Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism.
Economic system - meant untreated ancient Roman roads.

All of those were deeply dysfunctional, wide poverty on the verge of total collapse.
Arabs barely developed the land, they mostly settled in already built towns, or places where there was an infrastructure left by the expelled. It was the most problematic and poorly treated district in the Ottoman Empire.

“Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism”

"Tribalism" ….

“Tribalism” – even in the palestinian culture: “Tribalism” – that’s part of the problem.... negotiating peace w/tribal "terrrorists."

+ All I have to do is look...

Tribalism!!!!!!I thought you still CIRCUMCISE Children,if that ain't TRIBAL,then what is
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is about:

✪ No one listenning →
✪ ME -- that I cannot manipulate →
• That I cannot manipulate →
• That I am not truthful →
• That I am a bore →
• No one listens to ME →​

Most of this response is based on the strategy to – attack the arguer (ME) instead of the argument (CONTENT).


I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

■ "even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907"
View attachment 198528 This is an unclarified perception that is more than a 100 years old.​

■ "Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel"
View attachment 198528 This is contradictory. Was the contribution "given?" or Was the contribution "extorted?"​

■ "your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians"
View attachment 198528 This is an image into the moral behind the Russian children's story. The actual meaning has to do with contributions toward "human Development and establishment of self-government.​

■ "they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out."
View attachment 198528 I don't actually see that in reflected in awards bestowed in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. I could be wrong, Maybe you can do a comparative analysis for me?​

■ "Palestine has observer status at the UN"
View attachment 198528 Is that the same as Israel's UN Membership?​

■ "many more countries recognize Palestine over Israel"
View attachment 198528 Which countries deny an Israeli Passport?
As of May 2018, Palestinian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 39 countries and territories, ranking the Palestinian passport 96th in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley Passport Index."
Whereas --- Israel is Ranked 19th in 2018 with 161 destinations visa-free access.​


I could go on and on, but, as you say, I'm a lair that no one listens to.

BTW: Philosophically, your concept of "truth" needs some work. Truth has nothing to do with who, how many, and why people either believe or disbelieve a factual "truth."

Most Respectfully,
Yep you are a Liar,that was the only thing you got right but cut the respect are an irritant

Don’t like it? Tough SHIT ! Don’t read his posts. Do us all a favor and dont read any posts!

Respectfully ( not really) You are an ASSHOLE :321:
some honesty at last...never thought i'd see the day...but it won't help you prevent you still being UNCOUTH
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is about:

✪ No one listenning →
✪ ME -- that I cannot manipulate →
• That I cannot manipulate →
• That I am not truthful →
• That I am a bore →
• No one listens to ME →​

Most of this response is based on the strategy to – attack the arguer (ME) instead of the argument (CONTENT).


I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

■ "even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907"
View attachment 198528 This is an unclarified perception that is more than a 100 years old.​

■ "Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel"
View attachment 198528 This is contradictory. Was the contribution "given?" or Was the contribution "extorted?"​

■ "your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians"
View attachment 198528 This is an image into the moral behind the Russian children's story. The actual meaning has to do with contributions toward "human Development and establishment of self-government.​

■ "they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out."
View attachment 198528 I don't actually see that in reflected in awards bestowed in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. I could be wrong, Maybe you can do a comparative analysis for me?​

■ "Palestine has observer status at the UN"
View attachment 198528 Is that the same as Israel's UN Membership?​

■ "many more countries recognize Palestine over Israel"
View attachment 198528 Which countries deny an Israeli Passport?
As of May 2018, Palestinian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 39 countries and territories, ranking the Palestinian passport 96th in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley Passport Index."
Whereas --- Israel is Ranked 19th in 2018 with 161 destinations visa-free access.​


I could go on and on, but, as you say, I'm a lair that no one listens to.

BTW: Philosophically, your concept of "truth" needs some work. Truth has nothing to do with who, how many, and why people either believe or disbelieve a factual "truth."

Most Respectfully,
Yep you are a Liar,that was the only thing you got right but cut the respect are an irritant

Don’t like it? Tough SHIT ! Don’t read his posts. Do us all a favor and dont read any posts!

Respectfully ( not really) You are an ASSHOLE :321:
some honesty at last...never thought i'd see the day...but it won't help you prevent you still being UNCOUTH

Stop talking about yourself that way. On the otherhand, please do You’re a piece of Filth
The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism.
Economic system - meant untreated ancient Roman roads.

All of those were deeply dysfunctional, wide poverty on the verge of total collapse.
Arabs barely developed the land, they mostly settled in already built towns, or places where there was an infrastructure left by the expelled. It was the most problematic and poorly treated district in the Ottoman Empire.

“Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism”

"Tribalism" ….

“Tribalism” – even in the palestinian culture: “Tribalism” – that’s part of the problem.... negotiating peace w/tribal "terrrorists."

+ All I have to do is look...

Tribalism!!!!!!I thought you still CIRCUMCISE Children,if that ain't TRIBAL,then what is

Penis Envy. Not only do you think small; You are small
The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism.
Economic system - meant untreated ancient Roman roads.

All of those were deeply dysfunctional, wide poverty on the verge of total collapse.
Arabs barely developed the land, they mostly settled in already built towns, or places where there was an infrastructure left by the expelled. It was the most problematic and poorly treated district in the Ottoman Empire.

“Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism”

"Tribalism" ….

“Tribalism” – even in the palestinian culture: “Tribalism” – that’s part of the problem.... negotiating peace w/tribal "terrrorists."

+ All I have to do is look...

Tribalism!!!!!!I thought you still CIRCUMCISE Children,if that ain't TRIBAL,then what is

Penis Envy. Not only do you think small; You are small
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that is not actually correct. That is inappropriately taking the credit for the advancement of a parent culture.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

The people we call Arab Palestinians, living in the region we call today → the Occupied Territories, were just one set of ethnic people that thrived within a greater sphere varying sovereign cultures.

≈ 1000BC -- Under King David, Israelites

≈ 722BC -- Assyrians

≈ 586BC -- Babylonians

≈ 539BC -- Persians

≈ 333BC -- Alexander the Great

≈ 141BC -- The Jews revolted and established an independent state.

≈ 63BC -- Rome ruled Palestine for about 700 years.

≈ 638AD -- Muslim Arab armies that capture Jerusalem.

≈ 1517 -- Ottomans,

≈ 1917-48 -- The British

Your claim that the Arab Palestinians raised their own successful socio-economic system is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it has only been recently that the people we refer to as Arab Palestinians today, began to control their own currency.

Most Respectfully,
The locals build their own stuff.

You mean like Caesarea and Ramle?

The town was built by Herod the Great about 25–13 BCE as the port city Caesarea Maritima. It served as an administrative center of Judaea Province of the Roman Empire, and later the capital of the Byzantine Palaestina Prima province during the classic period. Following the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, in which it was the last city to fall to the Arabs, the city had an Arab majority until Crusader conquest. It was abandoned after the Mamlukconquest.[4] It was re-populated in 1884 by Bosniak immigrants, who settled in a small fishing village.[4]
Was not Herrod decended from the Edomites??????....
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that is not actually correct. That is inappropriately taking the credit for the advancement of a parent culture.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

The people we call Arab Palestinians, living in the region we call today → the Occupied Territories, were just one set of ethnic people that thrived within a greater sphere varying sovereign cultures.

≈ 1000BC -- Under King David, Israelites

≈ 722BC -- Assyrians

≈ 586BC -- Babylonians

≈ 539BC -- Persians

≈ 333BC -- Alexander the Great

≈ 141BC -- The Jews revolted and established an independent state.

≈ 63BC -- Rome ruled Palestine for about 700 years.

≈ 638AD -- Muslim Arab armies that capture Jerusalem.

≈ 1517 -- Ottomans,

≈ 1917-48 -- The British

Your claim that the Arab Palestinians raised their own successful socio-economic system is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it has only been recently that the people we refer to as Arab Palestinians today, began to control their own currency.

Most Respectfully,
The locals build their own stuff.

You mean like Caesarea and Ramle?

The town was built by Herod the Great about 25–13 BCE as the port city Caesarea Maritima. It served as an administrative center of Judaea Province of the Roman Empire, and later the capital of the Byzantine Palaestina Prima province during the classic period. Following the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, in which it was the last city to fall to the Arabs, the city had an Arab majority until Crusader conquest. It was abandoned after the Mamlukconquest.[4] It was re-populated in 1884 by Bosniak immigrants, who settled in a small fishing village.[4]
Was not Herrod decended from the Edomites??????....

Edomites are descendants of Esau, Israel's twin.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that is not actually correct. That is inappropriately taking the credit for the advancement of a parent culture.

Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

The people we call Arab Palestinians, living in the region we call today → the Occupied Territories, were just one set of ethnic people that thrived within a greater sphere varying sovereign cultures.

≈ 1000BC -- Under King David, Israelites

≈ 722BC -- Assyrians

≈ 586BC -- Babylonians

≈ 539BC -- Persians

≈ 333BC -- Alexander the Great

≈ 141BC -- The Jews revolted and established an independent state.

≈ 63BC -- Rome ruled Palestine for about 700 years.

≈ 638AD -- Muslim Arab armies that capture Jerusalem.

≈ 1517 -- Ottomans,

≈ 1917-48 -- The British

Your claim that the Arab Palestinians raised their own successful socio-economic system is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it has only been recently that the people we refer to as Arab Palestinians today, began to control their own currency.

Most Respectfully,
The locals build their own stuff.

You mean like Caesarea and Ramle?

The town was built by Herod the Great about 25–13 BCE as the port city Caesarea Maritima. It served as an administrative center of Judaea Province of the Roman Empire, and later the capital of the Byzantine Palaestina Prima province during the classic period. Following the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, in which it was the last city to fall to the Arabs, the city had an Arab majority until Crusader conquest. It was abandoned after the Mamlukconquest.[4] It was re-populated in 1884 by Bosniak immigrants, who settled in a small fishing village.[4]
Was not Herrod decended from the Edomites??????....

Edomites are descendants of Esau, Israel's twin.
Yet another LIE...the Edomites had a Kingdom close to the Moabite Kingdom in Trans Jordan,they later moved into the area of Gaza and the Negrev in southern Judea,during the period when the Babylonians were expelling the Israelites to Babylon...NOT THE ISRAELITES TWIN AT ALL,Ryhal you exposae is as usual a Crock of Shit
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Dr Mitri Raheb :Seven Things You Never Knew About Palestine And The Palestinians

Thanks Tinnie,when I think about it Palestinians have been Christians for over 2000 years...infact Jesus was more Palestinian in thought than was seen with his abhorrence to the scribes and others,again Thank You Tinnie.

What should be noted is Todays Israelis are not Yesterdays Israelites at all....just a motley crew of Converts and Zionists,who are only a Political Movement,a Terrorist Movement of Synthetic Wannabe Jews...They have NO HISTORICAL ATTATCHMENT TO THIS LAND BECAUSE THEIR ORIGINS ARE IN CENTRAL ASIA AND ELSEWHERE...MOROVER THEY REALLY HAVE NO LINEAGE OF THE REAL JEWS
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Some things you always knew about Islamic fascists

So...Considering Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis and helped send Jews to the Gas Charnals...this is not in the same need to apologise for the disgusting stain you Zionist Cult has left on your history...You are the last people to point a finger at anyone...APART FROM YOURSELVES...You have no MORAL HIGH GROUND because you are not MORAL as your Rouge History clearly shows...You are Murderers of Humanity...Even your own,let alone the Palestinians.......I suggest you Zionists SHUT YOU SHAMEFUL MOUTHS IN FUTURE
Some things you always knew about Islamic fascists

So...Considering Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis and helped send Jews to the Gas Charnals...this is not in the same need to apologise for the disgusting stain you Zionist Cult has left on your history...You are the last people to point a finger at anyone...APART FROM YOURSELVES...You have no MORAL HIGH GROUND because you are not MORAL as your Rouge History clearly shows...You are Murderers of Humanity...Even your own,let alone the Palestinians.......I suggest you Zionists SHUT YOU SHAMEFUL MOUTHS IN FUTURE

We get it you hate jews, so very progressive of you.
Some things you always knew about Islamic fascists

So...Considering Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis and helped send Jews to the Gas Charnals...this is not in the same need to apologise for the disgusting stain you Zionist Cult has left on your history...You are the last people to point a finger at anyone...APART FROM YOURSELVES...You have no MORAL HIGH GROUND because you are not MORAL as your Rouge History clearly shows...You are Murderers of Humanity...Even your own,let alone the Palestinians.......I suggest you Zionists SHUT YOU SHAMEFUL MOUTHS IN FUTURE

I think everyone appreciates humor but do you realize people are laughing at you and not with you?
Dr Mitri Raheb :Seven Things You Never Knew About Palestine And The Palestinians

"Seven Things You Never Knew About Palestine And The Palestinians"

you can't list them here ? - i have to be forced to click?

it's not loading....

what are they ?... besides knowing how close they are to terrorists and many ARE terrorists....

1. _____________________

2. _____________________

3 ______________________

4. ______________________

5. ______________________

6. Close to Terrorists

7. Are Terrorists
Some things you always knew about Islamic fascists

So...Considering Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis and helped send Jews to the Gas Charnals...this is not in the same need to apologise for the disgusting stain you Zionist Cult has left on your history...You are the last people to point a finger at anyone...APART FROM YOURSELVES...You have no MORAL HIGH GROUND because you are not MORAL as your Rouge History clearly shows...You are Murderers of Humanity...Even your own,let alone the Palestinians.......I suggest you Zionists SHUT YOU SHAMEFUL MOUTHS IN FUTURE

We get it you hate jews, so very progressive of you.

Consider the source; Garbage comes from Garbage. :blahblah:
Some things you always knew about Islamic fascists

So...Considering Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis and helped send Jews to the Gas Charnals...this is not in the same need to apologise for the disgusting stain you Zionist Cult has left on your history...You are the last people to point a finger at anyone...APART FROM YOURSELVES...You have no MORAL HIGH GROUND because you are not MORAL as your Rouge History clearly shows...You are Murderers of Humanity...Even your own,let alone the Palestinians.......I suggest you Zionists SHUT YOU SHAMEFUL MOUTHS IN FUTURE

I think everyone appreciates humor but do you realize people are laughing at you and not with you?

No he doesn’t. He is too stupid.
Some things you always knew about Islamic fascists

So...Considering Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis and helped send Jews to the Gas Charnals...this is not in the same need to apologise for the disgusting stain you Zionist Cult has left on your history...You are the last people to point a finger at anyone...APART FROM YOURSELVES...You have no MORAL HIGH GROUND because you are not MORAL as your Rouge History clearly shows...You are Murderers of Humanity...Even your own,let alone the Palestinians.......I suggest you Zionists SHUT YOU SHAMEFUL MOUTHS IN FUTURE

We get it you hate jews, so very progressive of you.

No not Jews just Zionists,and Jews should be written with a capital "J" as a mark of RESPECT but I don't expect you to understand that
Some things you always knew about Islamic fascists

So...Considering Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis and helped send Jews to the Gas Charnals...this is not in the same need to apologise for the disgusting stain you Zionist Cult has left on your history...You are the last people to point a finger at anyone...APART FROM YOURSELVES...You have no MORAL HIGH GROUND because you are not MORAL as your Rouge History clearly shows...You are Murderers of Humanity...Even your own,let alone the Palestinians.......I suggest you Zionists SHUT YOU SHAMEFUL MOUTHS IN FUTURE

I think everyone appreciates humor but do you realize people are laughing at you and not with you?

Maybe...BUT ONLY I SPEAK THE TRUTH...You Zionist Cronies just LIE all the time,so what's new ?????

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