Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.

Just an expression here as in don't be too precious about it.....At some point, the Zionist Terrorists will realize that having Illegal Nuclear Weapons against a displaced nation of people who already have won the Moral victory(the vote FOR PALESTINIANS against the Synthetic Jews in the UN)

All Zionists are Losers because you were Begat from piss off...theliquidator

To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?

The ignorant Scumbag had nothing to say bout the other Countries who have them
I could but this is an Israel-Palestinian big mouth,without checking...Who are the nations who have NC WEAPONARY?

Maybe you should stop contradicting yourself., You Piece of Filth. You initiated the topic now look it up yourself the way I did. :ahole-1:
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.

Just an expression here as in don't be too precious about it.....At some point, the Zionist Terrorists will realize that having Illegal Nuclear Weapons against a displaced nation of people who already have won the Moral victory(the vote FOR PALESTINIANS against the Synthetic Jews in the UN)

All Zionists are Losers because you were Begat from piss off...theliquidator

To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?
So why are Israel complaining about Iran then??????
Iran signed that non nuclear treaty saying they wouldn't have a nuke. And Iran is a sponsor of terror, Israel isn't.
One man's volunteer medic is another man's terrorist scouting for openings.


The GCC is doing the cleaning up.
Methinks your Geography is out of cinque and out of area Ropey

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess your first language isn't English. Am I right?

He doesn’t speak English

It's called working together.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.


To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?

The ignorant Scumbag had nothing to say bout the other Countries who have them
I could but this is an Israel-Palestinian big mouth,without checking...Who are the nations who have NC WEAPONARY?

Maybe you should stop contradicting yourself., You Piece of Filth. You initiated the topic now look it up yourself the way I did. :ahole-1:
I believe you are a Zionist male from speak like a man,dumb that you are

They will,because they are the rightful owners of this Land...Two Bit Convert Synthetics Zionists are should go back to your Land of Origin,somewhere in Central Asia and other places...You are NOT of this Land,Never Have Been...Time to pack up and piss off.repeat YOU ARE NOT OF THIS LAND...FACT
They will,because they are the rightful owners of this Land...Two Bit Convert Synthetics Zionists are should go back to your Land of Origin,somewhere in Central Asia and other places...You are NOT of this Land,Never Have Been...Time to pack up and piss off.repeat YOU ARE NOT OF THIS LAND...FACT

I'd be embarassed if anyone thought that incoherent, tedious and mind-numbing display of tactless drivel was mine.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.

Just an expression here as in don't be too precious about it.....At some point, the Zionist Terrorists will realize that having Illegal Nuclear Weapons against a displaced nation of people who already have won the Moral victory(the vote FOR PALESTINIANS against the Synthetic Jews in the UN)

All Zionists are Losers because you were Begat from piss off...theliquidator

To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?
So why are Israel complaining about Iran then??????
Iran signed that non nuclear treaty saying they wouldn't have a nuke. And Iran is a sponsor of terror, Israel isn't.
Really this surely must be one of the most stupid posts I've seen...of course Zionstan is involved in sponsored Terrorism,they taught everyone else...ISIS have have copied Zionist Terrorism the Zionists have melted out to the Palestinians for over the past 70 odd years,Zionists also invade normal peoples minds
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.


To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?
So why are Israel complaining about Iran then??????
Iran signed that non nuclear treaty saying they wouldn't have a nuke. And Iran is a sponsor of terror, Israel isn't.
Really this surely must be one of the most stupid posts I've seen...of course Zionstan is involved in sponsored Terrorism,they taught everyone else...ISIS have have copied Zionist Terrorism the Zionists have melted out to the Palestinians for over the past 70 odd years,Zionists also invade normal peoples minds

How could those Zionists have "melted out" for so long?
They will,because they are the rightful owners of this Land...Two Bit Convert Synthetics Zionists are should go back to your Land of Origin,somewhere in Central Asia and other places...You are NOT of this Land,Never Have Been...Time to pack up and piss off.repeat YOU ARE NOT OF THIS LAND...FACT

I'd be embarassed if anyone thought that incoherent, tedious and mind-numbing display of tactless drivel was mine.
Of course you would because you are a Zionist,the worlds purveyors of deceit,Terrorism and WAR CRIMES...don't be so silly Hollie...Your comment is very embaressing ...unlike mine that is factual...which you cannot contradict...Converts are not of this Land...Your abusive one liner is merely the usual deflecting tactic of your Zionist Cult and is BULLSHIT
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?
So why are Israel complaining about Iran then??????
Iran signed that non nuclear treaty saying they wouldn't have a nuke. And Iran is a sponsor of terror, Israel isn't.
Really this surely must be one of the most stupid posts I've seen...of course Zionstan is involved in sponsored Terrorism,they taught everyone else...ISIS have have copied Zionist Terrorism the Zionists have melted out to the Palestinians for over the past 70 odd years,Zionists also invade normal peoples minds

How could those Zionists have "melted out" for so long?
I don't think you understand the word "Melted" in this instant

ps Where in the world are your people from before they converted Hollie,and don't be coy,you can be proud of where your ancestors are from......and Hollie why did the Sniper have to murder the innocent Palestinian Medic?????or the hundreds of thousands of innocent Palestinians over the years...what ever did the Palestinians ever do to you but live in harmony....Yet I never hear you say anything the Christians and Nazis did to you to your people...your silence on this matter is DEAFENING Hollie,,,but WHY?....steven
Last edited:
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?

The ignorant Scumbag had nothing to say bout the other Countries who have them
I could but this is an Israel-Palestinian big mouth,without checking...Who are the nations who have NC WEAPONARY?

Maybe you should stop contradicting yourself., You Piece of Filth. You initiated the topic now look it up yourself the way I did. :ahole-1:
I believe you are a Zionist male from speak like a man,dumb that you are

You initiated the topic , questioned it, and when I called you on it your “ answer” was name calling. Typical of a Piece of Filth
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ theliq, et al,

Again, I'm confused about the authority you cite.


To my knowledge, there is no acknowledgment by Israel that it has any nuclear weapons; nor is there any independent proof of such. What informational rumors or uncorroborated evidence there is --- is more than 30 years old. But even if there was some substance to the allegation, there is no law or convention that pertains to Israel on the matter of Nuclear Weapons. Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) or the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).

What do you know that we don't know?

Most Respectfully,
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?
So why are Israel complaining about Iran then??????
Iran signed that non nuclear treaty saying they wouldn't have a nuke. And Iran is a sponsor of terror, Israel isn't.
Really this surely must be one of the most stupid posts I've seen...of course Zionstan is involved in sponsored Terrorism,they taught everyone else...ISIS have have copied Zionist Terrorism the Zionists have melted out to the Palestinians for over the past 70 odd years,Zionists also invade normal peoples minds
Dude, you really need to learn how to write complete sentences. Zionist invaded normal peoples minds? What Science Fiction book did you read that from?
They will,because they are the rightful owners of this Land...Two Bit Convert Synthetics Zionists are should go back to your Land of Origin,somewhere in Central Asia and other places...You are NOT of this Land,Never Have Been...Time to pack up and piss off.repeat YOU ARE NOT OF THIS LAND...FACT

I'd be embarassed if anyone thought that incoherent, tedious and mind-numbing display of tactless drivel was mine.

Consider the source. Garbage comes from Garbage. Garbage in; Garbage out
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?

The ignorant Scumbag had nothing to say bout the other Countries who have them
I could but this is an Israel-Palestinian big mouth,without checking...Who are the nations who have NC WEAPONARY?

Maybe you should stop contradicting yourself., You Piece of Filth. You initiated the topic now look it up yourself the way I did. :ahole-1:
I believe you are a Zionist male from speak like a man,dumb that you are

You initiated the topic , questioned it, and when I called you on it your “ answer” was name calling. Typical of a Piece of Filth
I believe you are a Zionist male from Israel,please Confirm

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