Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper

The ignorant Scumbag had nothing to say bout the other Countries who have them
I could but this is an Israel-Palestinian big mouth,without checking...Who are the nations who have NC WEAPONARY?

Maybe you should stop contradicting yourself., You Piece of Filth. You initiated the topic now look it up yourself the way I did. :ahole-1:
I believe you are a Zionist male from speak like a man,dumb that you are

You initiated the topic , questioned it, and when I called you on it your “ answer” was name calling. Typical of a Piece of Filth
I believe you are a Zionist male from Israel,please Confirm

I believe you are an :ahole-1::asshole::asshole::ahole-1: Please Confirn
O course they have NCW,but their denial is sickening,they illegally obtained them from the mid 1960's onwards,they are a rouge state on this matter,you will note that they up to date will not let Weapons Inspectors into their NC facility a Dimiya sic

Lately I am starting to think you know little about Israel,you were much admired by me as you know in the past Rocco but I think you are now too imbued with Zionist nonsense...theliq
What law forbids them nuclear technology, or forbids their means to acquire it? And who gave the people who made such a law, if they did, jurisdiction over Israel?
So why are Israel complaining about Iran then??????
Iran signed that non nuclear treaty saying they wouldn't have a nuke. And Iran is a sponsor of terror, Israel isn't.
Really this surely must be one of the most stupid posts I've seen...of course Zionstan is involved in sponsored Terrorism,they taught everyone else...ISIS have have copied Zionist Terrorism the Zionists have melted out to the Palestinians for over the past 70 odd years,Zionists also invade normal peoples minds
Dude, you really need to learn how to write complete sentences. Zionist invaded normal peoples minds? What Science Fiction book did you read that from?
I only need to read your prose to see how much you are imbude with Zionist NON FICTION,that's why
I could but this is an Israel-Palestinian big mouth,without checking...Who are the nations who have NC WEAPONARY?

Maybe you should stop contradicting yourself., You Piece of Filth. You initiated the topic now look it up yourself the way I did. :ahole-1:
I believe you are a Zionist male from speak like a man,dumb that you are

You initiated the topic , questioned it, and when I called you on it your “ answer” was name calling. Typical of a Piece of Filth
I believe you are a Zionist male from Israel,please Confirm

I believe you are an :ahole-1::asshole::asshole::ahole-1: Please Confirn
To U much to my pleasure LOL
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.

Boil it down. What was illegal about Palestine's declaration?

The Jewish followed the Steps Preparatory to Independence. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish engaged in the programs for self-governance. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish Agency coordinated with the Successor Government. The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Jewish people got their independence. (GUESS WHAT!!!) The Arab Palestinians did not.

The Arab Palestinians did not do one thing to help their cause. The Jewish Agency went out of its way to cooperate. The Arab Palestinians have absolutely no (none zilch) room to talk. They were 100% arrogant then and are 100% pompous and self-important now. The Arab Palestinians policy is to pursue bloodletting, violence and conflict.

Most Respectfully,
Nice deflection.
Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL." It was a waste of time. The Arab Palestinians can ask all day long and into the night for something that is not theirs to have. That's not ILLEGAL. But no one has to give them a damn thing.
They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

Would that be inside the international borders of the “country of Pal’istan” which was created by the Treaty of Lausanne?

"Interesting. Do you have a 1948 map of Israel?"

"Nothing about it was "ILLEGAL"

"Would that be inside the international borders of the “country of Pal’istan” which was created by the Treaty of Lausanne"

even if hamass came here right now and said: ...oy, we give up. keep it. leave us to our WB, GZ.................he'd still be saying:

nice deflection, link and map please!
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It was not "their own borders." It was NOT their border. It was established by the Allied Powers. The Arab Palestinians had nothing at all to do with establishing the borders.

They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.

"The Little Red Hen is an old folktale of the fable type, most likely of Russian origin." (From Wikipedia)

The moral of this story is that those who make no contribution to producing a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: "if any would not work, neither should he or she eat."

Most Respectfully,
The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.
The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism.
Economic system - meant untreated ancient Roman roads.

All of those were deeply dysfunctional, wide poverty on the verge of total collapse.
Arabs barely developed the land, they mostly settled in already built towns, or places where there was an infrastructure left by the expelled. It was the most problematic and poorly treated district in the Ottoman Empire.
Last edited:
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that is not actually correct. That is inappropriately taking the credit for the advancement of a parent culture.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

The people we call Arab Palestinians, living in the region we call today → the Occupied Territories, were just one set of ethnic people that thrived within a greater sphere varying sovereign cultures.

≈ 1000BC -- Under King David, Israelites

≈ 722BC -- Assyrians

≈ 586BC -- Babylonians

≈ 539BC -- Persians

≈ 333BC -- Alexander the Great

≈ 141BC -- The Jews revolted and established an independent state.

≈ 63BC -- Rome ruled Palestine for about 700 years.

≈ 638AD -- Muslim Arab armies that capture Jerusalem.

≈ 1517 -- Ottomans,

≈ 1917-48 -- The British

Your claim that the Arab Palestinians raised their own successful socio-economic system is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it has only been recently that the people we refer to as Arab Palestinians today, began to control their own currency.

Most Respectfully,
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that is not actually correct. That is inappropriately taking the credit for the advancement of a parent culture.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

The people we call Arab Palestinians, living in the region we call today → the Occupied Territories, were just one set of ethnic people that thrived within a greater sphere varying sovereign cultures.

≈ 1000BC -- Under King David, Israelites

≈ 722BC -- Assyrians

≈ 586BC -- Babylonians

≈ 539BC -- Persians

≈ 333BC -- Alexander the Great

≈ 141BC -- The Jews revolted and established an independent state.

≈ 63BC -- Rome ruled Palestine for about 700 years.

≈ 638AD -- Muslim Arab armies that capture Jerusalem.

≈ 1517 -- Ottomans,

≈ 1917-48 -- The British

Your claim that the Arab Palestinians raised their own successful socio-economic system is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it has only been recently that the people we refer to as Arab Palestinians today, began to control their own currency.

Most Respectfully,
The locals build their own stuff.
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that is not actually correct. That is inappropriately taking the credit for the advancement of a parent culture.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

The people we call Arab Palestinians, living in the region we call today → the Occupied Territories, were just one set of ethnic people that thrived within a greater sphere varying sovereign cultures.

≈ 1000BC -- Under King David, Israelites

≈ 722BC -- Assyrians

≈ 586BC -- Babylonians

≈ 539BC -- Persians

≈ 333BC -- Alexander the Great

≈ 141BC -- The Jews revolted and established an independent state.

≈ 63BC -- Rome ruled Palestine for about 700 years.

≈ 638AD -- Muslim Arab armies that capture Jerusalem.

≈ 1517 -- Ottomans,

≈ 1917-48 -- The British

Your claim that the Arab Palestinians raised their own successful socio-economic system is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it has only been recently that the people we refer to as Arab Palestinians today, began to control their own currency.

Most Respectfully,
The locals build their own stuff.

You mean like Caesarea and Ramle?

The town was built by Herod the Great about 25–13 BCE as the port city Caesarea Maritima. It served as an administrative center of Judaea Province of the Roman Empire, and later the capital of the Byzantine Palaestina Prima province during the classic period. Following the Muslim conquest in the 7th century, in which it was the last city to fall to the Arabs, the city had an Arab majority until Crusader conquest. It was abandoned after the Mamlukconquest.[4] It was re-populated in 1884 by Bosniak immigrants, who settled in a small fishing village.[4]
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It was not "their own borders." It was NOT their border. It was established by the Allied Powers. The Arab Palestinians had nothing at all to do with establishing the borders.

They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.

"The Little Red Hen is an old folktale of the fable type, most likely of Russian origin." (From Wikipedia)

The moral of this story is that those who make no contribution to producing a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: "if any would not work, neither should he or she eat."

Most Respectfully,

You are so full of Zionist shit that your mind is now totally corrosive,The Palestinians have always been great food producers and even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907 when they visited Palestine that "THE LADY IS BEAUTIFUL,BUT MARRIED TO ANOTHER" so by their own admittance they said...the Land is Beautiful,but owned by the Palestinians...They went away to devise a plan to illegally invade and steal this land...The Zionist actually were handed The Beautiful on a Plate...and did nothing but steal and murder to get it.

Before and largely after 1948 Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel,and with New Technology a various stages hav grown this area...your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians.

But how wrong you are you Scumbag...The Palestinians are employed worldwide,because of the great talent,they are a very highly educated nation,dispossessed nation...even living like the way Israel treats them..they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out.
And therein lies the difference between the two peoples

Zionism equals DEATH...Under the circumstances the Palestinians have done extremely well considering...Despite the Zionist Jews frontal attacks...Palestine has observer status at the UN,and many more countries recognise Palestine over Israel,a much larger %......Yet over 70 years the Jews have tried to be seen as the victim,but the Jews Propaganda against the real victims the Palestinians HAS FAILED COMPLETELY,,,Jew,Jew Land is seen as a ROGUE STATE and compulsive LAIRS,...which they always have been...Rocco...NO ONE LISTENS TO ISRAEL ANYMORE,YOU CANNOT MANIPULATE ANYMORE,YOU ARE JUST A PACK OF LYING BORES,COME THIS WAY AND I'LL SHOW YOU THE DOOR...And NO ONE LISTEN TO YOU ANYMORE

I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Well, that is not actually correct. That is inappropriately taking the credit for the advancement of a parent culture.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

The people we call Arab Palestinians, living in the region we call today → the Occupied Territories, were just one set of ethnic people that thrived within a greater sphere varying sovereign cultures.

≈ 1000BC -- Under King David, Israelites

≈ 722BC -- Assyrians

≈ 586BC -- Babylonians

≈ 539BC -- Persians

≈ 333BC -- Alexander the Great
Under David the killer of King Saul..Yes I know him,,,the person who was not allowed to consecrste the TEMPLE beca
≈ 141BC -- The Jews revolted and established an independent state.

≈ 63BC -- Rome ruled Palestine for about 700 years.

≈ 638AD -- Muslim Arab armies that capture Jerusalem.

≈ 1517 -- Ottomans,

≈ 1917-48 -- The British

Your claim that the Arab Palestinians raised their own successful socio-economic system is a bit of an exaggeration. In fact, it has only been recently that the people we refer to as Arab Palestinians today, began to control their own currency.

Most Respectfully,
David Yes I Know him,the KILLER of King Saul(YOU WHO FORGOT TO MENTION HIM,YOU SLY WANNABEE) The David who was not allowed to Consecrate The Jewish Temple because of his BAD DEEDS(WHICH YOU SLY WANNABEE, FORGOT TO MENTION) This was left to his son to do.Rocco,I demean you again because you speak not truths.........................I am theliq...Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure.....Let only Real Jews and their cousins The Palestinians Live in Peace again...and expel the blight of Judaism those interlopers,the Synthetic Converts the Zionists
The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.
Where do you get that crap?

The Palestinians had fully functional social and economic systems that they had developed over the centuries.

Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism.
Economic system - meant untreated ancient Roman roads.

All of those were deeply dysfunctional, wide poverty on the verge of total collapse.
Arabs barely developed the land, they mostly settled in already built towns, or places where there was an infrastructure left by the expelled. It was the most problematic and poorly treated district in the Ottoman Empire.

“Their social system was and still remains - Arabian tribalism”

"Tribalism" ….

“Tribalism” – even in the palestinian culture: “Tribalism” – that’s part of the problem.... negotiating peace w/tribal "terrrorists."

+ All I have to do is look...

RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It was not "their own borders." It was NOT their border. It was established by the Allied Powers. The Arab Palestinians had nothing at all to do with establishing the borders.

They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.

"The Little Red Hen is an old folktale of the fable type, most likely of Russian origin." (From Wikipedia)

The moral of this story is that those who make no contribution to producing a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: "if any would not work, neither should he or she eat."

Most Respectfully,

You are so full of Zionist shit that your mind is now totally corrosive,The Palestinians have always been great food producers and even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907 when they visited Palestine that "THE LADY IS BEAUTIFUL,BUT MARRIED TO ANOTHER" so by their own admittance they said...the Land is Beautiful,but owned by the Palestinians...They went away to devise a plan to illegally invade and steal this land...The Zionist actually were handed The Beautiful on a Plate...and did nothing but steal and murder to get it.

Before and largely after 1948 Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel,and with New Technology a various stages hav grown this area...your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians.

But how wrong you are you Scumbag...The Palestinians are employed worldwide,because of the great talent,they are a very highly educated nation,dispossessed nation...even living like the way Israel treats them..they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out.
And therein lies the difference between the two peoples

Zionism equals DEATH...Under the circumstances the Palestinians have done extremely well considering...Despite the Zionist Jews frontal attacks...Palestine has observer status at the UN,and many more countries recognise Palestine over Israel,a much larger %......Yet over 70 years the Jews have tried to be seen as the victim,but the Jews Propaganda against the real victims the Palestinians HAS FAILED COMPLETELY,,,Jew,Jew Land is seen as a ROGUE STATE and compulsive LAIRS,...which they always have been...Rocco...NO ONE LISTENS TO ISRAEL ANYMORE,YOU CANNOT MANIPULATE ANYMORE,YOU ARE JUST A PACK OF LYING BORES,COME THIS WAY AND I'LL SHOW YOU THE DOOR...And NO ONE LISTEN TO YOU ANYMORE

I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

Did that come to you in another alcohol induced stupor?
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is about:

✪ No one listenning →
✪ ME -- that I cannot manipulate →
• That I cannot manipulate →
• That I am not truthful →
• That I am a bore →
• No one listens to ME →​

Most of this response is based on the strategy to – attack the arguer (ME) instead of the argument (CONTENT).


I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

■ "even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907"
Bullet 1.png This is an unclarified perception that is more than a 100 years old.​

■ "Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel"
Bullet 1.png This is contradictory. Was the contribution "given?" or Was the contribution "extorted?"​

■ "your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians"
Bullet 1.png This is an image into the moral behind the Russian children's story. The actual meaning has to do with contributions toward "human Development and establishment of self-government.​

■ "they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out."
Bullet 1.png I don't actually see that in reflected in awards bestowed in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. I could be wrong, Maybe you can do a comparative analysis for me?​

■ "Palestine has observer status at the UN"
Bullet 1.png Is that the same as Israel's UN Membership?​

■ "many more countries recognize Palestine over Israel"
Bullet 1.png Which countries deny an Israeli Passport?
As of May 2018, Palestinian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 39 countries and territories, ranking the Palestinian passport 96th in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley Passport Index."
Whereas --- Israel is Ranked 19th in 2018 with 161 destinations visa-free access.​


I could go on and on, but, as you say, I'm a lair that no one listens to.

BTW: Philosophically, your concept of "truth" needs some work. Truth has nothing to do with who, how many, and why people either believe or disbelieve a factual "truth."

Most Respectfully,
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

It was not "their own borders." It was NOT their border. It was established by the Allied Powers. The Arab Palestinians had nothing at all to do with establishing the borders.

They declared independence inside their own international borders. They did not ask anybody to give them anything.

The Arab Palestinians contributed nothing to the development of self-governing institutions.

"The Little Red Hen is an old folktale of the fable type, most likely of Russian origin." (From Wikipedia)

The moral of this story is that those who make no contribution to producing a product do not deserve to enjoy the product: "if any would not work, neither should he or she eat."

Most Respectfully,

You are so full of Zionist shit that your mind is now totally corrosive,The Palestinians have always been great food producers and even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907 when they visited Palestine that "THE LADY IS BEAUTIFUL,BUT MARRIED TO ANOTHER" so by their own admittance they said...the Land is Beautiful,but owned by the Palestinians...They went away to devise a plan to illegally invade and steal this land...The Zionist actually were handed The Beautiful on a Plate...and did nothing but steal and murder to get it.

Before and largely after 1948 Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel,and with New Technology a various stages hav grown this area...your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians.

But how wrong you are you Scumbag...The Palestinians are employed worldwide,because of the great talent,they are a very highly educated nation,dispossessed nation...even living like the way Israel treats them..they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out.
And therein lies the difference between the two peoples

Zionism equals DEATH...Under the circumstances the Palestinians have done extremely well considering...Despite the Zionist Jews frontal attacks...Palestine has observer status at the UN,and many more countries recognise Palestine over Israel,a much larger %......Yet over 70 years the Jews have tried to be seen as the victim,but the Jews Propaganda against the real victims the Palestinians HAS FAILED COMPLETELY,,,Jew,Jew Land is seen as a ROGUE STATE and compulsive LAIRS,...which they always have been...Rocco...NO ONE LISTENS TO ISRAEL ANYMORE,YOU CANNOT MANIPULATE ANYMORE,YOU ARE JUST A PACK OF LYING BORES,COME THIS WAY AND I'LL SHOW YOU THE DOOR...And NO ONE LISTEN TO YOU ANYMORE

I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

Did that come to you in another alcohol induced stupor?
No just the truth,which you and your Cronies always have a problem with,because you are incapable of doing because you are compulsive Liars
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is about:

✪ No one listenning →
✪ ME -- that I cannot manipulate →
• That I cannot manipulate →
• That I am not truthful →
• That I am a bore →
• No one listens to ME →​

Most of this response is based on the strategy to – attack the arguer (ME) instead of the argument (CONTENT).


I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

■ "even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907"
View attachment 198528 This is an unclarified perception that is more than a 100 years old.​

■ "Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel"
View attachment 198528 This is contradictory. Was the contribution "given?" or Was the contribution "extorted?"​

■ "your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians"
View attachment 198528 This is an image into the moral behind the Russian children's story. The actual meaning has to do with contributions toward "human Development and establishment of self-government.​

■ "they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out."
View attachment 198528 I don't actually see that in reflected in awards bestowed in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. I could be wrong, Maybe you can do a comparative analysis for me?​

■ "Palestine has observer status at the UN"
View attachment 198528 Is that the same as Israel's UN Membership?​

■ "many more countries recognize Palestine over Israel"
View attachment 198528 Which countries deny an Israeli Passport?
As of May 2018, Palestinian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 39 countries and territories, ranking the Palestinian passport 96th in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley Passport Index."
Whereas --- Israel is Ranked 19th in 2018 with 161 destinations visa-free access.​


I could go on and on, but, as you say, I'm a lair that no one listens to.

BTW: Philosophically, your concept of "truth" needs some work. Truth has nothing to do with who, how many, and why people either believe or disbelieve a factual "truth."

Most Respectfully,
Yep you are a Liar,that was the only thing you got right but cut the respect are an irritant
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is about:

✪ No one listenning →
✪ ME -- that I cannot manipulate →
• That I cannot manipulate →
• That I am not truthful →
• That I am a bore →
• No one listens to ME →​

Most of this response is based on the strategy to – attack the arguer (ME) instead of the argument (CONTENT).


I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

■ "even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907"
View attachment 198528 This is an unclarified perception that is more than a 100 years old.​

■ "Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel"
View attachment 198528 This is contradictory. Was the contribution "given?" or Was the contribution "extorted?"​

■ "your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians"
View attachment 198528 This is an image into the moral behind the Russian children's story. The actual meaning has to do with contributions toward "human Development and establishment of self-government.​

■ "they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out."
View attachment 198528 I don't actually see that in reflected in awards bestowed in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. I could be wrong, Maybe you can do a comparative analysis for me?​

■ "Palestine has observer status at the UN"
View attachment 198528 Is that the same as Israel's UN Membership?​

■ "many more countries recognize Palestine over Israel"
View attachment 198528 Which countries deny an Israeli Passport?
As of May 2018, Palestinian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 39 countries and territories, ranking the Palestinian passport 96th in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley Passport Index."
Whereas --- Israel is Ranked 19th in 2018 with 161 destinations visa-free access.​


I could go on and on, but, as you say, I'm a lair that no one listens to.

BTW: Philosophically, your concept of "truth" needs some work. Truth has nothing to do with who, how many, and why people either believe or disbelieve a factual "truth."

Most Respectfully,
Yep you are a Liar,that was the only thing you got right but cut the respect are an irritant
You assassinated a INNOCENT MEDIC and others...ANIMALS
RE: Gaza volunteer medic killed by israeli sniper
※→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is about:

✪ No one listenning →
✪ ME -- that I cannot manipulate →
• That I cannot manipulate →
• That I am not truthful →
• That I am a bore →
• No one listens to ME →​

Most of this response is based on the strategy to – attack the arguer (ME) instead of the argument (CONTENT).


I am theliq,Ever Living,,,Ever Faithful...Ever Sure

■ "even the Zionist delegations said themselves in 1907"
View attachment 198528 This is an unclarified perception that is more than a 100 years old.​

■ "Trillions have be given or extorted by Israel"
View attachment 198528 This is contradictory. Was the contribution "given?" or Was the contribution "extorted?"​

■ "your pithy one liner about "NO CONTRIBUTION" is to deflect negativity towards the Palestinians"
View attachment 198528 This is an image into the moral behind the Russian children's story. The actual meaning has to do with contributions toward "human Development and establishment of self-government.​

■ "they still have one of the highest rates of University entrants in the see Palestinians United can Never be Defeated...whereas the Zionist would Sell his own Grandmother Out."
View attachment 198528 I don't actually see that in reflected in awards bestowed in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances. I could be wrong, Maybe you can do a comparative analysis for me?​

■ "Palestine has observer status at the UN"
View attachment 198528 Is that the same as Israel's UN Membership?​

■ "many more countries recognize Palestine over Israel"
View attachment 198528 Which countries deny an Israeli Passport?
As of May 2018, Palestinian citizens had visa-free or visa on arrival access to 39 countries and territories, ranking the Palestinian passport 96th in terms of travel freedom according to the Henley Passport Index."
Whereas --- Israel is Ranked 19th in 2018 with 161 destinations visa-free access.​


I could go on and on, but, as you say, I'm a lair that no one listens to.

BTW: Philosophically, your concept of "truth" needs some work. Truth has nothing to do with who, how many, and why people either believe or disbelieve a factual "truth."

Most Respectfully,
Yep you are a Liar,that was the only thing you got right but cut the respect are an irritant

Don’t like it? Tough SHIT ! Don’t read his posts. Do us all a favor and dont read any posts!

Respectfully ( not really) You are an ASSHOLE :321:

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