General Strike, a very real possibility

General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It’s not even s little bit real possibility. Much less a real possibility. It has happened before...always led by communists to bring down an elected government. It’s enjoyable watch being put down. But have you imported enough third world communists for this yet?

1926 United Kingdom general strike - Wikipedia

Communists in the United States Labor Movement (1919–37) - Wikipedia

1926-30: Nine Days in May

Duncan Hallas: The CP and the General Strike (1976)
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It’s not even s little bit real possibility. Much less a real possibility. It has happened before...always led by communists to bring down an elected government. It’s enjoyable watch being put down. But have you imported enough third world communists for this yet?

1926 United Kingdom general strike - Wikipedia

Communists in the United States Labor Movement (1919–37) - Wikipedia

1926-30: Nine Days in May

Duncan Hallas: The CP and the General Strike (1976)

French farmers blockade border roads in protest against cheap imports

Why is there a major national strike in France?

The RED SCARE in the post above is passe; a general strike is not an attack on our socioeconomic government, it would be a protest on Trumpism, a governance mimicking a banana republic led by an empty suit. The protest would be led by the middle class, and joined by the middle class and working poor.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

Oh please...they'll all get paid their back wages as soon as the shut down is over. They always do.

The truth is...Democrats can end this today. All they have to do is give Trump the money for border security and all those people you're so concerned about are cashing checks. Their refusal to do so despite the overwhelming majority of Americans being in favor of secure borders is nothing more than politics. They think they can get their pals in the Main Stream Media to spin this as Trump's fault and that will help Democrats in the next election.
And this is why public sector employees should not be allowed to be in unions.

Civil service protection, or Unions, not both.
what civil service protections?...

Perspective | Federal employee civil service protections outdated? The experts speak.

At the State level the most famous examples are the NYCBOE "rubber rooms" where teachers accused of various naughty things sit for months or years waiting for a hearing.

What does that have to do with the topic?
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

Oh please...they'll all get paid their back wages as soon as the shut down is over. They always do.

The truth is...Democrats can end this today. All they have to do is give Trump the money for border security and all those people you're so concerned about are cashing checks. Their refusal to do so despite the overwhelming majority of Americans being in favor of secure borders is nothing more than politics. They think they can get their pals in the Main Stream Media to spin this as Trump's fault and that will help Democrats in the next election.

Cashing checks? Who does that anymore?
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

Oh please...they'll all get paid their back wages as soon as the shut down is over. They always do.

The truth is...Democrats can end this today. All they have to do is give Trump the money for border security and all those people you're so concerned about are cashing checks. Their refusal to do so despite the overwhelming majority of Americans being in favor of secure borders is nothing more than politics. They think they can get their pals in the Main Stream Media to spin this as Trump's fault and that will help Democrats in the next election.

Cashing checks? Who does that anymore?

I cashed seven yesterday, Admiral!
i never fed on anyone....i went out there even in fucking pouring rain to deliver peoples mail,even though i would get yelled at because someones mail got wet...

The Post Office now basically serves as a taxpayer subsidized delivery arm of Amazon. It's not what it was when you were working.
i was there when Amazon started.....and were does it takes tax payer money?.........

This is from an article behind the firewall on WSJ.:

A Treasury-led task force is proposing that the U.S. Postal Service charge more for certain package deliveries, going after Inc. and other online retailers that President Trump has said benefit at the post office’s expense.

The Postal Service hasn’t priced package deliveries with profitability in mind, according to the task force’s report released Tuesday. It said the agency should be able to charge market-based prices for mail and package items that aren’t deemed essential services. The report, requested by Mr. Trump in April, recommended raising prices for many types of commercial package deliveries, a growing business for the Postal Service.


Also, the Postal Service is already planning to hit Amazon, FedEx and UPS with significant price increases. The agency has received approval to raise prices on its Parcel Select service between 9.3% and 12.3%, starting early next year. Under that service, large shippers sort packages themselves and deposit them directly into the Postal Service for home delivery.

Tuesday’s report didn’t provide details on how much more USPS should be charging customers. It recommends rethinking the definition of what qualifies for the Postal Service’s so-called universal-service obligation, a legal requirement that it deliver everywhere in the U.S. Senior administration officials on Tuesday made clear that strictly commercial packages—as well as commercial mail such as catalogs—shouldn’t be covered by universal service.

That would mean those services wouldn’t be covered by government protections such as price caps. But administration officials insisted that any solutions shouldn’t disadvantage rural areas by treating them differently from urban areas.

Many of the report’s recommendations could be implemented by the Postal Service’s existing leadership, senior administration officials said. Those changes “would affect the entire e-commerce market,” one administration official said.

The USPS was reviewing the recommendations and will take “all appropriate actions within our control” to fulfil its mission of providing fast and reliable service to all American businesses and consumers, Postmaster General Megan Brennan said in a statement.

The American Postal Workers Union sharply criticized the report. APWU President Mark Dimondstein said the recommendations would slash universal service, reduce delivery days and “hurt business and individuals alike.”

USPS leaders have long advocated for greater leeway in setting some rates, including on so-called market-dominant products like first-class mail where it has a virtual monopoly. The agency and some big businesses have also called for a legislative overhaul that would change how it accounts for USPS retirees’ future health benefits, a calculation that makes up the bulk of annual losses.

The report rejects the idea of scaling back the Postal Service’s obligation to pre-fund its huge retiree health liabilities. “The Task Force does not believe that this general policy should change or that the liability for USPS retiree health benefits should be shifted to the taxpayers,” the report says.

Art Sackler, manager of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, which represents companies and other groups that rely on the postal system, said any proposal must address overhauling the pre-funding of retiree health benefits. “The existing mail and packaging price caps remain fully functional if retiree health pre-funding is adequately addressed through bipartisan legislation that enjoys broad stakeholder support,” he said.

The Treasury-led study also generally steers clear of privatization, and plays down the idea of allowing the Postal Service to get into banking-type services, given its “narrow expertise and capital limitations.”

The Postal Service faces significant financial challenges. It has been losing money for more than a decade and is on an unsustainable path, the report says. The USPS is forecast to lose tens of billions of dollars over the next decade and currently has $89 billion in liabilities versus $27 billion in assets, for a net deficit of $62 billion.

Revenue has been declining in the shift toward digital correspondence. Many officials worry that a taxpayer-funded bailout will be required without action.

Postal Service Review Proposes Sweeping Changes Likely to Hit Amazon
all that is telling me is they should let the people who they pay to run the place run it without govt micromanaging....nothing like people who know very little of the goings on in the business telling those that actually run the place,what they can and cant do....

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm actually saying that the USPS is a giant mess. The private sector can provide services much more cost effectively without a giant government pension liability.

Pardon me, but you ignorance is showing.

Postal workers do not get a "giant government pension". Their pension is paid by the post office, and increases in the funding levels are what causes rates to rise.

I just mailed a package to my daughter overseas using the USPS. It cost me less than $9.00. UPS or FEDEX would have been a small fortune had they even the capability to deliver it to her, which they do not.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

Oh please...they'll all get paid their back wages as soon as the shut down is over. They always do.

The truth is...Democrats can end this today. All they have to do is give Trump the money for border security and all those people you're so concerned about are cashing checks. Their refusal to do so despite the overwhelming majority of Americans being in favor of secure borders is nothing more than politics. They think they can get their pals in the Main Stream Media to spin this as Trump's fault and that will help Democrats in the next election.

Cashing checks? Who does that anymore?

I cashed seven yesterday, Admiral!

You really must be older than dirt? Can you tell me what it was like to ride a dinosaur to school?

I don't think I have "cashed" a check in at least 3 decades.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Good. I would LOVE to see a General Strike. Guess who would suffer? All of your progressive morons who can't do anything other than whine and snivel about how they aren't getting what they want. I would feel very bad for the innocents who are hurt and killed by those snot nosed twerps when they begin acting out, but their comeuppance would be wonderful to see.

I work in a building with 3 generals. None of them have a need to strike!
Obama didn't shut down the government, and you ought to STFU until you research the issues you so smugly post.

A little history first:

Government shutdowns in the United States - Wikipedia

Grow up!

That's an outright lie, you dishonest hack. Obama shut down the government for 16 days in 2013 and took extra steps to make sure it hurt citizens. Notice how Obama shutdown is blamed on Congress, but 2019 shutdown is blamed on Trump, the epitome of media hypocrisy.

"a 16-day government shutdown occurred during October 2013 over Democrats and Republicans not coming to an agreement for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known colloquially as Obamacare"

Government shutdowns in the United States - Wikipedia

October: 16 days. Congressional disputes over budgets and funding the Affordable Care Act led to the only shutdown under President Barack Obama.

A Brief History of the 2013 Government Shutdown

2013 government shutdown timeline: Congress' path to gridlock
And this is why public sector employees should not be allowed to be in unions.

Why not, since the corporations have a union called the supreme court and most of our bought and paid for politicians, both demorat and repiglican. The right wingers always quote the constitution but there's nothing in the constitution about 'we the corporations', but there is a mention of 'we the people'.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.
An event from 2006 may provide a useful example:

How the Biggest General Strike in American History Revived the US Working Class on May Day

"The Great American Strike shut down meat packing, garment manufacturing, port transportation, trucking, and food service in many parts of the country.

"Several days in advance of the gigantic protest, dubbed by some organizers as 'A Day Without Immigrants,' the companies Cargill, Tyson Foods, and the Seaboard Corporation announced that they would be closing their operations due to a lack of personnel.

"Customers of fast-food franchises in California were turned away by apologetic managers who explained that 'Mexican truckers' had refused to deliver bread. The May Day protests followed an earlier wave of walkouts that occurred in March and April.

"These incipient strikes were led in many cases by agricultural and construction workers seeking to boost their wages and to escape poverty conditions.

"'In South Florida and Immokalee, [harvesting] pretty much ground to a halt,' said G. Ellis Hunt Jr., president of Hunt Bros., a Florida grower and packinghouse owner with more than five thousand grove acres split equally between Polk and Immokalee counties."
The Post Office now basically serves as a taxpayer subsidized delivery arm of Amazon. It's not what it was when you were working.
i was there when Amazon started.....and were does it takes tax payer money?.........

This is from an article behind the firewall on WSJ.:

A Treasury-led task force is proposing that the U.S. Postal Service charge more for certain package deliveries, going after Inc. and other online retailers that President Trump has said benefit at the post office’s expense.

The Postal Service hasn’t priced package deliveries with profitability in mind, according to the task force’s report released Tuesday. It said the agency should be able to charge market-based prices for mail and package items that aren’t deemed essential services. The report, requested by Mr. Trump in April, recommended raising prices for many types of commercial package deliveries, a growing business for the Postal Service.


Also, the Postal Service is already planning to hit Amazon, FedEx and UPS with significant price increases. The agency has received approval to raise prices on its Parcel Select service between 9.3% and 12.3%, starting early next year. Under that service, large shippers sort packages themselves and deposit them directly into the Postal Service for home delivery.

Tuesday’s report didn’t provide details on how much more USPS should be charging customers. It recommends rethinking the definition of what qualifies for the Postal Service’s so-called universal-service obligation, a legal requirement that it deliver everywhere in the U.S. Senior administration officials on Tuesday made clear that strictly commercial packages—as well as commercial mail such as catalogs—shouldn’t be covered by universal service.

That would mean those services wouldn’t be covered by government protections such as price caps. But administration officials insisted that any solutions shouldn’t disadvantage rural areas by treating them differently from urban areas.

Many of the report’s recommendations could be implemented by the Postal Service’s existing leadership, senior administration officials said. Those changes “would affect the entire e-commerce market,” one administration official said.

The USPS was reviewing the recommendations and will take “all appropriate actions within our control” to fulfil its mission of providing fast and reliable service to all American businesses and consumers, Postmaster General Megan Brennan said in a statement.

The American Postal Workers Union sharply criticized the report. APWU President Mark Dimondstein said the recommendations would slash universal service, reduce delivery days and “hurt business and individuals alike.”

USPS leaders have long advocated for greater leeway in setting some rates, including on so-called market-dominant products like first-class mail where it has a virtual monopoly. The agency and some big businesses have also called for a legislative overhaul that would change how it accounts for USPS retirees’ future health benefits, a calculation that makes up the bulk of annual losses.

The report rejects the idea of scaling back the Postal Service’s obligation to pre-fund its huge retiree health liabilities. “The Task Force does not believe that this general policy should change or that the liability for USPS retiree health benefits should be shifted to the taxpayers,” the report says.

Art Sackler, manager of the Coalition for a 21st Century Postal Service, which represents companies and other groups that rely on the postal system, said any proposal must address overhauling the pre-funding of retiree health benefits. “The existing mail and packaging price caps remain fully functional if retiree health pre-funding is adequately addressed through bipartisan legislation that enjoys broad stakeholder support,” he said.

The Treasury-led study also generally steers clear of privatization, and plays down the idea of allowing the Postal Service to get into banking-type services, given its “narrow expertise and capital limitations.”

The Postal Service faces significant financial challenges. It has been losing money for more than a decade and is on an unsustainable path, the report says. The USPS is forecast to lose tens of billions of dollars over the next decade and currently has $89 billion in liabilities versus $27 billion in assets, for a net deficit of $62 billion.

Revenue has been declining in the shift toward digital correspondence. Many officials worry that a taxpayer-funded bailout will be required without action.

Postal Service Review Proposes Sweeping Changes Likely to Hit Amazon
all that is telling me is they should let the people who they pay to run the place run it without govt micromanaging....nothing like people who know very little of the goings on in the business telling those that actually run the place,what they can and cant do....

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm actually saying that the USPS is a giant mess. The private sector can provide services much more cost effectively without a giant government pension liability.

Pardon me, but you ignorance is showing.

Postal workers do not get a "giant government pension". Their pension is paid by the post office, and increases in the funding levels are what causes rates to rise.

I just mailed a package to my daughter overseas using the USPS. It cost me less than $9.00. UPS or FEDEX would have been a small fortune had they even the capability to deliver it to her, which they do not.

The USPS runs at a massive loss. It's revenue does not support its bloated cost structure of pay and benefits.

That's math. And it's true.
Obama didn't shut down the government, and you ought to STFU until you research the issues you so smugly post.

A little history first:

Government shutdowns in the United States - Wikipedia

Grow up!

That's an outright lie, you dishonest hack. Obama shut down the government for 16 days in 2013 and took extra steps to make sure it hurt citizens. Notice how Obama shutdown is blamed on Congress, but 2019 shutdown is blamed on Trump, the epitome of media hypocrisy.

"a 16-day government shutdown occurred during October 2013 over Democrats and Republicans not coming to an agreement for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, known colloquially as Obamacare"

Government shutdowns in the United States - Wikipedia

October: 16 days. Congressional disputes over budgets and funding the Affordable Care Act led to the only shutdown under President Barack Obama.

A Brief History of the 2013 Government Shutdown

2013 government shutdown timeline: Congress' path to gridlock

Your first link is evidence the GOP put forth a demand to the President he would never agree too; and the GOP knew he would not. Not because it was a promise made in his election rhetoric, but because it would have harmed many Americans (something callous conservatives don't ever care about).

"Sept. 20: The Republican-led House votes to keep government funded through Dec. 15, but only if the president agrees to defund the 2010 Affordable Care Act (better known as Obamacare)."
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

He didn't shut down the government, he has made several offers to the democrats, they have refused to even negotiate for the DACA's on them.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

He didn't shut down the government, he has made several offers to the democrats, they have refused to even negotiate for the DACA's on them.

They know this, they are simply being dishonest.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It’s not even s little bit real possibility. Much less a real possibility. It has happened before...always led by communists to bring down an elected government. It’s enjoyable watch being put down. But have you imported enough third world communists for this yet?

1926 United Kingdom general strike - Wikipedia

Communists in the United States Labor Movement (1919–37) - Wikipedia

1926-30: Nine Days in May

Duncan Hallas: The CP and the General Strike (1976)

French farmers blockade border roads in protest against cheap imports

Why is there a major national strike in France?

The RED SCARE in the post above is passe; a general strike is not an attack on our socioeconomic government, it would be a protest on Trumpism, a governance mimicking a banana republic led by an empty suit. The protest would be led by the middle class, and joined by the middle class and working poor.

"would be". Let me just say...I doubt it. Can celebrities strike? And wall street bankers? And the deep pockets news conglomerates? That is Trumps opposition. And they wont strike.

So...waiting on your middle class strike. Any day now right?

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