General Strike, a very real possibility

The small amount gives Trump a large win and supports his abuse of power. Blackmail and/or extortion is no way to lead. Sadly, it is the only thing Trump knows how to do.

So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.

Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?

I'm not scared, I won't address a false narrative, as if it is credible. Why won't you address this:

Are you in denial?
Are you a damn liar?
Are you a fool?

Do you have any videos of democrats also taking responsibility for the shutdown, or are there no honest people on the left?

No I don't have any other videos of Democrats or Republicans taking responsibility for shutting down the government. Trump is the only one stupid enough to do so unilaterally.
So you are withholding peoples paychecks in order to prevent Trump from getting a win? Thats pretty despicable.

You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.

Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?

I'm not scared, I won't address a false narrative, as if it is credible. Why won't you address this:

Are you in denial?
Are you a damn liar?
Are you a fool?

Do you have any videos of democrats also taking responsibility for the shutdown, or are there no honest people on the left?

No I don't have any other videos of Democrats or Republicans taking responsibility for shutting down the government. Trump is the only one stupid enough to do so unilaterally.

So Trump is the only one who is being honest. Why dont people on the left have the same integrity?
And this is why public sector employees should not be allowed to be in unions.

Ever. It's against taxpayers' best interest.
public sector workers can be abused just in the same way private sector works could.
You're very stupid, but that goes with your love for Trump. I don't withhold anyone's paycheck, and you seem to lack the basic skills of cognition.

Why are you so scared to address the fact that dems are withholding federal paychecks just so Trump doesnt get a win?

I'm not scared, I won't address a false narrative, as if it is credible. Why won't you address this:

Are you in denial?
Are you a damn liar?
Are you a fool?

Do you have any videos of democrats also taking responsibility for the shutdown, or are there no honest people on the left?

No I don't have any other videos of Democrats or Republicans taking responsibility for shutting down the government. Trump is the only one stupid enough to do so unilaterally.

So Trump is the only one who is being honest. Why dont people on the left have the same integrity?

If you believe this ^^^, you are insane. And I mean that literally.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Go for it
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Why is this Trump's fault and not the dems?
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Go for it

Go for what? I'm a bystander, As of Dec 31 last I've been retired for 14 years and 7 days.
And this is why public sector employees should not be allowed to be in unions.
More reason why they need them

It is obvious Congress and the White House won’t stand up for their rights

For a government job, the jobseeker has to know folks in the government to get it, usually like a congressman or someone.

That's who they need to talk to, their patron in the government that got them "in there". Why would they need to pay someone outside like a union boss? Unions are more of a money laundering situation, to bring money to the politicians through the payroll deductions for mandatory dues.

I wonder how many of these non-essential employees have "no show" jobs anyhow?
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Why is this Trump's fault and not the dems?

Trump rejects Senate bill to avert government shutdown, awaits House bill with border wall money

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes

Government shutdown is all but certain as Congress adjourns without a spending deal

Want more? Just ask.
Middle class workers going after middle class workers because they by the rhetoric hook line and sinker. Meanwhile they worship the wealthy. Never thought I'd see this level of shear stupidity. A new low.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Why is this Trump's fault and not the dems?

Trump rejects Senate bill to avert government shutdown, awaits House bill with border wall money

Trump: Government will be shutdown as long as it takes

Government shutdown is all but certain as Congress adjourns without a spending deal

Want more? Just ask.

Wow. That was insanely weak.

Controlling who and what enters a community is the most basic function of government.

Only an enemy of the community could be against it.

The dems should, in a sane world, attack him for asking for so little, and give him 20 billion.

But this world has gone mad, a long time ago.
And this is why public sector employees should not be allowed to be in unions.
More reason why they need them

It is obvious Congress and the White House won’t stand up for their rights

For a government job, the jobseeker has to know folks in the government to get it, usually like a congressman or someone.

That's who they need to talk to, their patron in the government that got them "in there". Why would they need to pay someone outside like a union boss? Unions are more of a money laundering situation, to bring money to the politicians through the payroll deductions for mandatory dues.

I wonder how many of these non-essential employees have "no show" jobs anyhow?

None of this is universally true, thus this post ^^^ is a half-truth and a lie of omission.
Go for what? I'm a bystander, As of Dec 31 last I've been retired for 14 years and 7 days.

Since you're advocating others give up their income, you should take the lead and decline your pension and social security checks until its over.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

The dems hate the position they are in. They can't stand Trump but being against something so basic as border security simply because of who is in the Oval Office reflects very poorly on them. The longer this goes the worse it looks for the dems. They aren't in a good position on this one. They're cutting off their nose to spite their face.
The dems hate the position they are in. They can't stand Trump but being against something so basic as border security simply because of who is in the Oval Office reflects very poorly on them. The longer this goes the worse it looks for the dems. They aren't in a good position on this one. They're cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Chuck and Nancy have grossly underestimated President Trump. The people of this nation are less hot to trot for wide open borders than they have assumed. Further, they are holding their own base- those employed in no-show jobs for the government- as hostage.

They are going to cave, it would be better for them to do it quicker.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

Good. I would LOVE to see a General Strike. Guess who would suffer? All of your progressive morons who can't do anything other than whine and snivel about how they aren't getting what they want. I would feel very bad for the innocents who are hurt and killed by those snot nosed twerps when they begin acting out, but their comeuppance would be wonderful to see.
General Strike Law and Legal Definition:

General Strike is a strike by a majority of the workers in key industries throughout a country in a particular region of the country. ... In particular, a general strike involves virtually every union regardless of industry or occupation.

Since Reagan fired the Air Traffic Controllers the GOP has focused on weakening labor unions and in recent times used the euphemism right to work, for busting unions.

Enough is enough: Trump's callous disregard for the American Worker has come full circle, as Federal Employees are cast aside by his actions to shut down government. Not only will they have bills they cannot pay, the private sector too will soon be closing the doors of retail businesses as Federal Buildings remain empty.

Trump will lose this battle, but too many innocent victims will suffer his ego driven crisis.

It's not going to happen the way you think.

Time will tell. Some Federal Workers are calling in sick. Others, such as those Federal Guards at Federal Prisons are working and not being paid. Likely this violates a rule, regulation or law - clearly it is immoral.

Soon enough, if not already, those who attend church and once put their cash into the basket can not afford to donate to the needy, since they have become needy.

The Priests, Pastors and Rabbis have bills to pay too. And they too have a bully pulpit.

The Feds spend $4T per year. The Dems are holding a small ratio of Federal Employees hostage for a mere $5.6B.

Trump can get a lot of mileage from well as the fact that the shutdown has absolutely ZERO impact on those of us who pay all of the taxes to support this massive bloated monstrosity in the first place.

You truly are ignorant, and I'm beginning to suspect your ignorance is not willful. If you can, think about those taxpayers who you claim have not been inconvenienced by Trump's behavior.

How about that sandwich shop on the corner opposite a Federal Building which is usually full of customers from 1130 to 1330 every work day? How about the Bar & Grill usually crowded for lunch and at happy hour, the Coffee Shops, pastry shops, donuts and bagel purveyors all in walking distance to Fed. Workers?

How about Federal Employee who reside in the suburbs where they by goods and services, attend movies, two and three star restaurants, fast food and take out too.

Oh , did those federal workers stop eating lunch? Well most of them are fat fucks who need to lose a few pounds so see Trump is just looking out for their health.

Funny, the fat fuck in the white house looking out for the other fat fucks.

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