George Clooney compares the US to a "battered child".

LOLOL.. You didn't bother to read the article, did you?

Clooney is from the midwest and had a paper route. Not exactly "elite".

Most Hollywood people aren't in spite of knucklehead's erroneous beliefs.
Ah, I'm pretty sure that George A) doesn't live in the Midwest now and B) has given up his paper route! Would you like me to show where he DOES live and the lifestyle that he enjoys? It would be hard to find someone more representative of the Hollywood "elite" than a George Clooney!
You posted a link. You seemingly cant stop talking about what hollywood has to say. I'd take from that you actually DO care what Hollywood has to say. Otherwise why would you waste your time talking about it so much?
Because ignoring what Hollywood elites say has simply emboldened them to keep saying it! When someone says something epically stupid the best way to keep them from continuing to say it is to point out just how dumb they really are! Do you grasp that?
With all due respect, John? I think one of the problems that conservatives have created is that we ignored the Hollywood elites because we didn't think anyone would take them seriously and that was a mistake. They have a platform. They use it. I support George Clooney's right to his opinion on things...but I will attack that opinion if I think it's as ludicrous as this one is and I will do so because ignoring people like Clooney hasn't worked. When he posts nonsense like our problems NOW are the result of us being a "battered child" recovering from an abusive Trump...I'm going to point out how truly stupid that comment is!
You'll never have the platform Clooney has. You're trying to swim upstream with the Hoover Dam in front of you. Like I said previously, you must enjoy beating your head against the wall.
You'll never have the platform Clooney has. You're trying to swim upstream with the Hoover Dam in front of you. Like I said previously, you must enjoy beating your head against the wall.
If I were the only person calling Clooney out for his ridiculous analogy then you would be right. I'm not though. Statements like that one will be lampooned mercilessly across the spectrum. At some point even someone as dumb as Clooney will come to the conclusion that he shouldn't speak about things he knows nothing about because he generally sticks his foot in his mouth.
Meh, whaddya expect after the clusterfuck that was the guy before him. I mean, normal folk in the US were that desperate to get rid of Trump, they voted in Biden. WTF does that say about Trump?? RATFLMAO!!!
You mean the guy who had the lowest unemployment and inflation in years and years? Wow you Dimmers really are lazy dregs.
Heh? You can vote an incompetent nincompoop but the Dems can't? At the risk of sounding childish, the right started it. I'd even suggest they started it with Baby Bush. Then there was Dan Quayle of course. And who can forget Sarah Palin having the tilt at the number two spot with McCain.
I still think Biden is a reaction to Trump. For every action there is a reaction. Maybe if the GoP had put somebody even remotely competent in charge in 2016 Biden might never have happened. The good news is he'll be a one-term president.
So, Dims hated low prices and low unemployment? Guess that makes sense, breathing all that CO2 from your facediapers.
If I were the only person calling Clooney out for his ridiculous analogy then you would be right. I'm not though. Statements like that one will be lampooned mercilessly across the spectrum. At some point even someone as dumb as Clooney will come to the conclusion that he shouldn't speak about things he knows nothing about because he generally sticks his foot in his mouth.
Like Clooney, you are also just giving your opinion. Which I think is wrong but that is neither here nor there. If Clooney shouldnt talk, then what makes you so sure YOU should be able to speak about politics? Who made you god?

You somehow think this is all going to shake out where the trumpanzee will come out on top, history will judge trump and the trumpanzee the greatest thing since sliced bread, and America could not survive without trump and the trumpanzee. Some might say that is delusional thinking. You've lost but evidently you dont realize it.
So, Dims hated low prices and low unemployment? Guess that makes sense, breathing all that CO2 from your facediapers.
What we hate is animals like you. Inflation has been at a reasonable rate for the last 30 years. You gonna attribute that to trump as well. Yes, inflation is increasing in many sectors. But it's a little more nuanced than just who is sitting in the WH. Covid caused many sectors prices to plummet. Less people going to work? Less demand for gas. People go back to work, more demand for gas, higher gas prices etc etc. But I'm not even going to bother trying to explain anything like that to an animal such as yourself. I'd be wasting my time.
Like Clooney, you are also just giving your opinion. Which I think is wrong but that is neither here nor there. If Clooney shouldnt talk, then what makes you so sure YOU should be able to speak about politics? Who made you god?

You somehow think this is all going to shake out where the trumpanzee will come out on top, history will judge trump and the trumpanzee the greatest thing since sliced bread, and America could not survive without trump and the trumpanzee. Some might say that is delusional thinking. You've lost but evidently you dont realize it.
If Trump is judged against the man who illicitly pushed him out of office undoubtedly Trump will
receive high marks from impartial observers.
But then so would anyone. So would a chimpanzee in a business suit, next to Senile Corrupt Joe.

Joe Biden is mentally ill and non compos mentis. He's a party lackey, an unaccomplished boot licker and merely a place holder for his former boss.
He has the media kissing his wrinkled ass and he does what his cabal of leftist backers tell him to do.
I love the videos of drones bringing policy papers out for Joe to sign while he wonders
what it is he's signing. Unfortunately those videos have been sent down the rabbit hole.

He is to the US presidency what the captain of the Titanic was to oceanic navigation.
I can't wait to see his next miserable failure.
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That didnt happen. As soon as you even mention that, I know you are not dealing with reality.
Coincidentally I know the exact same thing of you.
That currently isnt the case. I guess by impartial you meant right wing nut jobs.
When you say "that currently isn't the case" you make a sweeping generality seem like a well known
fact when in reality, it's only your own prejudiced opinion that's being flogged.
Not the brightest thing you could have done.
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If Trump is judged against the man who illicitly pushed him out of office undoubtedly Trump will
receive high marks from impartial observers.
But then so would anyone. So would a chimpanzee in a business suit, next to Senile Corrupt Joe.

Joe Biden is mentally ill and senile. He's a party lackey, an unaccomplished boot licker and merely a place holder for his former boss.
He has the media kissing his wrinkled ass and he does what his cabal of leftist backers tell him to do.
I love the videos of drones bringing policy papers out for Joe to sign while he wonders
what it is he's signing. Unfortunately those videos have been sent down the rabbit hole.

He is to the US presidency what the captain of the Titanic was to oceanic navigation.
I can't wait to see his next miserable failure.

You'll notice the latest CSPAN poll of Presidential historians has trump very near the bottom of the list. Hard to say it's biased considering several Republicans like Reagan get high marks and several Democrats get really low marks.
Coincidentally I know the exact same thing of you.
If you think trump got the election stolen from him that must mean trump is an idiot. If it is so obvious that the election was stolen, why cant it be proven in a court of law? I mean only an idiot would let someone steal something like an election from them and not do anything meaningful about it.
If you think trump got the election stolen from him that must mean trump is an idiot. If it is so obvious that the election was stolen, why cant it be proven in a court of law? I mean only an idiot would let someone steal something like an election from them and not do anything meaningful about it.
The courts have uniformly shut down Trump by ruling on procedural grounds and completely ignoring
and avoiding substantial issues raised.

Like the Texas suit John Roberts and the Supremes gave the deep six by ruling that the election laws
and procedures that Pennsylvania put into place improperly and illegally are not the business of
Texas (and all the states that signed onto the complaint)...which could only be true IF the Texas suit
did not have far reaching political implications and consequences for ALL the states as a whole.

It's entirely proper and legal for a class action case against a small handful of states that were
funded and weaponized to tip the election by rigging voting laws in those individual states.
If Ohio dumps toxic wastes into rivers that poison and ruin water in Pennsylvania then the court
has every right to address what one state is doing to another.

Claiming Texas has no right to object to jury rigging of election laws by a small handful of
crucial states in a presidential election is a cowardly and pitiful move by Roberts, the Bush
Manchurian judicial appointment.

The judiciary was in on the fix, as John Roberts signaled unconsciously. Roberts made a ruling, that like
the enormous iceberg that sank the Titanic, dealt exclusively with the 30% of the matter he wanted to
deal with and NOT the 70% that under lied the entire legal matter.
I doubt you are moral and honest enough to see the crime, however.
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Well, the post above has a little more meat on its bones than the shrill caterwauling from the anti-Clooney groupies.

So, poster Markle, you got a source for this Susan Rice thingy?
Some thoughtful analysis from a credible news outlet, reporting outlet, academic examination?

Or, is it, like the 'Clooney is a farter' posts above just sort of a keyboard enema you felt your constitution required?
No specific source, there have been mentions about this for some months now. Those mentions probably did not make it onto CNN or MSNBC.
Like Clooney, you are also just giving your opinion. Which I think is wrong but that is neither here nor there. If Clooney shouldnt talk, then what makes you so sure YOU should be able to speak about politics? Who made you god?

You somehow think this is all going to shake out where the trumpanzee will come out on top, history will judge trump and the trumpanzee the greatest thing since sliced bread, and America could not survive without trump and the trumpanzee. Some might say that is delusional thinking. You've lost but evidently you dont realize it.
You think it's wrong that I have an opinion? I never said that Clooney shouldn't talk...I quite plainly said that I support his right to have an opinion but that people need to speak up and call him on that opinion when it's as stupid as this one is! That's me being "God"? I'll support your right to have an opinion too, John! That's what we do here in America. If you don't agree with my take on things then by all means feel free to tell me why you think I'm wrong. You're not doing that're telling me I shouldn't speak up at all!

What's the whole "trumpanzee" thing about? I'm a fiscal conservative. I supported many of Trump's policies because I thought they made sense. I've never liked Trump's personality. He's way too much of a loud mouthed New Yorker for my tastes. That doesn't mean I think he did a bad job as President. I'm sure Joe Biden is a likeable enough guy. I'd probably enjoy sitting down with him and having a beer. That doesn't mean I want the guy to run the country! My father was in politics and told me many times that when it comes to politicians the ONLY thing the mattered is what they DID! What they said they were going to do was nothing but hot air! You judge people by results. That's how I judged Trump. That's how I now judge Biden.

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