General Strike, a very real possibility

Trump is riding a wave he did not create


Apparently you missed ultraliberal sage Paul Krugman on Election Night , 2016- promising depression for all eternity based on Trump's election. At that point in time , Dow Futures were down by thousands.

And Trump turned it around, in spite of the bad mojo given to him by the libs.

What exactly has Trump done to get your praise? What policy, what action has he taken to turn around something that did not happen?

In fact the recovery began in Sept. 09, and was fully in recovery in terms of Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate and Employment by the time Trump took the oath of office in Jan. '19.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

The Feds spend $4T per year. The Dems are holding a small ratio of Federal Employees hostage for a mere $5.6B.

Trump can get a lot of mileage from well as the fact that the shutdown has absolutely ZERO impact on those of us who pay all of the taxes to support this massive bloated monstrosity in the first place.

You truly are ignorant, and I'm beginning to suspect your ignorance is not willful. If you can, think about those taxpayers who you claim have not been inconvenienced by Trump's behavior.

How about that sandwich shop on the corner opposite a Federal Building which is usually full of customers from 1130 to 1330 every work day? How about the Bar & Grill usually crowded for lunch and at happy hour, the Coffee Shops, pastry shops, donuts and bagel purveyors all in walking distance to Fed. Workers?

How about Federal Employee who reside in the suburbs where they by goods and services, attend movies, two and three star restaurants, fast food and take out too.

Why is it only Trumps behavior? He has negotiated with the Dems,even tried to give them a "dreamer" deal, and they said no.

General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.
Federal Workers have the option of taking a cheap pay-day loan from the bank like Wells Fargo. The bank knows these Federal workers will get full back pay so there won't be a problem giving them a loan to live on.

Check out the "alert" on their website if you're not chicken:

Still chicken to check? Here look...

The bank will work with individuals and business banking customers whose income is disrupted as a result of the shutdown. Customers should call 1-800-TO-WELLS, or the number on their credit card, debit card or statement for assistance, or visit any Wells Fargo branch.

In addition, Wells Fargo mortgage, loan, and credit customers may qualify for forbearance or other payment assistance programs based on their individual circumstances. For help, customers should contact

They are getting a fucking paid vacation courtesy of you the taxpayer.
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Trump is riding a wave he did not create


Apparently you missed ultraliberal sage Paul Krugman on Election Night , 2016- promising depression for all eternity based on Trump's election. At that point in time , Dow Futures were down by thousands.

And Trump turned it around, in spite of the bad mojo given to him by the libs.

What exactly has Trump done to get your praise? What policy, what action has he taken to turn around something that did not happen?

In fact the recovery began in Sept. 09, and was fully in recovery in terms of Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate and Employment by the time Trump took the oath of office in Jan. '19.

There's folks here that'll post pages of Trump's accomplishments Wry , but the devil is in the details of them all, always some catch ,always the fine print ......99% of it is feel good legislation ,almost all of it will come back to haunt us.

I say this because i watched Reagan intently , and realize Trump is his ill spoken protege (love or hate RR,he was a phenomenal speaker) , almost everyting he is engaged in is from a 1%er trickle down view

the savvy posters here parse it all out better than i could ever do

It's deja voo doo politics for me ,and a lot like me that lived /worked/ mortgaged/saved/ raised fam's /planned retirements back in the day

I get it, and i'm nothing but a redneck bluecollar living in dogpatch w/ zero ejocashun and a pabst blue ribbon dinner menu

General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.
5 measely billion and all the suffering will end. Oh and over 80% of democrats polled says we have a problem at the border. You radical liberals are going to go to far this time.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

They will get all back pay owed to them.

You're not very bright, or too biased to give a damn & consider all of the consquences: Miss a car payment, miss a home payment, miss a due date on the credit card? All have a costs associated with missing a due date; one or more penalties for late payments also include a big dip in the consumer's credit score.
Every federal worker's bank will give them loans. Your argument falls flat. Give it up and give us the Wall that 81% Americans want.
Trump is riding a wave he did not create


Apparently you missed ultraliberal sage Paul Krugman on Election Night , 2016- promising depression for all eternity based on Trump's election. At that point in time , Dow Futures were down by thousands.

And Trump turned it around, in spite of the bad mojo given to him by the libs.

What exactly has Trump done to get your praise? What policy, what action has he taken to turn around something that did not happen?

In fact the recovery began in Sept. 09, and was fully in recovery in terms of Stocks, Bonds, Real Estate and Employment by the time Trump took the oath of office in Jan. '19.

There's folks here that'll post pages of Trump's accomplishments Wry , but the devil is in the details of them all, always some catch ,always the fine print ......99% of it is feel good legislation ,almost all of it will come back to haunt us.

I say this because i watched Reagan intently , and realize Trump is his ill spoken protege (love or hate RR,he was a phenomenal speaker) , almost everyting he is engaged in is from a 1%er trickle down view

the savvy posters here parse it all out better than i could ever do

It's deja voo doo politics for me ,and a lot like me that lived /worked/ mortgaged/saved/ raised fam's /planned retirements back in the day

I get it, and i'm nothing but a redneck bluecollar living in dogpatch w/ zero ejocashun and a pabst blue ribbon dinner menu


You're more than nothing and there is nothing wrong with PBR (except that they no longer produce the Bock Beer which I very much enjoyed in my 20's). Yes, you get it and it does not require an advanced degree to get Reaganomics and Trumpism as tools to keep the special interests and wealthy to support them.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

They will get all back pay owed to them.

You're not very bright, or too biased to give a damn & consider all of the consquences: Miss a car payment, miss a home payment, miss a due date on the credit card? All have a costs associated with missing a due date; one or more penalties for late payments also include a big dip in the consumer's credit score.
Every federal worker's bank will give them loans. Your argument falls flat. Give it up and give us the Wall that 81% Americans want.

That's odd, my claim is 78.34% of the American Citizens views Trump's wall as silly ego desire, and not capable of keeping them safe.

See some of their other reasons here:

Pictures of tunnels under the southern border - Google Search

From the link, one of many:

Drug smugglers buy U.S. land to hide tunnel, feds say - CNN
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General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

All democrats have to do is provide a small amount of money to build a wall and everyone starts getting paid again. Hopefully democrats wont drag this out.

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.
Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?
Democrats are bragging they are withholding pay to keep Trump from another win.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.
5 billion the democrats are holding out on.
So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.

Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?

I'm not scared, I won't address a false narrative, as if it is credible. Why won't you address this:

Are you in denial?
Are you a damn liar?
Are you a fool?

Do you have any videos of democrats also taking responsibility for the shutdown, or are there no honest people on the left?

No I don't have any other videos of Democrats or Republicans taking responsibility for shutting down the government. Trump is the only one stupid enough to do so unilaterally.
. trump will take blame if he reneges on the deal or fails to negotiate. He was ready and willing. It's the Democrats who are causing the shutdown.
It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

They will get all back pay owed to them.

You're not very bright, or too biased to give a damn & consider all of the consquences: Miss a car payment, miss a home payment, miss a due date on the credit card? All have a costs associated with missing a due date; one or more penalties for late payments also include a big dip in the consumer's credit score.
Every federal worker's bank will give them loans. Your argument falls flat. Give it up and give us the Wall that 81% Americans want.

That's odd, my claim is 78.34% of the American Citizens views Trump's wall as silly ego desire, and not capable of keeping them safe.

See some of their other reasons here:

Pictures of tunnels under the southern border - Google Search

From the link, one of many:

Drug smugglers buy U.S. land to hide tunnel, feds say - CNN
They won't dig under Trump's wall.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.


California folks just never do get that nobody thinks like them. Doy.....for 3,000 miles between California and New York, nobody would give this a nano-second of a second thought. Again.....doy. You're doing it wrong s0n!
I dispute your assumption that Federal Employees are American Workers. Except for truly essential services (military, courts)...they are parasites who feed on real American Workers.

In other news, manufacturing job growth for Real American Workers is soaring in the Trump Era.
Manufacturing Jobs 'Roaring Back'? -
As of December 2017, there were 12.5 million manufacturing jobs – 1.2 million fewer than there were in December 2007, when the recession started, BLS data show. At last year’s growth rate, it would take until nearly 2023 just to recover the jobs lost during the recession.

Pence made his remarks in an interview with the conservative radio show host Dana Loesch. “Look at the jobs numbers that were just released last week — manufacturing is roaring back,” he said.


Hmmmm, the last year of obummers admin the USA LOST 200,000 manufacturing jobs and we were told that manufacturing was dead in the USA and those jobs would never come back. Remember that? Under trump we have gained more than 400,000.

Post the evidence, please. Last I heard GM and Harley where shutting down.

327,000 last year alone. You really need to stop listening to the echo chambers dude.

"Employers created 37,000 new manufacturing jobs in July, the Labor Department said Friday, the strongest gain since December and the third straight month in which factory job growth accelerated.

The July numbers may have been nudged upward a bit by vagaries in the data due to annual auto plant shutdowns, but the trend has been firm for the past year and a half. The 327,000 new jobs over the last year represent the best 12-month stretch in 23 years.

Analysts point to several factors that have kept hiring on an upswing, even as they eye growing headwinds."

Manufacturing jobs growing at fastest rate in 23 years

I even listen to you, and that means I take in opinions and when they are supported by evidence I seek confirmation and evaluate them myself.

Manufacturing has been leaving our shores for decades, the cost of labor and materials, plus regulations against pollution create a climate where a washing machine can be manufactured in China cheaper than in the US.

Do we agree?

Why then has Trump used protective tariffs, which only produce ill will with the nation where these products are being produced, and punish we the consumers?

Why not punish the preferred stock holders and the upper management staff by adding an Ad Valorem tax on their annual income from the preferred stock holdings?

Yes, manufacturing jobs have been leaving thanks to NAFTA and the other trade deals that our government has been involved in. All of which screwed over the American worker. Now, on the other hand, now that the manufacturing sector is no longer under attack from Federal regulators they are bouncing back. Something that your experts claimed would never happen.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Relax, Chuck and Nancy will wake up and smell the coffee and agree to bend a knee to the Trumpster, sooner rather than later.

They will realize that their obstruction to Border Security is a non-starter in pretty short order.

BTW, federal employees aren't allowed to strike. If they were to do as you suggest, they are fired, no questions asked.

Nope they already submitted a bipartisan bill to keep the government open while negotiating the wall at the same time.......... but your Boi rejected it.

Schumer and Pelosi will bring that up after Trump made his fake emergency border wall speech.

Remember who is the president in charge. It’s not Pelosi or Schumer.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Relax, Chuck and Nancy will wake up and smell the coffee and agree to bend a knee to the Trumpster, sooner rather than later.

They will realize that their obstruction to Border Security is a non-starter in pretty short order.

BTW, federal employees aren't allowed to strike. If they were to do as you suggest, they are fired, no questions asked.

Nope they already submitted a bipartisan bill to keep the government open while negotiating the wall at the same time.......... but your Boi rejected it.

Schumer and Pelosi will bring that up after Trump made his fake emergency border wall speech.

Remember who is the president in charge. It’s not Pelosi or Schumer.

Continuing to negotiate without any pressure on Chuck and Nancy seemed pointless to The Donald. I agree. The libs are against border security, and will fight it with every fiber of their beings. The partial government shutdown is the only way to put pressure on them to bring this to a conclusion.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Relax, Chuck and Nancy will wake up and smell the coffee and agree to bend a knee to the Trumpster, sooner rather than later.

They will realize that their obstruction to Border Security is a non-starter in pretty short order.

BTW, federal employees aren't allowed to strike. If they were to do as you suggest, they are fired, no questions asked.

Trump is in bigger trouble than you think. Lots of people are very angry. If this drag on till February lots of people will get HUNGRY.

Federal Employees Sue Trump Administration Over Government Shutdown

Federal Employees Sue Trump Administration Over Government Shutdown
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.
Did you write that? Not being snarky, just curious.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Relax, Chuck and Nancy will wake up and smell the coffee and agree to bend a knee to the Trumpster, sooner rather than later.

They will realize that their obstruction to Border Security is a non-starter in pretty short order.

BTW, federal employees aren't allowed to strike. If they were to do as you suggest, they are fired, no questions asked.

Trump is in bigger trouble than you think. Lots of people are very angry. If this drag on till February lots of people will get HUNGRY.

Federal Employees Sue Trump Administration Over Government Shutdown

Federal Employees Sue Trump Administration Over Government Shutdown

The Federal Employees should really be suing Chuck and Nancy. They haven't produced a signable budget bill which includes the money needed for border security. President Trump has made it clear to both of them that anything else is a non-starter

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