers. And that would be the same as discriminating against the government appointment on the basis of religion.

Simply put → while your information is probably true, it is a red herring. Your implication is invalid.

The last High Commissioner was General Sir Alan Gordon Cunningham GCMG, KCB, DSO, MC (1 May 1887 – 30 January 1983). He was not Jewish. Sir Alan Cunningham served during the as High Commissioner from 1945 to 1948. It was during this period that the UNCOP made the recommendations on a partition, and it was this period were the Arab Palestinians rejected participation in the self-governing process. It was also the same period that the Arab Palestinians made there solemn threat (oppose in every way the partition of that country) that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

You really have let yourself down lately defending the Zionist Terrorist Murder,Maiming,Stealing and Displacement of the Palestinian nation.

I don't think I solely support Zionism; but rather the right of the Jewish people to self-determination. I see Zionism as just one of the national liberation movement of the Jewish people; and just one of many ways to protect and defend Israeli Sovereignty. Remember that Zionism is not really a religious base movement, and protects all Israelis; which included the original objective to establish a Jewish National Home.

Words and phrases like "Zionist Terrorist Murder, Maiming, Stealing and Displacement of the Palestinian nation" are merely inflamatory. It is used to incite violence and to arouse the Jihadist, the Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters into action against Israel.


The "Wikipedia" reference is well written, but still uses research that is quite old; some of it dating back to the early 1980's (30 to 40 years old). The rumors on the consideration of an actual deployment of a nuclear device was merely fall out from the Surprize attack in the 1973 Yom Kipper War (even older unsubstantiated information).

Most Respectfully,
If anyone is really the thief in all this, it is the Arab Palestinian which is shamefully trying to take ownership of something they didn't put two-cents worth of effort into that which they call theirs.
Your usual slime the Palestinians post.

The Palestinians had developed a functioning society and economy.There were many hundreds of cities, towns, and villages. Most of these predate the Ottoman Empire. They had factories, farms, distribution networks, and on and on.They produced a surplus of food that was exported to other countries. They had a positive balance of trade.

The Zionist colonies, on the other hand, were created and supported by money mooched from outside the country. Israel still lives on the mooch.
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RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

I try not to dabble in personal assaults when it doesn;t apply to the topic.

the "BRITISH" well now The High Commissioner was a ZIONISTS → also his 3 underlings in the councils helping...the Palestinians knew this,that is why they didn't partake of the Zionist in British clothing,attempt to steal the Palestinian Land.

There were a total of ten High Commissioners over Palestine; the first being Herbert Louis Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel, GCB, OM, GBE, PC (6 November 1870 – 5 February 1963) was the High Commissioner from 1920 - to - 1925. This was the period when the first Civil Administration was established through the development of the Citizenship Order, and when the boundaries were surveyed and completed. And yes, he was Jewish. But to give your insinuation any credence, we would have to say that it was improper to appoint a High Commissioner of the same religion as that of the people being immigrated at the direction of the Allied Powers. And that would be the same as discriminating against the government appointment on the basis of religion.

Simply put → while your information is probably true, it is a red herring. Your implication is invalid.

The last High Commissioner was General Sir Alan Gordon Cunningham GCMG, KCB, DSO, MC (1 May 1887 – 30 January 1983). He was not Jewish. Sir Alan Cunningham served during the as High Commissioner from 1945 to 1948. It was during this period that the UNCOP made the recommendations on a partition, and it was this period were the Arab Palestinians rejected participation in the self-governing process. It was also the same period that the Arab Palestinians made there solemn threat (oppose in every way the partition of that country) that they will never submit or yield to any power going to Palestine to enforce partition.

You really have let yourself down lately defending the Zionist Terrorist Murder,Maiming,Stealing and Displacement of the Palestinian nation.

I don't think I solely support Zionism; but rather the right of the Jewish people to self-determination. I see Zionism as just one of the national liberation movement of the Jewish people; and just one of many ways to protect and defend Israeli Sovereignty. Remember that Zionism is not really a religious base movement, and protects all Israelis; which included the original objective to establish a Jewish National Home.

Words and phrases like "Zionist Terrorist Murder, Maiming, Stealing and Displacement of the Palestinian nation" are merely inflamatory. It is used to incite violence and to arouse the Jihadist, the Fedayeen, Hostile Insurgents, Radicalized Islamic Followers, and Asymmetric fighters into action against Israel.


The "Wikipedia" reference is well written, but still uses research that is quite old; some of it dating back to the early 1980's (30 to 40 years old). The rumors on the consideration of an actual deployment of a nuclear device was merely fall out from the Surprize attack in the 1973 Yom Kipper War (even older unsubstantiated information).

Most Respectfully,
If anyone is really the thief in all this, it is the Arab Palestinian which is shamefully trying to take ownership of something they didn't put two-cents worth of effort into that which they call theirs.
Your usual slime the Palestinians post.

The Palestinians had developed a functioning society and economy.There were many hundreds of cities, towns, and villages. Most of these predate the Ottoman Empire. They had factories, farms, distribution networks, and on and on.They produced a surplus of food that was exported to other countries. They had a positive balance of trade.

The Zionist colonies, on the other hand, were created and supported by money mooched from outside the country. Israel still lives on the mooch.

How RIGHT you are Tinnie,even in the 1860's the President of France thanked the Palestinian Nation of saving many 100,000's of French citizens from starving because of the FREE GRAINS AND FRUIT they sent to France from Palestine.FACT

All this BULLSHIT THE BULLSHIT ZIONISTS SPEW ON HERE IS JUST THAT...ZIONIST ISRAEL TODAY are a ROGUE NATION full of convert Jews who are NOT SEMITIC,JUST LOUSY THEIVES AND history has shown,the present is showing and the future will confirm.

To say Palestine was uninhabited was only one of thousands of lies told to hide their deceit...and now they say "We don't have Nuclear"They compulsively LIE and still stealing land...and GRUB MONEY FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD,THEY MURDERED THIER OWN PRIME MINISTER Mr Rabin and the current holder of this office is on charges of GRAFT,THIEFT,STEALING,this NIT AND YAT WHO is a beggar,I saw him in Australia begging for Cash some years ago...That is the measure of the person...Rubbish

Even Rocco has demeaned himself...poor bastard,I feel such sadness for him,Tinnie I really do...I thought he was a wannabe Zionist Lover I could and did converse with in a meaningful way...but the maybe I am too nice to people who try to stab me in the back with the Zionist Dagger...steve...regards to the family
The Palestinians had developed a functioning society and economy.
It was a very poorly governed feudalism. A small number of families owned the privileges to collect taxes. Disease and swamps don't develop in land when it's treated orderly and continuously.

It took less then 2 decades to dry whole patches of fertile lands that were desolate for centuries.

There were many hundreds of cities, towns, and villages. Most of these predate the Ottoman Empire.
And most of them were build on the ruins of Jewish villages, towns and cities.
Even Ramla that was established by the Umayyads was built by a Jewish majority.

They had factories, farms, distribution networks, and on and on.They produced a surplus of food that was exported to other countries. They had a positive balance of trade.
Yeah the Bedouins who were ruthlessly thieving the land had a positive balance too, as well as the tax collectors and road racketeers like the Uriqats.

Everything that You've mentioned was built by the ever changing empires, the roads were mostly untreated, some ancient roads built by Romans were what You call ' Palestinian distribution networks".

The Zionist colonies, on the other hand, were created and supported by money mooched from outside the country. Israel still lives on the mooch.

First of all money in Palestine always flowed from each empire that controlled it, as far as I know the only independent currency in the land was always the Shekel.
Second the Jewish custom of diaspora communities investing in the Israeli community and vice versa dates back millenias. Think of it as a capitalist conduct of having a stock in the development of Zion. It only gives more title to all diaspora than creates the lack of it.

Jews have invested in this land more than any other nation.
No other nation got better results either, from a secondary insignificant district under each empire, it developed into a leading state of the middle east in less than a century.
The land knows its' true children.
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Finally, the APG is attempting to mimic the actions of Israel an then to use it to claim possession of the entity not in their possession.
Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel? What did it possess?

The same map you have of “ Palestine” The entire Region was named that but the Country did not exist

who pays you?
That isn't a 1948 map.

Exactly. Which means there wasn’t a Country called “ Palestine”

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